Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide

3.60/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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Within the pages of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide you will find everything you need to bring your own character to life. Whether you are new to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, or a pen & paper roleplaying game veteran, the answers to your questions about the Roleplaying Guild are right here!

Last Updated: August 9, 2018


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3.60/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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I can't believe players are giving this document one star because of the background! It goes great with the theme . . . and who is printing this?

All-in-all a great job! Thanks for keeping it current!



This product does exactly what it's supposed to. I've been playing society for a year now and I still reference this document nearly every session, both as a GM and player. If you're interested in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, start here!

2 pages!!!


It loads with one 2 pages so one it's fixed I'll change it

Exactly as Promised


This document does exactly what is it supposed to, introduce you to the organized play world. It references all the other aspects for Pathfinder, and is clear, concise and easy to read. If you read it and still have questions, then it has done it's job, to get you to dive completely into the whole PAthfinder universe.

Why this system in better in their own words.


A friend pointed out this paragraph to me and I think in a nutshell this is what makes Pathfinder such an excellent RPG system.

"Reward Creative Solutions: (pg26-27)

Sometimes during the course of a scenario, your players might surprise you with a creative solution to an encounter (or the entire scenario) that you didn’t see coming and that isn’t expressly covered in the scenario. If, for example, your players manage to roleplay their way through a combat and successfully accomplish the goal of that encounter without killing the antagonist, do not punish the PCs for their creativity. If that scene specifically calls for the PCs to receive gold piece rewards based on the gear collected from the combatants, instead allow the PCs to find a chest of gold (or something similar) that gives them the same rewards. Additionally, if they roleplayed past a bad guy who carries a specific potion or scroll they might be able to later purchase off their chronicle sheet, don’t cross that item off the sheet— instead, allow them to find it elsewhere as a reward for creatively solving the encounter without resorting to combat. Pathfinder Society Organized Play never wants to give the impression that the only way to solve a problem is to kill it—rewarding the creative use of skills and roleplay not only makes Society games that much more fun for the players, but it gives you, the GM, a level of flexibility in ensuring your players receive the rewards they are due."

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@Vic, yes I have clicked on the re-personalize again button and am downloading from the download page that I get sent to every time I click on the link. I have re-personalized and downloaded about 5 times and each time I still get version 2.01.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

silverhair2008 wrote:
@Vic, yes I have clicked on the re-personalize again button and am downloading from the download page that I get sent to every time I click on the link. I have re-personalized and downloaded about 5 times and each time I still get version 2.01.

If repersonalizing doesn't do the trick, try clearing your browser's cache (or using a different browser.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Ross Byers wrote:
silverhair2008 wrote:
@Vic, yes I have clicked on the re-personalize again button and am downloading from the download page that I get sent to every time I click on the link. I have re-personalized and downloaded about 5 times and each time I still get version 2.01.
If repersonalizing doesn't do the trick, try clearing your browser's cache (or using a different browser.)

Yeah—we can't reproduce this. Something between us and you seems to be caching your old downloaded file.

I got it. What I had to do was exit Firefox, run my memory cleaner, and personalize it then download it. Thanks for your help and patience. As I have said other times, I am a computer illiterate.

The Exchange

I have a quick question regarding the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary and what is allowed in PFS: the guide says that none of the feats from the Bestiary are allowed for use, but what about for animal companions and Eidolons? Does this mean that despite the Core Rulebook saying so, for PFS my druid's animal companion cannot have Improved Natural Armor or Improved Natural Attack?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

AlanM wrote:
I have a quick question regarding the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary and what is allowed in PFS: the guide says that none of the feats from the Bestiary are allowed for use, but what about for animal companions and Eidolons? Does this mean that despite the Core Rulebook saying so, for PFS my druid's animal companion cannot have Improved Natural Armor or Improved Natural Attack?

You'll want to ask questions like that in the Pathfinder Society Rules v2.1 FAQ thread, where Josh is more likely to see and answer them. (He's actually already answered that question in particular—it does indeed mean that.)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
miniaturepeddler wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

We have updated the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play PDF to version 2.1.

    V2.1 contains the following updates, clarifications, and rules changes:
  • Clarified that players may never read the scenario ahead of time
  • Added rules for GMs to encourage them to allow creative solutions to encounters without punishing the player's treasure or monetary gain

These needed clarified??


Thanks for getting this out Josh.

Now I have something to read myself to sleep with tonight!


As a person who was penalized for NOT strictly following the adv. ( punished for not killing someone ,just solving the prob.)

I, for one, did welcome a calrification of this.

Here's the full list of changes from v2.1 to v2.1 of the Guide:

Change list from version 2.1 to version 2.2 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play

Added the following line under "Slot and Slot 0" on page 4:
Scenarios are designed to be run in 4 hours (except for double-slot scenarios). Some events choose to use 5-hour slots in order to give the GM and players extra time for introductions and paperwork.

Added the following text under the "Step 3: Race and Class" header in Chapter 4:
… and Alchemists gain the Dodge feat (regardless of prerequisites) at 1st level instead of Brew Potion.
Oracles who choose the Nature mystery receive animal growth as a bonus spell at 11th level instead of awaken. Witches may never select the cauldron hex.
Additionally, the item creation requirements for the Pathfinder Chronicler prestige class are hand-waved, though any character choosing this prestige class must still spend the 50 gp.

Added the following text under the "Step 5: Feats" header in Chapter 4:
It’s important to note that neither the craft feats nor the item creation section of the magic items chapter in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook are legal for play.

Repositioned the "Play Play Play" rule to further emphasize that it is the #1 rule of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Changed most of the text under the "Level Cap" header in Chapter 6 to more clearly state the intent of the level cap and the future retirement of high-level characters.

Added all-new replay language under "Replaying Scenarios" in Chapter 6. This replaced the previous rule of not allowing any replay at all.

Changed "Clerics must Select a Deity" header in Chapter 6 to "Selecting a Deity." This section now includes Order of the Star cavaliers and includes rules text for changing your deity.

Added the following text under the "No Selling/Trading Between Players" header in Chapter 6:
You are, however, permitted to spend your character’s gold to help a party member purchase spellcasting services such as raise dead or remove disease.

Added the following questions and answers under the "Animals and Companions" header in Chapter 6:
How do I determine hit points for my animal companion? Animal companions receive average hit points per hit die. For d8, the average is 4.5. Multiply 4.5 times the number of hit dice your animal companion has and round down. Recalculate hit points for your companion each time it gains additional hit dice. After hit points are calculated, add in appropriate bonuses from Con modifier, feats, etc.
As a paladin, what mount can I have? As a paladin, your divine bond mount must be at least one size category larger than you starting at 1st level. If you’re a Medium PC, your mount must be Large. If you’re a Small PC, your mount must be at least Medium. Your mount must have four legs and be viewed from a common sense perspective as being suitable as a mount.
As a ranger, what list of companions can I select my animal companion from? As a ranger, if you choose an animal companion for your hunter’s bond, you may only select the animals listed on page 66 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. There is no expanded companion list for rangers.

Added the following text under the "Spells that are not Legal for Play" sidebar on page 20:
Oracles with the Nature mystery receive animal growth at 11th level instead of awaken.

Added a new section called "Special Rules for Alchemists" in Chapter 6.

Added three new sections to Chapter 6:
Retiring Scenarios
Over the next several years the 3.5 scenarios from Pathfinder Society’s playtest season will either be retired or converted to Pathfinder RPG (time permitting). We will always give a four-week warning of an impending retirement meaning you have four weeks to play and report that scenario as official play. Once the scenario is retired, though, it is no longer legal for play and will be removed entirely from the reporting system meaning you can no longer legally apply it to your character. Please check the Pathfinder Society messageboards at for notification of impending scenario retirements.

Purchasing Potions/Scrolls/Wands
All potions, scrolls, wands, and other consumables are made by wizards, clerics, or druids in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The only exceptions are spells that are not on the wizard, cleric, or druid spell list. For example, a scroll of lesser restoration must be purchased as a 2nd-level scroll off the cleric spell list and may not be purchased as a 1st-level scroll off the paladin spell list.

Minimum/Maximum Table Size
The minimum table size for any legal table is four. The maximum table size for any legal table is six. There are a few notable exceptions:
*When using the “Play, Play, Play” rule to make a legal table, a GM may play one pregenerated character to make a legal table. This means he may GM as few as three players to make the table legal by playing a pregen of a level appropriate to the scenario (this is not possible for Tier 12 scenarios, however, as Tier 12 scenarios can only be played by level 12 PCs and there are no level 12 pregens).
*When using the “Play, Play, Play” rule to make a legal table, a GM may allow up to seven players at his table. This is called “the hard ceiling” and may not be crossed, even for the “Play, Play, Play” rule. If you find yourself with eight players and one GM, instead create a table with one GM and four players and a second table with one GM and three players plus the GM playing a pregenerated character.

Removed all references to purchasing items off your current or previous two chronicle sheets since you can now purchase any found items off any chronicle sheet that your character possesses. Specifically added the following text under the "Spoils of War and Buying Equipment" header in Chapter 9:
Every item that you find on a chronicle sheet is considered always available for purchase for you, regardless if it’s on your first chronicle sheet or your 21st chronicle sheet. The exception here is items that have a purchase limit. You may never purchase more of that item throughout the life of your character than what’s listed as the purchase limit.

Added the following text under the "Always Available Items" header in Chapter 10:
Additionally, all mundane (completely non-magical) weapons, armor, equipment, and alchemical gear found in any legal for play source are also considered always available.

Added the following text to the "Other Items" header in Chapter 10:
Items must be purchased at full value. This means you cannot buy broken weapons or armor, you cannot buy partially charged wands, rods, or staffs, and you must buy ammunition in full lots (10 or 20 typically for mundane ammunition and 50 for magical ammunition). The exception is that you may purchase these types of items if they appear on a chronicle sheet.

Changed some of the rules text for Prestige Award in Chapter 11 to match the rules text in the upcoming Pathfinder Chronicles Faction Guide. From now on Prestige Award is three concepts: Prestige Award (both as a concept and as Prestige Award Points), Current Prestige Award (CPA; the current amount of Prestige Award that you have to spend on the items in table 11–1), and Total Prestige Award (TPA; your current maximum total Prestige Award gained over the life of your character and number you use to determine item purchases using table 11–2).

Added the following text to Table 11–1 with regard to spend PA to purchase items from your faction:
Items purchased this way are worth 0 gp and cannot be sold.

Added the following text in Chapter 11 to the "Spending Prestige" header:
Finally, items purchased with PA may not later be sold to gain additional gold. They are considered to have a value of 0 gp.

Removed the "Running a Slot 0" section in Chapter 12 as these rules are now all covered under the "Game Master Rewards" section.

Added a new section in Chapter 12 called "GM Ranking System."

Changed the entire GM rewards system in Chapter 12 to more fairly reward GMs for running Pathfinder Society scenarios sessions.

Added the following line under Seekers of Secrets in Chapter 13:
Additionally, only normal ioun stones have resonance–flawed ioun stones never do.

Added many more new legal for play items in Chapter 13. Please review the entire chapter for changes.

Additionally, many small grammatical changes and explanations were corrected or changed throughout the entire document.

Sovereign Court

I can't seem to find this in my downloads is it overwritten on the V2.1?

Yes. :-)

To answer the 1-star review that said this should have been released as a supplement:

The Guide is a living document and changes with the Society. Over the course of several years, were we to just release supplements, there'd be mass confusion between versions and rules. Rather, we maintain a single document with all off the current rules and notify everyone who downloaded it when it changes.

As for the complaint about the "background," it actually doesn't have one--the background is plain white (we specifically don't include backgrounds on all Society products). Are you talking about the accents at the top of the page?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play has been updated to version 3.0, which goes into effect on August 3.

In addition to a new cover in the Season 2 style, the following changes have been made:

Page 14: Changed: “Additionally, the item creation requirements for the Pathfinder Chronicler prestige class are hand-waved, though any character choosing this prestige class must still spend the 50 gp.” To: “Additionally, the item creation requirements for the Pathfinder Chronicler prestige class are hand-waved, though any character choosing this prestige class receives the 50 gp.”

Chapter 13: Added the Advanced Player’s Guide (with exceptions) as legal for play on 8/3/10.

Chapter 13: Clarified ioun stones under the Seekers of Secrets entry; changed “flawed” to “inferior.”

Chapter 13: Under Adventurer’s Armory, clarified that elephants are not legal for play.

I have tried to download this twice since the update to 3.0 and I am still getting the 2.2 version.

Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
I have tried to download this twice since the update to 3.0 and I am still getting the 2.2 version.

I am having the same issue.

Got v3.0 downloaded. Looks great! It's good to see only a few minor edits, such that characters don't have to be redone, etc. Thanks for already posting those, Vic. It seems a few other edits were made, but probably not terribly noteworthy (eg: poisoner rogues added to the "Special Rules for Alchemists" section).

I've already noted a bug: all the headers are from a different document.

Even numbered pages say Pathfinder Society Scenario

Odd Numbered pages say Before teh Dawn, Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge.

I can guess how this happened, so no need to explain.

I suggest changing this in the original and reposting the corrected pdf, soon. It just makes the whole document look a bit less professional to have such a clear error appear on every page.

Eelario wrote:

I've already noted a bug: all the headers are from a different document.

Oops! Working on the fix.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Josh, I noticed that you did not include any of the other new books. (Sargava comes to mind.) Are you waiting until after Gencon to reveiw those?

Too ... many ... threads ...

Short answer: yep! :-)

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

Too ... many ... threads ...

** spoiler omitted **

*hands Josh a machete*

Scarab Sages

Tim Statler wrote:
Josh, I noticed that you did not include any of the other new books. (Sargava comes to mind.) Are you waiting until after Gencon to reveiw those?

How about Sargava, Orcs of Golarion, Heart of the Jungle, and City of Strangers?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

all good books. and being reveiwed after Gencon.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We have corrected some cosmetic issues with the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play version 3.0. Because the editorial content has not changed, the version number remains 3.0, but the release date on the title page is now listed as August 3 instead of July 30.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Vic Wertz wrote:
We have corrected some cosmetic issues with the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play version 3.0. Because the editorial content has not changed, the version number remains 3.0, but the release date on the title page is now listed as August 3 instead of July 30.

Sigh. The fix didn't get propagated until just now...

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:

Sigh. The fix didn't get propagated until just now...

I've been reading this document for over a month now

(Version 3.0--8/3/10) and I just noticed something funny...

All of the even numbered pages have the header:
Pathfinder Society Scenario
(no biggie, it is in the scenario section of the store)
All the odd numbered pages have the header:
Before the Dawn, Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge

Apologies if already reported, looked for it first...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Azmyth wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

Sigh. The fix didn't get propagated until just now...

I've been reading this document for over a month now

(Version 3.0--8/3/10) and I just noticed something funny...

All of the even numbered pages have the header:
Pathfinder Society Scenario
(no biggie, it is in the scenario section of the store)
All the odd numbered pages have the header:
Before the Dawn, Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge

Apologies if already reported, looked for it first...

Try downloading it again- the cosmetic chage that Vic mentions in the post just above is removing the above IIRC

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Azmyth wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

Sigh. The fix didn't get propagated until just now...

I've been reading this document for over a month now

(Version 3.0--8/3/10) and I just noticed something funny...

All of the even numbered pages have the header:
Pathfinder Society Scenario
(no biggie, it is in the scenario section of the store)
All the odd numbered pages have the header:
Before the Dawn, Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge

Apologies if already reported, looked for it first...

Try downloading it again- the cosmetic chage that Vic mentions in the post just above is removing the above IIRC

Yes... and, correcting my earlier post:

Vic Wertz wrote:
...the release date on the title page is now listed as August 3 instead of July 30.

It turns out it that both versions had that date, so the only difference is the fix to the headers as mentioned above. If they're wrong in your copy, just download it again.

Scarab Sages

Any time-table on when some of the new products will be added to the Campaign Document (ie. Orcs of Golarion, City of Strangers, Sargava, Heart of the Jungle, etc.)?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We have updated the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play PDF to version 3.0.2. It adds new legal-for-play options from the following products:

  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 34
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 35
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 37
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 38
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 39
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: Faction Guide
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: Heart of the Jungle
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: Lords of Chaos
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Orcs of Golarion
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Sargava, The Lost Colony
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory

Scarab Sages

Vic Wertz wrote:

We have updated the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play PDF to version 3.0.2. It adds new legal-for-play options from the following products:

  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 34
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 35
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 37
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 38
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path 39
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: Faction Guide
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: Heart of the Jungle
  • Pathfinder Chronicles: Lords of Chaos
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Orcs of Golarion
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Sargava, The Lost Colony
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory

Was kind of hoping that Orcs would be added to the list of playable races for the game. *sigh*

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Tarrintino wrote:

Was kind of hoping that Orcs would be added to the list of playable races for the game. *sigh*

Josh always said that would not happen, but you can try to convince Hyrum otherwise.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Orcs are cool for a home campaign, but there are no or very few monstrous races in the Pathfinder Society, so it doesn't make sense to allow them in an organized play campaign in which all PCs are Pathfinders.

Scarab Sages

Okay, I found a problem with the PFS Organized Rules:

"Pathfinder Player Companion: Sargava, The Lost Colony
Equipment: Kaava Musk on page 24, all magic items on pages 28–29;
Feats: all feats on pages 24–25;
Spells: all spells on page 24;
Traits: all traits on page 23 except Spirit Talker"

There are no spells on page 24. Are you referring to the spells on page 28?

Scarab Sages

Any news on when the next major update to the PFS Organized Play Rulebook will be released? Was looking to see when we'll be incorporating elements of the "Halflings of Golarion" sourebook.

I know there's a page somewhere that says what resources are legal... what's that link, and why isn't linked to the main PFS page?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Uninvited Ghost wrote:
I know there's a page somewhere that says what resources are legal... what's that link, and why isn't linked to the main PFS page?

You can find that information at It's also linked to in the top bar on any of the Pathfinder Society pages as "Additional Resources".

So it is there. Thanks! Maybe adding it in with these would be a good idea?

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Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

We have updated the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play PDF to version 3.0.3.

A few months ago we moved the list of Additional Resources from Chapter 13 to their own page on where we can more easily keep it up to date. This table of information has been removed from the pdf document, replaced with instructions on where to find the most current information on instead.

Additionally, we replaced the old replay rules section on page 18 with the new rule implemented on the messageboards in October outlining the 1:1 player/GM credit rule.

We've clarified the Play! Play! Play! rule on page 17 to try to eliminate the misconception that the rule should negate every other rule in the book, while maintaining its intent of encouraging people to find creative solutions in order not to have to turn people away.

Finally, we changed a specific rule regarding animal companions with Intelligence scores of 3 or higher based on recent rule clarifications by the design team. This change clarifies that animal companions with Int 3 are still subject to Handle Animal checks and no animal companion may use manufactured weapons (page 20).

Please see today's Paizo Blog for more information on the future of the official rules documentation for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign.

If you wish to download the updated version, you may do so for free at your My Downloads page.

The example for how many animals a character can have in play is in error. A druid 5/ranger 5 would not have two animal companions, the classes levels would stack on one animal companion.

KnightErrantJR wrote:
The example for how many animals a character can have in play is in error. A druid 5/ranger 5 would not have two animal companions, the classes levels would stack on one animal companion.

Not if they choose a different animal for each class, which is what is assumed by the example.

Dark Archive

Is there a possible timeline of when this product will be updated to Include the new Prestige Points and other factions? Just wondering before I make my next character...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Is there a possible timeline of when this product will be updated to Include the new Prestige Points and other factions? Just wondering before I make my next character...

Sometime in the next 3 weeks, if they stick to the schedule of getting it out on or before GenCon

When will be published the new guide?

Dark Archive

DarkSkull wrote:
When will be published the new guide?


Scarab Sages

Many of us are traveling to GenCon tomorrow, so the last chance we'll have to print out and bring with us the new PFS Guide will be today. Any chance we'll see this prior to 7:00pm EDT today?


It's in the final stages of prep, so we should have it ready for y'all today. Don't worry, I'll make a big stink about it once it's ready. :D

Scarab Sages

Liz Courts wrote:
It's in the final stages of prep, so we should have it ready for y'all today. Don't worry, I'll make a big stink about it once it's ready. :D

Thanks, Liz. I know you guys @ Paizo do a lot for your fan base. Just be sure to pass it along that your work hasn't gone by unnoticed, and that we appreciate the great games you guys put out.

Looking forward to seeing you and the staff @ GenCon Indy 2011 this year!


The latest version of the guide (4.0) is now available.

Dark Archive

Woot!!! Thank you so much Liz. Wishing the entire staff at Paizo a safe journey to Indy!!


Hi all,
I play a posioner rogue in society and I couldnt help but notice there was little to no guidance in the updated guide about the use of poisons for alchemists and poisoner rogues. Has the use of poisons been left out of the guide because the society is deeming the use of poisons illegal for society play or was it just something that was left out on accident or am I supposed to just look at the earlier version of the guide and use that? any help on the subject would be most appreciated.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh no! the poor rogue. It appears that the Ninja really has replaced him. Well according to table 2-2 which (as far as I can see) lists hit points for every PC class except the Rogue.

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