rosie_187's page

Organized Play Member. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Weapon finesse allows you to use Dex to hit with appropriate weapons. The feats that allow Dex to damage are not in the core rule book.

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I fear that a number of your suggestions are not valid.

Anything duplicating or used as a weapon would count as improvised even if allowable

I do not interpret the Anytool as separating into multiple items, so I would not think it could substitute for marbles, caltrops, stilts, screws, nails. Perhaps you could make one of these items, but what would you do with one stilt or one caltrop?

The description says it can be "folded, twisted, hinged and bent to form almost any known tool." It doesn't say any known item.

Some of your suggestions are probably too complex and have too many moving parts ie Water pump, lock, Astrolabe, water filter.

An unskilled hireling can carry your stuff for just 1gp per day.

Each attack of opportunity is a discrete occurrence which is made using your normal attack bonus, regardless of whether you have already attacked that turn. There is no carryover of TWF penalty. If someone at 5' stands up, provoking an AoO you kick them in the face using IUS at your normal attack bonus, the provoker then finishes acting. If the next thing that happens is that someone stands up 10' away, you can stab them with a longspear AT YOUR NORMAL ATTACK BONUS. The previous AoA is irrelevant.

Straph wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

I mean, you do realize that two-weapon fighting, and the two-weapon fighting feat, have no effect on what one can, and cannot wield?

Yes I realize this. I'm just wondering if Paizo intended this with IUS as it would seem monks/brawler are the only class able to threaten both 10' and 5' squares during the same turn.

Au contraire. Regardless of class, if someone has, for example armour spikes and a reach weapon they threaten at both 5 and 10 feet. Assuming that they can make multiple AoO they can attack anyone who provokes at either 5 or 10 ft. A medium creature enlarged to large size has natural reach such that they threaten anything within 10ft so they can take AoO on any provocation at both 5 or 10 ft. Both these examples are class irrelevant.

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Penalising players because their characters are dead can lead to an ongoing circle of failure and further death. If the new PC is artificially behind the rest of the party they are then more likely to be killed again because they are not as advanced as their peers and are more vulnerable. Do you then penalise them again, so they fall further behind? Do the players eventually end up playing cohorts of the surviving party members, then followers, then passers by?

Inlaa wrote:

The Black Prince of Normandy forcibly took control of England and subjugated its people - and was pretty successful.

I think you might have inadvertently conflated William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy and conqueror of England in 1066, with Edward the Black Prince, son of Edward III who lived almost three centuries later and famously defeated the French at Crecy and Poitiers.

In the CRB for the core pantheon of 20. "Inner Sea Gods" has many, many more.

If Orik fights defensively, his AC would be up to 23 without any manipulation of his stat block as written.

Gnomish Battle Kazoo?

Kyoninianite is clearly the most cromulent choice.

Is there a hierarchy of rules? If a situation arises where abiding by some rules results in others being broken, what are your mercenaries expected to do?

Which is the most important - the outfit, the contract or the individual mercenary? If all are equally important then can a course of action that meets the requirements of some rules, but breaches others, still be deemed to be punishable?

You seem to think that the PCs believed they were acting on a good faith interpretation of the rules. If they are longstanding members of the mercenary company, they must have had a reason for doing so - perhaps their interpretation of the rules is actually correct? If not then there is narrative dissonance of people who apparently always acted a certain way in their lives before they were the centre of a story apparently acting differently because they are now player characters.

Maybe you can find a way for both positions to be true. Perhaps a recent change of leadership in the mercenary company means that different parts of the code are being emphasised - they acted in good faith based on what had gone before, but the new command structure punishes them "pour encourager les autres". Then you can have internal conflict in the mercenary company - maybe a power struggle breaks out between camps with differing interpretations of the code.

It doesn't have to be unsporting. Maybe there are categories of fight that allow some or all magic items, or that include handicapping. Magic items could be an accepted part of no holds barred fights, in which case Kurgess wouldn't take issue.

Perhaps your luchador is a rudo who thinks magic items are justified because it's really her skill at using them that means she wins.

Maybe the magic items are to make the fight more impressive for spectators - she could win without them, but she wants to put on a good show.

UPDATE for 2015

*We now meet every other Thursday evening.

*We have most recently concentrated on playing one-shot games and short campaigns.

*In 2014 we played: Pathfinder, D&D 5E, FATE, Savage Worlds, Paranoia and World of Darkness amongst others.

*We now have a Meetup page. Check it out at:

Barbarian: Invulnerable Rager
Cavalier: Emissary
Gunslinger: Musket Master
Inquisitor: Spellbreaker
Magus: Bladebound
Ranger: Skirmisher
Rogue: Scout
Sorcerer: Wildblooded

I believe Mark Moreland recently mentioned a personal interest in doing an 'Armies of Golarion' book when he appeared on the Know Direction podcast. That would be nice, but it you want it you probably have to chivvy Erik Mona to get it to happen.

To paraphrase the Simpsons, "Finally a campaign of wonder and whimsy. Oh yeah, that's way better than fun and excitement."

A spot of whimsy can be a fine thing, but for villains must keep their edge. There might well be cupcake bakeoffs, but they could still involve the grinding of bones to make my bread as it were. A court case in fairy court is interesting, but the fey are a capricious bunch, and I would not care to know how they punish those who are found to be in contempt.

I think these whimsical elements are best when they are used sparingly to juxtapose something horrific to make a reveal more jarring and resonant.


How about Metallica - Call of Ktulu, either the original or the orchestral version from S&M?

If not that, then Harmageddon, Domination or really anything else off the "Inquisition Symphony" album by Apocalyptica.

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Simon Legrande wrote:
How long did it take for America to form a centralized government? Why can't a GM do that with Golarion if they choose?

A GM can clearly do whatever he chooses, and nothing I wrote implied otherwise.

My point was that saying that it is weird that Varisia is a high fantasy setting without a centralised government is a result if taking too narrow a view of the setting material. Varisia doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Mulet wrote:
A high fantasy setting, that lacks a centralized government is just.... weird. Every book I have read always has one. Heck, a Song of Ice and Fire has too many!

Golarion is chockablock with centralised governments. Varisia happens to be a wild frontier region that has only been colonised for a couple of hundred years, hence the absence of a single central authority.

Nobody looks at 17th century North America and says, "Whats with these competing colonies, why isn't there a king and an organised central government?" There are kings and central government elsewhere in the world in the established nations, whether they be in Spain and England or Cheliax and Taldor.

There can absolutely be multiple markets Mark. For example, medieval London had Borough, Billingsgate and Smithfield markets, along with smaller street markets in Cheapside. If you have multiple large, named markets they might specialize in different products - livestock at one, fish at another, grain and produce at a third. Maybe one market is a wholesale market and another is full of smaller traders with more particular products.


* First session now FREE for new members

* Free Tea and Coffee. There is also often complementary cake.

* We still have player spaces in our Rise of the Runelords game, which is currently in the middle of Burnt Offerings.

* We have capacity to host more games if there any GMs looking for a venue

Acalaphus, from a real world perspective Gothenbury might mean something like "fortified enclosure of the Geats" i.e a transliteration of Gothenburg, the Swedish city. I recommend having a look at the list of generic forms in place names on Wikipedia so you can get a feel for why things might be called what they are. The Domesday book is also a great idea.

Just personally, Gothenbury doesn't sound quite right to me as an English-style placename - according to an online gazetteer of English place names there are no currently recorded uses of Gothen in an English placename. This list might not be exhaustive so there could be a hamlet by that name, but the form sounds like it should be changed to something more like Godstonbury, Goddenbury, Garthenbury. This is all just opinion and I am not an expert in Toponymy, so if you like Gothenbury, go with it.

Norwich was a decent sized Medieval city, with about 2.5 miles of city walls, and that incorporated 12 gates. Most of these are called St. Blank's Gate or similar, but there are the interestingly named Brazen Doors, which seems like a name worth pinching.

Meet me at The Claim Jumper. It's a nice little inn just off Placer Place - just cut down Panner's Alley from the Assay House and you're there.

Holy spell casting monk, Batman!

In that case maybe you could call the government district "The Assay House", given that in a gold mining community, assaying would be amongst the most important official activities.

That was exactly what I was thinking Corvino. If there isn't a river, then there must be a pretty good reason why the city grew up where it did. Is there a particularly valuable natural resource that is exploited there?

30. Use pigs to dispose of "evidence"

Out of curiosity, if there's no river and no large body of water near to Grandon, then why is it there in the first place?

For us the fight was over in the blink of an eye. Scimitar to the arm, arrow to the chest, failed effort by Tsuto to tumble over the party and down the corridor and finally a glaive to the stomach put him down. We stabilised him and had him hauled off to gaol after going through his pockets. The next morning we sauntered over to interrogate him only to arrive as the guards were panicking. He had smashed the bowl his breakfast gruel was served in and slashed his throat with one of the shards.

We are a budding RPG club in St. Albans. We run events twice a month, focusing on short campaigns. Anyone is welcome to join in, just let us know you're interested!

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 18.30 to 22.30 at

St Albans Age Concern Hall, AL1 3SD

£5 per session to cover hall hire costs.

If you're interested, drop us a line on Facebook at:

We are currently playing Pathfinder ROTRL and about to start a new Fate Core game.

We hope to see you soon.

Orfamay Quest wrote:
agnelcow wrote:
Mark Hoover wrote:
So not every major city has a university then?
I'd say not, no; there's just not enough people with the time and wealth to devote a large part of their lives to study to justify wide-spread higher education.

And furthermore, there's not the demand for higher education that there is today in the real world. In Golarion, if I want to become a doctor, a lawyer, a wizard, or an engineer, I suspect it's easier and more practical to apprentice myself appropriately than it is to study the profession in an academic setting.

Again, even in the real world, the idea that you have to go to school to become a doctor is largely a 20th century invention. For example, the Mayo Clinic, today one of the world's top medical schools, was founded in the late 19th century by a doctor and his two sons whom he had trained privately as his apprentices.

Basically, it's not unreasonable for a character to have a university education. But most characters would neither need nor want one; it's not a basic assumption the way it might be in D20 Modern.

I would say it is quite a bit older than that i.e I would think the University of Edinburgh Medical School (est 1726), the birthplace of the Edinburgh model of medical teaching that was operated around the world might disagree with some of that.

A barber/surgeon or a 'healer' might not have gone to a university, but I would expect someone styled as a Doctor or physician would have done so.