No creatures demonstrate smaller races’ relative insignificance better than the eerie and awe-inspiring giants, whose humanoid visages and cyclopean strengths exude an aura of both familiarity and terror. Standing in the long shadows of these colossi, smaller races can witness a form of primordial power that shakes the earth, churns the skies, and roils the waves.
Giants Revisited explores the traits and habitats of the biggest and meanest humanoids ever to tread the earth, towering beings whose motives and behaviors are as varied as their origins and amazing abilities. Each giant race’s entry examines the creature’s ecology and habitat, its interactions with other giants and races, advice on how to implement the behemoth in your game, unique stat blocks, and more.
Inside this 64-page book, you’ll find goliaths such as:
Hill giants, the primitive, blundering brutes who plague valley communities and roving caravans in their endless search for food and destruction.
Cyclopes, the one-eyed behemoths whose ancient empire’s ruins still dot tropical coasts.
Taiga giants, nomads who commune with ancestral spirits to guide them.
Rune giants, who were created long ago to enslave all of giantkind.
Marsh giants, froglike beings who conspire with otherworldly sea-spawn sent from their foul demon lord.
Cloud giants, whose mythical cloud cities are as much a thing of legend as their own lofty race.
Other herculean heavyweights such as the industrious fire giants, barbaric frost giants, capricious storm giants, and stoic stone giants.
Giants Revisited is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy game setting.
by Jesse Benner, Ryan Costello, Brian R. James, Jason Nelson, Russ Taylor, and Ray Vallese
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-412-2
Note: Due to a printer error, the font used for much of the OGL Section 15 Copyright Notice on page 64 was corrupted in the print edition. It should read as follows:
Giants Revisited is Paizo's latest offering in their Pathfinder Campaign Series (intended to support Paizo's campaign setting); it's also a "Revisited" book, where Paizo's writers and creative folks take a fresh look at classic D&D monsters (re-booting, re-freshing, re-imagining ... or just simply re-visiting them, as they feel necessary).
My first exposure to giants in an RPG setting was when a good friend ran Steading of the Hill Giant Chief for me and my two brothers (a long, long time ago!). So I was interested in seeing how Paizo handled giants as monsters in-and-of themselves (Hey, Rune Giants, I'm talking to you!), as well as how they'd re-work the various giant races in terms of their campaign setting.
I'm totally satisfied with this book. "Classic" giants (such as Hill, Frost, and Fire) are treated respectfully in terms how they've been presented in RPGs over the past 30 years, "new" giants (Tiaga, Rune, and Marsh) are fleshed out and described such I'm interested in them enough to consider tossing them at players, and "mythic" giants (Cyclopeses, Cloud, and Storm) are presented in the context of the campaign setting that echo towards the past while heralding the future.
I've always been emotionally-attached to stone giants, so I'm totally recusing myself from commenting on them in this review. I'm very much looking forward to seeing more of them though soon.
I was totally on the fence as far as how many ★s for this product: I wasn't sure if I "Really Liked it" or "Loved it."
I had some issues with the tenor and tone of the text as a whole (there were multiple contributors for this project, and it reads that way in places).
Artwork was mixed: some was the absolute best I've ever seen. Some screamed "BEHOLD my ninja-like badassery, for I have a sword that I couldn't lift without CGI help!" I'm also old enough that my brain stumbles a bit when I see a frost giantess called a "Jarl," but I know that's my brain.
For me to be "satisfied" with an RPG product means it's pretty good to start with. It wasn't until I grabbed my hardcopy to leaf through it ... and noticed the type in the word "Giants" was several point sizes bigger than any I'd recalled seeing in any of the Revisited books I own.
A quick trip to the bookcase confirmed ... I love this book. Folks that pay attention to "tiny" things like font sizes pay attention "bigger things."
It's certainly pure coincidence that this guide features monsters which are a crucial part of a certain AP's plot...
Sure, there are two out of ten interesting for RotRL, but what else would you have put in? The giant races/societies are more or less set (in stone - hehe) for a pretty long time and all mentioned are iconic.
It's going to be interesting to learn more about the cyclops' society for using this information in my KM campaign to fill all the treasure of V with fluff.
Very interested! I like using good giants as NPCs. One idea I had as a test-drive for Ultimate Combat involved the PCs being hired by a storm giantess to help clear out a creature infestation on her private plot that goes too deep for her esteemed self to reach personally.
It's going to be interesting to learn more about the cyclops' society for using this information in my KM campaign to fill all the treasure of V with fluff.
There is likely to be something about cyclopes in Lost Kingdoms as well, since it is apparently going to cover Ghol-Gan. Of course, that's a heck of a long way from the River Kingdoms.
I'm sure this book will be as well done as the others in the series, but at the moment I'm not very excited about a book on giants.
No Wood Giants? Cyclopes are a better tie-in to Skulls and Shackles I guess.
Turns out I think cyclopes are cooler than wood giants, and thus wood giants got left behind. Sorry!
Well, there can always be a 'Not so cool Giants Revisited', with Wood Giants, Ettins and Athachs ...
The only thing that annoys me about the cyclopes that even at my groups current pace, they'll have finished Kingmaker 3 by the time the book comes out.
I am really excited about this book! I always wanted to see a giant and a fey handbook come out for 3.5, and instead now we get it with Pathfinder, which is even better!
I am voting to see a couple random tables in the back, like "contents of a giant's bag" and "content of a giant's cave". Any chance we might get these thrown in as well? :)
Yes! It will be great to see an entire book covering the giants of Golarion. Hopefully we'll get everything from the classic big dumb bully to the deformed murderous cannibals to the dreaded sorcerers of Norse myth.
I have been SO looking forward to something like this! :)
A visit to a certain hill steading, glacier, and hall lies in the future of a particular group of PCs, and those giants really need some help (particularly after they were folded into the Humanoid type). Otherwise they simply become oversized bags of hit points with an astoundingly low touch AC.
I can see right now that I'm going to be a very broke and happy GM for the next several months, you guys keep steamrolling with excellent releases. Am loving the treatment of the classics in the Revisited series so far, can't wait to get my hands on this one as well.
So we're getting a write-up for Marsh giants? Huh, I didn't think they were that popular.
I do hope they settle on just what illustration to use; I vastly prefer the slimy gray-skinned savage from RotRL #5 to the potbellied Deep One from Bestiary 2. Though I suppose the latter is one of the brineborn.
So we're getting a write-up for Marsh giants? Huh, I didn't think they were that popular.
I do hope they settle on just what illustration to use; I vastly prefer the slimy gray-skinned savage from RotRL #5 to the potbellied Deep One from Bestiary 2. Though I suppose the latter is one of the brineborn.
I don't know, I'm more keen on the illustration in Bestiary 2 myself. The illustration in RotRL #5 wasn't very memorable. The look in Bestiary 2 is distinctive.
I doubt that there is going to be any specific info on the cyclops' empire, Thomas - since that is Golarion-specific and these products aim for a more generic use.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
RuyanVe wrote:
I doubt that there is going to be any specific info on the cyclops' empire, Thomas - since that is Golarion-specific and these products aim for a more generic use.
The revisited line is actually where they put the Golarion specific stuff. The Bestiaries are where they stay away from setting fluff.
This sounds like it is going to be a great product! I have enjoyed the other Revisited products that Paizo has put out. I wonder if they might do fey folk next?
Excellent cover art! Hey, is there any chance you guys would consider listing the cover artist for a product in the product description? Possibly just below the list of author(s)?