GameMastery Module J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs (OGL)

4.80/5 (based on 19 ratings)
GameMastery Module J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs (OGL)
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A journey adventure for 6th-level characters.

Now that the ruined pyramid tombs of the ancient emperor-gods of Osirion are finally open to exploration, the race is on to plumb their depths and rescue their priceless treasures.

Entombed with the Pharaohs is a desert adventure written by Michael Kortes that pits players against rival adventurers bent on getting to the treasure first as well as the vicious monsters and lethal traps set to stop them from their plunder. Ancient secrets and wealth beyond imagination await you in the pharaohs' tombs—will you be the first to find them?

The adventure includes information on the city of Sothis and the ancient tomb that lies nearby, as well as details on rival adventurers bent on getting to the treasure first.

GameMastery Modules are 32-page, high-quality, full-color, OGL-compatible adventures for use with the world's most popular fantasy RPG. All GameMastery Modules include four pre-made characters so players can jump right into the action, and full-color maps to enhance play.

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Subscription.

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Desert goodness


I'm not going to spoil anything and I see no reason to repeat my sage peers below--so I'm just saying that this is a great adventure and you won't regret ordering it.

Tragically, this beautiful little folder is it's own worst enemy, because when you read it you'll want more on Osirion and right now it's not there.

Best GameMastery Module yet!


This adventure by Michael Kortes is the height of the GameMastery Module line so far.

I feel like I walked into a movie theater to watch the new Indiana Jones film -- and it was as good as I'd hoped.



Have you ever read an adventure that immediately started your creative juices flowing, to the extent that you wanted to run the adventure right away? Entombed with the Pharaohs is just such an adventure.

I'd love to detail each and every component of this well-crafted adventure, but I do hope to provide a *mostly* spoiler-free review. (To avoid any spoilers, stop reading now.)

At its core, this adventure is a very well done Indiana Jones/Lara Croft-style, Egyptian-themed tomb exploration. Add to that a multiple trigger, impending curse and a rival group of tomb raiders, and you have an adventure that may play out completely differently every time it is run. Additionally, a lot of tantalizing background detail is sprinkled throughout the adventure, which makes one hope this adventure is just the first in a series of similar adventures.

Each encounter is fresh and unique, to varying degrees, and I particularly like the design of the rival group of tomb raiders, which includes a few simple variant class features and new magic items. Also, the first encounter (an auction) in some ways foreshadows the rest of the adventure, with all of the key parties present in some form. If the adventure were a Hollywood movie, I suspect this would be played up with a spooky event or two related to the Four Pharaohs, just to strengthen their "presence".

My one suggestion is that the provided adventure hooks and preliminary encounters seem to assume a relatively mercenary group of PCs, perhaps not unlike the rival group of tomb raiders. A sidebar with the author's suggestions for how to handle a predominantly lawful and/or benevolent party would be good to have. For example, might the mask be borrowed or purchased? If borrowed, would the owner want to send along his own representatives? If so, how loyal would they be (and to whom)?

In short, Entombed with the Pharaohs is an awesome adventure, and I am looking forward to more to come from the author.

Overload of Cool Setting Material!


Great adventure, with a feel that's like what you'd get if you crossed The Mummy, Stargate, and Tomb of Horrors.

There's stuff in there that's swashbuckling high heroism--and there's stuff that's just not fair, in a good way.

But beyond the adventure, for Golarion junkies like myself there's stuff you just really can't get anywhere else. You know about the Red and Green planets? Well now there's a third one! Acturn. Sweet huh? Think of it as Planet Stargate.

You get a background (not a lavish one unfortunately--it's still an adventure first and foremost) of the lands of Osirion, of the annual battles between rival clans of elementals that result in massive sandstorms.

You get the city of Sothis, built into and around the shining green-black exoskeleton of a giant scarab beetle, as well as all it's leaders and a snapshot of its districts.

You get a pack of rival NPC adventurers from the empire of Cheliax--Her Magestrix's Expeditionary with a fat paragraph on each member. These guys could become as big a deal as the signature party from pathfinder.

You also get a ton of new magic items--including wand rifles and ancient Osirion craft.

Good good stuff.

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When will this be available as a PDF?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Eremite wrote:
When will this be available as a PDF?

After the retail release date, which is next Wednesday.

How're the scaling notes on this one? This sounds like it would slot in nicely with my current campaign, but the players will be like 8th-9th level by the time the adventure docket is open.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Psion wrote:
How're the scaling notes on this one? This sounds like it would slot in nicely with my current campaign, but the players will be like 8th-9th level by the time the adventure docket is open.

We don't include level scaling notes on the GameMastery Modules line.

Stupid question time: What's the "J" for?


Lantern Lodge

bullonir wrote:

Stupid question time: What's the "J" for?



bullonir wrote:

Stupid question time: What's the "J" for?


It stands for "Journey". A bit tenuous in my opinion but I guess the PCs go on a journey to get to Osirion in the first place, then go on another one to get to the pyramid! It's a great adventure though.

Just finished reading it and I would like to cast a vote for more development in Osirion.

Dark Archive

Kruelaid wrote:
Just finished reading it and I would like to cast a vote for more development in Osirion.

I'll second that.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Psion wrote:
How're the scaling notes on this one? This sounds like it would slot in nicely with my current campaign, but the players will be like 8th-9th level by the time the adventure docket is open.

The module doesn't include scaling notes, but an experienced DM should have little trouble adjusting the encounters to suit a ninth level party. There are a few comments in the text that suggest appropriate ways to "beef up" some of the encounters, and some foes can be advanced without undermining the credibility of the encounters.

My suggestions:

Replace the sphinx with a pair of advanced sphinxes and boost each NPC in the rival group by two levels, with a squad of minions to bolster them.

Downstairs, the cerulean pet could grow a bit more impressive, while the hot mama of Osirion undeath gains two or three levels. Advancing her guardian to huge makes balancing the trap even more difficult for the party.

Lastly, the numerical fellow advances to huge, making him that much harder to avoid.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd pay good money for more modules set in Osirion.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Radavel wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Just finished reading it and I would like to cast a vote for more development in Osirion.
I'll second that.

And I'll third that.

Osirion has a lot of potential for quasi-egyptian/Al-Qadim style fun.

I hope to see Pathfinder stray into Osirion at some point, but until then, more GM modules are appreciated.

Dark Archive Contributor

richgreen01 wrote:
It stands for "Journey". A bit tenuous in my opinion but I guess the PCs go on a journey to get to Osirion in the first place, then go on another one to get to the pyramid! It's a great adventure though.

Yeah, the Journey line is more about the destination than the actual journey, but we can't call it the Destination line because D is for Dungeon.


And, as always, C is for Cookie. That's good enough for me.

Hmmm. Wasn't there a H.P. Lovecraft/Houdini collaboration story called 'Imprisoned with the Pharaohs'?

(Hints of further squamous things, of which the Hounds of Tindalos captured by the stone-giants in Runelords were just the advance scouts, reaching their tentacles through the dimensions into G(olarion)-space....(?))

Dark Archive Contributor

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Hmmm. Wasn't there a H.P. Lovecraft/Houdini collaboration story called 'Imprisoned with the Pharaohs'?

Yes. That was Erik's inspiration for the name. :) And maybe the concept. I don't know about that for sure, though.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Yes. I intentionally named the adventure "Entombed with the Pharaohs" as an homage to that story.

Dark Archive

bullonir wrote:

Stupid question time: What's the "J" for?



Oh great powers that be,

If you come from Osirion are you an Osirian?


bullonir wrote:

Stupid question time: What's the "J" for?


Stupid answer time: "Jehovah".

Kruelaid wrote:

Oh great powers that be,

If you come from Osirion are you an Osirian?


That was the official answer on a thread somewhere that I can't currently find.

I join with my good friend Kruelaid in calling for more exploration of this region!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Watcher wrote:
I join with my good friend Kruelaid in calling for more exploration of this region!

I think that's likely to happen...

Silver Crusade

Could somebody please tell me the class/level(s) of the pre-gen characters? Thanks.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

James D wrote:
Could somebody please tell me the class/level(s) of the pre-gen characters? Thanks.

They are level six and the iconics are a fighter, sorcerer, rogue and cleric.

Dark Archive

Daigle wrote:
James D wrote:
Could somebody please tell me the class/level(s) of the pre-gen characters? Thanks.
They are level six and the iconics are a fighter, sorcerer, rogue and cleric.

And, amusingly, the Fighter is by far the brains of the party.

As well as possibly being a lucky, lucky man.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the quick reply Daigle!!!

Silver Crusade

Well I finally got around to picking up J1. Only had a chance to flip through it, but looks good so far. I must say, as the first Paizo module I've purchased, I am quite impressed by the quality of the printed product itself.
What kind of run time can I expect? Can I run this in 2 four hour sessions, 1 eight hour session?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Psion wrote:
How're the scaling notes on this one? This sounds like it would slot in nicely with my current campaign, but the players will be like 8th-9th level by the time the adventure docket is open.
We don't include level scaling notes on the GameMastery Modules line.

Is that a company policy? Why is that?

Wurm wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Psion wrote:
How're the scaling notes on this one? This sounds like it would slot in nicely with my current campaign, but the players will be like 8th-9th level by the time the adventure docket is open.
We don't include level scaling notes on the GameMastery Modules line.
Is that a company policy? Why is that?

Space considerations, I would guess. They'd rather not cut form the adventure to put in a sidebar that basically will say the same thing in every adventure. Plus it's usually pretty easy to do... take a few class levels away from the BBEG's for lower level parties, add a few hit dice for higher level parties, etc.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

That's it, basically.

For anyone who would like a GM and players view on how much fun this adventure can be, even when run nearly straight from the text, see here

Our J1 Campaign Journal

For the purpose of putting this module through the ringer I somehow managed to recruit some very visible names from the boards as the players...

Lilith, playing Amyrta Stonefist, Dwarven Monk

Eyebite, playing Obasi the Hex-Tongue, Human Sorcerer [Infernal]

Pygon, playing Allerund Lastri, Elven Ranger [Archery]

Daigle, playing Olen Marroguin, Rogue/Cleric of Cayden Cailean

All characters are made following the character creation guidelines outlined in the thread. I hope some of you pop by and check it out. Post comments, questions or suggestions. A specific shout out to Turin the Mad and Charles Evans to come and join us in robbing those tombs of all they've got!

We just managed to "finish" the module, which was felt by the group to be a little too hard, although one has to say that circumstance did cause much of this.

Here are some of the things that happened, which were "unscripted":


a) The group were caught by the guards breaking into the Reliquary in broad daylight and had to be bailed out by the Pathfinder Society
b) The group mistrusted Lonicera, but not enough not to take her with them, but enough to not take her advice
c) The group were too scared to read any of the writings in the pyramid
d) The group scraped through in the battle against the dragon, but, perhaps rather bullishly challenged the rival party, before they had had a chance to heal up and were wiped.
e) I ruled that they were left in the pyramid to die and without the means to escape (other than through the telescope) by the rival party
f) They managed to beat the weighing trap and its Pharaoh, but then were wiped again by the vampire Pharaoh, barely escaping with anyone with any HP
g) They healed up and tried again and lost again - basically they were entering through the secret passage and there was no room to attack the vampire more than 2 at a time.
h) I ruled the second time that the vampire Pharaoh's victim would rise as a vampire spawn and one by one members of the party turned into vampires (I know not in the rules) but the group came within 5hp of killing it.

So, the party ended up vampires in the service of the vampire "Numbers" Pharaoh.

We played this one on-line and it was perhaps a little complex for this situation. L liked the module, but would reconsider again whether a similar type of module was suitable for on-line play (through Fantasy Grounds). I also felt that the group played the module quite well, but they were punished for only very minor transgressions. They were a "low power" group, which did not assist too.

I hope they enjoyed it anyway!

Vampire Pharaoh of Numbers? An obvious change from the Belker from the module? Why the change? I will admit that I was considering doing something a bit different for that encounter than a simple belker...but a vampire had never entered my mind. It doesn't seem to have the right flavor for Osirion.

A new addition...since I am running this adventure via PFRPG rules...the surviving NPCs are getting updated writeups.

Hrokan and Xaven were captured and are currently languishing in a tavern's wine cellar. (At the Overlander's Emporium)

Scepter was fireballed to near death and then thrown into an Antlion's sinkhole where he became kibble.

Julistar and Daile (an NPC added by me to the group) are still at large with some (?) mercenaries still.

Without further ado...

Paracount Julistar!


Paracount/Demi-Cardinal Julistar
Male Human Aristocrat 1/Cloistered Cleric of Asmodeus (variant) 6
LE Medium humanoid
Init +1 ; Senses Perception +9.
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 dex)
hp 57 (38 rolled, 1d8+1+6d6+6 +6 Human +6 Favored Class)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +13
Defensive Abilities
Spd 30 ft.
Melee +4 melee Rod of Reverence (1d6/x2)
Ranged -----
Special Attacks Touch of Evil (Sicken, 1r/3r)

Domain Powers Touch of Evil, Protection from Good 3/day, Align Weapon 1/day, Lore Keeper, Comprehend Languages 3/day, Detect Thoughts, Copy Cat (6 rounds), Disguise Self 3/day, Invisibility 1/day.

Spells Prepared (Caster Level 6th, +3 melee touch, +4 ranged touch)

3rd - 3: Dispel Magic, Suppress Glyph, Axiomatic Rain (2d6/r, 6r, 20ft cyl).

2nd - 4: Infernal Wound (by weapon, 6r, 2pt bleed, no save), Cure Moderate Wounds, Silence (WDC 16), Inflict Moderate Wounds (2d8+6, WDC 16 half)

1st - 4: Shield of Faith (+3), Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor (+2), Bless.

Orisons - 4, at will: Message, Read Magic, Stablize, Mending.

Domains Evil, Knowledge, Trickery

Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 14, App 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +3
Feats Iron Will (Human Bonus), Skill Focus: Knowledge - History (1st), Scribe Scroll (3rd), Persuasive (5th), Combat Expertise (7th).
Weapon Groups Basic Weapons, Maces and Clubs.
Skills Appraise*+11 , Bluff*+12 , Diplomacy*+10 , Disguise*+6 , Heal*+5 , Intimidate*+9 , Knowledge: Arcana*+7 , Knowledge: Dungeoneering*+7 , Knowledge: Engineering*+7 , Knowledge: Geography*+8 , Knowledge: History*+ 18, Knowledge: Local (Inner Sea)*+7 , Knowledge: Nature*+7 , Knowledge: Nobility*+11 , Knowledge: Planar*+8 , Knowledge: Religion*+11 , Linguistics*+5 , Perception*+9 , Perform: Oratory*+7 , Ride*+7 , Sense Motive*+12 , Spellcraft*+10 , Swim*+4 .
Languages Common (Taldane) R/W/S, Osiriani R/W/S, Infernal R/W/S, Speak Draconic.
SQ Channel Energy 5/day (3d6 Neg, WDC 15), Orisons, Lore (as Bardic Knowledge), Favored Class: Cleric.
Combat Gear Lesser Grimoire of Thrune: a bound collection of scrolls within a red leather cover embossed in gold with the symbol of Asmodeus, it contains the following scrolls: Command, Comprehend Languages, Death Knell, Detect Secret Doors (2), Detect Undead, Hide from Undead (2), Protection from Evil and Sanctuary, Scroll of Stone Shape, Scroll of Divination, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (34 charges).
Other Gear +2 Leather Armor, Periapt of Wisdom +2 (large Black Pearl on black gold chain)[i], [i] Jade Mantis, Wracking Rod, Steel Devil-Headed Key, Small Steel Coffer (Devil Motif) containing the Aucturn Lexicon Notes, Steel Rod of Reverence (mwk Quarterstaff with a dark emerald continual flame cast upon it).

Note that I changed some spell selections and such...gotta be prepared for things a bit different when you go into a Pyramid.


Next NPC going up...

Daile Talenthias (a conversion of an old character of mine)


Daile Talenthias
Female Elf Ranger 5/Order of the Bow Initiate 2
LN Medium humanoid
Init +5 ; Senses Perception +11, Keen Senses (+2 Sight/Sound), Low-Light Vision.
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +5 dex)
hp 73 (56 Rolled, 5d10+5+2d8+2 +5 Elf +5 Favored Class)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4
Immune Sleep Resist +2 vs. Enchantments

Defensive Abilities
Spd 40 ft.
Melee +9/+4 melee Mwk Shortspear (1d6+1/x3)
Ranged +14/+9 Ranged +1 Seeking Composite [+1]Greatbow (1d10+2/x3)
+12/+12/+7 Rapid Shot
First shot does x2 damage with Multishot
+1d8 Ranged Precision if applicable
Special Attacks Favored Enemy: Human +4, Favored Enemy: Magical Beasts +2, Ranged Precision +1d8 (30 foot range), Ignore Miss Chances with Bow (Seeking),
Spells Prepared
1st - 2: Scent, Sniper's Shot.

Str 12, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12, App 19
Base Atk +7; CMB +8
Feats Point Blank Shot (1st), Precise Shot (Combat Style, 2nd), Rapid Shot (3rd), Endurance (Bonus, 3rd), Weapon Focus: Bows (5th), Manyshot (7th).
Weapon Groups Basic Weapons, Bows, Light Blades, Exotic Bows, Spears and Lances.
Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +5, Climb*+7, Craft: Bowyer*+11, Diplomacy +2, Handle Animal*+6, Heal*+9, Intimidate*+6, Knowledge: Dungeoneering*+7, Knowledge: Geography*+7, Knowledge: Nature*+8, Knowledge: Religion*+7, Perception*+11, Ride*+8, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft*+7, Stealth*+14, Survival*+2, Swim*+6
*Denotes Class Skills.
Languages Common (Taldane) R/W/S, Elven R/W/S, Speak Osiriani, Speak Orcish, Speak Qadiran.
SQ Keen Senses, Elven Immunities, Weapon Familiarity, Favored Class: Ranger, Track, Wild Empathy +6, Close Combat Shot (no AoO in melee with bow), Favored Terrain: Plains, Hunter's Bond (share FE bonus).
Combat Gear 3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, 2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds.
Other Gear +2 Chain Shirt, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, Boots of Striding and Springing, Bag of Endless Caltrops, Quiver (20 arrows), adventuring gear (rope, grapple, etc), 50pp.

Lonicera next... of the reasons I am posting this in this thread and not in my Campaign Journal thread is so that anyone else running J1 should feel free to use these updated versions if they'd like. They are all made using PFRPG rules, the same as on my Campaign Journal page. Thanks.

Note that these characters are updated to reflect this being during the later part of the adventure.

Anyone else notice that Ankana has rope trick listed as a first level spell in her spell list? Not earth shattering but... OOops

I haven't been updating NPCs to PRPG. I figure if Pathfinder RPG is truly being sold as backwards compatible you shouldn't have to rewrite NPCs. Obviously this makes the module a touch easier but on the other hand the monsters haven't been updated to Pathfinder either so it's going to be easier regardless.

I agree with what you are saying Dennis, I chose to update these NPCs because I ran the adventure a little different to meet the needs of my character party. I didn't update any of the other Npcs and they did just fine in the encounters. I am updating these characters to present a more concrete challenge for my characters for the endgame.

Liberty's Edge

Dennis da Ogre wrote:

Anyone else notice that Ankana has rope trick listed as a first level spell in her spell list? Not earth shattering but... OOops

I haven't been updating NPCs to PRPG. I figure if Pathfinder RPG is truly being sold as backwards compatible you shouldn't have to rewrite NPCs. Obviously this makes the module a touch easier but on the other hand the monsters haven't been updated to Pathfinder either so it's going to be easier regardless.

The trick is to use a module intended for characters one level higher. That seems to balance out a bit better.

Yasha0006 wrote:
I agree with what you are saying Dennis, I chose to update these NPCs because I ran the adventure a little different to meet the needs of my character party. I didn't update any of the other Npcs and they did just fine in the encounters. I am updating these characters to present a more concrete challenge for my characters for the endgame.

I'm not suggesting one way or the other is better. I guess what I am saying is I'm lazier than you :) My players haven't been around as much as many have so having the module be a little easier is good.

I could use some help with areas 7-8.

First, Area 7.

If you look at the symbol which makes up the room, how tall are each of the half moon wall? portions of the symbol (inside the outer circle of the room)? The room is supposed to be 50 feet tall. Are the walls that high. I would think not if you could fly and have the DC 10 spot check to notice that it is one of the symbols...

Also, how tall is the central platform? I guessed it was just higher than the coins, but I'm not sure.

Thanks, I run this encounter tomorrow!!!


Sean Riley wrote:

I could use some help with areas 7-8.

First, Area 7. ** spoiler omitted **
Thanks, I run this encounter tomorrow!!!


Well, I made the half-moon walls surounding the center dias 5' above the coins, same as I figured the door levels and dias were. Made for an interesting terrain feature.

Three characters immediately realized (after fair warning that their comments would be held against them) that the room was one of the runes....

I had the expeditionary move down the shaft from the upper levels while the constest with the dragon began. Since we are running this as a one-shot, I used the pregens, plus Harsk (awesome character). The dragon waged unholy war on the group, with Seoni the socerer blasting with multiple Scorching Rays. Since I leveled the characters at the base of the pyramid, this allowed Seoni two rays!! Regardless, I was able to breathe three times, and brought down 6 characters in the encounter, one who bled to death (Merisiel), as well as the Expeditionary members Hrosk (spelling?), and Scepter; both turned to ash!!! I used the timing to join the groups, the Paracount gaining advantage (and all treasure from the center) buy using a scroll of Raise Dead (Asmodeous), on Merisiel. Afterwards, the player running Harsk, who constantly runs his dwarven mouth (like a good dwarf!) started to complain about the arrangement... When Julistar told the other memebers to call of their "dog" Harsk had enough and opened fire on the two remaining Expeditionary members... which was the perfect time to reveal that Neferet was NOT on their side.

Anyhow, great adventure.


This one sounds like I just have to get it. I love the old dungeon-delve when it's well done, and I love pulp archaeology, and this sounds like both of those things.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Being I have been running adventure paths since Burnt Offerings first made it's debut I had not have a chance to run many of the modules Paizo has done. But two days ago an old gaming friend came into town and we decided to have a one-off gaming day and I ran Entombed with the Pharaohs.

It was a lot of fun and they players loved it. We did it in a day. I hope to run the sequel one day for the survivors (which is only three out of five).

Thanks again Paizo

Grand Lodge

Serious gravedig (apologies) but I was watching an old internet comedy video and realized this was being played by some of the characters about 9 minutes in. Here's a link in case anyone is interested:

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Feldheim_C wrote:
Serious gravedig (apologies) but I was watching an old internet comedy video and realized this was being played by some of the characters about 9 minutes in. Here's a link in case anyone is interested:

Cool! I had no idea.

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