Neolandis Kalepopolis

omen2zippo's page

Organized Play Member. 40 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

O.k. so here it is my group is just starting Hook Mountain Massacre and so far the entire party has died once in Burnt Offerings, twice in The Skinsaw Murders, and once in The Seven Swords of Sin module i threw in to give them so more XP. Now i know i only have a group of 4 and i have seriously reduced the strength of the big baddies. My group finds it to easy fighting the smaller battles cause they use most of their resources on them then when they get to a main encounter they are FUBARed.

Or they do really stupid stuff like oh lowering a cleric who can't swim into a hole in thistletop that they know has water in the bottom then after the bunyip bites the cleric in half they decide to lower down the mage this proceeds until only the paladin remains.

O.k. not gonna say to much bout Skinsaw except my entire party died at the bottom and the top of the clock tower.
And then we come to Seven Swords of Sin more like one book of death for my party. i need a way to make my party realize that they are doing things wrong without killing them and yes i have fudged rolls in their favor and i have weakened the baddies but when it comes down to it i think my players are just not that committed to their characters because they just keep killing themselves in silly ways

Hi there i am looking for a grop to join and enjoy the goodies that paizo heaps on us. i am currently in a group who hasnt played since the begining of April and i am wanting to play on a more regular basis. let me know if anone is in the Indianplois erea and needing another player

i notice a lot of people asking for more feats i was just wondering if you have heard of an old web site they have a book of feats on there. Let me see yes it is called gryphons book of feats and as far as i know its all OGL

I recently finished running Burnt Offerings with a party of 4. 1 paladin, 1 wizard, 1 cleric, and 1 rogue. well needles to say all but the wizard has died i even fudged rolls in thier favor and made goblins run away has anyone else had this problem????