Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
Just spotted an error in Jinye's stat block (low subtier)
Her wire garotte does 1d12 damage, not the normal 1d2 - I am assuming that's a typo or else I want that garatte :-)
At high tier, she has a melee weapon that does not have the operative trait and grenades which she is not proficient with.
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
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My take (not a standard by any means)
In the Notes section, I list how many bundles found and GP earned as a result.
In the Downtime, I note any GP earned as a result of Earn Income checks (with a note included in GP gained).
The GP Gained, then, has the sum of GP from both of the above.
I can't do anything re: player spending. (It's really irritating not having a GP remaining box).
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
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The last convention listing is confusing - you may have merged two events together :-)
Shadowcon UK 2020 is still going ahead and will be online.
It is NOT in Sheperdstow, WV but rather in London UK.
It is from 29 - 31 Augsut
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
@Lau - Thanks for the quick response.
it's what I thought but the GM didn't cross it off my chronicle. Shame as the character who played it was a skittermander and the boon would have beena great RP opportunity (although not being recognised is also a great RP opportunity :-))
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
Prepping this scenario to run in a few weeks and have a question re: the Ally Boon that can be gained from this scenario.
In order to gain this boon for a GM, I will need to assign it to a character who has the item in question, is that correct? Ot seems odd that I could get the Ally boon without having the ability to provide the item in question.
Am I overthinking this? Probably !
another Spoiler:
As a follow-up, when I played it, my character did not have the item - someone else on the table did - should I have got the Ally boon, or just the player(s) with the item?
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
Azymondias wrote:
1-00 kind of sucks as a promoter. it doesnt even use half the classes. and its not that great a scenario because it uses premades.
there are 2 scenarios that are replayable for 1-4s and one replayable quest. all of which are probably better options as introductions, especially 1-01
My understanding was that the following were replayable for 104's
Quest : The Sandstone Secret
Quest : Unforgiving Fire
The Absalom Initiation
Am I missing another scenario? I have not noticed any other scenario for 1-4 with the replayable tag.
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
Steven Lee wrote:
The Inland Empire PFS group in Southern California will be participating in Extra Life this year. We were hoping to raffle-off some boons to raise more money for charity. Anyone who has moved on to PF 2nd edition and no longer has a use for 1st edition boons, we would greatly welcome any donations for the raffle. You can contact me directly, and we'll arrange how best to transfer the boons.
Thank you in advance for your help in supporting Extra Life.
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
Thanks for all the PMs re the Bolida/Kalo/Vlaka boon.
I have responded to all the PMs and a trade is currently being negotiated.
If it falls, through, I will contact the other respondents.
Thanks for the interest.
Bolida/Kalo/Vlaka (Reserved)
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
I am going to post this here (It may have been asked and addressed previously but my search-fu is poor).
Can we clarify how chronicles are allocated when a pre-gen is played. P7 of the guide says "You must choose to which of your characters the credit will be applied at the beginning of the adventure. Credit from a 1st-level pregenerated character can be applied only to a 1st-level character. Credit for playing higher-level pregenerated characters must be applied to a Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild character of a lower level than the pregenerated character or to a 1st-level character"
I have not noticed any rules on how to apply to a lower level character (I assume L1 gets 720 credits)
Page 8 states "You may apply credit for an adventure once your Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild character reaches the level of the pregenerated character used to play through it"
These two sentences seem to contradict each other. Can we get this clarified? It is also possible I cannot read and the answers are contained within the Guide, in which case I apologise for wasting your time.
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
1. If I gain a feat as a result of my choice of background, do I get it regardless of whether I meet the pre-requisites OR is it assumed you gain the pre-requisite as well as the feat. e.g if I take the Blacksmith background, I get Speciality Crafting - there is a pre-req (Trained in Crafting). Am I assumed to be trained in Crafting (or do I have to spend one of skill buys to become Trained in Crafting)
2. Do 2/H Weapons only get normal STR damage (unlike 1e where it was 1.5 x STR)
I don't know if this is the right forum to raise this issue.
When I go to the Events Page, on the last page of the Upcoming in June, under Great Britain, the event Shadowcon 2014 is visible allegedly happening on Sunday, June 24th.
This event happened in August 2014 and if I edit the event, it has the correct August 2014 dates.
You can't vital strike on a charge
Vital Strike requires the use of the attack action, which is a specific standard action.
A charge is a full-round action -- a different action from the attack action. Therefore, Vital Strike does not work with a charge.
You can't move and ready a charge
If you move of your own accord i.e you are not teleported etc, you may not ready a charge
A charge is a full-round action
You can only ready a standard action
That's off the bat - I haven't looked at the abilities of the various archetypes (so it is possible that there are archetype abilities that trump my post)
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
shalandar wrote:
Terry Thambipillai wrote:
You cannot take Power Attack at L1 because your warpriest gaina the feats at L1 but do not have a BAB of +1.
At L2, when your warpriest gains L2, your BAB increases to +1 but you have no available feats to take Power Attack.
This is the case whichever way you choose to build the character.
If you are solely going on "the warpriest gains the feats at L1 and doesn't have a BaB of +1" according to the FAQ I linked to, I COULD retrain it at level 2 and get Power Attack with my Human Feat.
So I still wonder, HOW do you build your character who is over level 1. Do you have to build it 1 level at a time, or do you build it as the advanced level?
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
You cannot take Power Attack at L1 because your warpriest gaina the feats at L1 but do not have a BAB of +1.
At L2, when your warpriest gains L2, your BAB increases to +1 but you have no available feats to take Power Attack.
The earliest you could take Power attck is at 3rd, you have a BAB of at least +1 and you have a feat slot available.
This is the case whichever way you choose to build the character.
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
MrBear wrote:
Looking for an Aquatic race boon, hopefully some will show up as there's several conventions this week. Would be interested in up to two, as the fiance gets first dibs.
Have: samsaran, ratfolk, aasimar, tiefling, vanara, mounted tradition, could maybe be convinced to trade other stuff.
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
BretI wrote:
Tome I only grant what could have been found given location and big boss chosen. If a character couldn’t have gotten access to all items, neither should the GM running it.
This seems consistent with the intent as I understand it.
I agree - it seems odd for the GM to gain items that did not appear in the adventure.
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
That's what I thought as well.
However, reading the Guide, the first number is 'her current Reputation with those factions (W)' The second number is the updated reputation for a given faction.
So assuming I play 3 games with one character from, say, the Exo Guardians and I gain 2 Fame in each scenario, my reputation will be updated as
Chronicle 1 would read 0 | 2
Chronicle 2 would read 2 | 4
Chronicle 3 would read 4 | 6
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
Scenario states 'Content in Yesteryear's Truth also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Wayfinders faction'
There is an opportunity to gain up to 2 reputation with the your faction as well as the 1 repuataion with the Wayfinder faction.
The faction conditions state 'If the PCs completed the <redacted>, they
impress the Wayfinders faction. Each PC earns 1 additional Reputation with the Wayfinders faction, in addition to any other Reputation earned as a result of completing this scenario.
Does this give a member of the Wayfinder faction the option to earn up to 3 Repuation
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
Will RSP venues for PFS automatically be RSP venues for SFS ?
If we are runnng SFS events at a (currently PFS) RSP venues, will any SFS games there (before the RSP for SFS comes out) be counted towards the SFS RSP boon or do we need to wait till the SFS RSP details are announced ?
Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry
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SCPRedMage wrote:
pH unbalanced wrote:
I think that my Paladin/Ninja of Kelinahat (LG Empyreal Lord of Spies) would fall for *not* having a potion of disguise self on hand. Because that would be dishonorably unprepared.
Get ready to fall, then, because you can't have potions of personal range spells. :P
You are correct (except when they appear on chronicle sheets) :-p