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Carrion Crown Adventure Path? w00t!
Maybe the Whispering Tyrant will finally get some lovin'.
If you look at the Carrion Crown AP issue summaries elsewhere on the iste, I suspect you might be happy...

The_Minstrel_Wyrm |

Heh heh... the list of what I want to GM for my players continues to grow. :P Having this product coming out will be a boon for the "Carrion Crown" AP... which I plan to run for my Monday night group (after Council of Thieves... which I'll probably start early next year). o_O
But... keep up the good work and the great products!
Dean (TMW)

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To what extent is Ustalav content in this supplement going to be more detailed or expansive, etc. than the information on Ustalav that will be in the big campaign setting World Guide coming out in February?
The bit in the Campaign setting will be 4 pages long, this is a sixty four page book, so significantly expanded!
Think of it as the difference between reading a wikipedia article on a country and reading a guide book to said country.

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

I'm interested in an Ustalav location called the Saffron House. Despite being easy to find on the map in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, it's noted as being the goal of a Pathfinder expedition in AP 27.
Maybe the Pathfinders in Ustalav aren't good with maps...
Oh, finding it isn't too much trouble. Getting out, though...
But you'll be well served Mr. Villain, there's a map of the Saffron House in here.
Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."

Sketchpad |

Oh, finding it isn't too much trouble. Getting out, though...But you'll be well served Mr. Villain, there's a map of the Saffron House in here.
Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."
Geez Wes .. I was already sold, but now I want the book next week. Dag nabbit! ;)

Generic Villain |
Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."
Awesome Wes, thanks for the teaser!
I love Yellow Wallpaper and Jerusalem's Lot both. I'll have to check out Pigeons From Hell. Saffron House sounds like it'll be a great haunted house.

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F. Wesley Schneider wrote:Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."Awesome Wes, thanks for the teaser!
I love Yellow Wallpaper and Jerusalem's Lot both. I'll have to check out Pigeons From Hell. Saffron House sounds like it'll be a great haunted house.
Pigeons from Hell is my favorite Howard story... and one of the scariest stories I've ever read. It's Great!

Wolf Munroe |

I WANT this! Right now! Right yesterday! I want it! Give it to me! Let's get to Ustalav! Ustalav!
I want Ustalav to make the poor Demiplane of Dread go running home to mommy with its tail between its legs.
I really enjoyed Prince of Wolves too. Did I mention Classic Horrors Revisited is awesome? More!
I will have Ustalav's babies. (As long as we're talking about the same Ustalav.)

Zombieneighbours |

I just finished reading the yellow wallpaper. I don't think I have ever been as profoundly effected by a story as this one seems to have effected me. It's given me a bounding head ache and a sense of unease that is not fading easily. Despite being very tired, i have no desire to sleep now.
And what can one do?

Eric Hinkle |

Generic Villain wrote:I'm interested in an Ustalav location called the Saffron House. Despite being easy to find on the map in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, it's noted as being the goal of a Pathfinder expedition in AP 27.
Maybe the Pathfinders in Ustalav aren't good with maps...
Oh, finding it isn't too much trouble. Getting out, though...
But you'll be well served Mr. Villain, there's a map of the Saffron House in here.
Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading... Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."
Two of my favorite horror stories. And OT but am I alone in thinking that "Pigeons from Hell" was probably the very best story Howard ever wrote?
I am SO looking forward to this book!

Generic Villain |
Hmm... is Rule of Fear's format going to become a standard for the Chronicles line? In other words, will future issues feature gazeteers on cities, several detailed adventure sites, and details on conspiracies/secrets/etc?
I really hope so. Past Chronicles that have delved into specific countries - Katapesh and the River Kingdoms so far - have been good when it comes to fluff/story, but they lacked crunch for the DM (particularly the River Kingdoms guide).
It would be great if country-based Chronicle books were set up like the recent Lost Cities of Golarion guide, with stat blocks for major bad guys, variant monsters, campaign ideas, and so forth.

Enevhar Aldarion |

Hmmm.....what day can i have this book in my hands? LOL... we are holding off on starting our Carrion Crown campaign until we have this book... and my players are more eager to start this Adventure Path than the last two we played combined!
If I remember right, the pdf date is usually also the street date for the book for non-subscribers, so if the April 20 date is still correct, you have about a month left to wait. Or you could do the Campaign Setting subscription and get it a couple weeks sooner, plus get the free pdf when the book ships.

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Kettlebriar wrote:Hmmm.....what day can i have this book in my hands? LOL... we are holding off on starting our Carrion Crown campaign until we have this book... and my players are more eager to start this Adventure Path than the last two we played combined!If I remember right, the pdf date is usually also the street date for the book for non-subscribers, so if the April 20 date is still correct, you have about a month left to wait. Or you could do the Campaign Setting subscription and get it a couple weeks sooner, plus get the free pdf when the book ships.
This is all correct, though I'll note that the April 20 date is still subject to change (but probably no more than a week in either direction).

Justin Franklin |

Meaning subscribers get their pdf when...?
My guess, which can be completely changed by US Customs, would be we would get preparing to ship e-mails the end of next week. And PDf's the following week.

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Thank you, Captain Obvious.
The answer is correct, so no need for snark of moderate quality here. Subscribers get their PDFs when their subs ship. Some subs will ship sooner, some subs will ship later, some subs will be waiting for consolidated shipping, some subs might wait for any extra stuff added to the shipment, and as a result nobody here is able to give you a 100% precise date.

Generic Villain |
My guess, which can be completely changed by US Customs, would be we would get preparing to ship e-mails the end of next week. And PDf's the following week.
Hopefully they start shipping these out next week. Typically subscribers get their PDFs two weeks before they become available to everyone else, which would be April 6th.
As with Kettlebriar above, I'm really looking forward to this.

Generic Villain |
Since I just recently shut down my D&DI account, I was stumbling around looking for something to feed my subscription money to, and came across Pathfinder - a totally new thing for me, as of about a month ago! I'm really excited to get this first item in my "subscription".
Let me just say, you made an excellent choice.

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Since I just recently shut down my D&DI account, I was stumbling around looking for something to feed my subscription money to, and came across Pathfinder - a totally new thing for me, as of about a month ago! I'm really excited to get this first item in my "subscription".
Welcome to these boards! You should definitely consider ordering the brand-new Inner Sea World Guide (Golarion campaign setting) as well (it's gorgeous!). And if you're interested in running a campaign based in Ustalav, buy the Carrion Crown AP, Undead Revisited and Classic Horrors Revisited. Lost Cities of Golarion is a textbook example on a guide to lost and ruined cities (it's simply chock full of juicy stuff) and the upcoming Dungeons of Golarion has information on Gallowspire, plus it details other well-known dungeon complexes as well. Another great location is Kaer Maga in Varisia, and City of Strangers plus Godsmouth Heresy (one of the best low-level adventures I've yet seen) give you all the tools you need for a killer campaign.
If you're still running 4E (it's unclear) ignore the adventures and '...Revisited'-line, but get the rest; most Paizo books are very cunrch-lite and edition-friendly. If you're running Pathfinder, Advanced Player's Guide is one of the best supplements I've bought in ten years.

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MasterWhisper wrote:Since I just recently shut down my D&DI account, I was stumbling around looking for something to feed my subscription money to, and came across Pathfinder - a totally new thing for me, as of about a month ago! I'm really excited to get this first item in my "subscription".Welcome to these boards! You should definitely consider ordering the brand-new Inner Sea World Guide (Golarion campaign setting) as well (it's gorgeous!). And if you're interested in running a campaign based in Ustalav, buy the Carrion Crown AP, Undead Revisited and Classic Horrors Revisited. Lost Cities of Golarion is a textbook example on a guide to lost and ruined cities (it's simply chock full of juicy stuff) and the upcoming Dungeons of Golarion has information on Gallowspire, plus it details other well-known dungeon complexes as well. Another great location is Kaer Maga in Varisia, and City of Strangers plus Godsmouth Heresy (one of the best low-level adventures I've yet seen) give you all the tools you need for a killer campaign.
If you're still running 4E (it's unclear) ignore the adventures and '...Revisited'-line, but get the rest; most Paizo books are very cunrch-lite and edition-friendly. If you're running Pathfinder, Advanced Player's Guide is one of the best supplements I've bought in ten years.
To be honest, I wouldn't skip the revisited stuff - sure you'll not get use of the page in each chapter that gives the stats of the thing, but the rest of the book will still be great for any edition of the game (heck, any fantasy game...)

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Do we have a shipping date yet? hmmmmmm? Ustalav awaits. I've already ordered it and im almost ready to drive many states to ya'lls warehouse to pick it up...LOL.
Got mine today, thumbed threw it so far and it looks very well done.