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Do each Pathfinder Adventure Path start the PC's at 1st level and work the PC's up to 20th, as the Adventure Paths in Dungeon did?
Oh and can I just say...I needed an extra cup. Second Darkness is AMAZING!!! I love what Paizo has done with the Drow. It's more than I could have asked for!!

Michael Robbins |

OK listen, I'm not a regular forum poster and can't work out these BBCodes for spoiler alerts so I will be as vague as possible. No idea where the brackets and /spoiler line should go to affect the text...sue me, I'm an old man.
Asking for some errata:
The PCs can find the deed to a piece of property and it mentions that a discussion of the ramifications of this for the party will be discussed in the Concluding the Adventure section. The deed is not mentioned. Could you perhaps fill us in online?

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OK listen, I'm not a regular forum poster and can't work out these BBCodes for spoiler alerts so I will be as vague as possible. No idea where the brackets and /spoiler line should go to affect the text...sue me, I'm an old man.
Asking for some errata:
The PCs can find the deed to a piece of property and it mentions that a discussion of the ramifications of this for the party will be discussed in the Concluding the Adventure section. The deed is not mentioned. Could you perhaps fill us in online?
Ah! Yeah; we ran out of room with saying much more about the deed at the end of "Shadow in the Sky," but never fear! There's a pretty large section in the next adventure (about a page, so too much to copy/paste here), "Children of the Void," that talks about what the PCs can do with that property, including selling it off or keeping it to become business owners.

Pathfinder Maslen |

I just received my delivery and had to leave a post after looking over the mags.
These are top quality, everything from layout, graphics, content, development. Nothing has been spared.
It is well worth the price and finding the companion included was as sweet as a confirmed critical sneak attack. Yeah baby!!!
Thanks again Paizo, you have my continued subscription.

Plop Goldfish |

Hi, this is my first post....so be gentle!
This is really a question for Paizo and while it is not really a spoiler I suppose the answer could just about be construed as one, so here goes:
I notice that in the sample characters given for Second Darkness there is no arcane spellcaster and no one with any rogue pick lock/disable trap type abilities. Does this mean that it can be reasonably expected that a party will be able to get all the way through all 6 modules without either of these abilities and it won't cause insurmountable problems for them later on or not. Having partly played through Rise of the Runelords I have been inspired to get Second Darkness to run & was wondering if it was worth prodding the players towards including an arcane and/or trap disabler among themselves or if it won't really matter if they don't.

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Welcome to the boards Plop Goldfish.
Seltyiel, will be the "iconic" multi-class fighter/wizard.
As for the task of disabling traps and opening locks. You don't really need a rogue for that job. Any character can use those skills, the rogue is the only one who can disable/search a magic trap though.

Adam Mitchell |
Welcome to the boards Plop Goldfish.
Seltyiel, will be the "iconic" multi-class fighter/wizard.
As for the task of disabling traps and opening locks. You don't really need a rogue for that job. Any character can use those skills, the rogue is the only one who can disable/search a magic trap though.
OK, thanks for that - and thanks for the welcome Sharoth :-)
Looking forward to contributing more to the posts in future, but for now I am gonna have to go as (assuming you are on US time) I am about 5 hours ahead of you over here in the UK.
Sharoth |

Lazaro wrote:Welcome to the boards Plop Goldfish.
Seltyiel, will be the "iconic" multi-class fighter/wizard.
As for the task of disabling traps and opening locks. You don't really need a rogue for that job. Any character can use those skills, the rogue is the only one who can disable/search a magic trap though.
OK, thanks for that - and thanks for the welcome Sharoth :-)
Looking forward to contributing more to the posts in future, but for now I am gonna have to go as (assuming you are on US time) I am about 5 hours ahead of you over here in the UK.
Just remember to tell the player who is having his PC search for traps to have a few spare characters rolled up. Just in case! ~EVIL GRIN~

Bellona |

Hello! I just bought my first PF Adventure Path book (PF 13/"Shadow in the Sky") and PF Companion book (Second Darkness). They both look interesting, and I'm psyched up for PF 14 and all the Void-related stuff which it's supposed to contain.
But I have some questions ...
Will all the extra goodies that have appeared in the PF adventure paths and the companions, such as new monsters, prestige classes, spells, and faith descriptions, re-appear later in other source books?
For example, if I want in-depth write-ups of certain faiths, must I track down all the adventure paths, etc. in which they appear, or can I just wait for PF Chronicles/Gods and Magic?
If I want a stat-block for the goblin snake and reefclaw, must I track down and buy PF Adventure Path numbers 1 and 7, or will a collected bestiary be published at a later point?
Will a Cyphermage prestige class ever be printed?

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Hi, this is my first post....so be gentle!
This is really a question for Paizo and while it is not really a spoiler I suppose the answer could just about be construed as one, so here goes:
I notice that in the sample characters given for Second Darkness there is no arcane spellcaster and no one with any rogue pick lock/disable trap type abilities. Does this mean that it can be reasonably expected that a party will be able to get all the way through all 6 modules without either of these abilities and it won't cause insurmountable problems for them later on or not. Having partly played through Rise of the Runelords I have been inspired to get Second Darkness to run & was wondering if it was worth prodding the players towards including an arcane and/or trap disabler among themselves or if it won't really matter if they don't.
For the first three adventure paths... we were making up the iconics as we went. As a result, they don't necessarily break down perfectly into the classic "Figher/Cleric/Wizard/Rogue" categories. Going forward, we'll have all 12 iconics to choose from and we should be able to pick the four best suited to the adventure path...
That said! One of the goals for an adventure path is to INCLUDE every class, and to avoid situations where you can't proceed along the adventure if you don't have a particular class or skill in your group. We generally try to include multiple solutions to situations (a lock can be unlocked with Open Lock, bashed by damage, or you can steal/take the key to the lock from an NPC elsewhere in the area, for example), which helps to encourage players and reward them for choosing characters THEY want to play, not what the game expects. Sure, there are points where an arcane spellcaster or a lockpicker can help in any Adventure Path... but if there's an encounter that can't be solved without a specific class or skill... that's a failing of adventure design and one we're trying to avoid.

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Will all the extra goodies that have appeared in the PF adventure paths and the companions, such as new monsters, prestige classes, spells, and faith descriptions, re-appear later in other source books?
Some of them, perhaps. This is a practice that's about as old as the game, in fact. New monsters and spells that first appeared in adventures were quite often reprinted and collected in books like Unearthed Arcana or the Monster Manual II. I'm relatively certain that we'll be following that pattern eventually. BUT: See my closing comment at the end of this post.
For example, if I want in-depth write-ups of certain faiths, must I track down all the adventure paths, etc. in which they appear, or can I just wait for PF Chronicles/Gods and Magic?
The information we're presenting on the gods is being done in 3 tiers. The hardcover Campaign Setting gives the basics, listing about 450 words of information for each deity. Gods and Magic increases that information from 450 words to about 1,400 words, while the individual god writeups in Pathfinder increase that to about 6,000 words. We're also trying to avoid TOO much repetition between the three; there'll be some, but hopefully a customer who buys all three won't have too much re-run text to deal with.
Eventually, once we have large Pathfinder-style writeups for all 20 core deities, we might consider compiling them all into a big book, but that book's still several years away at the least.
If I want a stat-block for the goblin snake and reefclaw, must I track down and buy PF Adventure Path numbers 1 and 7, or will a collected bestiary be published at a later point?
At this point, yes. That said, whenever we use a monster from Pathfinder in an adventure, we'll be sure to include the full stat block. If we were to put a goblin snake into adventure #19, for example, the goblin snake'll have a full stat block in that adventure. But if you want to add these monsters to other adventures... yeah, for now, you'll need to track them down in Pathfinder. Again: Eventually these monsters will be compiled into larger monster books here and there. But that's still a bit away. (See closing comment.)
Will a Cyphermage prestige class ever be printed?
We don't have plans to do so yet, but eventually it seems like a pretty good idea. It's certainly a possibility.
CLOSING COMMENT: We've been hesitant about doing TOO much in the way of extra stuff like new spells, new prestige classes, and new crunch (with the exception of monsters), since we're switching to the Pathfinder RPG next August. Each month that goes by between now and then, we're closer and closer to seeing how these rules will look, and as a result it's easier for us to include crunch in our products that will be cross-compatible between 3.5 and PF RPG as a result. Once we switch over to the PF RPG, my suspicion is that we'll be doing a bit more crunch in our products, including the possibility of compilations that pick up some of the more popular things from older books. Particularly as older books go out of print or become obscure, we'll certainly want to keep the more successful parts of the older products readily available. Not EVERYTHING will be reprinted. Players who remember the 1st edition days and how some things "graduated" from modules or Dragon magazine into new hardcovers should find this process familiar.

Bellona |

Thank you, James, for your informative reply.
That said, it's a bit of a disappointment that the longest deity write-ups will be those in the Pathfinder adventure paths. I _had_ hoped that PF Chronicles/Gods and Magic would be bigger, but I also understand that page-counts limit things to a certain extent. Anyway, I'll just have to possess my soul of patience until the "big book" comes out in a few years' time!
The main reason why I asked about the goblin snake and reefclaw in particular is that they appear on the Riddleport Random Encounters table (PF 13, p. 79), along with the notation that their stats can be found in PF 1 and 7, respectively. That seemed like an odd way of doing things.
As for the Cyphermage, I might mimic something like that with a Geometer from the Complete Arcane sourcebook.

Tigger_mk4 |

Lets not forget PDF never goes out of print ; as long as Paizo are selling them you can still get electronic back issues...
Not as nice as dead tree admittedly, but a godsend to those who missed out
(fortunately I have all the pathfinders in print edition, but I missed out on another publishers stuff thats now all out in pdf)

DarkArt |

There's commentary about "gray" and about "torture porn" out there with a vocal outcry desperately clinging to "black-and-white" D&D values of censored heroism, where magic is almost scant, and encumbrance rules rule the day.
I feel shame that my only and primary hesitation for not snatching Paizo's very first AP after the fall of Dungeon and Dragon magz was my petty cling to my love of psionics and Paizo's lack of love for it.
To date, as vocal as I am to indoctrinate psionics into AP's, I still revel them despite their love for psionics, and this first chapter of the 2D reminds me of just how deep my initial shame feels for this begins in a dramatic, mature, and exciting beginning to an AP that delivers on its promise of creating fun for those that don't have time for home brew.
This isn't for kiddies, but it can be modified for them. I was inspired to craft a Golden Goblin battle map, and I plan on putting my player through hell in Riddleport. Simpletons beware, for they will be eaten with mustard and ketchup.

Neil Mansell |

I am mostly impressed by 'Shadow in the Sky' but have noticed a few issues which are somewhat irritating.
Secondly, the main map of Riddleport on page 11 is meant to show the location of the Golden Goblin (location 10). No building is marked with the number 10 at all. I can't find the main location of the adventure on the town map! This one is the most frustrating.
Although not an issue at all really, alignments are a bit scewed as well. Saul himself is alignment CN (on page 52), but not on page 21! Meanwhile, Lavender Lil (p. 53) has the alignment NE, while she's CN in The Pathfinder Companion.
Okay okay, I admit I'm whinging a lot here, the problems are very easily fixed and certainly nothing to worry about. Otherwise, the adventure itself is well written and thought out. To be honest, this is easily one of the best written adventures I've read in a while (and easily beats a lot of the WoTC products).
Just my 2 cents.

Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
I am mostly impressed by 'Shadow in the Sky' but have noticed a few issues which are somewhat irritating.
** spoiler omitted **
Okay okay, I admit I'm whinging a lot here, the problems are very easily fixed and certainly nothing to worry about. Otherwise, the adventure itself is well written and thought out. To be honest, this is easily one of the best written adventures I've read in a while (and easily beats a lot of the WoTC products).
Just my 2 cents.
Hi Neil. Shadow in the Sky had a fair amount of rushing due to the frenzied pace of getting stuff out for Gen Con last summer, and unfortunately it had several of these types of bugs creep in. There are others as well. To address them, I created a "Shadow in the Sky Errata" thread down below in the Second Darkness portion of the message boards. It tackles all of the things you have mentioned and more including some map issues with the Gold Goblin and tunnels beneath.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to locate that thread and can only view 101 of the 198 threads that it says exists, so I don't know if my computer is messing up or its some kind of boards snafu. Maybe Gary or Vic or someone can retrieve that thread if it's not currently viewable in order to help you (and others who are just now getting to Second Darkness) out.

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Hi Neil. Shadow in the Sky had a fair amount of rushing due to the frenzied pace of getting stuff out for Gen Con last summer, and unfortunately it had several of these types of bugs creep in. There are others as well. To address them, I created a "Shadow in the Sky Errata" thread down below in the Second Darkness portion of the message boards. It tackles all of the things you have mentioned and more including some map issues with the Gold Goblin and tunnels beneath.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to locate that thread and can only view 101 of the 198 threads that it says exists, so I don't know if my computer is messing up or its some kind of boards snafu. Maybe Gary or Vic or someone can retrieve that thread if it's not currently viewable in order to help you (and others who are just now getting to Second Darkness) out.
Greg, to get to the older threads, you need to hit the Archive link at the top.
The thread you're talking about is here.

Joana |

Any one know if there is some conversion to PFRPG out there for this or is there no conversion needed? thanks!
There are stat block conversions in this thread.