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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Drago95 wrote: Will there be Foundry modules for Season 6 like for Season 5? Yes; see here: https://paizo.com/products/btq056kk?Pathfinder-Society-Year-of-Immortal-Inf luence-Deluxe-Edition ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Pregens are under "More Resources" on the playtest page Level 1 pregens download: https://downloads.paizo.com/240801_SF2E_PreGens_Lvl1.zip Level 5 pregens download: https://downloads.paizo.com/240801_SF2E_PreGens_Lvl5.zip ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Also, the scenario has the Vigilant Seal tag, but has no "Faction Notes" which give Reputation with the Vigilant Seal faction under certain circumstances. Do they automatically get full Rep with Vigilant Seal (from the tag)? Do they always get 0 Rep with VS (since there is nothing mentioned in the scenario that would give them Rep)? Do they sometimes get Rep with VS, depending on a particular condition, and if so, what condition? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
The scenario wrote: Each time the PCs experience the Newborn’s influence, they must attempt the save listed in the triggering event (DC 10 + half the creature’s level + the number of manifestations the creature has) or advance one stage. On a failure, a PC can spend Resolve Points equal to 1 + the number of manifestations they have to succeed instead. Each stage comes with two manifestations: a positive one (called a gift) and a negative one (called a stain). Just so I understand correctly: when calculating the "number of manifestations they have", you count both all gifts and all stains, right? So 2 gifts and 3 stains counts as 5 manifestations? The scenario wrote: Each stage’s gift is optional; if the PC refuses the gift, they gain a +1 bonus to further saving throws against the corruption. This bit makes me unsure, since if they resuse the gift, their DC for future saves is already 1 lower since they have 1 fewer manifestation than someone who had accepted it. So I'm not sure whether it really intended to count all manifestations, or just the stains. (I don't have the Adventure Path referred to to see how it handles such effects.) ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
For those who come here later: that link has moved to https://lorespire.paizo.com/tiki-index.php?page=sfsguide._.Starships ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
In several places, PCs can earn Preparation Points, and depending on how many they earn, there are various degrees of success. There is also an adjustment for 6 players, but it's confusing. For 4 or 5 players, the three degrees of success require 0, 1–2, and 3+ Preparation Points. For 6 players, the three degrees of success require 0, 1–3, and 5+ Preparation Points. What if a 6-player group obtains exactly 4 Preparation points? Should the medium degree or the highest degree of success be used? Or is this a failure? An adjustment of 1–4 and 5+ would make sense, as would one of 1–3 and 4+, but 1–3 and 5+ (leaving out 4) is confusing. (Is this a result of an original "5 players: 0, 1–3, 4+; 6 players: 0, 1–4, 5+" being shortened into just "6 players: 0, 1–3, 5+" which is neither flesh now fowl?) ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
CRB p. 432 had a list of regional languages that a character from that region automatically has access to. https://paizo.com/pathfindersociety/characteroptions expanded that to add that characters from the Saga Lands region also have access to Erutaki and Varki. Player Core p. 34 has a very similar list of regional languages but does not list Erutaki or Varki as languages that players from the Saga Lands region have access to. The https://paizo.com/pathfindersociety/characteroptions entry for Player Core does not mention any changes to regional languages. Is the intent for players from the Saga Lands to continue to have access to Erutaki and Varki? If so, can the Character Options page for Player Core be amended, please? And table 2-3 in Player Core be marked for an update in a future printing to include those two languages? Or is the intent for new players built according to Player Core to no longer have automatic access to those two regional languages? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
I assume the "you may rebuild your character completely as often as you want as long as it has not been played at level 2 or above" option is not affected by those changes, and that a level-1 character could rebuild into a Remastered class without needing to use the "special" free rebuild. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Hearing long-time GMs ask about rules question while running their own game and hearing other long-time GMs who were playing give an answer (or sometimes: discuss among themselves!) was helpful – to see that not every GM has to have every rule memorised. GMing with long-time GMs (at least the first few times) is helpful because they're usually more patient and also because they can answer rules questions if you have them. (See point one.) So a good easy start is to GM for people you have already seen GMing. (Maybe you can't have all 6 players be experiences GMs, but even just two or three helps a lot when you're starting out.) When playing face-to-face, the map expense is real. I bought literally dozens of flip-mats and a couple of boxes of flip-tiles during the time I GMed face-to-face. Now that I'm 99% virtual, just being able to snip something out of a PDF and put it onto a VTT is a lot easier. Even if I do often buy the flip-mat as a PDF to get a higher resolution than what's in the scenario PDF. Knowing that you don't have to have minis that are perfect, or even minis at all -- when I started out as a player, some GMs used minis but several just used dice or other simple tokens. The big red d20 was a kobold; why not? If you have a regular group of players, then being able to rotate the GM (so that you don't have one or three forever GMs and none of the others take turns) is good so that you get to play as well. Failing that, I know that some GMs will sometimes have game sessions that are only open to other GMs. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Section C "Holiday Hunt" has you hunting for arabuks after sunset in "extreme cold (Core Rulebook 400)". If you fail your skill check to find tracks or guess likely locations, you will need "over an hour" to find an arabuk. Core Rulebook 400 says that "Extreme cold (below –20° F) deals 1d6 lethal cold damage per minute (no saving throw)." Regular armor environmental protections are no help here, as those protect you only against cold "as low as –20° F" (i.e. up to severe cold but not extreme) and do "not protect against cold … damage from … environments that deal damage without allowing a Fortitude saving throw" (Core Rulebook p. 198f.) A thermal capacitor armor upgrade in your armor may or may not help: those allow you to "exist comfortably in conditions between –50° and 170° F without needing to attempt Fortitude saves" (CRB 207), but extreme cold deals damage without a Fortitude save so I'm not sure whether the armor upgrade would negate the damage entirely ("exist comfortably") or only apply the cold resistance 5. Also, thermal capacitors are at least level 5 items and characters in this scenario may be level 3. The party *do* have the ability to get a mk 1 thermal capacitor as a gift during the scenario but (a) that's only if they succeed at two skill-check tasks, (b) it's only 1 capacitor for up to 6 characters, (c) characters might not have an upgrade slot in their armor. This means that parties may be looking at over 60d6 lethal cold damage if they fail their skill checks, just to get to the arabuk (plus an unspecified amount of additional damage on their way back). (And Fortitude checks of DC up to 75 or take additional nonlethal cold damage.) Even if they are good at tracking and find the arabuk in 20 minutes, that's still 20d6 cold damage with no save allowed. This seems excessive so I must be missing something. How is this intended to be handled? Is the extreme cold only intended to be severe cold (–1° F to –19° F), perhaps? Then normal armor would protect against it completely and the cold environment would be reduced to mere flavour rather than a lethal hazard. Or is there an errata somewhere that I'm missing? Or is this to be read as written, perhaps as an advertisement for the thermal capacitor armor upgrade ("this item exists and sometimes your life may depend on having one")? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
The adventure says, "Creatures who move adjacent to or fly anywhere above a square with lava take 1d6 fire damage" Is this per movement, or per lava square? If I move 25 ft (5 squares) parallel to the edge of the lava, do I take 5d6 or 1d6 fire damage? If I move 50 ft in two movements, is it 10d6 (going past 10 adjacent lava squares), 2d6 (two movement actions), or 1d6 (one continuous movement)? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
LeftHandShake wrote: Nothing in the text suggests that the caravan moves faster if the PCs do Well, there's the bit that says Scenario wrote: As scouts, the PCs are expected to search for safer and faster paths. which one could interpret as meaning "If the PCs do a good job, they find routes that do not require the caravan to travel at half speed all the time". ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
The encounter scaling instructions for encounter B (khyyrent guards) are identical to those in encounter A8 (skeletal khyyrents) and reference skeletal khyyrents pulling themselves up out of the rubble. Is the effect ("staggered for the first round") intended to be the same for the khyyrent guards as for the skeletal ones, or something different? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
John Brinkman wrote: I noticed the Cairn Wight is a variant of the Beastiary Wight - the change is these guys have a sword. The sword attack gives "plus Drain Life", but the Drain Life attribute only seems to apply to the claws. Was this an oversight or an attempt to add the trait? Have a look at the "Wight" entry in the Bestiary (p. 332) and read the extra text at the top left: Bestiary wrote:
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
The Organized Play chronicle sheet for part 1 gives access to the Terminus Wild, a Tier 3 starship. It also says that "you can only slot this boon in a Tier 5-6 scenario". Was "5-6" intentional or should it have been "3-4", to match the tier of the starship more closely? Mostly, characters have a starship that's around their own tier -- so I'm not sure why a level 6 character would want to choose a tier-3 starship. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
The lemures are said to patrol the corridors occasionally -- but how do they get out of the secret room? The fastest way is from F8 (the secret room where they live) to F5 (the corridor with the cells), but how do they open the door without disturbing the "layer of undisturbed dust and a thin veneer of daub like that used to seal cracks in the nearby wall" that keeps the door hidden from the corridor side? The "dust and daub fall away easily when the door is opened", after all. Does Rosh plaster some more daub over the door every day and sprinkle some dust over it? Do they teleport through the door somehow, thus avoiding having to open it? Do they always use the door to F4 instead? How do they get through the locked door between F4 and F5, then? Teplebaas can teleport, but can't take any other creature along with him, and in low tier, he isn't even present. Am I missing some kind of secret "walk through closed doors" ability that lemures have? ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
DM rainzax wrote: Ideally, I'd like to know which pages have altered text, so I can print those out and replace them in the binding. I opened up both versions and flipped back and forth between them repeatedly, trying to see which parts of the page (if any) flickered when I did so. Not foolproof, but at least the following pages have major changes: 10, 13, 31, 32 11 is slightly changed due to 10 being changed 7 changes the alignment of one character 16 and 26 have minor changes that seem to be essentially just formatting 29 has the picture slightly changed I may have missed some other minor changes. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Zaister wrote: Shouldn't this be available by now? It used to say November 27, right? Perhaps someone had to press the magic button but forgot to do so on the 27th, and now Paizo is closed for a long weekend after Thanksgiving. Let's hope the magic button gets pressed when they come back on Monday. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Nitehood wrote: Another question.. Did the factions change in PF2? Yes. The old "geographical" factions have been retired and PF2 has new factions that focus more on the goals of the Society itself. Read about them here: http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pathfinder-2-0-factions / ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Xathos of Varisia wrote: The final map doesn't seem right. It calls for specific tiles from the Forest Perils set, but doesn't use them. Instead, it appears as if the map uses tiles from the Forest Starter set. I saw that, too. My guess is that the list of tiles is correct and the map image in the scenario is not. Note that one in the bottom row has a funny little road connecting to nothing at either end; it makes a bit more sense if you have the Perils tile in that position. What I found a little annoying is that a bunch of tiles were used for both maps, so I can't just sort them in the right order with the right orientation for both maps beforehand but will have to re-shuffle (and re-orient) a bunch of them from one map to the other. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Michael Sayre wrote: We'll have the typical grace period where if you've already played this before the sanctioning docs hit the site, your GM will still be able to issue Chronicle sheets for you. How long has "the typical grace period" typically been in the past? A week, a month, half a year? |