terry_t_uk's page

********** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry 334 posts. 6 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 84 Organized Play characters.


skirmisher tricks 4/4 | effects/conditions:[/ooc] Animal Focus (bull): +2 Str


[ooc]warcat animal companion 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 25 T 13 FF 22 | CMB +7* CMD 20* | F +7 R +8* W +3* | Init +3 Per +1 (low-light vision, scent) SM +1 |

About Rumbles

Rumbles, wartrained rivercat animal companion

This breed of big cat is unique to the Narlmarches, and Rumbles is a fine example, though obviously still young. As a feline predator he most closely resembles a mountain lion, but narrower with shaggy, mossy gray-green fur. He stands almost two feet high and about five feet long, with large front paws and unusually large yellow eyes. His tail is a little shorter and stockier than that of a puma or a cougar, and his ears stick up straight like a lynx. He is outfitted with a suit of light chain mail barding and a special saddle, and he usually carries a stony gnome on his back. His name refers to the loud rumbling sound he sometimes makes when he is comfortable that echoes through mountain valleys or in caves underground.

Rumbles is grumpy and standoffish with others, though he sometimes allows Chizzlall to scratch and pet him, for a short period of time at least. Otherwise he doesn't like to be touched most of the time, and he will usually swipe at anyone who gets too close. Rumbles is still a very young rivercat, though he has been trained for war, and he can sometimes be impetuous in his enthusiasm for the chase. He is primarily noctural, as he prefers nighttime and underground temperatures to those of the daytime. His favorite foods are fish and snakes.

Size Medium* (Narrow Frame)

Abilities Str 15+1 (+3), Dex 15+1 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 2 (-4), Wis 11+1 (+1), Cha 5 (-3)

HP 45 (6d8[8+5+5+5+5+5]+12)

AC 25 (Dex +3, armor +4, natural armor +8)
DR 3/magic

Initiative +3

Move 40' (light armor)

Saves Fort +7, Reflex +8* (evasion), Will +3* (*devotion: +4 morale vs enchantment)

BAB +4

bite +7[-1] (1d6+3 [+2] BPS, cold iron), 20/x2 critical
2 claw +7 [-1] (1d4+3 [+2] BS), rake 1d4, 20/x2 critical

chain shirt barding

Warcat low-light vision, scent

Animal companion abilities bonus tricks x3 (Attack x2, Sic 'Em, Vengeance Strike), devotion, evasion, link, natural armor bonus +2, share spells, Str/Dex bonus +1, tricks (Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel)

Feats Combat Expertise*, Deadly Aim*, Light Armor Proficiency [level 1], Power Attack*, Weapon Finesse*; Outflank* (from master); Combat Reflexes [level 3], Pack Flanking* (from master); Narrow Frame [level 5]

Skills Escape Artist 1+3*, Intimidate 5-3; ACP -2

Equipment chain shirt barding (from master), exotic military saddle (from master), training harness (from master)

Chizzlall Ironshaper (hunter companion)
Zsófia Dobós (hunter companion's leader)