Quick eye, quick wit, quick hand, quick smile, quick blade. Foxglove is graceful, knows it, and shows everyone she knows it.
A native of the River Kingdoms, she quickly learned that a young, pretty girl is vulnerable but someone who appears dangerous and confident is usually left alone. She has cultivated the image of a confident femme fatale, and doesn't mind making men uneasy with her smile. However red-blooded men are not the only danger, and she has learned to avoid - or survive - trouble in other ways as well. Her bluffs have occasionally led her into risky situations, and she finds she loves the adrenaline rush of dancing close to danger and making it with the smallest margin. It also proves to herself that she deserves her image.
She is dangerously curious, and when faced with the mysterious or 'interesting' - whether magic, traps or people - she tends to poke at it to see what reaction she can get. If not for her canny senses and quick reactions, she would likely not have been alive today. On the other hand, the same quick reactions, her curiosity, confidence, offensive attitude and experience with puzzles makes her a valuable addition to a band of adventurers. Provided they show her the right kind of respect.
She reveres Desna, but turns to Calistria 'when needed'
used/dropped gear:
gained gear:
loot from Tiebite and goblins
(assuming Alk has brooch and money from dead rogue)
Female human rogue4
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init+4; Senses normal (shadow strike, canny observer); Perception +10
Favored class: Rogue (+1 hp/lvl)
AC 20, touch 14 (+4 armor, +1 defl, +1 nat+4 dex, +2 dodge vs sneak attack victim)
hp 32 (4d8+4+4)
Fort +2 Ref +8 Will +0; trap sense +1
Def.abilities Evasion, Uncanny dodge, Defensive offense, Trap sense
Speed 30’
Melee MW rapier +8 (d6+1) or rapier&dagger +6/+6 (d6+1/d4+1)
Ranged mw composite shortbow +8 (d6+1) and thrown daggers
Special attacks sneak attack +2d6 +shadow strike (SA vs concealed)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 14
BAB +3; CMB ; CMD Feats Weapon finesse, Shadow strike, 2-weapon fighting
Rogue talents Canny observer, Offensive defense
Traits Charming, Dangerously curious
Languages (3 bonus) Skald, Hallit, Goblin
(no armor check penalty in mithral shirt)
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +6, Bluff +9 (+10 vs men), Diplomacy +9 (+10 vs men), Disable device +11 (+13 vs traps), Disguise +6, Escape artist +11, Intimidate +6, Know(local) +6, Linguist +6, Perform(dance) +6, Perception +6/+10 canny observer/+12 vs traps), Sense motive +6, Sleight of hand +11, Stealth +11, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +10
(Carrying capacity 50-100-150)
mithril chain shirt +1 (10 lbs)
ring of protection +1
amulet of natural armor +1
belt sheath: mw rapier, wand of message (49 charges)
bandoleer: mw dagger, 2 throwing knives, 2 smokesticks, 2 healing potions, oil flask
mw composite shortbow and 12 arrows in back quiver.
2 daggers and 2 throwing knives in wrist sheaths and hidden in outfit (cloak, boot, hips, back)
brown/green adventuring (explorer) outfit incl. dark hooded cloak
pouch: caltrops, pepper (scent masker for dogs)
pouch: coins, gems and bangles
pouch: mw thieves tools, chalk, 30’ thick silk cord
cloak pocket: make-up, comb, hand mirror, needle&thread
carried by pack pony ‘Carrot’:
Pack saddle and saddlebags
red fashionable (courtiers) outfit with jewelry (50gp)
blue dancing (entertainer) outfit
6 days of rations, 2 waterskins, 3 bottles of decent wine, cup
teapot, tea, flint&steel and hatchet
scroll case, parchment and writing gear
hooded lantern and 3 spare oil flasks
soap and sponge, fragrant dried herbs
empty sacks and spare winter blanket
100’ silk rope
carrots and oats (2 days pony feed remaining)
sheath with 20 extra arrows (from hobgoblin)
small pack (from spider tunnel) ith:
(2) potion of cure light wounds, (1) potion of pass without trace (1) vial anti-toxin, an unfinished letter to a merchant in Daggermark.
(value of 'coins, gems and bangles' in belt pouches)
86 gp