Pathfinder Chronicles: Rise of the Runelords Map Folio

2.90/5 (based on 26 ratings)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Rise of the Runelords Map Folio

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Note: This product was designed for use with the original six-volume Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Adventure Path, and has not been specifically updated for use with the Anniversary Edition. (Many of the maps remain unchanged between the two versions, however.)

By popular demand! Campaign in style with this handsome collection of maps designed for use with the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. Two huge poster maps detail Varisia, the home nation of the first Pathfinder campaign, and Sandpoint, the player characters' new home. Fifteen additional single-page full-color maps cover key encounter locations or wilderness areas from the campaign, adding visual flair for players and making the Game Master's life a lot easier.

Cartography by Rob Lazzaretti

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-094-0

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Print Edition:

Out of print

This product is out of print.


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2.90/5 (based on 26 ratings)

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Not Worth the Money


If you are curious about whether or not to buy this map folio, then I would advise you to save your money. I had hopes that there would be more than two useful maps, but I was very disappointed with what I paid for.
You get a map of the town, which is in the ROTR book, and you get a map of Varisia, which is also in your book, but at least they are blown up to an appealing size.

You can use the rest for kindling a fire. All the tiny maps are without use. This product should be about making the game easier, but it simply doesn't. All you really get out of it is a reference for your players to know where they are at in town, or in Varisia. Save your money and get flip-mats instead if you must have already detailed maps.

Portuguese - Br


Com a rápida popularização da linha Pathfinder (que nessa época era apenas o nome da publicação e não do sistema), houve a necessidade por demanda popular de uma segunda publicação onde se pudesse lançar material sobre o cenário que não necessariamente estivesse ligado as aventuras. Foi assim que surgiu o Pathfinder Chronicles (que mais tarde ainda se dividiria em outras linhas até virar o Pathfinder Campaing Setting).

A idéia por trás do Pathfinder Chronicles era de se publicar livros sobre o novo cenário da Paizo, Golarion. Inicialmente, havia uma inclinação maior para detalhar coisas ligadas a parte do mundo em que se passassem as aventuras lançadas naquele período (mas essa noção rapidamente foi abandonada). Sendo assim, a nova linha começou com essa compilação de mapas de todas as aventuras pertencentes a campanha Rise of the Runelords. Fora os mapas das aventuras compilados em papel A4, dois mapas tamanho posters também foram publicados, um mapa de Varisia e outro mapa de Sandpoint.

Surpreendentemente, a compilação não está completa. Justamente o mapa da única dungeon que era revisitada durante a campanha está ausente. O papel é bem fino e estraga muito fácil com uso continuo (com excessão dos mapas tamanho poster), e como os mapas vem com a legendas para uso do mestre, tem uso limitado para entregar ao jogadores. Contudo, não pode-se dizer que o produto não tenha suas utilidades. Quem apenas quiser os mapas como mapas genéricos de dungeons pode achar interessante, mestres com talento para editar imagens podem scannear e com os filtros corretos transformar em mapas cenográficos ou campos de batalha para tablets. Os mapas posteres, em especial o de Varisia tem grande utilidade em cenas de viagem deixando-o exposto para os jogadores.

Pretty Decent


Although a lot people in the other reviews say that the maps just aren't big enough to put mini's on or the map size's aren't big enough. While I do agree with them to that point. the rest of the maps that come with the 2 large maps are actually really nice. Yes you have to draw them out on a place-mate. oh well it doesn't matter you have maps for the entire damn campaign all 6 books. that means you don't have to cut out the maps from your setting book if you bought the pdf version and keep printing them out. I love how most of the maps came in, I can show my pc's where there heading and show them how long its going to take. Besides if you do it right your not in dungeons for very long if you know how to do it right. Besides you can add stuff in the map if you want. just adds more to your creativity.

Good Idea but not the best end result


I recently decided to start running Paizo's Adventure Paths and I am starting with Rise of the Runelords. I got excited when I saw this and thought it would be a great idea to have seperate maps for the game instead of drawing a map over and over. When this finally came in I was a little disappointed in what it contained. It has two poster size maps which are very nice, one of the town Sandpoint and one of Varisia, where the adventure path takes place. Note, the Varisia map has a couple discrepancies that the gazetteer in Pathfinder #3 corrects. The rest of the maps are all the same size as in the book. Now what I do is scan them in, paintshop over the room numbers and secret rooms/doors and then blow it up to 1" squares so it is mini friendly. While I enjoy the product after this, it is a little bit of a pain to do this work for something that should of already been done. They are also not including 2 of the dungeons for some odd reason. All in all, it is handy to have for reference but if you want to play with them you will need to do some creative editing.

Kinda disappointing


I downloaded it as a PDF, in order to print the maps and show them to my players as they go on - all of this to avoid the trouble of copying the more complex maps on a map. And then, I see that the catacombs in Sandpoint, as well as the tunnels in Jorgenfist - both rather complex and large areas - are absent?! Makes me wonder what I paid for...

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Liberty's Edge

I'm happy about getting the map folio. For myself, personally, it will be a great item. I delayed running Rise of the Runelords because I wanted support that I knew wouldn't be avaialable until the full 6 modules were released. Even then, I started earlier than I would have really liked (I'd like the Guide to Golarion, first).

In any case, I'll certainly get a ton of use out of it. For myself, I'm glad they're part of my subscription, because tracking down every lose item that they release can become a major pain. I will be buying flip mats and tiles, so if these show up in the same place (usually my FLGS) I'd get them there. But with the 'irregular' release schedule, it would be hard for me to keep up on.

I received mine yesterday. I did get it mainly for the poster maps and I'm very happy with them. Thank you.

Now I need to decide if I want the gazetter or the campaign setting. Both appear to have a poster map of the world.

Ya, I received my map folio (the PDFs), I looked through them.
Very disappointed in the product, I also (like so many others) thought this map folio was going to be of larger map to use miniatures on (like small battle maps).
I don't think getting second copies of maps I already have (from the Adventure Path) is necessary - total waste of money, and especially a total waste of time for the Paizo staff. All the hours they put into this product, they could have dedicated elsewhere to improve other product lines.

I just hope the poster map look good (with high res)


I got my map folio in the mail earlier this week, and thought I'd share my thoughts on it... Even though I always feel a little weird reviewing things. I have a hard time thinking my thoughts on a product are useful to read...

First off I have to confess that I get that this product is mostly geared towards those that don't get the AP PDFs. In that regard, this product is a success. Next, I am not going to try to convince anyone as to the merit of the product. I will present my thoughts, and let the individuals decide.

My first impression before opening it was mild excitement. If I hadn't gone through my PDF copy a week ago, my excitement would have registered as higher. I really wanted to fall in love with the folio, as I did with the AP.

Then I opened it, and I felt mild disappointment. If I wasn't aware that I really wasn't the target for the folio (I have the PDFs, and a Black Laser printer), my disappointment would have been much higher.

Don't misunderstand me. The quality is great. The maps themselves weren't what I was looking for. And on top of that, except for the poster maps, they are all the same size as in the AP. I was kind of hoping some of them were increased in size some.

I am not going to cause a stink over it, or ask to have them removed from the subscription. I, personally, will continue to accept them to support Pathfinder. But it certainly wasn't the product I envisioned.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Kruelaid wrote:

Well, I'm not really complaining. Sebastian complained and I backed him up because I am afraid of him.


POWER!!! DEAR GOD THE SWEET POWER!!! Just what my low self-esteem needs!!! Now I feel good about myself and I can quit kicking my dog for a while.

Also, these trans-Pacific trips to break into your house are really wearing me out. I need to think of a better way to inflict punishment.

Sebastian wrote:

I need to think of a better way to inflict punishment.

Say like...messageboard postings?

Seriously, I don't get why you are afforded such latitude here...for some reason people just put up with your unnecessary rudeness and pretend it is cute. It isn't. And if there is a reason for constantly belittling everyone *other* than low self-esteem, I have yet to hear it. Care to enlighten me?

I used to be like you, and thought a high IQ made me better than everyone else. Trust me, that path will eventually lead you someplace you do *not* want to go. But I expect you will have to learn the hard way...

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

bugleyman wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

I need to think of a better way to inflict punishment.
Say like...messageboard postings?

That's just crazy enough to work!

bugleyman wrote:
Seriously, I don't get why you are afforded such latitude here...for some reason people just put up with your unnecessary rudeness and pretend it is cute.

It is cute!

bugleyman wrote:
It isn't.

IT IS!!!

bugleyman wrote:
And if there is a reason for constantly belittling everyone *other* than low self-esteem, I have yet to hear it. Care to enlighten me?

Allergic reaction to my tinfoil hat.

bugleyman wrote:
I used to be like you, and thought a high IQ made me better than everyone else. Trust me, that path will eventually lead you someplace you do *not* want to go. But I expect you will have to learn the hard way...

::nods somberly::

You're right. From now on, I will only post happy shiny things, and never sarcastically, for I have seen the light.

Oh wait...that's my tinfoil hat...not the light...

Oh well. Never mind.

bugleyman wrote:
Seriously, I don't get why you are afforded such latitude here...

It's kinda like when you let your little brother or sister win the footrace so they feel better.

C'mon, he's not so bad. I've seen much worse, on these boards even...

At least you have a sense of humor.

Rauol_Duke wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Seriously, I don't get why you are afforded such latitude here...

It's kinda like when you let your little brother or sister win the footrace so they feel better.

C'mon, he's not so bad. I've seen much worse, on these boards even...

Agreed. I probably over-reacted, it just gets tiresome sometimes. Is there an "ignore" function I'm missing? That seems like a "win-win" situation to me.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Watcher wrote:
I wanted it too. Unfortunately we didn't ask for more specifics early on.
Actually, you might recall I asked everyone for specifics of what they wanted in a deluxe subscription. And I got a different answer in nearly every post—I want sourcebooks; I want cards; I want everything *but* cards; I want everything but cards *and* maps; I want T-shirts in size XL, please. It quickly became clear that we wouldn't be able to please everyone, so we did our best.

Thank you for asking. Thank you listening. Thank you for trying!

Sovereign Court

Void_Eagle wrote:

Woohoo! New super tag for the people that have all the Pathfinder subscriptions! Thanks guys. :)


Thanks for your explanation further above.

And yes, maybe some of my discontent showed too much in my posting.

But about another topic:
- Item cards are excluded from PF chronicles subscription (-> I had just grown accustomed to them after the last debate on the subscription content!)
- "superscriber" subscription??
- GMM modules were rechristianed "Pathfinder Modules" in my account settings???
- Pathfinder "Companion"????

After some searching I found your announcement thread.
So everyone not wishing to receive mails from you is expected to look for threads on such major changes to our subscriptions?
Couldn't you place such information in the blog or any major place where it is sure to be noticed by us?


The Exchange

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Guennarr wrote:

Thanks for your explanation further above.

And yes, maybe some of my discontent showed too much in my posting.

But about another topic:
- Item cards are excluded from PF chronicles subscription (-> I had just grown accustomed to them after the last debate on the subscription content!)
- "superscriber" subscription??
- GMM modules were rechristianed "Pathfinder Modules" in my account settings???

- The item cards were removed because, IIRC, they're trying to clean up the product lines to be more streamlined. Either way, they're still available, just not as part of the Chronicles subscription (although you still get the Pathfinder Advantage discount, which I'll talk about below). Here's a link to the thread: Link

- I'll talk about the new subscription below also
- They just renamed the GameMastery Modules line as Pathfinder Modules, since they're all part of the same setting (and probably to gain leverage off the name-recognition that Pathfinder is getting, IMO). Also, after the July module, its going bi-monthly, so the next one would be the September module. Here's a link to the thread: Link

Guennarr wrote:

I am really sorry, guys, but is this the new state of things?

2 weeks not following all threads online and already outdated on my own subscriptions?

Most, if not all, of this happened in the past week, so all good. There were a lot of announcments recently, and even people that were hitting the board regularly missed some of them. :)

Guennarr wrote:

Let me summarize:

1. Pathfinder = the adventure path
2. Pathfinder modules = fomerly known as (32 page) GameMastery Modules
3. Pathfinder chronicles = gazetteers, maps, cards (and by now no cards), in short: supplements for the setting.
4. Pathfinder accessories = all the rest

Basically right, except two things:

1 Pathfinder Modules will be going bi-monthly starting with the July release
2 Pathfinder Accessories isn't a subscription, its just a catch-all category for things that didn't really fit anywhere else.

Guennarr wrote:

But stop, by now there is one more item in the list!

5. Pathfinder companion = the subscription that includes 32 page gazetteers and which "explores a major theme in the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting, with expanded regional gazetteers, new player character options, and organizational overviews...".

The Pathfinder Companion subscription is aimed at player-friendly stuff. Obviously the Pathfinder AP and Pathfinder Modules subscriptions are intended for GMs to use, and the Pathfinder Chronicles line will have a bunch of "behind the scenes" type stuff that players should really read. But the Companion stuff is all spoiler-free and player-friendly. Note that this line also contains what was originally the AP Player's Guides, now expanded to 32 pages. This will also be on bi-monthly release schedule, alternating months with the modules. So if you already had the modules subscription, getting this won't cost anything more and will actually cost less since the Companion products are cheaper than the modules. Link to the announcement: Link

And that's where the Superscriber tag comes in. The tags for people that had all the Pathfinder subscriptions were getting really long, so they created a new tag for anyone that had *all* the Pathfinder subscriptions (but not Planet Stories): Pathfinder Superscriber. This tag replaces the four other Pathfinder tags.

And now for the Pathfinder Advantage I mentioned above: Starting March 10, anyone who has a Pathfinder AP subscription will get a 15% discount on anything they buy (from Paizo, of course). If its already discounted, but at less than 15% (for instance, most things are discounted at 10% already), the discount will be bumped up to 15%. If its already discounted at higher than 15%, you'll get that discount. This doesn't count for pre-orders or back-orders. Link to the announcemnt: Link

[Edit: after rereading the announcement, there's no mention of a pre-order / back-order requirement, although there is one or two other requirements that I forgot. Read the whole thing for the full details]

Guennarr wrote:
I subscribed to Pathfinder for the adventure paths.

As it stands, you still only need the Pathfinder AP subscription to run the APs. The rest of it is just supplemental material to give the AP background. Really juicy supplemental material, but not needed. :)

(Note: all this was done from memory, and as such I may have a few facts wrong. I don't think so, but maybe. :P Anyway, I'll try to find the original threads for each of these and add a link, and correction if necessary, as I find them.)

[Edit to add links]

Dark Archive

Maps! I got mine yesterday, they're nice. I went to kinkos at lunch today and laminated the poster maps and the magnimar map. Tonight they'll be on my gaming room wall next the Forgotten realms and the Iron Kingdoms. The rest I threw into sleeves in a binder for quick reference, which is what I think they intended. Still I don't have the pdfs so I can see the redundancy issue that others face. If I had any complaints/suggestions it would be use a heavier weight paper on the 8.5 x 11's. Something along the lines of the map tile cardstock would be nice. Hey now, there's an idea. Make map tiles of AP places. That would make my life easier.

Sovereign Court

Hello Void Eagle,

thanks for your very extensive reply and all your effort spent on accumulating all of this information!

I had found some of it in different threads, but much of it was too "cleverly hidden". ;-)

The best thing being: If I understood the 15% advantage announcement correctly, all my non Pathfinder AP subscriptions will grow cheaper by 15%, won't they?


Guennarr wrote:
The best thing being: If I understood the 15% advantage announcement correctly, all my non Pathfinder AP subscriptions will grow cheaper by 15%, won't they?

After March 10th, yes.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Guennarr wrote:
So everyone not wishing to receive mails from you is expected to look for threads on such major changes to our subscriptions?

Yes, we do expect e-mail to be the most reliable way to contact our subscribers for news that's of import primarily to them. Note that e-mails regarding existing subscriptions, like order confirmations and announcements of benefits like the Pathfinder advantage aren't considered marketing—we send them whether or not you're subscribed to our weekly mailing, so you have to be actively filtering us out at your end to not get them. I'd advise against that, as it's also the channel we'd use to let you know if there are problems with your orders.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
[reliable way to contact our subscribers for news that's of import primarily to them. Note that e-mails regarding existing subscriptions, like order confirmations and announcements of benefits like the Pathfinder advantage aren't considered marketing—we send them whether or not you're subscribed to our weekly mailing, so you have to be actively filtering us out at your end to not get them. I'd advise against that, as it's also the channel we'd use to let you know if there are problems with your orders.

So, I get the e-mails for product about to ship and product has shipped. I haven't seen an e-mail on this topic. Has it been sent to subscribers yet? Or did I take myself off the contact list by subscribing already?

PS - Besides the tracking number included in the e-mail for packages sent by UPS, where in the 'My Orders' section does it show that?

PPS - If our normal shipping is USPS package service, but UPS would be cheaper (due to the number of items) would you guys automatically switch? If not, could you offer a 'cheapest shipping' option (which usually would be USPS, but on occassion might be UPS)?

I got an email about the Pathfinder Advantage discount a while ago (1-2 weeks IIRC).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

DeadDMWalking wrote:
So, I get the e-mails for product about to ship and product has shipped. I haven't seen an e-mail on this topic. Has it been sent to subscribers yet? Or did I take myself off the contact list by subscribing already?

We sent out the Pathfinder Advantage e-mails a while back, yes. For Pathfinder non-subscribers, we considered it a marketing message, so you wouldn't have received it if you've chosen not to receive marketing e-mails from us. For Pathfinder subscribers, though, we considered it news directly related to a subscription you already have, so it's not marketing, and we sent it no matter what your marketing preferences are.

DeadDMWalking wrote:
PS - Besides the tracking number included in the e-mail for packages sent by UPS, where in the 'My Orders' section does it show that?

I'd assume that we put that on the order details in your order history, but I'm not honestly sure, and I'm not in a position to check right now. Anybody?

DeadDMWalking wrote:
PPS - If our normal shipping is USPS package service, but UPS would be cheaper (due to the number of items) would you guys automatically switch? If not, could you offer a 'cheapest shipping' option (which usually would be USPS, but on occassion might be UPS)?

We don't automatically switch, because there are some people who can only receive shipments via either USPS *or* UPS. However, packages that are too heavy for Bound Printed Matter will usually go Priority, and I think that's almost always going to be cheaper than UPS anyway.

Sovereign Court

Vic Wertz wrote:
DeadDMWalking wrote:
PPS - If our normal shipping is USPS package service, but UPS would be cheaper (due to the number of items) would you guys automatically switch? If not, could you offer a 'cheapest shipping' option (which usually would be USPS, but on occassion might be UPS)?
We don't automatically switch, because there are some people who can only receive shipments via either USPS *or* UPS. However, packages that are too heavy for Bound Printed Matter will usually go Priority, and I think that's almost always going to be cheaper than UPS anyway.

Vic --

I've all along had my subscription set to USPS. PF#6 was sent UPS (at significantly greater expense) and when I checked, USPS was not an option. I wrote in to report the problem.

Later, I checked back, found USPS an option again and selected it, and it is still selected. However, my PF#7 shipment was sent UPS again.

Help? This is both a problem for money, and that UPS won't leave the package if I'm not home -- I was just barely able to rescue #6 before it was sent back.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

pat512 wrote:
Help? This is both a problem for money, and that UPS won't leave the package if I'm not home -- I was just barely able to rescue #6 before it was sent back.

Sadly, that's not a choice we're making—it's a bug. I *think* Gary mentioned that he managed to solve it a week or two ago. If it has cost you money, let customer service know, and we'll fix it up.

Liberty's Edge

Sean Robson wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Ebolav wrote:
I agree with prev posts-is this just repackaged maps from the first 6 adventures? if so, what is the point when i could just print them off my pdfs?
Printing them probably costs more in ink than just buying the folio, for starters...
Not if you have a colour laser printer...

I'm jealous! The toner carts for the laserjets in my office cost about three hundred dollars each! That's a lot of Map Folios...

Sovereign Court

Vic Wertz wrote:
pat512 wrote:
Help? This is both a problem for money, and that UPS won't leave the package if I'm not home -- I was just barely able to rescue #6 before it was sent back.
Sadly, that's not a choice we're making—it's a bug. I *think* Gary mentioned that he managed to solve it a week or two ago. If it has cost you money, let customer service know, and we'll fix it up.

Thanks, will do!

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Actually... we kind of are. It's not cheap to ship palates of product from China to Paizo.
And then I pay to ship stuff back. Why don't you just give me your printer's address and I'll go bribe them?

That's awesome! I'm in that interesting boat too. Sometimes I watch the planes fly by and wonder if my latest copy of Pathfinder is onboard...

Liberty's Edge

Sean Robson wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Are the two poster maps, by themselves worth 15 dollars plus shipping? I ask this question is all seriousness. Are they that good?

I gather that the poster maps are the same as the maps from the AP in larger format, so whether the folio is worth $15 plus shipping is really a matter of opinion and personal choice. If you want large poster maps badly enough, then yes. If they aren't that important to you, then no.

Ten years from now, you'll fondly look back on these maps and never remember how much you paid for them...

Liberty's Edge

Oooh! Oooh!

I have another question.

But before I do, other than the shipping e-mail, I couldn't find the tracking number ANYWHERE on the Paizo site. And I did look long and hard. So, if you see someone who's job it is to know that kind of thing, put that on his massive 'to do' list.

The Poster Map for Sandpoint could have used a box detailing the name of each 'numbered location' like the Poster Map for Cauldron. Because then I don't have to go through the book to figure out which number is which...

The Exchange

Most of the maps are the exact size they are in the Pathfinder adventures. The nice things are the two larger maps - one of continent and one of Sandpoint.

I'm sorry to say that if you do have access to cheap high-quality color printing, there isn't much to offer here.

This was in reply to those that have asked about the product.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Andrew Turner wrote:
Sometimes I watch the planes fly by and wonder if my latest copy of Pathfinder is onboard...

Pathfinder ships from the printer to the US by boat. But it should make the trip back to you by plane...

Vic Wertz wrote:
Pathfinder ships from the printer to the US by boat.

Just out of curiosity, Vic, do Paizo's products ship from China via containerized shipping? I know WotC used to use the company I work for to ship containers of product to Europe and elsewhere, was just interested to see if you all do the same.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Rauol_Duke wrote:
Just out of curiosity, Vic, do Paizo's products ship from China via containerized shipping? I know WotC used to use the company I work for to ship containers of product to Europe and elsewhere, was just interested to see if you all do the same.

Yep. Our printer handles all that, though, so I can't tell you much about it.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Paizo, what would really sell is these locations as battle maps. i have to agree that these aren't more useful than PDF printing. I'm not sure they're much more useful than those in the bound adventures.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Just noticed this entire discussion right after I posted on the same subject in another forum.

Nice product, but as a subscriber there is minor value. My vote would be to remove the Map Folio from the subscription, -unless- something additional was added such as battlemaps or player handouts, etc. In which case I would love to see an open discussion on the topic in the appropriate forum, perhaps a poll. If this were to happen I suggest e-mailing subscribers with a link to the poll so as to get the maximum amount of input.


Yeah, I agree with prev poster-printing them on an inkjet printer on low ink/low quality uses very little ink...may not be quite as pretty, but i'd rather spend my $20 elsewhere...

Silver Crusade

If I may toss in my two silver pieces, I like the map folio. I think it is a great product. First it will save me the hastle of flipping back and forth in the pathfinder issue from page to map. Secondly I can reuse the maps for other adventures other campaigns etc. Finally saving the best for last, I love the thought and creativity that went into the street names of Sandpoint. With my group we rotate DMs. Last fall I ran a module to give our usual DM a break. I ran Seven Swords of sin. The party liked dealing with Gadka Burtanon. They could not get over the name “ half a chicken walk” on the little map. Once I show them the nice lovely map of sand point I know they will love, wet dog ally, mud street, and prickleback lane. I didn’t notice these little gems on the Sandpoint map in the pathfinder issue.
I know this is a little off topic. Does anyone know where Falcon’s hollow is? I have been unable to find it on the map of Varisia. Is it in Varisia? Thanks

Silver Crusade

If I may toss in my two silver pieces, I like the map folio. I think it is a great product. First it will save me the hastle of flipping back and forth in the pathfinder issue from page to map. Secondly I can reuse the maps for other adventures other campaigns etc. Finally saving the best for last, I love the thought and creativity that went into the street names of Sandpoint. With my group we rotate DMs. Last fall I ran a module to give our usual DM a break. I ran Seven Swords of sin. The party liked dealing with Gadka Burtanon. They could not get over the name “ half a chicken walk” on the little map. Once I show them the nice lovely map of sand point I know they will love, wet dog ally, mud street, and prickleback lane. I didn’t notice these little gems on the Sandpoint map in the pathfinder issue.
I know this is a little off topic. Does anyone know where Falcon’s hollow is? I have been unable to find it on the map of Varisia. Is it in Varisia? Thanks

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to add a voice saying have a separate print-out for player handouts would be damn cool.

If they were included in the map folio - awesome. If they were available separately - still awesome.

And speaking of awesome, for the next two weeks, I don't think I can post here without saying how awesome Paizo is. I'm glad that you're sticking with 3.5. It's the game I love and I'm not ready to move on. I'm ready to evolve, but not shoot it, leave it in the shed, and go buy a new puppy. Or something with mixed metaphors.

The Exchange

Well I posted my review before I read the other reviews or posts. It seems my concerns were already voiced. If the map folio will not get any of the cons addressed I feel it should be removed from the subscription. For $15 plus shipping, if it is shipped separate, I can just about pay for a PF AP issue, get the critical hit/miss deck (which I really want and have enough for a mocha frap with whip), or a ton of other things.

I guess the biggest things I would like to see *fixed* would be each map on a separate sheet and enlarged to fill up the white space. A larger folder so the nice looking maps stay neat. And last would be the maps available for download in an image format.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

While i wouldn't mind seeing the maps blown up a bit larger myself. It would help with the value of the map folio. But one thing I really want to request is. The is their anyway to make the cover a folder, you know the ones with folded pockets on the inside for storing small amounts of paper? It would have helped a bunch.

Got my maps in my last shipment and... meh.

Paying for duplicate material is no big deal and it is handy to have seperate maps so I'm not flipping through the book. Some of the maps seem to labeled a little better, I find the map of Sandpoint to be easier to read with the dark font as compared to the one from PF#1.

What I'm not impressed with is the paper weight. Something a little more substansive, that would take a bit of wear and tear would have been lovely. Making the cover a folder style so I didn't have to worry about creasing the maps as they fall out would be good. Making the maps bigger or to scale as battlemaps* would have been fantastic.

*Especially for buildings that are a pain in the ass to draw on a battlemat, such as the Glassworks.

Edit: Throwing in Player Handouts is a brillant idea! Sort-of a DM's prop kit for the AP.

Sovereign Court

Product comment.

I'm not going to buy these, as I have the PDF for Rise of Runelords already.

But I *would* if it included player maps. I could use those both with tabletop and with maptools online. Save a ton of time trying to wonk things in Gimp.

Consider this for the next Map folio.

I ordered this as well (should be here soon). I like the Map Folio Idea as I dont like messing around with the bindings of my modules trying to hold pages open. Im the collector type that likes to keep books in pristine condition. :)

I think the poster size maps are a great addition for those that can put it on their wall/table too.

Hope Paizo makes a map folio for all the APs, Id buy em for Utility and to keep supporting Pathfinder. I spend more than the price of admission on a simple lunch with my GF at the diner, this is not expensive for me.

I was glad to get this. I have laminated my two poster-sized maps for use during the game. They really added to the first game, and I suspect they will continue to be big, colorful, splashy centerpieces for the campaign.

I vote "keep" for this kind of product.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think the Map Folio is a very nice product, and I intend to keep getting them at this point for the utility of not flipping through the book while running an adventure. However, I'll admit that if money became tight for me, this product would be one I'd probably choose to do without.

What would increase its value for me:
- Slightly larger maps of some sites (e.g. if the Misgivings maps had been blown up a bit for the map folio).
- Sturdier paper (I put them directly into transparent sleeves, but either the paper needs to be thicker or else I'll need to find some sturdier sleeves to ensure they don't get damaged along the way).

I'm not personally interested in battle maps, unless it's a specific location that's expected to be useful repeatedly (maybe one or two for an entire path). An example might be an inn where the PCs are expected to stay as their home base (and in which multiple encounters are staged). Something like the frequency of battle maps in Dungeon magazine the last couple of years would be about the most I'd care to see - and I'm fine with none at all. The contrast between professionally-drawn poster maps and my quick sketches on paper are emphasized too much, otherwise.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was hesitant about picking up this product, and finally ended up giving it a go despite my misgivings, mainly so I could get the poster map of Varisia.

Now that I have it, even though it is exactly what was described and I could have printed the maps myself, for some reason I am happy I bought it. It's just kind of cool to have all the maps handy individually while reading the books (and presumably even more so while running the adventures, though I'm not there yet).

However, there is one big disappointment. The Varisia map, which as I mentioned was my main motive for purchasing the folio, has several errors. Several of the place names have changed, and others have been labeled in the wrong locations (compared to what is shown on the smaller version published in the players's guide and in Pathfinder # 3).

• The Sunken Queen is now called the Face Pyramid
• The Lady's Light is now Sorshen's Lighthouse
• Varisian Gulf is labeled Varisian Bay
• Minderhal's Anvil text label is in the wrong font and is about an inch away from the actual icon on the map, making it hard to tell what's being labeled
• The Rift of Niltak is labeled as Crystilan (though Crystilan itself is properly labeled), and Wormwood Hall has two mislabels (Niltax and Rift of Niltaky).
• The scale is not labeled properly. If anything, one would look at it and assume that an inch equals 2 miles, though judging by the other version of the maps, an inch here actually equals about 30 miles (15 miles per segment on the scale line).

Now the first few items aren't too major, but the last few are pretty sloppy. It's a shame because it really defeats the purpose; I like having a larger poster map, but if it's going to be wrong, I'm better off just using the smaller version.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Also, I agree that a larger folder that would better store the maps would be an improvement, as would enlargement of a few key maps. In particular, the map of Sandpoint environs would benefit from a full page, if for no other reason because it is a map that you'd want to share with your players, while the glassworks map on the same page is not.

Davelozzi wrote:
However, there is one big disappointment. The Varisia map, which as I mentioned was my main motive for purchasing the folio, has several errors. Several of the place names have changed, and others have been labeled in the wrong locations (compared to what is shown on the smaller version published in the players's guide and in Pathfinder # 3).

This is also my impression as I'm catching up with the Varisia article in Pathfinder #3 and thought it would be a good idea to put the poster map on the table instead of constantly switching to page 62 of the book when I'm reading page 67.

I'll add to your list :
• Shimmerglens is misspelled Shimmergiens,
• Spire of Lemriss is misspelled Spire of Leniriss.

There may be more misspelling but I only got the idea to use the poster map at the end of the article…

Dark Archive

Was I the only one that did not get the Catcombs of Wrath in my Map Folio? Also the Seven's Sawmill and The Shadow Clock? Was this on purpose? There might be other missing, but I have not looked thoroughly.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Cintra Bristol wrote:

What would increase its value for me:

- Slightly larger maps of some sites (e.g. if the Misgivings maps had been blown up a bit for the map folio).
- Sturdier paper (I put them directly into transparent sleeves, but either the paper needs to be thicker or else I'll need to find some sturdier sleeves to ensure they don't get damaged along the way).

I can't speak for editorial content, but I believe the paper will be thicker for the Crimson Throne Map Folio. (The paper in the Runelords folio wasn't what we thought it was going to be.)

NSTR wrote:
Was I the only one that did not get the Catcombs of Wrath in my Map Folio? Also the Seven's Sawmill and The Shadow Clock? Was this on purpose? There might be other missing, but I have not looked thoroughly.

My copy is also missing these maps. Are they supposed to be included?

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