Subscribe to the Drift Crisis for Cosmic Catastrophe

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Brace yourselves for the Drift Crash! In one catastrophic instant, the extraplanar realm fails, cutting off the universe’s access to commonplace faster-than-light travel. Travelers vanish midflight, communications scramble, and the Drift’s progenitor god Triune falls mysteriously silent. In the aftermath, empires cling to far-flung holdings, opportunists exploit the chaos, and everyone demands to know what triggered this crisis—and how it can be solved. With Starfinder Drift Crisis, you can dive right into this galaxy-spanning adventure and determine what happens next!

two travelers in space suits float outside of their ship that's crashed on an astroid floating near a bright rift in space

Internal preview art from Starfinder Drift Crisis by Laslo Ludrovan

  • More than 100 new player options, from class options and themes to equipment, feats, and spells!
  • Twenty detailed adventure seeds that provide a framework for playing dozens of Drift Crisis stories, whether in encounters, adventures, or entire campaigns.
  • Deep dives on the myriad effects of the Drift Crisis on factions, worlds, systems, and the galaxy at large.
  • A toolbox with a vast store of information for running adventures in the Drift Crisis, from dozens of unique treasures and 20 new creatures to rich nonplayer character profiles and information on adapting Adventure Paths.
Drift Crisis

Excerpt from the Introduction of Starfinder Drift Crisis, continued from the excerpt in the blog, “On the Next Paizo LIVE: Slayers and more!

Whether you’re eager to play in a Drift Crisis campaign, itching to run an adventure as the game master, seeking options for other campaigns, or just delighted by Starfinder lore, Drift Crisis offers a wealth of content well-suited for everybody.

“Chapter 1 is suitable for all readers, constructed in many ways like a traditional setting supplement with details about factions, regions, and thematic character options. This chapter introduces you to the Drift and how it works before exploring what the Drift Crisis entails—all presented as possibilities, not irrefutable facts. What exactly caused the Drift Crisis and what might resolve it can vary based on the campaign’s needs, so the information here can fuel character motivations, questions, and conspiracy theories.

“You likely already know about Starfinder’s campaign setting (such as through Chapter 12 of the Core Rulebook), and while much of that information remains relevant, most worlds now experience new difficulties. How does Drift disruption impact the Azlanti Star Empire, whose far-flung territories are connected only by faster-than-light starships? What comes of Akiton’s failing thasteron starship fuel industry once the predominant faster-than-light travel technology becomes less attractive? How does the Veskarium respond when extraplanar material bleeds into its core star system and envelops several planets, cutting those worlds off from the empire? Articles ahead have the answers while also posing just as many new questions and adventure hooks to inspire your group.

“Grand organizations familiar and new are also working on how to best resolve or exploit the Drift Crisis chaos. These could be key allies in your upcoming adventures, or they could be adversaries seeking an underhanded advantage at others’ expense. What do they want? And how might your characters get involved? With Drift technologies disrupted, how do starship manufacturers respond? How does the church of Triune respond when its deity isn’t answering prayers and the galaxy demands answers that Triunites should have? Why is this calamity simultaneously profitable and infuriating for the Free Captains?

“And of course, there’s loads of what every player enjoys: exciting new character options! While these new options all tie into the Drift, catastrophes, or extraplanar power in some way, they’re well-suited for any campaign, not just for those set during the Drift Crisis. Awaken your divinatory might with the new Drift Crisis precog anchor, or start channeling extraplanar influences with new solarian revelations. Bend space with new vanguard disciplines, or alter the planar properties of your own world with the witchwarper’s plunderer of worlds alternate class features. New themes provide four great origins for your character, and new gear ensures you’re properly equipped for whatever extradimensional challenges lie ahead. Want more character content? The last page of each adventure seed in Chapter 2 includes thematic new options for PCs; if your GM is using that adventure seed to craft a campaign, though, it might be reserved as special treasure, so check with your GM about these Chapter 2 options.

“The wonderful part about the Drift Crisis is that, because there’s no one storyline, the event caters well to a group running several campaigns simultaneously, with each story run by a different GM. Once you know which adventure hook from Chapter 2 one GM is using, you can enjoy reading the other 19 virtually spoiler-free. To help with navigating all the options, check out the player option index and general index on pages 187–188.”

Starfinder Iconics Navasi and Zemir fight off an alien that appears to be a flaming stone creature

Internal preview art from Starfinder Drift Crisis

For an interview with the Starfinder team, don’t miss the front-page Drift Crisis article on Polygon. Explore the Drift Crisis as it unfolds throughout the year at

Start your Starfinder Roleplaying Game Ongoing Subscription today with Starfinder Galactic Magic or Starfinder Drift Crisis.

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Tags: Drift Crisis Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I wonder how this will interact with Organized Play?

mizinamo wrote:
I wonder how this will interact with Organized Play?

I wonder that as well. I suspect it will either A) make it focus more on Near Space and the Pact Worlds or B) Will be mentioned, maybe have a few scenarios on it, then go away as the next thing comes along. Or C) means they will kill Starfinder so everyone can focus on PF2 for a while, which will allow them to launch Starfinder 2.0 earlier.

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't miss the EN World interview, "The Starfinder Society and the Future of the Starfinder Galaxy", in which Linda Zayas-Palmer, Organized Play Managing Developer, and Jessica Catalan, Starfinder Society Season Developer, talk about the Starfinder Society, the state of the Starfinder galaxy, and what’s to come!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm get really excited for this book. I have the good fortune to mostly get to be a player with the Starfinder group I hang with, and the party's worked its way through the plots of several APs now. Our GM was thinking about finding an ending for our intrepid party of adventurers, but I think he might change his mind after seeing this. Getting the chance to see the setting evolve in a significant way and learn more about the Drift is...just spiffing. Seriously, I'm grinning from ear to ear here. If my GM doesn't run this thing, I freaking will. Btw, cool advertising going around — splash page looks really nice!

Grand Lodge

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
mizinamo wrote:
I wonder how this will interact with Organized Play?

Just gonna leave this right here....

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Very excited for Drift Crisis!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Not gonna lie, this might be what gets me into Starfinder.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Glad I kept my stock in thasteron mining!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sounds like I need to get my standard House of the Void issued fancy hat and the nice red wool out for my "how does this plot all come together?" conspiracy type board.

I am really looking forward to GMing the AP for my group, and for playing the upcoming special. We have been told all along that the Drift is a bit sketchy, tearing up bits of other planes every time someone travels through it. And we have not seen much of the Drift downside of late, so it is about time that bill comes due.

I just hope that we learn cool things about Triune along the way!

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

So, it's been hinted that the Drift Crisis is a big one-year event, but that by the end it'll have a 'sitcom ending,' whereby the galaxy at large will be, more or less, unchanged. Additionally, it's well-known that "Tentpole Mysteries that Have Answers but They'll Never be Revealed" are a core part of Paizo's IPs. What's up with Aroden's Death, where is Lost Golarion, what caused the Gap, etc.
So - is "what's up with the Drift Crisis?" going to be added to the list of Tentpole Mysteries? If not, where & when do we find out what happened, and where & when is the canonical 'resolution'? Is it in this book in like a "GM Only" chapter, or is it in the announced Drift Hackers AP, or somewhere else? Is there enough wiggle room that groups/GMs can 'resolve' the Drift Crisis however they want, but the setting as a whole can still get some kind of canon as well?

I guess, what I'm asking is: can Paizo talk about closure for the Drift Crisis? Will there be any, where/when, and how 'flexible' will it be?

I'm not paizo employee, but its not a strict plot point I don't think. Think of it more like an event in time, like how some setting books are about a place, this is about a period of time. You don't have to use it if you don't want to, but there's a ton of adventure ideas, player options, etc. There's also the following in this article;

What exactly caused the Drift Crisis and what might resolve it can vary based on the campaign’s needs, so the information here can fuel character motivations, questions, and conspiracy theories.

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kishmo wrote:

So, it's been hinted that the Drift Crisis is a big one-year event, but that by the end it'll have a 'sitcom ending,' whereby the galaxy at large will be, more or less, unchanged. Additionally, it's well-known that "Tentpole Mysteries that Have Answers but They'll Never be Revealed" are a core part of Paizo's IPs. What's up with Aroden's Death, where is Lost Golarion, what caused the Gap, etc.

So - is "what's up with the Drift Crisis?" going to be added to the list of Tentpole Mysteries? If not, where & when do we find out what happened, and where & when is the canonical 'resolution'? Is it in this book in like a "GM Only" chapter, or is it in the announced Drift Hackers AP, or somewhere else? Is there enough wiggle room that groups/GMs can 'resolve' the Drift Crisis however they want, but the setting as a whole can still get some kind of canon as well?

I guess, what I'm asking is: can Paizo talk about closure for the Drift Crisis? Will there be any, where/when, and how 'flexible' will it be?

Good question. The canonical reason(s) why the Drift Crash happened are contained within the Drift Crisis rulebook in the GM section. How does it get resolved canonically? That will be resolved at the end of the Drift Hackers Adventure Path a year from now. (Name intentionally spoiled in the Polygon article.) The Starfinder team has not told me how it ends and I don’t intend to spoil it when I do know.

I rather imagine that instead of a sitcom ending, it will be a 'concluding the adventure' ending. Where how your particular group finishes the storyline changes how things happen in your group's timeline.

Of course SFS will probably have it's own specific outcome for the generic timeline.


Kishmo wrote:
So, it's been hinted that the Drift Crisis is a big one-year event, but that by the end it'll have a 'sitcom ending,' whereby the galaxy at large will be, more or less, unchanged. [...]

Reading the Polygon article linked above, I was left with a different impression.

Absalom News Network... I mean Polygon wrote:

“This is an important thing for me,” Compton said. “Being able to have big things happen, and have it reflected in our ongoing setting, as opposed to saying ‘Somebody saved the world over in this corner! Nobody ever talk about it again.’ I don’t like that sort of thing, and the Drift Crisis is really a different approach to that. I’m excited about it.”

From this, I was left with the impression that the Drift Crisis will be an experiment in moving away from the "it was all a dream" effect that often ends up following the resolution of Big Campaign Events (tm) in various gaming products?

Maybe I'm reading too much into this one quote, though... I suppose we'll have to read and see?

Marketing & Media Manager

Exclusive Drift Crisis Preview!
“Alex, James, and Vanessa tell of the doom and chaos coming to Starfinder in the form of The Drift Crisis! This is a year long event (complete with rulebook) that will change the galaxy forever… you don’t want to miss it!”
Know Direction: Beyond 68 – Portents of Peril!

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