rosie_187's page

Organized Play Member. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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I fear that a number of your suggestions are not valid.

Anything duplicating or used as a weapon would count as improvised even if allowable

I do not interpret the Anytool as separating into multiple items, so I would not think it could substitute for marbles, caltrops, stilts, screws, nails. Perhaps you could make one of these items, but what would you do with one stilt or one caltrop?

The description says it can be "folded, twisted, hinged and bent to form almost any known tool." It doesn't say any known item.

Some of your suggestions are probably too complex and have too many moving parts ie Water pump, lock, Astrolabe, water filter.

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Penalising players because their characters are dead can lead to an ongoing circle of failure and further death. If the new PC is artificially behind the rest of the party they are then more likely to be killed again because they are not as advanced as their peers and are more vulnerable. Do you then penalise them again, so they fall further behind? Do the players eventually end up playing cohorts of the surviving party members, then followers, then passers by?

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Simon Legrande wrote:
How long did it take for America to form a centralized government? Why can't a GM do that with Golarion if they choose?

A GM can clearly do whatever he chooses, and nothing I wrote implied otherwise.

My point was that saying that it is weird that Varisia is a high fantasy setting without a centralised government is a result if taking too narrow a view of the setting material. Varisia doesn't exist in a vacuum.