Pathfinder Adventure Path #4: Fortress of the Stone Giants (Rise of the Runelords 4 of 6) (OGL)

4.10/5 (based on 16 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #4: Fortress of the Stone Giants (Rise of the Runelords 4 of 6) (OGL)
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The Giants are on the March!

The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path continues! Driven to battle by a maniacal warlord, the once-peaceful stone giants of the Storval Plateau threaten to destroy the sleepy town of Sandpoint. Will fast action and quick wits be enough to save the defenseless community?

Yet, even if the giants' initial raid can be repelled, only by striking at the heart of their titanic war machine—the black-towered fortress of Jorgenfist—can the menace be quelled. But who knows what mysterious bloodlust spurs the usually peaceful giants to war, or what mysteries lie beneath their ancient fortress?

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path and includes:

  • "Fortress of the Stone Giants," an adventure for 10th-level characters, by Wolfgang Baur.
  • A study of the ancient history, harsh life, and nuanced society of stone giants, by Wolfgang Baur.
  • Details on the dragons of the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting, revealed for the first time by Mike McArtor.
  • The fourth installment of the Pathfinder's Journal, by Mike McArtor.
  • Seven new monsters by Wolfgang Baur.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-039-1

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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Fulfilled immediately.

Print Edition:




This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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Average product rating:

4.10/5 (based on 16 ratings)

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Review may contain spoilers
My Experience with it:
DM for one 3.5 Group and one PFRPG Group (as is, no conversion)
Overview (no spoilers):
Old school feel, a lot of hack and slash, memorable Boss-fight
Changes (with spoilers):
I replaced all the new monsters (except the black monk) with old school monsters to enhance the old school feel, I printed the northern half of Sandpoint to scale, emptied my living room and covered the floor with the map, we where playing in my eating room separated by a curtain from the living room, when the giants attacked i pulled back the curtain and we played on the floor all over the map - great fun. I wrote an encounter at the storval stairs
The sandpoint attack was fun and a great way to show the PC's advancement, defeating a hand full of goblins in BO and now giants and a dragon in the same place. Both groups befriended a mammoth at the storval stairs (after killing its giant rider) one group thought about awaking and training it as a ranger :-) the others made Titus Scarnetti build a stable for it :-) The payoff of the Scarnetti-Arc was quite nice, the high point of FotSG was Mokmurian, the fight was quite memorable and well-written, the library guardian was a fun rolrole-plaing encounter
Overall: Solid and good old school feel but not that memorable

Lost chapter of "AtG"


This one is very good but my PCs are not fans of very large dungeons... The plot on this one is quite simple but the encounters are quite coloful. The enemies are quite creative and there are some pretty cool encounters with the kind of adversaries you see once in a campaign. So all in all a great adventure. I'm taking one star away on a personal preference of lots-of-cool-locations- adventurers

Another Good Issue - Campaign Plot becomes repetitive


I found the plot weak at the beginning. After attacks of Goblins and Ogres, the whole "siege" theme starts to get repetitive. I didn't enjoy that part very much, even if the scale was much broader.

This is just the beginning though. The rest of the adventure is particularly good, with some memorable encounters and creatures.

Lots of highs, some lows, overall it is still a great adventure.

The articles on Stone Giants and Dragons of Golarion are absolutely outstanding. The roster of creatures is great. I'm not a big fan of fiction, but that's okay to me.

Another win for the Pathfinder team!

Jorgenfist Library


Great read. The black tower needs expansion and I wonder how many future adventure paths may need the use of the library under Jorgenfist.

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Liberty's Edge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

When is this module expected to hit the warehouse?

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Better question: will December be the Month-of-Two-Pathfinders? That would make for a mighty fine Christmas present!

I figure everyone works so hard on this, it must be absolutely killer with two months filled with holiday chaos. I've been enjoying everything so far. No complaints about a delay or getting a double month. I hope the staff finds time to relax and have a great holiday season and refresh themselves.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mr Baron wrote:
When is this module expected to hit the warehouse?

In about two weeks. We don't have a delivery date for Pathfinder 5 yet, but I predict early January.

Liberty's Edge

Can't wait. Loving this adventure path thus far.

Liberty's Edge

Wait, we get a dragon in this one?


Dark Archive Contributor

Kassil wrote:

Wait, we get a dragon in this one?


No, Sir, you get multiple dragons in this one. ;)

Mike McArtor wrote:
No, Sir, you get multiple dragons in this one. ;)

Even better.

Liberty's Edge

Heaven's Agent wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
No, Sir, you get multiple dragons in this one. ;)
Even better.

I'll sign that agreement.

Mike McArtor wrote:
Kassil wrote:

Wait, we get a dragon in this one?


No, Sir, you get multiple dragons in this one. ;)

EGADS, the humanity!!!!! *commences drooling procedure*

Liberty's Edge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Any update on expected arrival into the warehouse?

Mr Baron wrote:
Any update on expected arrival into the warehouse?

Hopefully this week or next, according to tonight's chat.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Lilith wrote:
Mr Baron wrote:
Any update on expected arrival into the warehouse?
Hopefully this week or next, according to tonight's chat.

More likely next week.

Liberty's Edge

Please tell me this book is shipping this week, that "Paladin smites with a Charisma attack against the target's AC" article has left me really needing a D&D booster shot right now.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Woot! Got the advance notice email today!!

Scarab Sages

When will the downloadable PDF for subscribers hit?

Small Attention Span wrote:
When will the downloadable PDF for subscribers hit?

As soon as your credit card is charged, as usual, I imagine.

Scarab Sages

As soon as your Hard copy gets shipped = as soon as you are charged = you get access to free PDF.

Sovereign Court

I think he was asking for a specific date.

Scarab Sages

Probably sometime this week, then. Precharges were sent, so it should ship any day now...

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I suspect sometime tomorrow. My last two were sent on a Wednesday.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

My anticipation level is high for this one. I cannot wait. I have been very patient - trying not to think about it but when I got the email yesterday saying they were getting ready to ship - now I am having a hard time waiting. Can't, Can't wait, Can't wait...

Scarab Sages

Vic updated somewhere that they were expecting PF4 to arrive at their warehouse Monday, but now, some random delay made it so they are now expecting to receive them today.

Silver Crusade

no pre-charge email so far with this Pathfinder. I hope things aren't screwy with this one, with the sales & holiday season upon us in all.

Actually wanting TC1 to come in more then Pf4 really, since it's holding up my first sale order (adv GR books, Freeport books, etc etc). Should have did seperate ships, but can't see shipping just 1 book.


Haldir wrote:

no pre-charge email so far with this Pathfinder. I hope things aren't screwy with this one, with the sales & holiday season upon us in all.

Things are already screwy with mine. I got the pre-order email the other day. When I checked last night it showed my subscription and order both canceled.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Guys, hang in there...Cosmo and Corey and the gang are doing an awesome job!

If you have any specific issues I would encourage you to send a supportive email or post over in the Customer Support area. They will take care of you.

Silver Crusade

As I said in anther pf related post, got my pre & charge email in one email today, skimming Pf4's pdf now.

I really like what I've read so far (I skim the pdf & save the hardcore reading for the book). Love the artwork, love the encounters. Looks like this will be a fun read, kudos Paizo!!!


Scarab Sages

Haaaaa, so much to see at once! Too few eyes....

Giants article, Dragons article, Adventure seem full of both and even more fun things to do. And E1 on top of that.

Too many things to read! I don't know where to start! It's like Christmas is 3 weeks early this year!

I expected more of a visual distinction between the silver and gold dragons; if it wasn't for the color of their scales, they could easily be mistaken as members of a single breed.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Shem wrote:
My anticipation level is high for this one. I cannot wait. I have been very patient - trying not to think about it but when I got the email yesterday saying they were getting ready to ship - now I am having a hard time waiting. Can't, Can't wait, Can't wait...


Thank you. I am loving it already.

Does somebody knows when do the PDF version comes out?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Is it just me or are the stats for the pre-gen characters all screwed up? They're all still referred to as 7th level characters, but the Sorcerer has the spells of a 10th level character, and the Cleric has the spells, but her caster level is still listed as 7th.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hugo Solis wrote:
Does somebody knows when do the PDF version comes out?

Non-subscribers can purchase the PDF after the product's retail release date, which is December 19.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Kvantum wrote:
Is it just me or are the stats for the pre-gen characters all screwed up? They're all still referred to as 7th level characters, but the Sorcerer has the spells of a 10th level character, and the Cleric has the spells, but her caster level is still listed as 7th.

The only error is that it says "7th" instead of "10th" in the PDF. It's correct in the printed product, and we'll try to correct the PDF tomorrow (but no promises!).

Can anyone tell me now large this fortress is? I'm not using the Pathfinder adventure path, but if the physical fortress is good enough I might by the product just to have the maps of the fortress to use for other purposes. Thanks! :)

Have all subscriptions been handled? If so, I think mine got somehow missed.

My Order of both PF#4 and E1 still says "Pending".

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Uzziel the Angel wrote:
Can anyone tell me now large this fortress is? I'm not using the Pathfinder adventure path, but if the physical fortress is good enough I might by the product just to have the maps of the fortress to use for other purposes. Thanks! :)

It's mostly underground; the above ground portion is a circular wall with lots of towers and buildings inside. I can't recall off the top of my head how big it is... but it's at least a few hundred feet in diameter. It IS a fortress made by giants, after all.

EDIT: Okay... I'm at work now... the structure's about 500 feet in diameter, it would appear.

James Jacobs wrote:
Uzziel the Angel wrote:
Can anyone tell me now large this fortress is? I'm not using the Pathfinder adventure path, but if the physical fortress is good enough I might by the product just to have the maps of the fortress to use for other purposes. Thanks! :)
It's mostly underground; the above ground portion is a circular wall with lots of towers and buildings inside. I can't recall off the top of my head how big it is... but it's at least a few hundred feet in diameter. It IS a fortress made by giants, after all.

Wow! A reply from the editor-in-chief himself! Now that's what I call customer service! You're a good fellow, James Jacobs. I recall discussing with you your final print Demonomicon articles on a thread over at the Wizards website. It's nice that you make yourself so accessible. The folks at Wizards could learn a lesson or three from you.

Speaking of your Demonomicon articles, I enjoyed your Graz'zt article in the DDI or whatever name they're using this week. Indeed your Graz'zt article is the only good item I've seen since they went digital.

Anyway, thank you again for your response. I'm actually looking for both a fortress and a fortified port. I don't have the best spacio-mechanical skills, so I often try to buy maps and adapt them to my own purposes. There isn't a preview of the fortress available anywhere, is there? Maybe I can buy the pdf when it becomes available, and if the fortress is suitable, then buy the print version. When will the pdf version become available? Thanks! :)

Edit: Oh I see from above that the pdf will become available on or after December 19.

James Jacobs wrote:
Uzziel the Angel wrote:
Can anyone tell me now large this fortress is? I'm not using the Pathfinder adventure path, but if the physical fortress is good enough I might by the product just to have the maps of the fortress to use for other purposes. Thanks! :)

It's mostly underground; the above ground portion is a circular wall with lots of towers and buildings inside. I can't recall off the top of my head how big it is... but it's at least a few hundred feet in diameter. It IS a fortress made by giants, after all.

EDIT: Okay... I'm at work now... the structure's about 500 feet in diameter, it would appear.

I'm now running SCAP and I'm planning a Dugobras attack to Redgorge. Do you think this adventure would be suitable for my plans? Thanks.

Quim (sorry for my bad english)

James Jacobs wrote:
Uzziel the Angel wrote:
Can anyone tell me now large this fortress is? I'm not using the Pathfinder adventure path, but if the physical fortress is good enough I might by the product just to have the maps of the fortress to use for other purposes. Thanks! :)

It's mostly underground; the above ground portion is a circular wall with lots of towers and buildings inside. I can't recall off the top of my head how big it is... but it's at least a few hundred feet in diameter. It IS a fortress made by giants, after all.

EDIT: Okay... I'm at work now... the structure's about 500 feet in diameter, it would appear.

Thanks. That's a nice, big fortress.

I just suscribed to both Pathfinder and Gamemastery modules starting with fortress of the stone giants and Carnival of Tears, when does the Pathfinde module ship's out to suscribers?

Thank you!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hugo Solis wrote:

I just suscribed to both Pathfinder and Gamemastery modules starting with fortress of the stone giants and Carnival of Tears, when does the Pathfinde module ship's out to suscribers?

Thank you!

Given that you chose to start with in-stock products, they should ship within a couple of days.

Just got mine in the mail (subscription). Love the Goblin Holiday card!!

Liberty's Edge

I live in WA and I know Paizo is located in Bellevue. Do they have a physical store?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Plissken wrote:
I live in WA and I know Paizo is located in Bellevue. Do they have a physical store?


Shadow Lodge

DarkArt wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
Kassil wrote:

Wait, we get a dragon in this one?


No, Sir, you get multiple dragons in this one. ;)

EGADS, the humanity!!!!! *commences drooling procedure*

the first one killed my dier bat I shall have REVENGE!!!!

Dragonborn3 wrote:
DarkArt wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
Kassil wrote:

Wait, we get a dragon in this one?


No, Sir, you get multiple dragons in this one. ;)

EGADS, the humanity!!!!! *commences drooling procedure*

the first one killed my dier bat I shall have REVENGE!!!!

This module has killed 3 of my 8 PC's in the game. I love it!

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