Ebolav's page
162 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
I think this is great, thanks!!!
Just wondering if that was unusual yet...as of 3/23...
Here's what I will be using tomorrow:
• 7 day journey
o Recommend they take boat up Yondabakari river to Whistledown (3 days), then 4 days by horseback to Turtleback
o 25 gp/person for the ride, 100 gp/each if they want backup (3 lv 3 fighters)
o Day 1-2 Ahuizotl (CR 6 each)
 Treasure-Bones, a ring of swimming (+5 comp, 2500 gp), and 380 gp
o Day 2-Boggard gang initiation, 15 of them (1050 XP if solo, 656 if got aid)
 Pretend to be friendly, sell trinkets, until flanking, etc
 Treasure-30 small gems worth 10 gp each
o Day 3-Merchant caravan AM, specializing in alchemical + spell augmenting items –see complete mage
o Arrive at whistledown
 Day 4-Semurv appears, pointing out of way direction--Tucked away shrine to Desna, Annabit sees butterfly from # 5, only she can see it, Desna wants her to continue on (unlocks spherewalker)
• Learns Briar web (2) and nature’s favor (2) from spells 1, horrible taste (1) from spells 2
 Day 5-plains, roll random encounter
o Day 6-upon reaching forest-- Mytarlacoraxithryl encounter en route-killed Shalelu’s mom (1680 xp if kill, though fly away at 50 hp)
o Day 7-Roll encounter using Varisian table
• Along way, Shalelu can give info on pgs 9-10
I never actually saw this NOT on backorder-phooey :(
Yeah, I agree with prev poster-printing them on an inkjet printer on low ink/low quality uses very little ink...may not be quite as pretty, but i'd rather spend my $20 elsewhere...
"descriptions of more than twenty gods and their religions"
is this consolidated stuff from prev chronicles products? I noticed a smaller product also has 20 deity writeups...
I agree with prev posts-is this just repackaged maps from the first 6 adventures? if so, what is the point when i could just print them off my pdfs?
Ross Byers wrote: Ebolav wrote: Not to thread hijack, but are there corresponding runes for the 7 virtues? Yes. There is a positive, neutral, and negative rune for each school. The positive rune would be the virtue. I meant pictures for each of the 7 virtues, like we have for each of the sins...
Not to thread hijack, but are there corresponding runes for the 7 virtues?
The tatted up hill giant in # 4...I'm making the rune tattoos actually have in game functionality, by casting sin-consistent (or virtue, for my tatted up PC) spells...
I thought this was a cool idea, but apparently noone else did :(
Added a few more
Eager striving virtue, divine-Divine power (4), Conviction, mass (3)
Abundance virtue, divine-panacea (4)
Rest virtue, divine-Healthful rest (1)
Greed sin divine-favorable sacrifice (3)
Lust sin, divine-Infernal wound (2) (S&M style lust)
Gluttony sin, divine-consumptive field (4)
Wrath sin-Slay living (5), deific vengeance (2)
Alright, here is my almost done system for sin/virtue magic. Basically, we have runes for the 7 sins, and those can be tattooed onto you like the sihedron. Once done, based on your arcane or divine spellcasting preference and level, you can learn to 'activate' a tattoo as a free action to cast a spell associated with it once per day. After this happens the tattoo fades to obscurity for 24 hours. I know I didn't strictly stick with the spells/schools outline described in PF # 1, but I went for flavor more than anything. I'm still missing a few, so your suggestions would be appreciated...this box doesn't handle tables well, so i'm truncating when needed.
Virtue Divine /// Arcane
Wealth Diamond spray (4)/// ???
Fertility Insight of good fortune (2)/// Maj/super resist(2/5)
Honest pride Sunmantle (4) /// Eagle's splendor (2)
Abundance Estanna's stew (2) /// ???
Eager striving ??? /// Heroism (3)
Righteous anger Flame of faith (3) /// Warcry (3)
Rest Refreshment (3) /// Whelm, mass (4)
Greed ??? /// Entice gift (2)
Lust ??? /// Fangs of the vampire king (2)
Pride Hesitate (3), rejection (6)/// Hesitate (3) steal life (8)
Gluttony ??? ///Slow consumption (2), steal likeness (6)
Envy Divine retaliation (3) //// Luminous assassin (3,5,7)
Wrath Black karma curse (2) /// Friend to foe (5) stop heart (5)
Sloth Freeze armor (4), hibernate(5)/// Armor lock (1) call of stone (4)
Blood of the martyr (4) and afflication (4) seem good, but not sure where to fit them exactly...
Blue_eyed_paladin wrote: Actually, I was thinking about this during work yesterday, and it occurred to me what would be cooler:
The spell (mine, Steve's, whatever) doesn't just turn you into solid gold- it makes you into a bejewelled statue, with inlays, gems for eyes, etc. When your PCs have been raiding through the aforementioned massive halls, prying out gems from every conceivable place... and then find out that they have a backpack full of statue-eyes, their reactions will be priceless.
And if you happen to get a good roleplaying session going with Karzoug before he attacks, have him 'check out' some of the players. No, he doesn't want to sleep with them, he's making an Appraise check to see how many karats they'll be!
THIS is why I come to these boards regularly-getting ideas this creative, ones I would likely never come up with myself...and then my players rave about how much fun this AP is....I want to say I did little of the work, but I don't ;)
Michael F wrote: Ebolav wrote: Yeah you're right-I made this preliminary list at work, without the books in front of me...thanks :) Silly! You're supposed to bring your books to work. Or you can take all of the PDFs and put them on a flash drive.
If you're gonna goof off at work and post, you might as well do it right and bring all the necessary resources.
With the PDFs and the online SRD, you've got all you need to be a busybody and answer questions on the boards when you're supposed to be working. ROFL if you only knew how true your words were :)
Michael F wrote: Greed is the transmuation school, so shouldn't greed get polymorph instead of envy?
Envy is Abjuration, sooo, maybe shield or something.
Enlarge is a transmutation, so it shouldn't show up under pride, which is illusion and has transmutation prohibited.
Slow is also transmuation. Sloth is conjuration, so he could pop out a a summoned monster or D-door.
Lust is enchantment, so maybe a suggestion or charm, or even sleep.
Yeah you're right-I made this preliminary list at work, without the books in front of me...thanks :)
Selk wrote: I plan to have Karzoug tell the PCs that, should he perish, all his items and treasures will turn to ash, and so shall theirs. It is his last right as master transmuter the high poobah of greed. It’s of course a lie, but he can be terribly convincing.
So they either risk a severly pyrrhic victory or they leave him be, as fantastically rich men and women, laden with treasures he freely offers for their cooperation.
The Runelord of Greed should make bribery an artform. No need to fight at all ;)
GREAT idea-I just bogarted it as well :)
Awesome stuff! This is the kind of fluff that my players go crazy for, and most of the time I don't have the time to write...thank you!!!! (we're finishing # 2/starting # 3 on the 23rd, so perfect timing)
Bump-anyone else? I'm just concerned that if they go through the tunnels like I expect, they'll assume 'above ground' is too dangerous (which it is for the most part) and miss out on the black tower, which is a)cool b)the scrolls in it are kind of necessary later on...
I was disappointed that his tattoos were just 'for show' with such a cool picture, and so I'm changing him so that his various tattoos are each of the sin-based Sihedron characteristics. As such, as a free action, they will sometimes flare up, casting an associated spell. I'm having our party cleric, also covered in Shoanti tattoos, learn that hers do the same, but with associated virtues.
For instance:
Gluttony-Vampiric touch or some other drain spell
Pride-Enlarge person or mirror image
Wrath-take your pick of a damage spell
Envy-Some kind of polymorph
Then again, maybe this is all b/c I love tattoos, and wanted to play up their prominence/integrate them into the virtue/vice theme in ROTRL
If any of you have already played through it, I'm curious to know how your pcs ended up getting in; obviously a frontal assault is suicide, so that leaves the wyvern/deathweb caves. However, that approach would make it VERY easy to miss the black tower, among other things. Any thoughts/experiences?
The seven sawmill cultists and ironbriar in # 2 i will have to beef up considerably....
Rather than repeating the same background blurb for each guy (wasting lots of space in the process) why not have the writeups for # 2-6 of an AP give updated personality info on the character, how they've been shaped by the AP, etc...the way they're written right now, they seem so static-the only difference between Valeros at lv 1 and lv 14 are some numbers, not the fluff...
Just got it too, can't wait to peruse :)
JSL wrote:
Also, in terms of imbalancing the game, I think it is wholly the DM's responsibility to monitor the party's acquisition of loot snd make sure that the adventure is sufficiently challenging for the group's taste.
I asked a question, not open auditions for soapboxes-I have not DMed in 14 years, have never DMed 3.5 as a result, AND hardly have time for the analysis it would require to see if things are 'sufficiently challenging'
I apologize if this has been asked before, but lately I've been going through various sourcebooks of magic items, and choosing ones to sprinkle throughout the rest of ROTRL, about one per party member per book...my question is, would this imbalance the game experience? In other words, do the adventure writers, when determining encounter difficulties and CRs, assume the only magic items the party will have is the ones listed in previous ROTRL stat blocks? Thanks :)
In my game I made Broder Quint a much larger figure, and my player was the only one in town who was interested in his 'crazy' theories about the crumbled lighthouse (why am i blanking on the name?), thassilonia, etc....so she got his recommendation to be given probationary membership to the PFs, and will be interviewed in magnimar...
Cpt_kirstov wrote: Mishi wrote: Hi everyone,
Long time lurker, first time poster here. I finally started running RotRL last week, and it was great fun. However, a couple of my players have expressed an interest in their characters becoming members of the Pathfinders (or indeed, starting out as a Pathfinder). I was wondering - how have other DMs handled players joining the Pathfinders? Apologies if a post covering this has already been made - I had a look but couldn't find any. Others have required tasks to be performed (such as 'here's one of our compasses - figure out it's unusual uses') which will take time (especially since the DM doesn't know what the compasses do yet) Yeah that was me-she'll be getting it this saturday...basically, to get promotions in PF, she'll have to discover mysteries (which fits her character, who is obsessed with the unknown)...each promotion will earn her a minor wondrous item that she has to figure out how to use...
Plus she has free access to the PF library in Magnimar (i created it there), and their resources, etc...
I agree as well-my group will be finishing up # 2 on saturday, and having such well made adventures in hand allows me to geek them out with fluff from various sourcebooks (replacing monsters with ones from the MM4, adding obscure wondruous items, etc)...stuff I'd never have time to do otherwise...
Pg 53, I think is a misprint (sorry if this has been pointed out already)-45 hp? And, the MM page is incorrect...compare this to the giants in # 4 and you'll see what i mean...
I'm unclear as well-there's more bookkeeping as you go up, but among other things, i don't have extraplanar travel or teleporting, which makes things easier for longer...granted, #5 takes place in a demiplane, but I can easily make that underground, etc...
WOWZA just skimmed the whole thing...they keep getting better :)
Hi there,
I'm currently revamping the second half of book 3, and part of that is changing some of the ogres to prestige classes, among other things. Because I always like to share with this great messageboard community, I was wondering if I was allowed to post said customizations to various parts of the adventure, considering they take source materials from WOTC non-ogl books...does this question make sense?
See, that's why i like the vile wight from BOVD...can't remember him too well, but as i was skimming it i remember thinking it would fit him nicely...
The long post above with the party dying from the bridge during their retreat is GREAT...man i could just see it, them thinking 'we made it, we can get back, regroup, buy some potions, and AAAAAHHHHHHHH'
James Jacobs wrote: I agree that the picture deserved more of a unique stat block, but the adventure itself simply didn't have the room to support a full stat block AND art for the guy. It was either cut the Lamatar plot out of the adventure entirely, run him with no art and a unique stat block, or run him as a more standard monster with art. None of the three is a perfect choice, but I still feel that preserving the art was the best of the three; it's easy enough for a GM to replace a standard stat block with a cool unique monster, after all. A lot easier for most GMs than creating an illustration of him. James, of those options, i think you made the best choice....actually, i quite had fun flipping through books looking for what to replace him with, it was like shopping...'oooh, he looks cool....no wait, he looks even better!' :P
catdragon wrote: Ebolav wrote: I turned him into some kind of CR 8 wight from some supplemental sourcebook (can't remember name, picture had gross tendrils coming out of chest)-will check when I get home from work-but I like your version too! I was looking at that exact monster last night -- Book of Vile Darkness, the vile wight. Not to be confused with the slaughter wight which, IIRC, is CR 9 or so.
you're right, thanks!!! :) now i have to decide if i want to keep him as that or not...
I think the one thing we agree on is the picture is way too bad-a$$, and the background too compelling, to be a standard wight for a lv 9ish party...
I turned him into some kind of CR 8 wight from some supplemental sourcebook (can't remember name, picture had gross tendrils coming out of chest)-will check when I get home from work-but I like your version too!
I forgot to mention, the 'monsters' are the twisted spirits of the people slain by Chopper; I thought smoke haunts and attic whisperers were thematically appropriate. Plus I like trying to figure out how to use the bestiary critters that aren't built into the adventure...
AND, room # 4 is hidden behind a bolted bookcase, requiring a search check-this is where chopper had his little shrine to thass. baddies...
Well I'll be running it this saturday, hopefully it goes well
Here's a skeleton I'm using for what happens to my party en route, to make things more interesting than a 'you ride for 9 days, and nothing happens'
• 7 day journey
o Recommend they take boat up Yondabakari river to Whistledown (3 days), then 4 days by horseback to Turtleback
o 25 gp/person for the ride, 100 gp/each if they want backup (3 lv 3 fighters)
o Day 1-nothing
o Day 2-Boggard gang initiation, 15 of them (1050 XP if solo, 656 if got aid)
o Day 3-Argorth (1680/1050 if kill, though it runs)-ship captain tells about mother of oblivion
o Arrive at whistledown
 Day 4-5- plains safe
o Day 6-upon reaching forest-- Mytarlacoraxithryl encounter en route-killed Shalelu’s mom (1680 xp if kill, though fly away at 50 hp)
o Day 7-Roll encounter using Varisian table
• Along way, Shalelu can give info on pgs 9-10
thanks to the person who came up with Mytarl the green dragon! (i forget the name off the top of my head, but you know who you are :)
Lisa Stevens wrote: Ebolav wrote: Unpainted metal guys=not interested....but that's okay :)
Painted plastic guys=interested...
I am totally with you. Unfortunately, we haven't found a way to make prepainted plastic miniatures that makes financial sense. When we do, we will do prepainted plastic. Because, trust me, I personally would rather have them painted for me. Just ask my hundreds of D&D minis. :)
-Lisa Didn't know the plastic ones were more expensive/prohibitively so...too bad! I wasn't knocking the concept, just saying that a)I have no paint supplies, and no real motivation to get back into painting (I last did it 15 years ago) b)I'm 30 and a doctor, so what little time I have is spent on other hobbies (like running a pathfinder game! :P) and c)I was never that good at painting to begin with.
But if other people are excited about it, then rock on-you guys continue to build a loyal fan base.
Unpainted metal guys=not interested....but that's okay :)
Painted plastic guys=interested...
Wow-thanks to both of you!!!
Anyone know a good one? I've found a few okay ones online, but they are limited to the 12 main 3.5 classes...I need an assassin for an upcoming pathfinder adventure...
Cpt_kirstov wrote: Ebolav wrote: That's okay james, annabit will be thrilled just receiving one as proof of her probationary membership to the pathfinders... :) That can be one of the tasks to gain full membership - find out how/why to power up the Wayfinder (give them x weeks/months game time before the report will be accepted, so you can learn the rest without having to make it up) great idea! I was going to hinge full membership on some other stuff, but I think I like this better :)
Thanks for the info CE....from a business standpoint this seems foolish due to production schedules....it would be like software developers getting the devkits for a new game console only a few months before launch-not enough time to work with!!! If there's not enough supplemental 4th ed content this summer, few people are going to buy it.
Not that I care too much, since I'm sticking with whatever paizo does...
That's okay james, annabit will be thrilled just receiving one as proof of her probationary membership to the pathfinders... :)