Pathfinder Adventure Path #52: Forest of Spirits (Jade Regent 4 of 6)

2.70/5 (based on 7 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #52: Forest of Spirits (Jade Regent 4 of 6)
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Chapter 4: "Forest of Spirits"
by Richard Pett

After surviving one deadly wilderness, the heroes emerge into another—a land of ancient mysteries and sacred secrets known as the Forest of Spirits. But the forest knows how to defend itself from strangers, and its powerful and aloof guardians, the kami, brook no harm to their eldritch home. Those who would defy the spirits of the land have little hope of survival. Yet those who prove themselves friends to this mystical realm and its strange inhabitants stand to gain not just great allies, but also knowledge of a secret evil that has long festered in the forest’s heart and now poisons all of Tian Xia.

    This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path includes:
  • “Forest of Spirits,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 10th-level characters, by Richard Pett.
  • An investigation of the mysterious creatures known as kami, honored defenders of the land and nature, by Mike Shel.
  • Insights into the ways and deadly techniques of the ninja clans of Minkai, by Jesse Benner.
  • Deadly guardian geisha and a journey into one of Oda’s seedier gambling houses in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Dave Gross.
  • Five new monsters, by Patrick Renie, Steve Russell, and Mike Welham.

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world’s oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-380-4

Forest of Spirits is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (532 KB zip/PDF).

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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2.70/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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Needs some tweaking, but then it's just fine!


By no means do I think that Richard Pett's "Forest of Spirits" is a great AP module. But for my DMing style, I always expect to revise sections of adventures and modules I don't write from scratch. It's like playing a cover song - you have to make it your own. "Forest of Spirits" simply required me to do more tweaking than usual. I won’t go over the same complaints as others, but will instead make my review a recommendation for other DMs to revise this module to improve it.
MAJOR SPOILER ALERT! DMs only, beyond this point!
First, let me say I agree with those who found Part 1: Ordu Aganhei really weak and underdeveloped. I also agree that the dungeon crawl in Part 3: House of Withered Blossoms is very old school, with the “ongoing war between the current inhabitants” straining the suspension of disbelief to the breaking point. Are we really to believe they haven’t killed each other off in 60 years? Sure, they upper levels are filled with the gaming equivalent of slacker pot-heads, but it still feels ridiculous. Further, what if PCs find a way into Munasukaru’s Penance without facing the upper levels of the House of Withered Blossoms? A savvy group could do it. Mine could. They’ve done it before, and then all that preparation I do goes out the window, or feels anticlimactic after the lower levels are finished.
So here are my recommended revisions.

1. Make Prince Batsaikhar a shape-shifted version of Akinosa. Move all the upper levels (everything but A1-A4) of The House of Withered Blossoms to the first part in Ordu-Aganhei. The module indicates that Prince Batsaikhar is a bit mad, as is Akinosa. It’s a matter of very little work to blend the two. Then, instead of simply having the Prince petulantly kick them out of Ordu-Aganhei, you can have him kidnap Ameiko, or all or some of the PCs and have them either awaken in the webs of “The Tower of the Spider” or have to storm that tower. The latter option is interesting, because the module states there’s a hole in the Golden roof of the Pagoda, something PCs could have noticed in their wanderings around the city. So they could enter through the roof, or from the ground. I recommend sticking your captives in A9a to ensure they have to endure some challenges before getting free or rescuing captive friends. As a side note, making Batsaikhar an Aranea sorcerer also explains why the feasts are filled with such messed-up food. While I love fantasy roleplaying, making Tian Xia a place where people eat food modeled after Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’s dinner scene is a moment of Orientalism, and unbecoming Paizo’s track record of great treatment of race and gender. Once the PCs are free of the tower, they can steal the horses with the fancy saddles that were supposed to be a gift.

2. Either move the ninja attack to the road to Minkai, or repeat it there, to force the PCs off the road and into the Forest of Spirits. Having Miyaro tell the group they need to go to the Forest because the Five Storms control much of Minkai is very different from SHOWING your group this is the case, both through Batsaikhar as likely open agent of the Five Storms (see 1.) and then reiterating this by showing them the roads are controlled. It’s a good rule for visual narrative, and gaming is effectively performance art, so SHOW your group, don’t tell them. An NPC should not be reduced to the carrier pigeon of exposition. Other than getting the group started into the forest, I like Part 2 just the way it is, save perhaps for the inclusion of the bonsai tree motivation for going into the House of the Withered Blossoms. More on that in the next point.

3. Pull a Mines of Moria motivation with the final part. The players cannot take the road, but the forest is proving as problematic. With the upper floors out of the way (save for A1-A4), the players can march into the House of Withered Blossoms with a clear sense of direction, but not necessarily purpose. Look at the map on page 18. Even after they’ve completed the dungeon crawl, they’ve got a long way to go to get to where the next part of the Jade Regent picks up, at the northern end of Minkai. What if the kimon, the portal at the end of the crawl, is still usable, but only to get the characters a short distance (yes, I know the module says only spirits travel this way, but it’s a fantasy game and you’re the DM, dangnabbit!)? Then the kami could use their suspicions about the Oni escaping as the proverbial carrot before the cart – “There may be a way to get to Minkai sooner in the depths of Munasukaru’s lair…” Make it a DC 30 Use Magic roll, or have the portal taint the PC who activates it in a way that will carry into the rest of your campaign, like Ashitaka in Princess Mononoke.

Also, I wouldn’t have Munasukaru unaware—make her a madwoman scorned, not just a madwoman. She’s been expecting Anamurumon to come back for her. Heck, a good diplomacy roll might result in her saying she’ll turn the portal on for the PCs, so long as they promise to kill Anamurumon.
I think these revisions demonstrate the breadth of the Five Storms’ influence in Tian Xia, making the module a crucial step in your PCs journey toward the conclusion of the Jade Regent!

Poor introduction of Tian Xia


First the good:

1. The first part of the adventure (roughly 1/3) is great. Hongal and the journey through the haunted forest provided for some memorable sessions and after crossing the crown of the world coming to Tian XIa felt momentuos to the players.

2. The kami and the history of the oni are fleshed out for the players.

Now the problems.

1. The Hongal chapter while good could've been further developed. I added material to this as it was a lot of fun and provided a mcguffin that the party wanted to get from the ruler.

2. As other reviewers posted this was about the worst time for a dungeon crawl and an indifferent one at that. I was able to plunder some stat blocks but I can't imagine any group enjoying that crawl with little payoff in the end.

Pretty average dungeon module


Although "Forest of Spirits" has three distinct parts, the majority of the adventure happens in a pretty big dungeon. This is mostly a location-based module with a very linear plot. The dungeon is pretty extensive but it's very straightforward to walk: A then B, then C. In essence, it's a very long succession of rooms with no real crossroads with different choices. The good thing about this, of course, is that your PCs will never get lost in this dungeon.

I'm sorry to say that the whole module is not a great read and doesn't inspire me to run it. It's a huge dungeon with room after room full of the same enemies. If you're following the Jade Regent adventure path, this module has absolutely no relevance on the overall plot and can be skipped or replaced at will. The characters learn nothing new from the plot and whatever happens doesn't affect the flow of the campaign, even if the characters decide not to explore the pagoda.

The good: There are a couple of good ideas in there that I'd like to test out. The spirits remind me another one of Richard Pett's brilliant ideas from Skinsaw Murders: haunts. I think there is potential in them and I wouldn't mind seeing how they work in actual play. They can be designed so that they interact with encounters to make them more difficult or quirky. Off the top of my head, you could make a bad spirit that causes bad luck on the afflicted character - à la pugwampi - and that can only be removed once you kill a certain creature - something that bad luck makes more difficult! The skill contest festivals can make for interesting encounters if the characters have invested properly in skills. It also has the potential to bore fighters and some others to death. I'd use this one with caution.

The bad: It's a really long linear dungeon without choices and with similar copies of the same kind of creature. If that's your style, you'll love it. It's very old school: the monsters exist only to meet their end when the adventurers enter the room they live in. The whole thing is executed in many levels and each of them has a mini-boss. Oh and the last level has a big boss... really old school.

Read the full review here

Missed opportunity


So we finally get into Tian Xia only to spend time in a massive dungeon grind... great. There are a few moments at the start where you get to take in some of the diversity of Tian cultures but then the book hits that massive wall of the most tedious dungeon grind one can imagine. Worst of all, this dungeon barely captures any of the exotic feel one might expect being in a strange place like Tian Xia.

What is truly annoying is the title - Forest of Spirits - is so intriguing and leads one to imagine some kind of exploration/sandboxy adventure but rather your stuck in a meatgrinder.

My suggestion, slip in Ruby Pheonix or an old Kara Tur module and skip that whole dungeon.

Strong start to a mediocre end


Will try and sum this up without too many spoilers. The book started out very strong, and my players loved the culture shock they received when they first arrived. It also allowed for some really good role-play and character development from the NPC's who have mostly been stuck with the caravan up to this point. It did take a down turn when they were leaving the first village because of their host suddenly refusing to see them, and closing off all trade to the heroes, and several of my players noticed that, and didn't overly like it. As the story progressed into the forest and the eventual dungeon, things started to drag; Encounter after encounter that ranged from needlessly easy ex grinds to, omg, why would they put that there. I've had more player deaths, or near player deaths in this book than any other mostly too the over-powered big encounters. While still strong story wise, the encounters need a bit of adjusting.

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Announced for November!

The product image is a mockup, and will change prior to publication.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Those are some really long pointy shoes.

"Forest of spirits", got my attention, can't wait.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Aaaah, my favorite adventure writer is writing an JR adventure, all is fine with the world.

Nothing like a good fortress crawl in a far away land.


Nothing like:)


richard pett, greg a. vaughn, jason nelson and james jacobs as writers just in the first four books. bustin' out the big guns for this ap are we?. i am literally drooling in anticipation:)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
richard pett, greg a. vaughn, jason nelson and james jacobs as writers just in the first four books. bustin' out the big guns for this ap are we?. i am literally drooling in anticipation:)

James has stated elsewhere that all six Jade Regent authours will already have an AP credit to their name.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And IIRC Lisa wrote somewhere that the new policy is that every AP author will be an experienced, tried and tested Pathfinder writer.

Which is a very good call, considering what happened with Serpent's Skull.

I am delighted in choice of authors for JR, crazy about "We Be Goblins!" as a prequel, tengu ninjas and hobgoblin Mongol riders, this one looks cool.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Gorbacz wrote:

And IIRC Lisa wrote somewhere that the new policy is that every AP author will be an experienced, tried and tested Pathfinder writer.

Which is a very good call, considering what happened with Serpent's Skull.

I am delighted in choice of authors for JR, crazy about "We Be Goblins!" as a prequel, tengu ninjas and hobgoblin Mongol riders, this one looks cool.

What happened with Serpent's Skull? I haven't read that one yet, I got behind with Kingmaker and skipped ahead to Carrion Crown.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
gbonehead wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

And IIRC Lisa wrote somewhere that the new policy is that every AP author will be an experienced, tried and tested Pathfinder writer.

Which is a very good call, considering what happened with Serpent's Skull.

I am delighted in choice of authors for JR, crazy about "We Be Goblins!" as a prequel, tengu ninjas and hobgoblin Mongol riders, this one looks cool.

What happened with Serpent's Skull? I haven't read that one yet, I got behind with Kingmaker and skipped ahead to Carrion Crown.

City of Seven Spears happened. Check the reviews and threads, this is OT for this thread.

I really like seven spears. Not easy for a GM to play without some thoughts about the factions but a precious small sandbox if done right. It was better than serpent #2 and on par in quality with #1. serpent #4 was ok and #5-6 I didnt like much. (too linear and one plot hole too many)

Kami, hmmm. Ignorant cleric casts TURN UNDEAD!

Gorbacz wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

And IIRC Lisa wrote somewhere that the new policy is that every AP author will be an experienced, tried and tested Pathfinder writer.

Which is a very good call, considering what happened with Serpent's Skull.

I am delighted in choice of authors for JR, crazy about "We Be Goblins!" as a prequel, tengu ninjas and hobgoblin Mongol riders, this one looks cool.

What happened with Serpent's Skull? I haven't read that one yet, I got behind with Kingmaker and skipped ahead to Carrion Crown.
City of Seven Spears happened. Check the reviews and threads, this is OT for this thread.

Gorbacz, I can't believe we are in agreement. This is a first! 3 and 4 were especially awful.

3.5 Loyalist wrote:
Kami, hmmm. Ignorant cleric casts TURN UNDEAD!

Yeah, I already know exactly which one of my players is totally going to be "THAT GUY".

Regardless, I know its going to be a while considering we haven't even got the first book in our hands, but I really can't wait till I get to play out this point of the story.

Same. And heading over as a paladin or cleric could make the game even more interesting. Not the arrogant I must convert everyone missionary, more a stranger in a strange land, that can turn undead.

Totally getting a Princess Mononoke feel from this. Can't wait!

Got permission from Wesley Schneider to blog about the work I am doing on some monsters for this product, I will start working on the posts after gencon, and will post them sometime in late Oct (when the book will come out).

Steven D. Russell

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rite Publishing wrote:

Got permission from Wesley Schneider to blog about the work I am doing on some monsters for this product, I will start working on the posts after gencon, and will post them sometime in late Oct (when the book will come out).

Steven D. Russell

Rusell + Pett = winner combo. Great to see established 3PP authors writing AP stuff.

I was deeply honored to be sought out by Wes.


Gorbacz wrote:
gbonehead wrote:


What happened with Serpent's Skull? I haven't read that one yet, I got behind with Kingmaker and skipped ahead to Carrion Crown.
City of Seven Spears happened. Check the reviews and threads, this is OT for this thread.

Highly debatable. There are different types of adventures out there, and being handed a huge and somewhat empty sandbox to some GMs is an opportunity to bring their own toys to the table. Adventures cut to the size leave sparse room for creativeness - and are in a bit of danger of being too railroady.

Personally, in Serpent's Skull, the low point of the path was pretty similar to the one in Council of Thieves - the party is expected to travel from point A to point B, with several pseudorandom encounters in between (i.e. pick any path, whatever path you choose you get to experience the same pseudorandom stuff). There is no exploring, just combat and travel.

Looking at Jade Regent, I'm pretty optimistic as it seems there are political and roleplaying challenges in store for PCs. I would not mind something totally out off the wall... something wild and weird (like armies battling in Kingmaker, or skinless vampires from Serpent Path). I've got a few worries about pirates coming after - this type of the story has been done to death in many games and movies, and even with naval combat and wide maps to arrange stalking convoys (which I'm pretty sure we're going to get rules for), it will be a bit hard to get out of stereotype of chasing treasure.


PS. Congratz to Steve!

Thanks Ruemere

A question for whomever is writing the article on kami... how close to the kami of the Shinto faith is the article going to be? In Jade Regent, kami play a huge part of my characters backstory and, as someone who likes to work within the rules of the world, I don't really want to rework/retcon a whole lot of things if what I come up with makes totally... no sense at all in the established Pathfinder mythology. I don't really want to go into details here, but is it possible for someone to live with kami for nearly a decade and not be aware of it and do they have their own "realm" in Golarion's setup (like the kami version of the First World)?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ThatEvilGuy wrote:
A question for whomever is writing the article on kami... how close to the kami of the Shinto faith is the article going to be? In Jade Regent, kami play a huge part of my characters backstory and, as someone who likes to work within the rules of the world, I don't really want to rework/retcon a whole lot of things if what I come up with makes totally... no sense at all in the established Pathfinder mythology. I don't really want to go into details here, but is it possible for someone to live with kami for nearly a decade and not be aware of it and do they have their own "realm" in Golarion's setup (like the kami version of the First World)?

Our kami are, to a certain extent, inspired by the real-world mythological kami, but they're not exactly aligned with that. In any case, it's absolutely possible for someone to live in the proximity of kami and not know it, since that's more or less what kami do. They hide.

The super short description of a kami's role in Golarion: they protect things like animals, plants, objects, and locations (this is the kami's "ward"), and can either dwell inside that ward (in which case they can observe the world around it but do little else) or they can manifest a physical body outside of their ward to defend it or otherwise interact with the world.

They do not have their own realm; they're native outsiders. The Material Plane is their realm.

James Jacobs wrote:

Our kami are, to a certain extent, inspired by the real-world mythological kami, but they're not exactly aligned with that. In any case, it's absolutely possible for someone to live in the proximity of kami and not know it, since that's more or less what kami do. They hide.

The super short description of a kami's role in Golarion: they protect things like animals, plants, objects, and locations (this is the kami's "ward"), and can either dwell inside that ward (in which case they can observe the world around it but do little else) or they can manifest a physical body outside of their ward to defend it or otherwise interact with the world.

They do not have their own realm; they're native outsiders. The Material Plane is their realm.

Thanks! I think I can work with this, though my question moreso was could they live with kami.Interacting with them on a daily basis, without knowing or just thinking that something was a lil' strange. Such as living in a "village out of place and time" inhabited by kami that were playing a role in a sense to accomplish some sort of destiny thing. I know it's kind a of vague question in that sense as I'm still banging out the details and am looking to do something that has a very heavy Japanese/Minkai mythological feel to it as I'm used to the whole Grim&Dark thing with my backstories.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ThatEvilGuy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Our kami are, to a certain extent, inspired by the real-world mythological kami, but they're not exactly aligned with that. In any case, it's absolutely possible for someone to live in the proximity of kami and not know it, since that's more or less what kami do. They hide.

The super short description of a kami's role in Golarion: they protect things like animals, plants, objects, and locations (this is the kami's "ward"), and can either dwell inside that ward (in which case they can observe the world around it but do little else) or they can manifest a physical body outside of their ward to defend it or otherwise interact with the world.

They do not have their own realm; they're native outsiders. The Material Plane is their realm.

Thanks! I think I can work with this, though my question moreso was could they live with kami.Interacting with them on a daily basis, without knowing or just thinking that something was a lil' strange. Such as living in a "village out of place and time" inhabited by kami that were playing a role in a sense to accomplish some sort of destiny thing. I know it's kind a of vague question in that sense as I'm still banging out the details and am looking to do something that has a very heavy Japanese/Minkai mythological feel to it as I'm used to the whole Grim&Dark thing with my backstories.

You can look at it this way, then: The role of kami in Golarion is actually pretty similar to the role things like dryads or similar fey play—they're part of the world, but they don't normally interact with humanoids. And when they do, they can certainly pretend to be things other than what they actually are.

James Jacobs wrote:
You can look at it this way, then: The role of kami in Golarion is actually pretty similar to the role things like dryads or similar fey play—they're part of the world, but they don't normally interact with humanoids. And when they do, they can certainly pretend to be things other than what they actually are.

Thanks again! This I can definitely work with. I just had a vision of the kami in Golarion all looking like the frog people and giant walking radish (or something similarly blatantly obvious) for some reason from Spirited Away and wondering how my character was so dense as to not notice something weird was going on.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ThatEvilGuy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
You can look at it this way, then: The role of kami in Golarion is actually pretty similar to the role things like dryads or similar fey play—they're part of the world, but they don't normally interact with humanoids. And when they do, they can certainly pretend to be things other than what they actually are.
Thanks again! This I can definitely work with. I just had a vision of the kami in Golarion all looking like the frog people and giant walking radish (or something similarly blatantly obvious) for some reason from Spirited Away and wondering how my character was so dense as to not notice something weird was going on.

Don't get me wrong... things like frog people, walking radishes, or the spirits from Princess Mononoke are very much primary inspirations for our kami. A lot of them DO look pretty weird... in fact, most of them do. I misunderstood what you were actually asking, which now seems to me to be, "Do kami look like people?" The answer there is "usually not."

James Jacobs wrote:
Don't get me wrong... things like frog people, walking radishes, or the spirits from Princess Mononoke are very much primary inspirations for our kami. A lot of them DO look pretty weird... in fact, most of them do. I misunderstood what you were actually asking, which now seems to me to be, "Do kami look like people?" The answer there is "usually not."

I think, more appropriately, it would be "Can kami look like people." however my mind was on a slightly different tangent.

Well, from what you're saying (writing, whatever) at least one or two have a passing resemblance to humans, or humanoid creatures in general. I can actually use that to make the backstory slightly more fantastical (so, more akin to a very long term version of the Spirited Away movie). Well, way more fantastical in fact.

I am under an NDA, but I have permission from Wes to blog about these come late OCT early NOV.

Luckily for me we have to wrap up our Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign before this character comes into play so I have plenty of time for patience.




I must say, the artwork is...awesomely awesome for this one. Hope you'll like it as much as I do.


I am totally jealous that you got to see the art!


Silver Crusade

Well he is writing it.

That comes with special perks I imagine. Like coffee privileges and access to the Paizo hellhound every second Saturday.


...and being able to borrow the paizo gas spore cheerleader troupe to work on my estate of a weekend - huzzah!

Rite Publishing wrote:

I am totally jealous that you got to see the art!


On the other hand, I hear he has to live near Derby. ;)


...that subtropical paradise, where the palms tree's gentle song sings lullabies to the dusky maidens that waft through the sunset's boiling shadow...

Sovereign Court

Richard Pett wrote:
...that subtropical paradise, where the palms tree's gentle song sings lullabies to the dusky maidens that waft through the sunset's boiling shadow...

Irefutably off his face.

Richard Pett wrote:
...that subtropical paradise, where the palms tree's gentle song sings lullabies to the dusky maidens that waft through the sunset's boiling shadow...

Funny... the people I met during a school exchange program had a rather different description of it.

Silver Crusade

Hey! Mrs Camelot is from Derby!

FallofCamelot wrote:
Hey! Mrs Camelot is from Derby!

And wisely got herself out of there?

...and I think I'll stop my involvement in this particular village feud now, seeing as I'm not really invested on either side.

But if you want to hear about the horrors of Vänersborg, feel free to look me up. ;)

Holy wow, the new cover looks amazing. That is an awesome looking oni! Could it be the

Jade Regent

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Generic Villain wrote:

Holy wow, the new cover looks amazing. That is an awesome looking oni! Could it be the ** spoiler omitted ** himself?

The character on the cover is...

...the Jade Regent, in full armor so that his/her/its species and gender remain a mystery. For now. And for folks who haven't read the AP's summary/background, I guess...

Nice new cover art.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very cool armor.

Amazing cover!

Lovely Cover art.

The PCs have to cross Hongal to reach the Forest of Spirits. I hope some of the action will take place in that country.



Richard Pett wrote:

I take that as a yes. ;)

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