jmspencer's page
Organized Play Member. 40 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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Leon Aquilla wrote: I believe it's been explained that the places where the PDF is provided gratis are boutique outfits. They certainly don't have near the level of output that Paizo does.
All the places I can think of off the top of my head (Modiphius, Free League) all maybe produce 1-2 books in a product line in a year.
That being said, you do get the PDF gratis, if you pre-order from them.
You seem to have confused "explanation" with "excuse". This only really works if you define "99% of every game company that isn't Paizo or WotC" as "boutique" (which, in terms of volume, they are), and even then, that's even LESS of an excuse since those shops do much less volume and can less afford to do what they do and Paizo doesn't.
There's really no excuse for not including a PDF with any hardcover purchased directly from the publisher. Not doing so is greed, pure and simple. If there's some hidden cost inherent in PDFs that is on top of the cost of producing the book (and is more than fractions of a cent when distributed across all copies of the PDF sold and/or gratis with a book purchase), I'm all ears. (Spoiler, there's not.)
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And can someone explain this?
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Trying to make sense of the map on page 18. From references in the text it seems the scale is off. I think it’s a 10’ squares map. Anyone else?
(The range of the thing at B3 and the given size of the thing at B5 in particular make me think this)
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Calliope T wrote:
I can answer the first one! When I worked briefly at Paizo in CS, I made $15 an hour. That was higher than the starting amount I believe based on experience. In any case, I had a wonderful time working under Sara's guidance and with my fellow CS folks. I would not consider working under anyone else's leadership of the CS department, that much I am certain of.
Also obligatory, discuss your wages amongst your coworkers, an injury to one is an injury to all. <3
Thank you. That tracks with what I've been told. And knowing the Seattle area, I know that's nowhere NEAR a living wage.
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Jeff, can you speak to the truth or falsehood of any of the following, which have been corroborated by multiple former employees:
1) Warehouse and CS staff, at least, making well below a living wage for Seattle, at approx. $30k/year?
2) Allegations that despite a handful of BIPoC doing the work to create the diversity blog, Tonya and Aaron claimed credit for it when it was well-received?
3) Paizo barring employees from attending conventions in a personal capacity if they were not there representing Paizo, thus preventing people from making important industry connections on their own dime?
I'm appalled by this "statement". I have, for YEARS, trusted Paizo to be the inclusive, diverse game company that you put yourselves forth as being. I am dismayed to know that that is in spite of management, not led by it.
You need to resign. Tonya needs to resign. Then, Paizo can start regaining our trust.
Going to go against the grain here and say no, because your action is not Manifest Your Eidolon, it's Meld Into Eidolon. They don't count as the same thing even though one's activity is simply a modification of the other.
Order was supposedly shipped on 8/18. Tracking still shows "tracking information not available" 12 days later.
Full error message when tracking:
Tracking information for this piece is unavailable at this time. Tracking may take 24-48 hours after your mail piece has shipped. Please check back at a later time for additional information.
If tracking is unavailable after 3 days, please contact your shipper.
Hello! I didn't notice this since I read the PDF and then didn't think about it, but I realized today that I never got my subscription shipment of Strength of Thousands. I hate to ask, but is there any way to re-ship?
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
The best answer until we get a rules posting is "Ask your GM."
In my opinion, based on the text you provided, I would rule that Invisibility does not, since invisibility makes all of the character and their possessions unable to be seen, but any sort of disguise or spell that changes appearance (such as Veil or Battle Form spells) would most definitely be affected. In short, you can't hide the fact that you are a Summoner, seems to be the intent, and effects which alter that fact specifically would not change that. Unfortunately in my case, I am the GM, and three of my players have writing credits in the book and THEY don't know. :-)
Anyway, I agree with your interpretation, and hopefully it'll be in some FAQ eventually because I've seen this question no fewer than 4 different places (other thank this one).
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Is it too soon to ask questions about Secrets of Magic rules here?
I’ve already seen some lively discussion around this issue, but it doesn’t look like there has been any official ruling (that I have seen).
The summoner’s sigil “will shine through clothing, appear over cloaks, and remain unaffected by obfuscating magic.”
What counts as “obfuscating magic”? Specifically, will it remain visible if the summoner/eidolon is invisible? Can you see it if the summoner is hiding inside a barrel? (Absurd example intended.)
It would seem that the most reasonable interpretation would be “if you can see the summoner you can see the sigil”, which means it wouldn’t be seen behind walls, inside boxes, or went invisible. But “obfuscating magic” is vague enough and I’ve seen enough good arguments on both sides of the question that I wanted to post it here.
While we're talking about shipping, I have a question. Is the estimated shipping for future subs also impacted by the errors that were seen? I'm seeing next month (SoM and the AP) more than the month with three APs, Malevolence, and the Mwangi book. (I'd post this in the August thread, but it doesn't seem to exist yet.)
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I haven't seen if this was posted elsewhere in the thread, but does anyone else have an issue with the bookmarks in their PDF stopping at the start of Chapter 1?
Thrawn82 wrote: SO... mine is def one of the ones with USPS priority, but what if I'm willing to just eat the extra $5 for get the pdf ahead of the weekend and would be satisfied if the problem was corrected for august? That's an excellent question. I, too, would be happy paying the extra cost this month and get the PDF sooner with less work for Paizo in correcting the shipping cost and would be happy if it was corrected next month.
Yeah, my shipping cost more than doubled from the last several "just 1 AP book" shipments". It has been around $4-5, and this month is over $10.
I got my auth twice (once yesterday then again a few minutes ago). Paizo Advantage discount not showing on either. Order 36533158
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Studied musical theater performance. Now I'm a data analyst by day, a pub quiz host by night, and a Pathfinder 2e Podcast Host by weekend.

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David knott 242 wrote: jmspencer wrote: David knott 242 wrote:
I am betting that there won't be any new backgrounds, on the basis that 11th level is a bit late for picking a new background.
Not if you're creating a character at 11th level as I would bet most groups end up doing for this AP. Most groups? I doubt that.
But in any case, the premise of the adventure has to be broad enough to make most character types of the proper level playable in it, and most likely the PCs are NOT expected to be native to the location where the tournament is being held. It would be a bit weird to have the PCs specifically built for an adventure that doesn't begin until they reach 11th level, which many (I won't say most) adventurers never do.
However, I could imagine providing some 11th level general feats for characters who reached 11th level just before starting on this adventure (or who were specifically built for it).
Well, we're just going to disagree. My experience says that most groups would rather make 11th level characters to run a shorter campaign from 11 up than play 1-10 before getting into it. I don't see how that's "a bit weird" at all. Character creation isn't where their adventuring career starts, it's just when the part of their story played out at the table kicks off.
And I think the 6 new backgrounds in the PG bear that out.
David knott 242 wrote:
I am betting that there won't be any new backgrounds, on the basis that 11th level is a bit late for picking a new background.
Not if you're creating a character at 11th level as I would bet most groups end up doing for this AP.
Franz Lunzer wrote: Same here, Bestiary 3 + AV 3 order has been processed and finalized for shipment, can no longer be altered. I can download the PDFs.
Shipping to Austria (Europe) as one package with $37.80 shipping and handling. I too will likely have to pay import taxes around €25.
Ironically, for me it might have been cheaper, if Paizo had split the package, as then the import taxes might not occur.
Ah well. One day there will be a digital subscription and I'm going to stop collecting paper I mostly just open once.
I suspect this thread is as true today as it was 9 years ago:
Sporkedup wrote: Fully aware it's somewhere between confirmation bias and just taking a bit longer because there might be more than one line shipping at a time.
Hm, discount not applying for some reason. I'm sure that will clean up. :)
Same here with the discount. Not applied to the order. I hope they clear that up before shipping.
Episode 2 is here:
Hi all!
Wanted to let folks in this forum know about a new Actual Play podcast that launched two weeks ago. We're starting off with The Fall of Plaguestone and heading off into GM-written territory from there. The first episode is linked below, and Episode 2 released yesterday.
(We're still getting our feet under us on audio production, but I think if you stick with us you'll be in for a fun story.)
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I'm hoping mine ends up shipping before the weekend, mainly as I'm running an Actual Play podcast with three classes out of the APG based on the playtest and I want to let my players know if there are changes they need to apply. So... *fingers crossed*
Hi there!
I received two identical packages with this order today. Should I return one of the copies to you?
When my friends and I were deciding what to play for our Actual Play podcast, we chose Pathfinder for a number of reasons, but this post really exemplifies WHY we choose to amplify the voices behind this game. Of the six people involved, five identify as some flavor of queer. I just bought all of us pride golem pins.
Thank you Paizo for being a prominent voice for LGBT rights in the gaming community.
jmspencer wrote: This order included the Gamemastery Guide as the starting item in a Rulebooks subscription. The order in my order history shows entirely blank except for the charge (which seems to only be for the Adventure and Lost Omens subscriptions started at the same time.)
The confirmation email from this order shows the GMG moving to my sidecart.
The confirmation email from this month's subscriptions only shows the Adventure Path subscription. Manage My Subscriptions doesn't list the GMG at all as pending, just Bestiary 2 as Next Item.
Help? Is the GMG order lost to the void? (This is particularly important to me because this is the 4th sub, and so will kick off Paizo Advantage...) I don't know how to see my sidecart, but shouldn't it have moved to pending when this month's subscriptions shipped?
(I'm also concerned that if there IS a problem, the AP sub will ship without it before it's fixed.)
Disregard - worked out by calling Customer Service!
This order included the Gamemastery Guide as the starting item in a Rulebooks subscription. The order in my order history shows entirely blank except for the charge (which seems to only be for the Adventure and Lost Omens subscriptions started at the same time.)
The confirmation email from this order shows the GMG moving to my sidecart.
The confirmation email from this month's subscriptions only shows the Adventure Path subscription. Manage My Subscriptions doesn't list the GMG at all as pending, just Bestiary 2 as Next Item.
Help? Is the GMG order lost to the void? (This is particularly important to me because this is the 4th sub, and so will kick off Paizo Advantage...) I don't know how to see my sidecart, but shouldn't it have moved to pending when this month's subscriptions shipped?
(I'm also concerned that if there IS a problem, the AP sub will ship without it before it's fixed.)
I'm concerned... I got an email that the order is pending for my Adventure Path subscription, but I can find no indication of the GMG, which was supposed to be the first shipment on my rulebooks subscription, being included. The order in order history only shows the orders for the Lost Omens sub and the Adventures sub (both of which I started at the same time as the rulebooks subscription.)
Help? Is the GMG order lost in the void somewhere? It says added to sidecart in the confirmation email from that order, but not in the order itself.
Vic Wertz wrote: Yes—treat it as a "campaign journal" for the purposes of determining the permissions granted. Thank you!
(Obviously, I mean assuming all other requirements of the policy like not charging for access to the content, the standard disclaimer, etc. are adhered to)
This may be a dumb question, but before my group starts recording or anything, I wanted to ask:
Does the Community Use policy cover Actual Play podcasts, specifically if we're playing a published Adventure Path (Extinction Curse). Would that be permitted under the policy?
I've been having issues with linking to Fantasy Grounds (Smiteworks). It won't pull my current purchases. I generated a new token in my Paizo account, but am receiving a "Token not valid" error. Not sure if this is an issue on Paizo's end, Smiteworks's end, or the way you're talking to each other.
Sam Phelan wrote: Hello folks,
Yep! We gave the warehouse the go-ahead to begin shipping yesterday. Keep an eye out for your shipping confirmation emails.
At what point should subscribers become concerned if we haven't gotten a shipping confirmation email?
CorvusMask wrote: Not me at least :( It makes me really sad because its really hard to concentrate on anything when you keep refreshing paizo page and checking email With you on that. I've been hoping ever since the post that shipping was starting mid-week.
I don't know if any of the developers read this, but... I'm trying to figure out what the intended setting for the first interactions are, since it seems that there were edits that didn't carry through to other sections.

Derklord wrote: James Spencer 16 wrote: 2) Is there a way to make spells and spell-like abilities link to the spell listings as they do in the built-in monsters?
3) Less important but... does anyone know how to force a carriage return in the spell-like abilities lists so I can put a line break between at-will, 1/day, etc.? Start the "spell-like ability", "spells known", or "spells prepared" section with (CL n), n being a natural number. Afterwards, any number from 0 to 9 not in parantheses triggers a line break. Multiple spells within one rank must be seperated by commas. Anything in parantheses is listed as additional information after a spell, any letters not in parantheses are presumed to be a spell name. Numbers with more digits or any special characters apart from the apostrophe end the entire input. Upper cases, ordinal number suffixes and hyphen, even spacs, are not necessary and added automatically if needed. Thank you!!
New question... do you know if it's possible to add parentheticals to skills or CMB? For example: Acrobatics +4 (+8 when jumping) or CMB +6 (+10 when grappling)? When I try that, it cuts off everything after the initial modifier.
Hi all, a few questions, if anyone is able to help me out.
I've been using CM for a long time, and it's what makes me even able to run games. Without the organization and the stat blocks in one place, I'd drive my players crazy flipping between books constantly. Anyway, I've just started running War For The Crown, and since I don't know when/if the stat blocks therein will get added to CM, I tried adding them as custom monsters and hit a few problems.
1) Is there a way to indicate the creature's level/hit dice such that it carries through to other stats, etc? I get that I can manually update the BAB, saves, hit dice, etc. but am I missing something that affects them all?
2) Is there a way to make spells and spell-like abilities link to the spell listings as they do in the built-in monsters?
3) Less important but... does anyone know how to force a carriage return in the spell-like abilities lists so I can put a line break between at-will, 1/day, etc.?