Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rule of Fear (PFRPG)

3.60/5 (based on 12 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rule of Fear (PFRPG)
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A Cursed Land

For thousands of years, the Immortal Principality of Ustalav has labored beneath the legacy of its dark past. Within the shelter of its mist-shrouded hills and decaying, decadent cities, things that have no right to live stalk the night, and superstitious residents lock their doors tight against the howls and scratchings that summon them forth. Vampires, werewolves, undead monstrosities, and stranger things make their homes here, and even those fools who ignore such threats tremble at the thought of the Whispering Tyrant, the nation’s former conqueror, who even now shifts restlessly beneath his prison-tower of Gallowspire. Though most of Ustalav’s citizens are ordinary men and women, canny urban merchants, or fallen nobles coasting on their last shreds of wealth and reputation, no one here dares peer too far into the shadows, for fear of what might be looking back.

Rule of Fear provides a comprehensive overview of the nation of Ustalav, a realm of urban intrigue and gothic horror, and the setting of Pathfinder Adventure Path’s Carrion Crown Adventure Path.

    Inside this 64-page book, you’ll find:
  • A complete overview of 13 adventure-packed counties, from the ghost-haunted wastelands of Virlych to the bustling ports of Caliphas, including detailed descriptions of significant locations, notable personages, and the rulers of each region
  • In-depth gazetteers of seven major cities, including key locations, city stat blocks, and local rumors to draw your players into the action
  • Six conspiracies and secret societies, and how they fit into Ustalav’s baroque government
  • Eleven terrifying adventure locations, plus details on their masters, inhabitants, and supernatural hauntings
  • Information on local superstitions, secrets about notable families (and the unspeakable curses they bear), tips for running classic horror-themed campaigns, and more!

Rule of Fear is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy game setting.

by F. Wesley Schneider

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-301-9

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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Average product rating:

3.60/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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Dry and too academic


I really have been wanting to add this to my shelf for a long time. But I think it does Ustalav a disservice.

It is far too dry a text. Towns and cities are listed in order, with nothing really linking them together. Same with the history of Ustalav. I think an editor really could have just chopped this stuff up and summarized it without a lot of the flowery prose associated with it.

A good location splat should answer several questions, and do them in order:

1. Where's it located?
2. What's its relations with its neighbors?
3. Who's in charge?
4. If nobody's in charge, who are the big movers and shakers?
5. What cities and landmarks are relevant to a GM?

Amazing sourcebook


Lore-wise, this is an amazing rpg book.

Great npcs, great conspiracies, inspiring adventure hooks and a lot more info on the region.

A must have if you are planning to GM carrion crown.

Just be aware that this is not a book with "crunch" for players.

Where is Carrion Hill again?


1.- the map is awesome great detail with it
2.- narrative is some kind of tedious but do it well
3.- theres not stat for the rulers, and not advice if u can role it, and some stories are good and other just dont... (bad thing i guess)
4.- no character sheet or something, no cultural issues at all.
5.- the adventures ideas are good enough to keepingme reading it
6.- the maps for the cities and description are very good at all

in advice to buyers... this is not the same as varisian and korvosa reviews there was good enough that just happen once in this books.

in page 30 it refeers to explain a carrion hill altar and... there is not a carrion hill at all in any way to mention it... where is carrion hil???

is a lazy setting... maybe with it issues...
or i missing something? maybe my copy comes with bugs

Decent book, could have been great


I love the Carrion crown AP, and I'm a sucker for creepy stuff and horror. Therefore I had high expectations for this book. Unfortunately, it didn't deliver for me. The ideas for building atmosphere were nice, but not as compelling/great as GM ideas presented in the Gamemaster's guide.The history section was nice. For the cities and settlements I would have liked some more details on inhabitants, e.g. a in a few lines fleshed out inn/innkeeper/captain of the guard who captures the location. The note in introduction is something that really captured my attention, and I was hoping for more of that.

A mixed curse


First off, I bought this to get pure fluff, and that is what I got. Way to go campaign setting book!

History (Poor)
Not a big fan of timelines done this way - tries to jam a lot of info into short entries, and ends up being not very interesting at all.

Counties (OK)
The actual county texts ends up being bland, over the top flavorfull and at times edited so it is both at the same time. The npcs are way better handled (often with fantastic portraits), making up for the counties.

Cities and Settlements (Very Good)
Better editing and better writing, plus good maps and fantastic sites makes me want to use nearly everything in this chapter. Karcau is possibly my favorite location in Pathfinder now...

Legends and Hauntings (Very Good)
Has tonnes of interesting things, finding the Bloodlines part the most usefull. Makes me wish there was some kind of Inner Sea Bloodlines book...

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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Another "region" book on my short list I was looking forward too.

Carrion Crown Adventure Path? w00t!

Maybe the Whispering Tyrant will finally get some lovin'.

Dark Archive

After hearing about Carrion Crown, I'd expected this book to come out as a supplement for the adventure path, but it's still cool to actually see the book in the product schedule. Very cool indeed.

Where wolf?
There wolf?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Generic Villain wrote:

Carrion Crown Adventure Path? w00t!

Maybe the Whispering Tyrant will finally get some lovin'.

If you look at the Carrion Crown AP issue summaries elsewhere on the iste, I suspect you might be happy...

Dark Archive

Hoo! Ustalav... me want!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Heh heh... the list of what I want to GM for my players continues to grow. :P Having this product coming out will be a boon for the "Carrion Crown" AP... which I plan to run for my Monday night group (after Council of Thieves... which I'll probably start early next year). o_O

But... keep up the good work and the great products!

Dean (TMW)


Yessss....... Taldor is too gauche, and Cheliax too rigid for properly decadent aristocracy. Ah, but the boudoirs of Ustalav... Wink and a handshake to enter the back room of a lodge filled with bored rakes and ladies seeking scandal, oblivious to the gothic terrors behind the libertine veil.

To what extent is Ustalav content in this supplement going to be more detailed or expansive, etc. than the information on Ustalav that will be in the big campaign setting World Guide coming out in February?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Mazym wrote:

To what extent is Ustalav content in this supplement going to be more detailed or expansive, etc. than the information on Ustalav that will be in the big campaign setting World Guide coming out in February?

The bit in the Campaign setting will be 4 pages long, this is a sixty four page book, so significantly expanded!

Think of it as the difference between reading a wikipedia article on a country and reading a guide book to said country.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ustalav...I has it.

But when Paizo Publishing offers me big discounts for premium sourcebooks...

I jump in it.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
ElCrabofAnger wrote:

Ustalav...I has it.

But when Paizo Publishing offers me big discounts for premium sourcebooks...

I jump in it.

*Kisses mini giraffe*

I'm interested in an Ustalav location called the Saffron House. Despite being easy to find on the map in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, it's noted as being the goal of a Pathfinder expedition in AP 27.

Maybe the Pathfinders in Ustalav aren't good with maps...


Generic Villain wrote:

I'm interested in an Ustalav location called the Saffron House. Despite being easy to find on the map in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, it's noted as being the goal of a Pathfinder expedition in AP 27.

Maybe the Pathfinders in Ustalav aren't good with maps...

Oh, finding it isn't too much trouble. Getting out, though...

But you'll be well served Mr. Villain, there's a map of the Saffron House in here.

Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

Oh, finding it isn't too much trouble. Getting out, though...

But you'll be well served Mr. Villain, there's a map of the Saffron House in here.

Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."

Geez Wes .. I was already sold, but now I want the book next week. Dag nabbit! ;)

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."

Awesome Wes, thanks for the teaser!

I love Yellow Wallpaper and Jerusalem's Lot both. I'll have to check out Pigeons From Hell. Saffron House sounds like it'll be a great haunted house.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Generic Villain wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."

Awesome Wes, thanks for the teaser!

I love Yellow Wallpaper and Jerusalem's Lot both. I'll have to check out Pigeons From Hell. Saffron House sounds like it'll be a great haunted house.

Pigeons from Hell is my favorite Howard story... and one of the scariest stories I've ever read. It's Great!

I WANT this! Right now! Right yesterday! I want it! Give it to me! Let's get to Ustalav! Ustalav!

I want Ustalav to make the poor Demiplane of Dread go running home to mommy with its tail between its legs.


I really enjoyed Prince of Wolves too. Did I mention Classic Horrors Revisited is awesome? More!

I will have Ustalav's babies. (As long as we're talking about the same Ustalav.)

I just finished reading the yellow wallpaper. I don't think I have ever been as profoundly effected by a story as this one seems to have effected me. It's given me a bounding head ache and a sense of unease that is not fading easily. Despite being very tired, i have no desire to sleep now.

And what can one do?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The product image and description have been updated to reflect the finished product.

I am unspeakably excited about this product, both for the upcoming Carrion Crown AP as well as for my current non-AP Golarion game! Love Ustalav!

Dark Archive

The title would make Grand Moff Tarkin proud.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Generic Villain wrote:

I'm interested in an Ustalav location called the Saffron House. Despite being easy to find on the map in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, it's noted as being the goal of a Pathfinder expedition in AP 27.

Maybe the Pathfinders in Ustalav aren't good with maps...

Oh, finding it isn't too much trouble. Getting out, though...

But you'll be well served Mr. Villain, there's a map of the Saffron House in here.

Now, to tide yourself over/prepare yourself for this particular site, might I suggest reading... Robert E Howard's "Pigeons from Hell," and Stephen King's "Jerusalem's Lot."

Two of my favorite horror stories. And OT but am I alone in thinking that "Pigeons from Hell" was probably the very best story Howard ever wrote?

I am SO looking forward to this book!

Hmm... is Rule of Fear's format going to become a standard for the Chronicles line? In other words, will future issues feature gazeteers on cities, several detailed adventure sites, and details on conspiracies/secrets/etc?

I really hope so. Past Chronicles that have delved into specific countries - Katapesh and the River Kingdoms so far - have been good when it comes to fluff/story, but they lacked crunch for the DM (particularly the River Kingdoms guide).

It would be great if country-based Chronicle books were set up like the recent Lost Cities of Golarion guide, with stat blocks for major bad guys, variant monsters, campaign ideas, and so forth.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nice cover.

add this book to the books to the ones I want to look at

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Nice cover.

I wish it was available as a poster without all the wordiness...

Liberty's Edge

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Nice cover.
I wish it was available as a poster without all the wordiness...

It usually is at the end of each book as just the art work.


Just in time for my birthday.


So very very stoked.

Time, move faster, please.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

psionichamster wrote:

So very very stoked.

Time, move faster, please.

So are you getting any time to play these days?

Hmmm.....what day can i have this book in my hands? LOL... we are holding off on starting our Carrion Crown campaign until we have this book... and my players are more eager to start this Adventure Path than the last two we played combined!

Kettlebriar wrote:
Hmmm.....what day can i have this book in my hands? LOL... we are holding off on starting our Carrion Crown campaign until we have this book... and my players are more eager to start this Adventure Path than the last two we played combined!

If I remember right, the pdf date is usually also the street date for the book for non-subscribers, so if the April 20 date is still correct, you have about a month left to wait. Or you could do the Campaign Setting subscription and get it a couple weeks sooner, plus get the free pdf when the book ships.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Kettlebriar wrote:
Hmmm.....what day can i have this book in my hands? LOL... we are holding off on starting our Carrion Crown campaign until we have this book... and my players are more eager to start this Adventure Path than the last two we played combined!
If I remember right, the pdf date is usually also the street date for the book for non-subscribers, so if the April 20 date is still correct, you have about a month left to wait. Or you could do the Campaign Setting subscription and get it a couple weeks sooner, plus get the free pdf when the book ships.

This is all correct, though I'll note that the April 20 date is still subject to change (but probably no more than a week in either direction).

Meaning subscribers get their pdf when...?

Erevis Cale wrote:
Meaning subscribers get their pdf when...?

Their book ships

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Erevis Cale wrote:
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

You're Welcome :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Erevis Cale wrote:
Meaning subscribers get their pdf when...?

My guess, which can be completely changed by US Customs, would be we would get preparing to ship e-mails the end of next week. And PDf's the following week.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erevis Cale wrote:
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

The answer is correct, so no need for snark of moderate quality here. Subscribers get their PDFs when their subs ship. Some subs will ship sooner, some subs will ship later, some subs will be waiting for consolidated shipping, some subs might wait for any extra stuff added to the shipment, and as a result nobody here is able to give you a 100% precise date.

Justin Franklin wrote:
My guess, which can be completely changed by US Customs, would be we would get preparing to ship e-mails the end of next week. And PDf's the following week.

Hopefully they start shipping these out next week. Typically subscribers get their PDFs two weeks before they become available to everyone else, which would be April 6th.

As with Kettlebriar above, I'm really looking forward to this.

Since I just recently shut down my D&DI account, I was stumbling around looking for something to feed my subscription money to, and came across Pathfinder - a totally new thing for me, as of about a month ago! I'm really excited to get this first item in my "subscription".

MasterWhisper wrote:
Since I just recently shut down my D&DI account, I was stumbling around looking for something to feed my subscription money to, and came across Pathfinder - a totally new thing for me, as of about a month ago! I'm really excited to get this first item in my "subscription".

Let me just say, you made an excellent choice.

Dark Archive

MasterWhisper wrote:
Since I just recently shut down my D&DI account, I was stumbling around looking for something to feed my subscription money to, and came across Pathfinder - a totally new thing for me, as of about a month ago! I'm really excited to get this first item in my "subscription".

Welcome to these boards! You should definitely consider ordering the brand-new Inner Sea World Guide (Golarion campaign setting) as well (it's gorgeous!). And if you're interested in running a campaign based in Ustalav, buy the Carrion Crown AP, Undead Revisited and Classic Horrors Revisited. Lost Cities of Golarion is a textbook example on a guide to lost and ruined cities (it's simply chock full of juicy stuff) and the upcoming Dungeons of Golarion has information on Gallowspire, plus it details other well-known dungeon complexes as well. Another great location is Kaer Maga in Varisia, and City of Strangers plus Godsmouth Heresy (one of the best low-level adventures I've yet seen) give you all the tools you need for a killer campaign.

If you're still running 4E (it's unclear) ignore the adventures and '...Revisited'-line, but get the rest; most Paizo books are very cunrch-lite and edition-friendly. If you're running Pathfinder, Advanced Player's Guide is one of the best supplements I've bought in ten years.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Asgetrion wrote:
MasterWhisper wrote:
Since I just recently shut down my D&DI account, I was stumbling around looking for something to feed my subscription money to, and came across Pathfinder - a totally new thing for me, as of about a month ago! I'm really excited to get this first item in my "subscription".

Welcome to these boards! You should definitely consider ordering the brand-new Inner Sea World Guide (Golarion campaign setting) as well (it's gorgeous!). And if you're interested in running a campaign based in Ustalav, buy the Carrion Crown AP, Undead Revisited and Classic Horrors Revisited. Lost Cities of Golarion is a textbook example on a guide to lost and ruined cities (it's simply chock full of juicy stuff) and the upcoming Dungeons of Golarion has information on Gallowspire, plus it details other well-known dungeon complexes as well. Another great location is Kaer Maga in Varisia, and City of Strangers plus Godsmouth Heresy (one of the best low-level adventures I've yet seen) give you all the tools you need for a killer campaign.

If you're still running 4E (it's unclear) ignore the adventures and '...Revisited'-line, but get the rest; most Paizo books are very cunrch-lite and edition-friendly. If you're running Pathfinder, Advanced Player's Guide is one of the best supplements I've bought in ten years.

To be honest, I wouldn't skip the revisited stuff - sure you'll not get use of the page in each chapter that gives the stats of the thing, but the rest of the book will still be great for any edition of the game (heck, any fantasy game...)

You know, when I saw this in my order shipment notification I was going to cancel it, but now that I see it has Ravenloft written all over it, I can't wait to get it.

Welcome to Castlevania...

Do we have a shipping date yet? hmmmmmm? Ustalav awaits. I've already ordered it and im almost ready to drive many states to ya'lls warehouse to pick it up...LOL.


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kettlebriar wrote:

Do we have a shipping date yet? hmmmmmm? Ustalav awaits. I've already ordered it and im almost ready to drive many states to ya'lls warehouse to pick it up...LOL.


Got mine today, thumbed threw it so far and it looks very well done.

The Palace of Travesties
Master: Gier (LE male demilich)"
Excuse me, where are demiliches statted? Are they in the bestiaries?

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