
stealthy redhead's page

233 posts. Alias of randomwalker.


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Goblin Squad Member

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'personal reasons' = couldn't stand the complaining about the grass?!

Ode to Pyronous Rath:

There once was a redheaded lass,
who didn't care much about grass,
but then she was told
by Pyronous troll
that games need their grass to kick *ss

What Pyronous said made such sense
that from that day on she was tense.
The places she'd been
the grass wasn't green!
And then she tried to make a ryhme with 'except on the other side of the fence' but it was too long to fit in a single line. drat!

Goblin Squad Member

from another alt perspective

Silkworm arched an eyebrow at her sister:
"So people are willing to pay bandits to leave them alone? Surely they must understand it only encourages them to come back? Have they no perspective?"

Her sister rolled her eyes. Why did she always have to do that? Disrespectful brat. Just because they were grown up didn't make her the older.

"So, tell me Silk, what would you do if armed hobgoblins showed up at your door?" she asked in the seemingly innocent tone that meant she was up to something.

"Duh! As if that could ever happen here. There are some advantages to living a civilized life, sis. If they managed to get past our sentries - which they wouldn't - I'd simply call the guards. Viola, no more bandits, and no protection payment".

That annoying smile again.
"Right. A civilized person would of course not pay protection money. So.. how's work? I guess you are busy as usual?"

"Oh, you wouldn't believe it. Yrme and Michelle are pushing us hard, it's crazy the amount of rope they need. And cotton sheets. And armor padding. And we just found a better way of weaving enchantments into yarn, and now everyone want a sample of that as well".

"..and still not getting properly paid, just giving the fruits of your labour to those that claim ownership of the land by virtue of their military might? Tell me again how that is different from paying for protection."

What? How can she...

"But.. it's totally different, because..."

Silkworm feels her cheeks blush, both anger at her sister's lack of manners and at herself for not coming up with a snappy reply in time.

"...Because we're the good guys! My work strengthens the forces of good and makes the River Kingdoms a better place for the innocent. And besides, if you truly believed that you would never have..."

But too late - again - her sister has already dodged around the corner, laughing. Insolent child!

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..and this is why a poor infernal bloodline sorceress barely can go out for a drink without casting 'repel wood'.

Goblin Squad Member

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(putting a RP thread out in the open is just asking for it to be ambushed).

She returns to her companions, moving close to the sergeant and speaking in a hushed voice. "Hobgoblins. A small armed group were coming from around that homestead. No sign of raiding, but I'll bet my best dagger they didn't leave emtpy-handed".

The sergeant grunts dimissively. "Outside our territory. Look but don't meddle."

She can't keep the frustration out of her voice "So we are supposed to just watch as the goblins grow strong and fat and not do anything until they cross our border? I thought rangers were supposed to be wise?"

He gives her a disapproving glare, opens his moth to say something, hestitates. His face softens the tiniest fraction and he sighs.
"It's... complicated. It's not just that killing the collectors might get the farmers in more trouble than they're already in. Other groups would see it as agressive expansionism - just declaring borders is more than enough to make enemies. Unless they ask for our protection and pledge fealty, you stay out of it. And that's an order!"

"Can I at least go talk to the homesteaders?"

"Girl, you want to go there and offer more protection right after bandits and hobgoblins have collected their 'protection' fees?! If you thought rangers were supposed to be wise, then surely you can do better than that."

She grinds her teeth. "But... but if the hobgobs just happen to cross the border then?"

The sergeant shakes his head. "You never stop, do you? A'right. If you can trick the hobgoblins across the border, we'll ambush them. But I want absolutely no incidents"

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not a serious application and no char sheet, but the interview is just too tempting to pass. Apologies to my avatar for abusing her this way, but it might teach her some good.

A slender redhead enters the interview room. She is dressed more like a hunter than a chef. She is visibly nervous, and fails to cover that with her too broad smile - which she promotly realizes. She fidgets with the knife at her belt.

"Greetings! I am Lord Schmultzfeather, and this is Lady Schmultzfeather. Who are you, and why do you want to be a chef at my fine new restaurant?"

Hi. I'm Foxglove. I need this job because... I mean I'd love to be a chef, it's like my life-long dream. And I can cook too. I mean like I can get you some really special stuff the others can't. That's what you advertised for, wasn't it?

"I see; I see. Which is your Consumable Specialty?"

Um... Vegetables? Or at least I think they all are counted as that.

"Please describe the three Consumable Specialty samples you have brought as we taste them now..."

Ok. Here we go:
For your starter, a simple peasant dish of bread and jam. The bread is bark bread - sorry, it's very hard to get to rise properly - made with bark from a treant. The jam is a mix of normal blackberries and wolfberries, which is hard to find because they change appearance to blend in - and of course you have to kill the bush. I've wondered if it would be possible to grow them on purpose, but the druids are all like "don't mess with that stuff" so I stick with feral ones for now.

For your main, a grilled vegepygmy steak. Well, not exactly steak, obviously, but close enough. My tests so far indicate that there's virtually no danger in eating it, as long as you make sure everything is heated properly. And if something goes wrong, you have your next meal right there, ha ha. Joke!! Sorry, that was a joke! It's really totally safe to eat.

Ummm.. three? Does the treant and wolfberry count as separate entries? Only I wanted try to make Moonflower licorice but it took so long to track the damn thing and when it turned out it tastes all funny it was too late to go out and hunt another vegetable. I mean, you're welcome to taste it, but it didn't exactly... I was more thinking to let the alchemists play with it.

"Interesting flavors! Now, explain exactly why I should hire you (and not someone else) for this elite position."
Because... huh? You have someone else who can make vegepygmy steak? Really? I was pretty sure I was the only one. Anyway - they are likely to be killed by the pygmies one of these days anyway, so there you have it - I'll be your only choice after all.

"If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?"
Crafty, pretty, and ...um.. no, I know: cunning veggie hunter, sir?

"Finally, please indulge me a strange question: What makes you laugh the most?"

She blushes bright pink and glances nervously at the Lady.
Being tickled, Sir. Umm... actually being tied up and tickled. It makes me totally lose... ahem... but I assure you that wouldn't happen at your fine restaurant here. Promise.

"Thank you; thank you. You'll be called for if you are chosen. Next!"

Oh... um, that's ok. Sorry.

Goblin Squad Member

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Goodbye - is such a lonely word in the night
We'll end it now, before a forum post starts a fight,
We have shared a poem and a song -
We have shared these forums for so long,
But now, we've reached that fateful point where you must part,
- but I'm not through:
For first, I have to sing goodbye to yooooouuu.

/sigh, the songbook will miss your contributions. Farewell, sweet nightinggale, till we meet again.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tabomo wrote:

GolGOthans. Eesh. Why does no one spell it properly?

And here's one for you:

Stun everyone,
It is so much fun,
When they cannot run,
Now you have won.

ouch.. being taught spelling by someone who takes math lessons from orcs. Gol-GOtcha!

I see your stun and raise with Aretha Franklin:

You better think (think) think about what you're trying to do to me
Yeah, think (think, think), I got tokens, spells that set me free

Oh freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), freedom, yeah freedom
Freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), freedom, ooh freedom

Goblin Squad Member

A crafter that strays from the vault
and loses an item - his fault!
If you want to win,
use destiny's twin
and do all your crafts on an alt

(with apologies to non-kickstarters, but it's unfortunately true - at least until next patch).

Goblin Squad Member

psst: you got it wrong.
What I heard is that the orcs were teaching them. Which really says something about the intellectual level of the average Golgathan, I'm sure.

When learning your slashes and hacks,
Don't worry 'bout dotting and stacks,
they matter not
if you one-shot
So train you high-damage attacks

Goblin Squad Member

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GripGuiness wrote:
Haiku also! Don't forget Haiku!

Haiku is too short

less than eighteen syllables
content eludes it

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Lincoln Hills wrote:
Assuming he's been caught with his pants down figuratively (as well as literally), a lot depends on his feat choice. Improved Dirty Trick, Catch Off-Guard and...

Catching naked people off-guard, dirty tricks. My oh my!

I'm not sure this is an appropriate topic - this is after all the internet.

Goblin Squad Member

Giorgo wrote:
Are any bards taking song commissions? I have an idea for a song and I would like someone to write it for me...

there should be several that at least are capable: Deianira, Xil, coach...

The forums (including GW one) have well written stuff from orcish pentameter to bardish political propaganda to a rather disturbing piece of gnomish wordsmithing.

What about making it into a CONTEST!?

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yesterday, all the danger seemed so far away
Now it looks as though it’s here to stay
oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly, there was non-consensual pvp,
Now a bandit’s busy looting me
Oh, PvP came suddenly.

How she could have known
that I had no allies near?
I played on my own,
Now I long for all my gear.

Recently, running solo was ok for me
But this episode has made me see:
I need to join a company!

Who will take me in?
I don’t know, it hard to say,
I’ve no player skill,
But I sometimes do rolepla-a-a-ay.

Hopefully, this is still the perfect game for me,
For I found someone who wanted me:
The PF University.

Goblin Squad Member


another one hits the PFO songbook.

Goblin Squad Member

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I never thought i'd conjure up Madonna but the lyrics wanted it. Is it time for someone to start compiling the PFO songbook?

Foxglove returns from her scavenging trip with no goods but a few new holes in her armor. She offers to sing to cover her bar tab. The tavernkeeper looks unconvinced.

I made it through the wilderness
Encumbered, but made it through
Didn't know how slow I was
Until I found you

I was beat
by your feat
I'd been had, I was sad and blue
And you made me lose
Yeah, you made me lose
My shiny and new

Hoo, PvP virgin
Ganked for the very first time
PvP virgin
When my husks lie
in a straight line

Gonna give you all my loot, boy
My gear is fading fast
Been saving it all for you
'Cause I’m content that can last

But that’s fine
Cause you're mine
I'll be yours
'Till the end of time
'Cause you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
I've nowhere to hide

Like a virgin, hey
Ganked for the very first time
PvP virgin
With five husks in a straight line

Like a virgin, ooh ooh
Like a virgin
Feel the rush inside
When you chase me,
And my health drops,
And you love me

Oh oh, ooh whoa
Oh oh oh whoa
Whoa oh ho, ho

Ooh baby
Can you make my loot drop
For the very first time?

Goblin Squad Member

GripGuiness wrote:
Theodum wrote:

It needs to be a new bucket – the old one disappeared. I suspect an unsavoury traveller and his donkey – he seemed surprisingly interested in my bucket.”

Suspect whomever you like Goblin-lover. Donkey and I have not ever been to Emerald Lodge. Our previous request to sample Emerald Liquor was never answered...so I figured we are unwelcome there. Perhaps security in your enclave is not exactly up to snuff.

Grip, I got the item. Meet me in the agreed place?

There seemed to be some kind of druidish ward made from string and a rat skeleton, but i managed to disable it.

Goblin Squad Member

Sounds like the furniture came from The Dancing Ogre.
(Or that you don't have anyone with carpentry ranks yet)

But if it fits, i sits. And I'll certainly stroll by.

Goblin Squad Member

It may be a new experimental pvp window mechanic. With Tavernhold being so vulnerable to Barbarian Brawls, it makes sense to implement stronger measures there first.

Goblin Squad Member

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Foxglove woke up with a hangover. Ouch. How could those last seven drinks seem like a good idea?
Her uneasy dreams about monsters everywhere faded, but the headache did not.

The previous night had been strange. The Fool's Feast wasn't a traditional River Kingdoms festival, but it seemed like it might catch on. The topsy-turvy aspect certainly appealed to the masses: mayors and barons dressed as court jesters and servants for a night while their fools sat on their thrones and commanded their people to laugh, dance and drink.

And it might teach the powerful to cultivate a little humbleness when they are reminded how easily power can change here.

Goblin Squad Member

Foxglove tosses a few silvers and a smile in the direction of the bard.

Touching. But won't stop them from eating him if he tries to go out there armed only with a musical instrument.

Goblin Squad Member

Cald Heurad wrote:
With a functionless AH, our only advantage was faster crafting. we were at 200% speed last week, but as of Wednesday, even with six towers, we are only 20% faster than any non-crafting settlements.

The *main* advantage of crafting settlements is to have all the crafting stations, allowing the settlement to make gear for every build. Running to neighbours for class training is a heck of a lot less work than hauling raw materials, refined components and crafted goods across the map and back again. (hint: if you want to find Brighthaven's leadership, look in Keepers Pass).

Crafting speed at T1 is already so fast that one refiner can supply a 100+ character guild (you need heaps of gatherers though). AH is for when the populations are much higher than now and the eonomy is mature (trust me - a centralized system is way more effective then free market for the buildup phase).

Bottom line: the excuses to poach towers sound very much like excuses (although seasoned with rational and well-intentioned arguments), and set a dangerous precedence.
If Alderwag approves of the 'deal' it is obviously a very different situation.

Goblin Squad Member

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Foxglove innocently wipes her ink-stained fingers on her footpad's leathers:

"Theodum, I hear you are interested in.. um.. mysterious scribbled scrolls. I mean book fragments. Lost pages and stuff. Anyway: I got some here I can absolutely guarantee nobody else has in their collections yet. Unknown origin but remarkably good condition - almost as new. Amazing what tricks the ancient mages knew, really."

"Could be yours for the right price. I might even know where to get more. Interested?"

Deadmanwalking wrote:

You left out CG, which is what I'd argue the US aspires to be in many ways (and fails, mind you).

Pathfinder Wiki wrote:
A nation with the chaotic good alignment is one in which citizens live in peace with autonomy, the government being a loose structure designed to provide aid to those in need and orchestrate larger projects for the nation that individuals couldn't do alone. The people of these nations are typically charitable and the needy and sick are often well cared for.

Which strongly implies that it's not the government per se that cares for the needy and sick. Caring for the needy and sick is certainly a necessary part of a Good society...but having the government be the ones to do it is a Lawful idea.

Interesting point!

US was indeed designed to be a place with minimal government and maximal personal freedom. At the same time we see you as having some kind of fetish for law enforcement and punishing the wicked (though uch of that comes automatically with being a superpower). You could well argue that a chaotic society logically needs more law enforcement, and that US society is CG-ish while government is LN-ish (that model also explains distrust in politicians)

I would absolutely not describe US as a pit of chaos. But individual-oriented and heterogeneous, yes.


As for the Scandinavian countries falling under LG or NG...I'd strongly argue that certain varieties of Evil are very tolerated indeed (major corporations leap to mind...)

You can't run a society without certain pragmatism. The NG-light version "we don't like it, but we're not zealots" possibly applies. We complain and demand the govt to do something, then forget it. Very little zeal in rooting out evildoers - we go for negotiations first.

At the same time we very much subscribe to very 'lawful' ideas of government health/unemployment/child care etc and have some kind of conformity culture where everything is easy if you fit in but harder if you don't.
So, possibly a case of LG-ish society and a more LN/NN-ish pragmatic government (but at the very least the gap is smaller, so we trust our government a lot more).

re: OP question.
if discussing Pathfinder alignment, at least use the Pathfinder definitions and not personal interpretation of 'good' and 'lawful'

Pathfinder Wiki wrote:

"A nation with the lawful good alignment is one in which strict laws protect its citizens, evil is not tolerated, and the poor are cared for. Chaotic characters may find these locations to be difficult to navigate socially and legally, but if one is conscious of the local laws and customs, it is usually possible to stay out of trouble."

"A nation with the neutral good alignment is one in which citizens and the government try to live in peace, and safeguard the rights and lives of the nations inhabitants children, evil is not tolerated, though not hunted or prosecuted with the same zeal as a lawful good nation, and the unfortunate and sick are well-cared for."

Scandinavia/north Europe perhaps fits the NG description better than the LG one (except the 'hard to navigate part' which is certainly true). You amercians can discuss the 'poor are cared for' bit and what alignment to put of USA. However large organizations are not per definition evil when using the pathfinder definitions.

"Lawful neutral characters are the judges of Golarion. Typically driven by a strong sense of fairness and duty, these characters are often willing to take extreme personal risk to stay true to the accepted behavior and beliefs of their deity or society. Being morally neutral, a character of this alignment sees both good and evil as tools to use to maintain order".

Realpolitik! Seems to fit US fairly well from where I'm standing. Obvisouly also fits many religious groups.

Goblin Squad Member

<Kabal> Kradlum wrote:

...Well, thanks to Empyrean Bankbot you hopefully won't be hearing that for a while.

Curiously enough, it is actually the Bankbot character herself that makes the coarse padding +3.

(Us proper weavers are making the fine padding though, in case you decide masterwork is 4x better than that +3 keyword).

Goblin Squad Member

Same excellent quality as always!

Agree with Cheatle that coordinates would be great (how would you like to be the guy that taught GW how to navigate their own map?)

instead of SatNav we'd use the HarNav...

and best of luck with the Diviners. I'm sure you can outsource quite a bit of work to Brighthaven as well.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

...I should have replaced my "Strike Poverty Not Syria" (I still don't care for that slogan much--Defeat U.S. Imperialism Through Workers Revolution!) with one reading "Vive le Galt!"

While the idea of using military strikes for the purpose of having less poor people must be appealing to some, it strikes me as a very non-socialist thing. Also, as demonstrated too many times, it doesn't actually help.

If you just like to compare apples and oranges, compare US alcohol-related death rates to US casualties from war and terrorism and come up with the slogan "Terrorism is better than beer". (Though a capitalist might look at the costs and conclude that alcohol is a 100 times more cost-effective way of killing the masses).

Goblin Squad Member

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Posting and settlements aside, Kadere is a hot beefcake. Those dreamy eyes, that smile that gives butterflies in my stomach - and beyond. The shirt is a little scruffy, so there's another reason to take it off, hmm?

Wait, what do you mean judged by the collective... umm.. gotta go!

My main takes no reponsibility for what this alt does in her spare time. Also, I already have an invite.

Goblin Squad Member

Jiminy wrote:
Who doesn't love a fighter with a smart mouth and panche!

Rogues. You're stepping on our turf.

(PFO has a Swashbuckler armor line for rogues that give melee bonuses, light blades attack bonus is a rogue prereq, and precision/rapier attacks are dex-based. Add reflex save, uncanny dodge, evade and bluff...)

Goblin Squad Member

Stephen Cheney wrote:

As currently set up...

oh.. I think Foxglove just became an elf.

Female Human Rogue 4

still missing one Alk...

Foxglove will use her full round action to move into a flanking position (CO35 unless Alk takes that spot)

I can at least try to draw an attack (i'm the one with the most armor...), and be in position for opportunity attacks if it tries something stupid.

Female Human Rogue 4
Harad Navar wrote:

Thanks. RAW seems clear indeed. In real life I can hit something 10' in the air with a 2' stick without jumping, but I'll accept that the manticore isn't a cardboard box filling all the corners of the cube. I suppose high jump DC's are just harder than I remembered.

Waiting for Alk and Dezi to act first, though you can safely expect Foxglove to close to melee. Does the slope makes charge impossible?

Female Human Rogue 4
Harad Navar wrote:
..she can make the long jump off the edge of the embankment, but can not jump high enough for a strike at the manticore;

Callistra's warts! Stop flying and come face me like a... eh.. someone stupid

jump questions:
Two minor misunderstandings here, turning what I though was a stupid risky move into a much stupider one..

manticore continues flying to CF34 and is now 10-ft off ground

1: Since CF34 is at -10 elevation, I interpreted this as the manticore being at elevation +0, and the long jump (from elevation +0) being the only thing needed (ie a jump I couldnt possibly fail).

2: Foxglove is some 5' tall with a 2 1/2' rapier.. Are you ruling she needs to make a DC:20 jump check to hit something 10' up? I expected something around DC:10 to make the attack with a -2 higher ground penalty

still.. it was supposed to be a dramatic overreaction to Carrot's injury rather than a strategic move, so a total failure to achieve anything works fine too.

also waiting for others to act before posting next action

Female Human Rogue 4

about bow: meh.. not a big deal. Keep it as +0 since I ran out of cash, at least it looks very pretty.

Foxglove, shaking with fury and adrenaline after seeing Carrot hurt, drops her bow and runs at the manticore, drawing her blade as she runs

ok.. hopefully not too much wishful thinking here: Manticore 10' above the ground should mean at same level as +0 elevation hexes (and the bridge), and reachable by a long jump instead of a high one. The manticore is reachable by a 30' move including a 10' run before the jump. Unfortunately Harad doesn't threathen from the ground, so no flanking.
Dropping bow as free action, drawing rapier+dagger as part of move (due to TWF). Jump and stab with rapier, similar to what Harad did.

acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 (which should be enough to jump from CH34 to CG33)
melee (mw rapier): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28dam: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

The point of the rapier darts towards the throat of the beast...
crit confirm?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19extra damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
..and penetrates several inches before gravity pulls wielder and blade away again.

acrobatics for landing: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
She lands on her feet below the beast, ready to defend herself if it should swoop down).

Goblin Squad Member

Lord Regent: Deacon Wulf wrote:

Looks down and sighs

It seems becoming Undead has drawbacks.

just change title to Lady Regent and no-one will think more about it.

Barring that, I'm sure the Vespiary has crafters. Would you prefer bone, wood or iron?

(ooh, so many puns there I can't make..)

Female Human Rogue 4
Harad Navar wrote:

[plus is only on attack, not damage]

MW bonus is to hit only, but I was pretty sure I bought a new mw composite shortbow precisely because is was made with Str(+1) rating. I suppose I only said that in-character, but I specifically said that the Str(+2) composite longbows were a tad too heavy to pull and I was looking for something more suited to my strength.

Anyway, not a very big deal. Especially not when I can't hit.

Foxglove's jaw drops a little as she sees Harad jump up and punch the monster. I wonder if I could do that too? But he's still going to die if he keeps getting spiked like that! Unless Dezi can save him.

Then she notices:
"NOOO! Save Carrot!"

Female Human Rogue 4

unless Cat or Dezi does something completely unexpected, Foxglove will draw an arrow and yell at the Manticore (but keep her cover)
"Over here ya' ugly mutt. I got a spike for you too"

ready action to fire bow (+8/d6+1 plus whatever modifiers) once it comes within short range

Female Human Rogue 4

Wings, spiky tail and ugly mug. He's going to fly by and pepper us the moment we get out on the brid... whoaa, Dezi's starting something - probably a fight.

Foxglove dashes to nearby cover (big tree or rock), preferably 20-30' from Dezi, and draws her bow. She doesn't care to be silent - drawing the fire away from mounts and Dezi wouldn't be so bad.

"Spread out!"

deliberately not firing because she's not sure what Dezi's up to - could be a 'charm monster' for all she knows. Also sounds like sorta long range.

Female Human Rogue 4

"What? Oh!"
Foxglove sees the (one) lion.

"Stealth, speed and sharp claws versus head-butting and posturing. Too easy, but a good demonstration."

Suddenly she tenses and says to Alk and Harad with urgency:
"What if there's a shepherd there? And he's stupid enough to try to interfere?"

Foxglove stands on tip-toe to look for any sign of a nearby shepherd (or any sign the sheep are domestic and not wild). If she cannot see anything, she is content to watch the show.

She readies her bow and arrow, though. Just in case.

Harad, as the high wisdom character it's probably your job to wonder where the third lioness is. Foxglove is too busy with her hair and all.

Goblin Squad Member

Virgil Firecask wrote:

Rabble rabble rabble! Rabble. Rabble rabble rabble?

Rabble. xoxoxo

Rabble rabble,

RR: Rabble rabble rabble.

so far the only one to respond in character. Or maybe just rambling. So hard to tell with Dwarvish.

Mr.Carbon: I'm sorry you disapprove of my garb, and that your cows have such poor sense of balance in the dark. But I would never wish to pick a fight with you on your terms, out in the open just for the sake of fighting.

I will however offer to, for a fee, carry your message to the nearest town. I might even toss in a word that you carry some very valuable items on your body.

Oh, and since you have no attachment to family members, would you mind if I... inherited your house?

Female Human Rogue 4
Harad Navar wrote:

Foxglove is fixing her hair.

bang on! Though it should at least be "her long, luxurious hair"

Ooooh..sheep. Kinda romantic, dueling for the lady favors like that. Wouldn't that be something, having two knights fight over me... though I'd of course have to stab the ugly one so I could run off with the cute one.

Oh, Dezi is making the sign for... monster? or was it ambush or danger? Gah, her tests are hard! But wouldn't it be funny if that was for real and she was afraid of sheep! I suppose those rams could look scary if I were 3' tall...

Female Human Rogue 4

Foxglove hesitates... "Umm.. if you go down, I'll grab your wand and use it on you. I'm pretty sure I can get it to work - just not on the first try. So better not bleed out too fast."Ouch.. such a tiny body, every second is going to count then."On second thought, we'll probably stuff a healing potion down your throat if that happens. The wand is for... well.. if we are wounded and chased and find a place to hide for a few minutes. And you are exhausted. That kind of thing."

Dezi Viscasne wrote:
She wastes no time in beginning lessons, adding signs for 'cure', 'wounds', 'poison', 'attack', 'now' and basic numbering.

'Cure'? But why would I worry about breaking stealth to ask for a cure... ohyeahright she still can't hear...

She is curious and a quick learner. Nevertheless, when Dezi tries to teach signs for numbers, she counters by showing Dezi that humans already know how to count on their fingers. And if there are more than 5 opponents, the sign you want is probably 'hide!' or 'flee!' anyway. She would like to know the sign for 'I heard something' or 'dangerous sound' though, since Dezi otherwise might be oblivious.

When we return to a city, I'll have her teach me signs for cheating at card games and such.

Foxglove also tries to teach Dezi every rude gesture she knows. Although I suspect Dezi knows them all and many more.

Female Human Rogue 4

unless something happens in the first hour...

Foxglove walks beside Dezi, trying to write on the slate while walking, or stopping to write and hurrying to catch up.
Can you teach me some basic signs for scouting?
Gah, writing is so.. annoying. Exactly why we must learn her signs!

Foxglove asks to learn the signs for:
-danger! monster, ambush, trap,
-follow me quietly

Except for the last one (saved for internal use), she insists everyone in the party learns these basic signs.

Female Human Rogue 4

"That's settled then!"

counting out coins to pay for her share of the healing wand:
"It's a good thing you got the cheaper one. Actually it's a good thing we'll be back on the road again. I seem to have spent a lot more money than I thought. Let's just hope there are no nice shops along the road ahead."


"Dezi, do you have a... little pony or something? You are welcome to hitch a ride on Carrot, but I'm not sure how comfortable saddlebags would be."
Drawing of Dezi on a tiny horse, Dezi in saddlebag, and a question mark. Waiting for Dezi to indicate if she needs a ride.
Foxglove does not expect an eidolon

She hopes to find Cat in the saddlebags or around the stables. If not, she coos and calls and really takes her time moving out of the village, hoping that it'll catch up.

Female Human Rogue 4

were we supposed to level up, or is that 'soon' ?

Female Human Rogue 4
Harad Navar wrote:
I suggest we gather our belongings a prepare to depart. Unless, of course you or Foxglove need to do some more shopping.

we could probably use a wand of clw, even now that we have someone who could actually use it

Foxglove seems to have packed and prepared most of her stuff the evening before, as she likes to be ready to escape leave at short notice.

Female Human Rogue 4
Dezi Viscasne wrote:

Dezi keeps an eye on the wanderers looking for clues of strange behavior that would not be in keeping with guards.

Foxglove is about to start whispering, then writes instead:

posh wedding - merc leaders - secret meetings? patrol for spies & assassins -> i look dangerous?

Satisfied she solved that mystery, she blows a kiss to the next patrol they meet and moves on, ignoring the guards from then on.


Next morning, Foxglove is only a little late for breakfast and in a good mood despite her hangover. She greets the party:
"Morning boys. You missed a great party!"

Dezi sense motive:
Was Foxglove really quite as drunk as she appeared? Were the nightly antics just spontaneous fun, or also some kind of test? Whatever the case, Foxglove approves.
Foxglove basically knows you enjoy a good time and also bit of skullduggery, are spontaneous, a good stealther, a great performer (which often comes with a side order of bluff or diplomacy), can levitate/have innate magic, and becomes extremely easily drunk. Not bad for a first date.

Female Human Rogue 4

On the way home, giggling and showing clear signs of having been bought plenty of drinks, Foxglove tries to persuade Dezi to "look around a bit" in the village.
Basically meaning: sneaking around (but no climbing), peeking through windows and trying to spy on any still awake (or sleeping) people without being seen.

assuming Alk is sleeping, or she would find it fun seeing how long and how overtly she could spy on Alk before being noticed. Otherwise, this is a <insert hooks, clues or red herrings> device and a way to expose

When they run into a cat on the way, Foxy stops and pets it.It is obvious she loves cats. She writes "we have a Cat", and makes a stick figure of Cat with an earring and sharp claws leaping in the face of a goblin shaman.

if they meet Cat:
Foxglove squates down and invites Cat for a long warm hug. "Cat! Where have you been? You missed the greatest party. This is Dezi, she'll come along with us. Good taste in clothing, most wonderful singing voice and she can see in the dark. Oh, and healing magic."

Eventually, they meander their way back to the inn, where Foxglove gives Dezi a big hug.
"Thank you for a wonderful evening. Nothing like a big party to make you feel - well - alive, before going out on dangerous adventures. See you in the morning?"

Glancing up at the sky, she adds: "Well, maybe not at first light, but no worries, Alk needs to rehearse his magic for a good hour and Harad does his meditation thing, so we'll get at least some sleep."

Rather than writing, she accompanies her talk with stick figures on Dezi's board: One bearded with a book, one in a yoga pose, one sleeping and a tiny one also sleeping. She adds a sun above. And a bed underneath the third figure. Yawns. "Good night!"

Female Human Rogue 4
Dezi Viscasne wrote:

As they approach their destination, she realizes she has forgotten her cloak and has no way of covering her silver hair as she had during dinner. Maybe Foxy'll chalk it up to being tiny? She'll know the truth of things soon enough.

"Wow, I absolutely love your fey-touched hair! Or is it a glamour spell? And it matches your dress."

Foxglove has changed to her (borderline indecent) dancer outfit underneath a dark green hooded cloak. One very visible stiletto at the hip to warn drunk men from acting on bad ideas.

Initially, she is just awestruck when Dezi starts singing on top of the complex drum best. And here I thought... well, I'm impressed!
Inspired, she starts first to mimic Dezi's sway, then start following her own intuition, nearly getting lost in the song.

not that it matters in any way, but I'd like to use dancing to assist Dezi's masterful performance.
perform (dance): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

"Wow! Just... wow!"

Female Human Rogue 4
Darcnes wrote:

Dezi flashes a large smile at reference to her dress and hooks a thumb at herself, beaming in a sort of proud shyness.

She actually thinks up a new dress design every day, some are not as well received.

When Foxy learns about the sleeves, she will be so envious...


After a moment she points at a bright light and shades her eyes with a pained look, squinting her eyes for effect. She points at the word 'night' on the board, while nodding emphatically.

(Drinks sound like fun, well.. drink.. it does not take much.)

Foxglove grins. Don't like the bright light, eh? I think we may get along fine enough. Though the spotlight can be a very fun place when you know exactly what you want them to see.


after the dinner, she will try to find a place to go dancing. (Being deaf, Dezi might have completely missed out the pleasures of dancing - or not). Both possessing natural grace and performing skills (dance/percussion), they should be able to have quite a good time together. On the way home, Foxglove will ask whether the healing magic cures hangovers.

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