SnowHeart |

Kevin, my group actually has two witches, but one of them is very unconventional. The first is a changeling with the dreamweaver archetype. She started the campaign as True Neutral and is slowly shifting to Lawful Evil, so for her the worship of Asmodeus is something she is gradually growing into.
For the other, the witch is a male human who took the racial heritage feat (orc) and the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype. But the gestalt of the character is not a witch, but a plague doctor. The mask is a plague mask, and the character is a worshiper of Baalzebul. If you allow the PCs to worship the eight archdevils (instead of just Asmodeus) it opens up a lot more opportunities.

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Kevin, my group actually has two witches, but one of them is very unconventional. The first is a changeling with the dreamweaver archetype. She started the campaign as True Neutral and is slowly shifting to Lawful Evil, so for her the worship of Asmodeus is something she is gradually growing into.
For the other, the witch is a male human who took the racial heritage feat (orc) and the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype. But the gestalt of the character is not a witch, but a plague doctor. The mask is a plague mask, and the character is a worshiper of Baalzebul. If you allow the PCs to worship the eight archdevils (instead of just Asmodeus) it opens up a lot more opportunities.
The slaver in our group doesn't worship Asmodeus, but rather worships one of his female underling concubines, Doloras. The character doesn't trust men, and sees Asmodeus as the very pinnacle of what depraved men can do to women. The majority of the group is female too (males playing female characters, or females playing female characters) so she chums with them more than the male characters. She's got nothing against Grumblejack though as he's just an ogre, and they're just who they are.

gustavo iglesias |

kevin_video wrote:I'm waiting on a restock from Fire Mountain at this point.Jason Skavlebo wrote:Unfortunately, no one really knows what's going on any more. Might work better to just print them.Any chance of this coming off back order or should I spend the cash to print the pdfs?
Problem is Fire Mountain Games have been silent for a while (at least with us, the public). Including the new adventure path that got kickstarted

SnowHeart |

Jason, the author gave an update on Kickstarter last week, saying he was going to be pushing out .pdfs of Book 1 of the Throne of Night AP sometime this week. I imagine that means the book is "done" and also ready to be sent to the printer. Given the number of delays associated with that release, I'm not holding my breath (though I am cautiously optimistic). I would *assume* (and assumptions can be dangerous) that he'll have another print run of the WotW books when he sends the new book to the printer. But... I'm basing that off of absolutely no insider knowledge nor special access to the author's mind/thoughts. Take it with a chunk of salt.

Wiggz |

Thanks! I did a bit of digging before I asked this about the back order and saw the communication issue. My group really wants to play this AP and it is nice to have the physical book. We are a few months away from starting so Ill keep my fingers crossed.
I bought the first two books and would have bought the others if they existed... had I bought them on backorder months ago I'd still be waiting so I'm glad that I didn't. I want the books, but I'm not going to pay for them until they are at least available.
And I have to say, the lack of communication has not only dampened my player's excitement for the rest of the AP, but it has made us wary of the kickstarter and future products from Fire Mountain as well.
To reiterate: I really, really liked the first two books and really, really want to buy the rest. I want to be just as pleased with them and to be inspired to buy even more... but Fire Mountain has to do its part.

Douglas Muir 406 |

SnowHeart |

A more practical question. If the PDF was purchased and downloaded via the Paizo site (which means it's signed), can it be printed by the owner via Kinko's or some other print shop legally?
From Paizo.com's FAQ:
Can I print my PDF, or have it professionally printed?
You may print one copy of any Paizo PDF for personal use. Note that this only applies to products that list Paizo Publishing as the copyright holder—other publishers may have different policies; you'll need to contact them directly.
(Emphasis added)
I couldn't find an answer on FMG's site, but given that there are "printer friendly" versions in the download packets... I would be comfortable making a personal assumption.

Swivl |

So a few weeks ago we started our new weekly game. This time we started to play our first non-Paizo AP, Way of the Wicked, and my players are so far having a blast. They want to play more frequently than once a week. Being the villains and doing things you wouldn't figure characters of their level could accomplish is pretty refreshing and our role-playing has been better than it usually is for sure.
I'm very happy we started this game and I have high hopes for the rest of this AP and future products from Fire Mountain Games.

Axial |

There are ways to become vampires and liches in this campaign, but I think the devil-bound template from Bestiary 4 is a bit PC-friendly AND thematically applicable.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/devilbound-crea ture
Given which deity the PCs are working for, this is something I can easily see them doing. It might also close the gap between martial and magic classes a bit, since you can get spell-like abilities from the pacts.
The only problem is how to handle all those summoned devils...

Ryeookin |

There are ways to become vampires and liches in this campaign, but I think the devil-bound template from Bestiary 4 is a bit PC-friendly AND thematically applicable.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/devilbound-crea ture
Given which deity the PCs are working for, this is something I can easily see them doing. It might also close the gap between martial and magic classes a bit, since you can get spell-like abilities from the pacts.
The only problem is how to handle all those summoned devils...
Axial good idea! Hmm.. only issue I see is that "The contract presentation should be a truly Faustian situation, and the deal should have pitfalls and unforeseen consequences. A contract with a devil can be a great role playing opportunity for the players and a fine way to introduce new adventure plots into the campaign." Well.. I can see how a devil would screw over a character if they were in a normal campaign but in this campaign setting where they are working for the king of the 9 hells, wouldn't those devils just ask the pcs to do things they already more or less plan to do anyway in the campaign?
Anyone got any ideas on how this could be worked into WotW so the contracts aren't just trivial?
Also, those templates are pretty powerful. However their most powerful is similar to the half fiend template. I'd say they're roughly the same power wise (at higher levels anyway).
Speaking of the half fiend template I was working on allowing it to my players in stages requiring feats, gold and a service (the idea being that the feats+gold pay for the extra LA while the service is RP flavor). For any of those interested here's what I wrote up for my group for acquiring the half fiend template (Note: your thoughts, comments, critiques welcome):
"Half-fiends are creatures heavily tainted with demonic, infernal, or other evil power." -SRD
Becoming a Demon:
While it is one matter for a sinful soul to be judged and then sent on to manifest upon the Abyss or hell as a larva, from there to perhaps someday transform into a newborn demon, it is quite another to bypass this process entirely. Yet for some, the power wielded by demons is too seductive and compelling to wait for—especially considering that the process of becoming a larva almost always expunges memories of life. To this end, there are methods by which mortals can hasten the transformation into a demon.
This is a process that occurs over 3 stages (each stage requiring a feat, service preformed and GP offering):
How one gains the Half fiend template:
1st While you 'may' have heard about dark magic that gives one the powers of the infernal. However you need to find out HOW to become one. You won't know how to do this at start.
2nd Once you find out how, you learn that its a lengthy process (traditionally requiring
feats, and continual sacrifices), a process that to first begin you'll need to petition
an evil god or a powerful arch devil/demon. They are the ones that have the power to bind
within your body the powers of hell.
Note: You better be very careful with whom you petition asking for said power from as
asking the wrong evil god/demon/devil at best they'll ignore you while at worse they
accept your offer and add something *extra* while binding your body and spirit with the
infernal. If you choose to pursue such infernal power, it is strongly advisable to
research this process further in game so as in hopes to reveal ways to best make this
work for the character while minimizing their risk while dealing with these malevolent
infernal forces.
Once one learns how this process can be started in game, the following is what you will
discover it would 'typically' cost one to become a half fiend (depending on who you
contact to make the bargain with it might vary).
First Ritual:
Level req:3
-An act of service to be issued to you by your patron.
-1 feat: Half fiend feat#1 (Feat 1 of 3)
-Character must sacrifice and/or have sacrificed at LEAST 5% of their character wealth by
level to their evil patron. Put in plain speak, this will cost you roughly 5% of all
your treasure in GP past present and future (note: this is paid off at lvl 20 at 44K GP
total. You can pay this off sooner if you like.). Check the chart for specific per level
cost numbers.
-Half fiend SLA's you qualify for up to HD4
-Acid,cold, electricity, fire resistance 5 (this changes with the 3rd feat)
-Darkvision 60
-+2 infernal bonus to save vs poisons
-Smite good 1/day
Second Ritual:
Level req:5
-An act of service to be issued to you by your patron.
-1 feat: Half fiend feat#2 (Feat 2 of 3)
-Character must sacrifice and/or have sacrificed at LEAST 10% of their character wealth
by level to their evil patron. Put in plain speak, this will cost you roughly 10% of
all your treasure in GP past present and future (note: this is paid off at lvl 20 at 88K
GP total. You can pay this off sooner if you like.). Check the chart for specific per
level cost numbers.
-Half fiend SLA's you qualify for up to HD9
-DR 5/magic
-+4 infernal bonus to save vs poisons
-Spell Resistance 5+ character level (this changes with the 3rd feat)
Third (and final) Ritual:
Level req:9
-An act of service to be issued to you by your patron.
-1 feat: Half fiend feat#3 (Feat 3 of 3)
-Character must sacrifice and/or have sacrificed at LEAST 20% of their character wealth
by level to their evil patron. Put in plain speak, this will cost you roughly 20% of
all your treasure in GP past present and future (note: this is paid off at lvl 20 at
176K GP total. You can pay this off sooner if you like.). Check the chart for specific
per level cost numbers.
Gains: Gains the rest of the "Half-fiend" template.
Truth be told I like the devil bound template idea too.. Hmm.. perhaps I could use my same 3 feat tiers (listed above) where each feat allows a +1 higher cr devil to be 'contracted' with to make devil bound work for my pcs. I'm going to mill over how I could work this in with my pcs but keep it relatively balanced.

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I just made my guys use the slow progression instead of the medium progression, and gave them the template when Grumblejack got his.
As for the devil-bound, you could have them possessed by beings who are slowly trying to integrate into them, and eventually take over their body completely. Maybe a couple of the devils are insane, and would spaz out all of a sudden when the PC's trying to be calm, collected, and stealthy. The devils could also give insight as to how things should go, or tips on what's next when the PCs are lost.

Ryeookin |

Hey Thanks for the reply Kevin. :)
You just gave it to them all eh? That's pretty powerful and while I think I am running an admittedly high powered WotW game myself I'm scared of following in your footsteps here for my players as they'd be even more unstoppable then they are now lol (my players aren't being very sneaky.. but they work together in combat very well). Note: for my game I am not using the XP progression chart. Instead I'm leveling my players up at the appropriate time. I feel this way has less bookkeeping for all parties.
I appreciate your suggestions about the devil-bound but I don't really want to add anything that could make the player loose their character the way things are in my game at the moment. Hmm.. my group will be arriving at Aldencross this Saturday.
I'm thinking that showing the head of his brother might unsettle Thorn although he certainly would try to hide it. Should they catch it, this would get the pcs thinking. The idea behind this act by the devil-bound or "patron" could be a move to expose Thorn's weakness, to unsettle him (as the devil bound or patron could be in competition with Nerbus). This being one step in a plot to destabilize him (which might work I think as later on Thorn goes paranoid bat s@~% crazy).
Whatcha think?
PS- Kevin I'm curious how you played it, if all your players have SR do you make them roll SR when they cast beneficial spells on each other (as it takes a standard action each round to turn it off which is not really doable in combat) or only apply SR when they are hit with harmful spells?

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Hey Thanks for the reply Kevin. :)
You just gave it to them all eh? That's pretty powerful and while I think I am running an admittedly high powered WotW game myself I'm scared of following in your footsteps here for my players as they'd be even more unstoppable then they are now lol (my players aren't being very sneaky.. but they work together in combat very well). Note: for my game I am not using the XP progression chart. Instead I'm leveling my players up at the appropriate time. I feel this way has less bookkeeping for all parties.
I appreciate your suggestions about the devil-bound but I don't really want to add anything that could make the player loose their character the way things are in my game at the moment. Hmm.. my group will be arriving at Aldencross this Saturday.
** spoiler omitted **PS- Kevin I'm curious how you played it, if all your players have SR do you make them roll SR when they cast beneficial spells on each other (as it takes a standard action each round to turn it off which is not really doable in combat) or only apply SR when they are hit with harmful spells?
The players believe that I'm just using the scenario where they level up as Book 6 dictates, but I'm still keeping track of XP just to make sure everything's balancing out. So far it has been. I'm also doing side quests so that'll helping balance it all out as well. I mean, the final battle is CR 26 and they level 19. No, that's not fair in my eyes.
Granted I'm adjusting encounters to make it more of a challenge, but not by much.
Not a fan about the players presenting the head to Thorn or the devils being in competition with the pit fiend. That's a bit unnecessary unless you're revising the story. Thorn's paranoia is because his Thorn is more effective than any other Knot, and is in good standing with specific devils, and is concerned that they might all try to overthrow him.

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Just found out something neat that could be used for anyone who's being burned to death for their crimes. Back in medieval times, if you were tried and found guilty of being a witch, if you were burned at the stake, your family was billed for the firewood used. Have that as a background reason for why that PC doesn't have any money. Anything they had was either destroyed, or sold off to pay for the firewood that'd be used to burn them.

PathfinderFan64 |

Just found out something neat that could be used for anyone who's being burned to death for their crimes. Back in medieval times, if you were tried and found guilty of being a witch, if you were burned at the stake, your family was billed for the firewood used. Have that as a background reason for why that PC doesn't have any money. Anything they had was either destroyed, or sold off to pay for the firewood that'd be used to burn them.
That is some great information to use. Thank you for sharing.

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I seem to remember someone creating and posting a map of ** spoiler omitted ** without the secret doors and traps but I can't find it anymore. Did I just invent it or could someone point me to it?
If such a thing exists, I haven't a clue. Someone might have edited it for an online game.

Olwen |

My group and I started Way of the Wicked recently and we're keeping a journal on this forum.
The campaign is taking place in Golarion, in Lastwall to be accurate, so I'm changing a few things and adding a bit of material when necessary. But I'm staying as close to the written material as possible.
It's been very hairy for the villains but quite fun for the moment!

Olwen |

I have to admit to myself that the amount of work required to prepare this AP prevents me from keeping up with the journal.
That said, my players had a first stab at the big event of Act IV and that was quite a fun session.
None of the major NPCs died so far (except for Varning, whom they dealt with on an ambush outside of the castle), but that was a very effective assault on the troops.
Now they'll have to deal with the castle being locked down…
We'll see how it goes from there!

nowa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

What I could really use is an online map of Balentyne for PBEM play. I know some of you PBEM gamers must have set one up...? I'm just trying to get started with Maptools here, and any help will be most appreciated.
Based on the info I could find in the APs, I made a bit more detailed version of the local area: https://talingarde.obsidianportal.com/wikis/atlas
Click for larger. Hope it helps!

Tengwarsenna |
Was very nearly a party wipe last night after the ninja decided "Hmm, I haven't killed anything for a while (game time) and my blade's thirsty for blood. Let's go to the camp fire full of guys that I believe I can take on by myself." Yeah, he got pummeled pretty hard because I got really lucky with the rolls, and he didn't. The rest of the party got there and were swarmed by the rest of the crew.
I had it so that after the bugbears, the PCs went north to talk to the Ice Troll King, and they had to perform a service. All they had to do was infiltrate a long abandoned wizard's tower, and tell him what was inside, and if possible, dispel the ward that kept the enemies of dwarves out (giants, orcs, goblinoids). The rogue went in, saw Savage North people, tried to slay them. That failed. Hard.
They created so much noise that the entire tribe heard. And after deciding on playing Stupid Evil, instead of fleeing from 20 barbarians, of which eight alone had taken out the ninja and the cleric, they were going to stick around and fight instead. For doing that, I very much wanted to teach them a lesson and get have them get wiped out.
I stepped in and let them know that they couldn't win this as they were. Twice. Because even after giving them the chance to leave, they still went "We got this." So I brought in the shaman and two rangers, a saber-tooth cat, and a wolf animal companion. Surprisingly enough, they still weren't concerned. Even tried to intimidate the entire tribe. Obviously didn't work. "I produce fire in my hands. They're stupid barbarians. They should be running." "That's nice. So does the shaman (druid). They're not scared."
Eventually they took the hint and ran. They'll try again next week.
They didn't even bat an eye when it came to the Yutak tribe. They were nice, and did trading. Even set up an alliance with them. These guys? Oh, I haven't murdered anything in a while. I'm practically foaming at the mouth. I need to kill and mutilate. Isn't that bordering on chaotic? Answer: "Who cares?...
See, this is what you get when I'm not there.

CoyoteOld1 |
I looked over the free preview and I am interested but... just not sure for 10 bucks that is more than a impulse buy price. Not saying it is not worth it, just saying.
If you only have ten dollars to spend on an adventure book all year, I heartily recommend it be this one. This is one of the best-produced, well-thought, enjoyable adventures our gaming group has seen.

Axial |

Has anyone used content from Inner Sea Gods in this AP? That book offers a lot of Asmodeus-specific content, so I would imagine that parties in Way of the Wicked would find it rather useful. One example would be the Conversion Channel feat, which allows you to heal other Asmodeus-worshipping characters with negative energy. Another would be the Evangelist prestige class, especially for Inquisitors. Oh, and don't forget Basiles, the CR 15 herald of Asmodeus. I'm sure he would love wrecking havoc on Mitra's followers.

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Has anyone used content from Inner Sea Gods in this AP? That book offers a lot of Asmodeus-specific content, so I would imagine that parties in Way of the Wicked would find it rather useful. One example would be the Conversion Channel feat, which allows you to heal other Asmodeus-worshipping characters with negative energy. Another would be the Evangelist prestige class, especially for Inquisitors. Oh, and don't forget Basiles, the CR 15 herald of Asmodeus. I'm sure he would love wrecking havoc on Mitra's followers.
I had thought the exact same thing, and used the new holy symbol for the divine characters. Anyone that didn't require one got the basic silver version.
You don't actually need the feat though, to heal your comrades. Just use the archetype in Book 5. As long as you praise Asmodeus, you heal up, while everyone else takes the negative energy. The downside is, if you die during the encounter your soul is lost.

Artamos |

I seem to remember someone creating and posting a map of ** spoiler omitted ** without the secret doors and traps but I can't find it anymore. Did I just invent it or could someone point me to it?
i know come late, but i shopped myself the map from the bock i can share here :
http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=111&u=13456665does anyone have the one from Balentyne ?

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Hi folks!
I've just started running this and would appreciate a few ideas. I'll be posting a full summary soon :-)
At the minute I have a slight situation
The party have escaped, slaughtered everyone, roasted the Owl on the Warden's Flaming Sphere and have the Sarge and card-players cornered in the gatehouse. Except, that's a bit of a standoff now. The Sarge has blown the first trumpet of the night, so the two at the other end of the bridge will be racing for help ... soon.
There is talk of smoking the sarge out, but basically the standoff is - the party can't go down the ladder without being peppered with arrows... yet they want the strongbox key, and revenge on the Sarge.
Any ideas? He's not going to come out or offer any sort of "challenge". Can you think of anything pro-active Sgt. Blackerly can do at this point?
Thanks! :-)

Artamos |

Has anyone created a map for Brandescar and the Old Moor Road? I am having a hard time picturing the geography and the route the PCs will have to take through the moors.
Personally i just gave description on this part. PC going north, through the moor, (the road from Branderscar going west to the town) and to put some pressure on the need to get a place to rest, it was raining. And eventually, they meet Lashtongue.
I just used this swamp map for the fight.And if they fail their survival check, it's just because they were turning around rather than straight to north (easy explainable with the sun covered by thick cloud, ...). But finally reach the old road and the manor visible not far, and beside the sea-coast too (remember they need to get the ship next).

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So the Triton encounter was hilarious. The 4 minion Tritons had Ride By Attack and Mounted Combat, but no Rapid Reload despite the tactics saying they reloaded and fired every turn.
Is there a document pointing out errors like this I can use, or do I need to do a really close reading on everything?
We wish there was an errata. I uploaded the triton oracle update myself as he was missing his monster HD.
When I ran it, I just took it as the minions used a move action to reload the bow, and a standard to fire. Essentially, they took potshots at the PCs.

Insain Dragoon |

Our party agreed that as soon as we hit shore we would immediately attack the Captain and ruin his day. Cleric Hold person, success. Hunter and his Wolf walked up and did the horrible combo to him (Outflank+Precise Strike+Pack Flanking+power attack) that resulted in ~30 damage and a trip, Wizard succeeded at Blinding him, he broke Hold Person and began raging, the mooks did piddly damage to us, Hunter did his thing again and took him to negatives, mooks fled, party killed mooks.
What to take away from this? Hold Person is great and whoever said Hunters suck has never seen one in action. Apparently he's later going to use Broken Wing Gambit to get AoOs whenever he's attacked and another teamwork feat that makes them AoO together.

Axial |

I wonder how likely Cardinal Thorn would be to accept worshipers of Zon-Kuthon into the Knot. On Golarion, Cheliax and Nidal are allies. This is a different campaign setting, but he might be willing to accommodate an alliance. It's also important to consider whether Zon-Kuthon would appreciate one of his followers signing a contract to Asmodeus. One of his areas of concern is jealously, after all...

ElenionAncalima |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, I'd heard that Sir Balin was a beast...but I don't think I fully appreciated how much of a beast he was until he nearly TPK'd the party...Props to my players for how they turned it around though.
Combat with Sir Balin started quickly, as the dhampir inquisitor was proudly displaying his new holy symbol. They end up fighting in the hallway, which was a mistake given how effective Sir Balin is in close quarters. The inquisitor decides that he wants to taunt the knight and uses his Iron Circlet to take on the appearance of Timeon (who had been killed by the Draugr, after the party had tricked him into fighting with them). As the fight wore on the swashbuckler and inquisitor both ended up unconscious and the juju oracle and fighter (crossbow user...whose player was absent) were badly injured and not in a good position to win the fight. Then oracle throws out her last spell...charm person.
This saved them temporarily. However, they knew that Sir Balin wasn't below half health, whereas they were in bad shape. Any re-initiation of combat would almost certainly be a TPK. So, they start stalling. They return to his cell and begin pretending to searching for another way out. The oracle convinces the charmed Sir Balin that they were under the influence of magic when they attacked him and cruelly tells him that he was in fact fighting the real Timeon (the dhampir inquisitor). This gives the swashbuckler, who had Infernal Healing active, enough time to regain consciousness. Overhearing the conversation in the next room, he sneaks away to hide the real Timeon's body in one of the Draugr coffins. Returning to the group, he tricks Sir Balin into giving him his healing potion (although the group narrowly avoids killing the dhampir inquisitor, when Sir Balin initially wants to use it to heal "Timeon").
They convince Sir Balin that they need to escape, leading him up to the manor floor. The swashbuckler tells everyone that he is going to go "scout for the exit". Pretending to sneak away, he instead winds the corner and goes to Grumblejack's room. He informs the ogre, who had been ordered not to eat anyone in the manor (after he had proclaimed his desire to one day eat Tiadora), that there was someone in the manor that he was allowed to eat. The swashbuckler then leads the excited ogre straight to Sir Balin, while pretending to run away.
This leads to a fight between Sir Balin and Grumblejack in which the ogre manages to land a crit (thanks to the new longsword they had given him). Just as Sir Balin sees through the party's "We just can't seem to hit this ogre!" act, the swashbuckler announces, "Guess the jig is up...oh, also...your squire is dead..." before proceeding to literally stab Sir Balin in the back for the kill.