The goblins are on the loose! Unleash the homicidal hijinks of Golarion’s most maniacal menaces with this guide to all things goblin. Infamous for their unpredictable attacks, catchy raiding songs, and fear of horses, goblins blend mischief and murderousness like no other monsters. But there’s more to goblins than dogslicers and games of killgull. Now you can join in the quirky carnage with everything you need to know about goblins, whether you plan to do battle against their unpredictable tribes, or lead them as a goblin hero!
Goblins of Golarion presents a player-friendly overview of the favorite foes of the Pathfinder campaign setting, along with new rules and information to help players customize goblin characters in both flavor and mechanics.
Inside this book, you'll find:
The secrets of goblin life, from their strange anatomy and deranged psychology to their baffling culture and hilarious quirks
An overview of goblin homelands across the Inner Sea Region, along with details on dozens of unique goblin tribes
New ways to fight like a goblin, with equipment and feats to help goblins skirmish and scavenge like only goblins can
Revelations on goblin religion, from their unique worship of Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters, to their race’s infamous hero-god
Insights into the questionable and grotesque world of goblin arcana, with new goblin-made spells and magic items
Rules, traits, and advice for playing goblin characters, giving you everything you need to unleash goblin insanity all your own
New goblin songs, games, and tricks, and even more goblin madness!
This Pathfinder Player Companion is set in the Pathfinder campaign setting and works best with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the 3.5 version of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.
Still need more goblins? Check out We Be Goblins!, an insane Pathfinder Module designed just for goblin characters!
Written by Richard Pett
Each bimonthly 32-page Pathfinder Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for social, magic, religious, and combat-focused characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-362-0
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
There's been a lot of controversy lately over the planned inclusion of goblins as a core race in the second edition of Pathfinder. One side of the debate posits that goblins have been consistently portrayed as little psychopathic murdering arsonists and that's not a good choice for a PC, while the other side says there's always exceptions and predicts some sort of canonical event may happen between editions to explain goblins' newwidespread acceptance throughout Golarion. The debate was definitely in the background of my mind as I read Goblins of Golarion, even though it was just next up in my queue and I'm not here to take sides in the debate.
Goblins of Golarion is a 32-page entry in the Player Companion line of products. The inside front cover nicely summarizes the racial stats of goblins and includes some other useful details for players, such as favored deities, regions, and example male and female names. The inside back-cover is a reproduction (sans text) of the cover, demonstrating quite vividly that goblins like fire and hate horses. The interior of the book is broken into six sections.
The longest section, "Goblins of Golarion" (16 pages) provides a very readable overview of goblins and how the race "fits" in Golarion and what life is like for goblins. There's a ton of great information here, including particular ways (and rules) for how goblins fight dirty (special rules for tossing angry snakes at enemies!), why they hate dogs and horses so much, why they have a penchant for song and a loathing for the written word, the types of games they play and junk they collect (including the introduction of about ten new pieces of equipment, including "pig grease" and "goblin pickles"), and more. Background sections like this in RPG books are sometimes pretty bland, but Goblins of Golarion does it right--tidbits here and there are hilarious, and this is definitely a section I'd recommend to a GM or player looking to get the most out of playing a goblin. There's a useful (and frank) discussion of which classes are suitable for goblin PCs; sorry, Goblin Paladins are right out! The section ends with about two dozen new background traits (Race, Regional, and Religion), and there's some really fun (and useful) ones like Foul Belch and Pustular.
"Goblin Tribes" (six pages) starts with a map of the Inner Sea annotated with the location of almost two dozen different goblin tribes. The section talks about named tribes in Isger, Mediogalti Island, The Shackles, and Varisia, but I really appreciate how it explicitly encourages GMs to make up their own tribes as well and not feel restrained by what's presented. The section is written to show just how varied goblin tribes can be while still staying on theme. The Spelleater goblins of the Mana Wastes were really cool, but I actually even felt a bit sorry for the Isger tribes...
"Combat" (two pages) introduces ten new feats restricted to goblin characters. They have great names like "Ankle Biter" and "Saddle Shrieker" but the great flavour is matched by solid mechanical effects. I will definitely throw some of these on NPC goblins if I get a chance.
"Faith" (two pages) provides short write-ups of four goblin hero-gods: Hadregash, Venkelvore, Zarongel, and Zogmugot. Each entry includes their portfolio, domains, subdomains, holy symbol, and favored weapon along with a one-paragraph description. The section also introduces four new subdomains, some of which would be viable for other (non-goblin) deities as well: Arson, Flotsam, Slavery, and Torture. The powers the new subdomains grant, however, are pretty weak.
"Goblin Magic" (two pages) introduces three new spells attributed to goblin spellcasters and four new magic items. For the spells, Fire Sneeze is hilarious. The magic items are all very weak mechanically but simultaneously far too expensive to really fit the goblin "scavenger" concept. A "Devastating Dog Whistle" *might* do 1d6 points of sonic damage to dogs within its radius, but at a price of 1500 gp it's hard to imagine what kind of goblin tribe would have one.
Last up is "Social: Goblin Player Characters" (two pages), a section that explains that "Goblins are first and foremost villains. They may be comical on some level, but they're also quite evil. Goblins enjoy inflicting misery and causing pain, and a goblin who doesn't isn't truly a goblin--he's some sort of freak's freak. Which is precisely the kind of goblin that makes a good nominee for a player character." The section gives some frank advice on trying to integrate Goblin PCs into a campaign and how to deal with the widespread racial antagonism they would face in civilized areas. At the risk of perceived bias, I do think the lore, at least as presented here, militates against the idea of goblins becoming a common PC race. The section also introduces some new favored class options, but they're not balanced well--gunslingers get a +1 to critical hit confirmations (nice!), while rogues get an extra skill rank that has to be placed in Ride or Stealth, which doesn't make sense since any character of any race and any class can use their favored class bonus to that get one free skill point (in any skill).
Some quibbles aside, Goblins of Golarion is an excellent example of a supplement that's useful for both players and GMs. It has buckets of flavour for running goblin characters while adding depth to their role in Golarion as a campaign setting. I would definitely recommend it.
Definitely Worth Having the Words Stolen from your Head
I was so absorbed with this book, that I read it cover to cover in one sitting. Having checked out most of the player companions, this was by far my favorite and changed my mind about having goblin PCs in my games. The fluff is absorbing, original and completely entralling with just enough humor to fit the goblin expectations but not so over the top as to make the race a joke. We learn amazing bits of their society from the fear of reading to the hatred of horses all with substantial backstory. And the traits and feats given really help make the race unique and offer some amazing options for fun PC builds.
I loved this book. As a GM, it has already seen use in my campaign, and the discussions of goblin psychology and sociology spawned a number of interesting character concepts for semi-heroic goblin pcs for next time I am not the DM.
I go into more depth <a href=" ayer-companion-goblins-of-golarion/">here </a>
Wheter you want to have a goblin PC, flesh out goblins as villains a little bit more, or start your own all-goblin campaign, this book is what you need. It has interesting insights into Golarion goblin culture and tribes, along with various player options. It motivates you to use the annoying little freaks as PCs: we are currently running an all goblin pbp adventure on this board and having a blast.
I have only 1 minor complaint about the editing (a paragraph of the wrong font size in the Feats section) but overall the print quality is very good. A must have if you like monster player races or just can't get enough of those lovable pyromaniac goblins.
Goblins of Golarion is a bit of an unusual supplement. As I mentioned in my review of Humans of Golarion, that product is a useful, albeit not particularly exciting book. Goblins of Golarion is the reverse: a fun, interesting read, but not particularly useful to most games. More specifically, it’s not particularly useful to most players. Game Masters are likely to gain much more use out of it, but as a product that is part of the Pathfinder Player Companion line, many people will expect it to be usable by players. Of course, not every product should necessarily be usable by everyone. It makes sense that there would be some niche products. However, it’s important that people be aware that this is a niche product, as there are some players out there who feel that because something is printed, it’s their right to use it, and that’s going to annoy some GMs who don’t want monster PCs in their games. Players should be sure to check with their GMs before making use of this book.
For players with goblin characters, there’s no doubt that it’s very useful indeed. It’s full of information about goblin society, lifestyle, beliefs, and physiology, along with lots of useful game mechanics including goblin equipment, new traits and feats, and even goblin spells. In addition, it’s an engaging read that fully brings across the character and style of Golarion goblins.
For games that don’t allow goblin PCs (or simply don’t have any players interested in playing goblin characters), Goblins of Golarion can still be a useful supplement for Game Masters, who will find a wealth of information. The “Goblin Tribes” chapter, for example presents the most prominent tribes from around the Inner Sea. It allows GMs to keep every group of goblins unique, yet still unmistakeably goblins. From goblin pirates in the Shackles, to freedom fighters in Isger who are devoted to preventing goblins from ever being enslaved again by hobgoblins, to dinosaur riders on Mediogalti Island, there’s a tribe for just about every need. I really like that there are areas of the world where goblins are more common (such as in Varisia) and areas where there are very few, if any. It makes goblins more than just something you roll on a random encounter chart and plunk down anywhere.
Overall, Goblins of Golarion is a fun book that fully fleshes out goblins and makes them a viable race in their own right. Gaming groups that include goblin PCs will find the book invaluable. Game Masters of groups without goblin PCs will still find the book useful for providing interesting encounters with goblins. And even if your group has no goblin PCs and rarely, if ever, encounters goblins as monsters, the book can still provide a fun and interesting read.
Here's a thought for goblin shirts: A series of shirts based off the condition cards... could have the Goblin picture and quote on front and the condition(s) listed and described on back. Who wouldn't want a "fascinated" goblin shirt? Oooo shiny!
As much as I am a vehement enemy of the "monsters as PCs" idea, the fact that Sir Pett writes this one pretty much won me over. I consider it a one-shot "odd ball" experience, and it's going to be marvelous.
Is that the scraping of wood I hear on the bottom of this barrel?
Since Golarion is humanocentric, and we've got 12 different ethnicities and they're the most common race on the planet... I'd hardly call that barrel scraping.
And since goblins are probably our most POPULAR non-core race, I'd say that now that we've covered all 7 core races, moving on to goblins is more of an experiment to see how interested folks will be in books about non-core races. Also not barrel scraping.
Is that the scraping of wood I hear on the bottom of this barrel?
Since Golarion is humanocentric, and we've got 12 different ethnicities and they're the most common race on the planet... I'd hardly call that barrel scraping.
And since goblins are probably our most POPULAR non-core race, I'd say that now that we've covered all 7 core races, moving on to goblins is more of an experiment to see how interested folks will be in books about non-core races. Also not barrel scraping.
Obviously opinions differ, though! :-)
Well yeah cause we still don't have a tieflings book yet and they are far from scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Will there be stat blocks for standard goblin weapons and armor?
Like Cheese Wheels, french loaves, and your best friend rolled in tar and fireworks then mounted on a cart?
Is that the scraping of wood I hear on the bottom of this barrel?
Since Golarion is humanocentric, and we've got 12 different ethnicities and they're the most common race on the planet... I'd hardly call that barrel scraping.
And since goblins are probably our most POPULAR non-core race, I'd say that now that we've covered all 7 core races, moving on to goblins is more of an experiment to see how interested folks will be in books about non-core races. Also not barrel scraping.
Obviously opinions differ, though! :-)
I love the Goblins of Golarion book, and would love to see all the bestiary races get the same kind of love.
My problem is that I have no interest in playing a players have no interest in playing this book is just going to take up space and money and never get used..unless there's useful stuff for part one of Jade Regent in it.
My problem is that I have no interest in playing a players have no interest in playing this book is just going to take up space and money and never get used..unless there's useful stuff for part one of Jade Regent in it.
More copies for my group then, because we're all chomping at the bit for this book and love playing goblins, and we never all want to the same non-core book.
how can you hate goblins? they are just full of win and the role-playing options that can come of this would lead to many laughs...or have all of you forget the word fun?
My problem is that I have no interest in playing a players have no interest in playing this book is just going to take up space and money and never get used..unless there's useful stuff for part one of Jade Regent in it.
Although the book is in the Player's Companion line... there's a lot of stuff in there that'll also help GMs run ANY adventure with goblins in it. It's as much an ecology/sociology article about goblins as it is anything else. And since there's going to be some goblin stuff in the first Jade Regent adventure... it'll be handy for GMs who want to expand or add depth to the goblin elements in that adventure.
This is also where I point out that even if you only ever read an RPG book and "all" it does is entertain you in the same way that reading a novel or comic or whatever entertains you, then the money you spent on it is hardly wasted. In my opinion... an RPG product doesn't need to actually be used in play to justify its purchase.
This is also where I point out that even if you only ever read an RPG book and "all" it does is entertain you in the same way that reading a novel or comic or whatever entertains you, then the money you spent on it is hardly wasted. In my opinion... an RPG product doesn't need to actually be used in play to justify its purchase.
There is no way I can ever use all the materials I have (though I'm trying my darndest), yet I always enjoy reading them.
I'm just hoping that there will be goblin character traits and favored class options for the little blighters (such as allowing a goblin ranger to have a goblin dog animal companion). They don't even need to be that helpful as long as they fit the goblin's character (say, a trait that give goblins a +1 attack bonus versus dogs and horses, or a trait that grants a +1 to craft (weaponsmithing) as long as the resulting weapon is non-masterwork and breaks on a natural 1 attack roll).
My problem is that I have no interest in playing a players have no interest in playing this book is just going to take up space and money and never get used..unless there's useful stuff for part one of Jade Regent in it.
Although the book is in the Player's Companion line... there's a lot of stuff in there that'll also help GMs run ANY adventure with goblins in it. It's as much an ecology/sociology article about goblins as it is anything else. And since there's going to be some goblin stuff in the first Jade Regent adventure... it'll be handy for GMs who want to expand or add depth to the goblin elements in that adventure.
This is also where I point out that even if you only ever read an RPG book and "all" it does is entertain you in the same way that reading a novel or comic or whatever entertains you, then the money you spent on it is hardly wasted. In my opinion... an RPG product doesn't need to actually be used in play to justify its purchase.
OK that's the answer I was looking for re Jade Regent.Please note that I don't hate this book I just didn't see any utility in it for me and my group.
This is also where I point out that even if you only ever read an RPG book and "all" it does is entertain you in the same way that reading a novel or comic or whatever entertains you, then the money you spent on it is hardly wasted. In my opinion... an RPG product doesn't need to actually be used in play to justify its purchase.
Thank you James. Thank you for this. Though gaming has been very slow for me of late, I have more RPG books than I can shake a stick at. I prefer adventures and campaign setting books over rulebooks (as I love fluff over crunch) and can and do read these books constantly. (I keep getting the damned things in the mail each month, haven't figured out why ;)
Roleplaying games are a hobby for me, but it's not really playing RPGs that is my hobby, it's collecting and reading the books. I do play. I love to play in fact. I'm slowly prepping to run Curse of the Crimson Throne for instance and am chomping at the bit to role up a new character for any game that comes along. But For me the value of the book isn't what its use at the game table, but how enjoyable it is period: at the game table, reading through the first time, looking at the artwork, even the tactile feel of the paper in my hands.
I can respect those that want it for the utility. Playing RPG's only requires an initial investment of some rulebooks honestly, and if you play but don't derive any pleasure from reading the books, then there's no point in having books that won't benefit your game. There always seems to be a quizzical look from those around me that I have waaaay more books than I'll ever use at the game table. It doesn't mean I haven't, and won't use the book. I just won't use them, perhaps, like many other folks.
well..I don't think I'll be maintaining my Companion subscription past Faiths of Balance so its definitely the bottom of the barrel for me.
I think a bigger issue at work here is that we have a clear sight of the products scheduled until Goblins of Golarion - I mean there isn't that much to go til the end. What we need is 4 or so new things in the line-up which will make us crave time passing at an accelerated rate.
I don't think it's actually possible for me to use everything I ever bought. If I never bought a single thing ever again, I could easily game once a week for the next 30 years. It took me 4 years to run through thetop 3 levels of Undermountain alone and we never hit (or even used) the bottom levels.
That's more or less been our price for these books for quite some time. I like to think it's a pretty good price for what you're getting, of course! It'll last longer than a sandwich and a snack and a coffee from Starbucks, that's for sure!
Wow... Not sure why all the hate. In my games, I rather dislike the whole "well all of race X are evil/good." I also despise how every single ugly thing is evil. It is boring, and its stupid. Also the whole thing with goblins and such being hated smacks of real world racism.. I mean hell, look at middle earth: The societies there were totally segregated by race. You never saw elves, humans, dwarves, or hobbits living together. Sure they would meets and be friends, but their societies were totally homogeneous. In fact I play that up a bit, that your average commoner person in said world is a mono syllabic bigot. That is for all commoners. Even goblinoid/monstrous ones. At the same time, in any society you can find a range of behaviors. I have tossed out the alignment system for the most part: I do not look at the world in black and white nor do I play my characters in such a manner either.
Also the whole thing with goblins and such being hated smacks of real world racism.
(runs away)
Unless, of course, you're trying to run a simple game where, say, orcs or demons are always evil therefore good characters smack them.
Just sayin.
Considering I tend to like plots more complex than kill, loot, repeat, and at least attempt to make my characters more like characters in a story with more intricate motivations than wanting phat loot, I don't think I have played in a game like that in a while (Not to say I don't like loot or if you like games like that there is something wrong with you heh.) Simple doesn't cut it with me when it comes to plot. Nothing is in life is really that simple and with out some sort of complexity, especially moral complexity, I cannot relate to a character who views the world in black and white. Then again, playing a character that is like that but slowly changes, I could do that. Imagine the horror a good person feels when he finds out that he has accidentally killed goblin or orc children? That he has killed innocents albeit from a race that is "evil." That actually sounds like an interesting character to me, now that I think I about it. That and I totally want to play an outcast goblin who has learned to read hehehe. :D
This is also where I point out that even if you only ever read an RPG book and "all" it does is entertain you in the same way that reading a novel or comic or whatever entertains you, then the money you spent on it is hardly wasted. In my opinion... an RPG product doesn't need to actually be used in play to justify its purchase.
There is no way I can ever use all the materials I have (though I'm trying my darndest), yet I always enjoy reading them.
I enjoy reading a lot about "non-standard" races (the PDFs about giants, minotaurs, and the 'Fursona' one come to mind) and even coming up with characters for them that I know I'll never, ever get to use due to a severe dislike of such things among the few local gamers I've met.
And I've enjoyed virtually everything I've read about Golarion thus far, even if I've barely used it.
All I'm saying is that before you cry racism, give it a little bit of thought, eh? Or better yet, just don't say it at all.
I see there being two kinds of people in this world. Those who look at things negatively ... at how they can find fault, and those who look at things positively ... at how they can make them work out.
Crying racism because orcs and goblins tend to be evil is very much a negative comment, which is why I said something. In your game, run it the way you want - if you want a complex tapistry of people and races with shades of gray that's probably a wonderful and rich world - but don't imply people are racist just because they want to have simple campaigns and/or obvious villains.
Eberron had really gotten my hopes up on that front, but then they went and never further developed or detailed those orcs. That was the element that I was most interested in to be honest, and nothing got done with it from what people have told me when I asked around about it. :(
I had been hoping for inspiration to use for my own orcs, but c'est la vie...
I know this is MONTHS behind, but I thought I'd plug a bit.
Orcs are the single most enlightened and lawful race on the planet;
Halflings are prodigious, capitalistic little bastiges with lifespans over a millenium;
Gnomes are newcomers (at least in some eras of play);
Humans are actually descended from odd intermingled mostly-Orcs-with-Human-blood;
Elves are stigmatized highly because of an ancient wager their Patron god made with the Halflings Patron god;
Dwarves are nomadic farmers.
There are Drow, most of them are surfacer hating but a large number have become topsiders themselves and thus are integrating with the other races.
I don't think I've decided whether or not there are goblins, but I know that some parts of the world have 'civilized' Kobolds.
So what sort of material will there be for goblins as player characters?
Some feats, some new spells, a few magic items, some new subdomains, some traits, and two pages of coaching on how playing a PC goblin isn't a license to play a disruptive neutral evil cooperation destroyer. :-P
Sooo... Any chance we get a stat mods total that is positive instead of neutral as it is now for goblins? Although the +4 dex bonus, +4 stealth bonus for being small and +4 stealth bonus for being a goblinoid are awesome!