Is it too soon to ask questions about Secrets of Magic rules here?
I’ve already seen some lively discussion around this issue, but it doesn’t look like there has been any official ruling (that I have seen).
The summoner’s sigil “will shine through clothing, appear over cloaks, and remain unaffected by obfuscating magic.”
What counts as “obfuscating magic”? Specifically, will it remain visible if the summoner/eidolon is invisible? Can you see it if the summoner is hiding inside a barrel? (Absurd example intended.)
It would seem that the most reasonable interpretation would be “if you can see the summoner you can see the sigil”, which means it wouldn’t be seen behind walls, inside boxes, or went invisible. But “obfuscating magic” is vague enough and I’ve seen enough good arguments on both sides of the question that I wanted to post it here.