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![]() Got my pawns today and I am furious. To be fair I guess I should have read the fine print. They do NOT come with bases. You have to read through what it does have to realize it does not have bases. The picture clearly shows bases. Now they want ten bucks for some bases. This royally pisses me off. They should state in BIG BOLD LETTERS ...BASES NOT INCLUDED... ![]()
![]() My players love melee it is very strong. And there is a five step. It's called guarded step it's the same thing with a different name.
![]() I am still confused on how the swift action comes into play. It reads that the mechanic can give up up his swift action to allow the drone to attack twice. So..he mechanic uses a move action to master control his drone, he then shoots..leaving his drone with one action. He then gives up his swift action thus allowing the drone to attack twice. Now am I understanding that correctly..its very confusing.. ![]()
![]() I would like to see paizo put up a looking for players page by state and area. My group and I live in Savannah Ga and would really like to find one good player to join us. Finding a player for a specific game can be exhausting. But if you could just look in the forums then perhaps players can find games..just a thought.. ![]()
![]() Can a grenade launcher take the -4/-4 and attack twice as a full action. I had a player tonight as a mechanic with a combat drone each loaded with a launcher firing twice each and shooting at a 5 for the square. thus putting out 4 grenades every turn. It was very annoying. NIL (an acronym for "neutronic individual launcher") grenade
![]() It's simple. 1st level group finds a tier 3 ship. A 1st level group has 55 build points. The tier 3 ship is 95 bp. 55 is less than 95, so the group can't make any modifications to the ship as it's more expensive than their BP. If they do make modifications, they have to rebuild the ship so that it costs 55. Meaning they'd be selling off bits of the ship to afford the thing they want. They can continue to use the ship as is, but can't modify it. At level 2, their BP goes up to 75. 75 is less than 95, so they still can't make modifications to the ship unless they sell off 20 BP worth of equipment and bring the ship down to BP 75. They can continue to use the ship as is, but can't modify it. At level 3, their BP goes up to 95. 95 is equal to 95, so they can make modifications to the ship, as long as the BP total is 95 at the end. At level 4, their BP goes up to 115, and they can add 20 BP to the ship equipment. You seem to be thinking of the ship as free BP added to their BP total, it isn't. BP just represents the maximum they can get in a ship on their own. If they find a higher tier ship, they can use it as is, but can't add it to their BP total. If you capture three tier 3 ships, you don't suddenly gain 285 BP toward your ship. You just have 3 ships you can sell for money. ![]()
![]() spectrevk wrote:
I watched my game go down in flames every-time I allowed dex to damage. It allows a character to stack one stat and just be a terror while the rest of the group can't come close to the dps output of a dex to dam character.. PF devs admitted they did not crunch the numbers for PF beforehand. But they did crunch the numbers for SF and made the right choice in my opinion. ![]()
![]() Ok ..still not making sense..so the party reaches level 3 AND gains the sun rise maiden a tier 3 ship. assuming 4 players at third level how many points will they have to modify the ship with AND can they modify it past tier 3 as you can a piece of equipment. I have read over those rules multiple times and brought several members on my old group and all of us read it differently..so... ![]()
![]() But the PC's gain Build points each level..thus at third level do they have saved points to spend..I can't find in the core book where this falls. Knowing my players as I do when they get their ship they will want to spend accrued points from level 1-3 on their new ship..my question still stands. Do they or do they not accrue build points prior to getting the ship. ![]()
![]() I just finished reading the incident at absolom station and I am supremely disappointed. It has barely 35 pages of adventure. The rest (68 pages total) is filled with useful fluff but still fluff. My group will go through this in one session. Then its a 5 week wait till the next one comes out. Past paths provided months of adventure in each installment. This however..is..just bad for $15.99. ![]()
![]() How does bleed damage work. The RAW is vague to me. Take the 6th level operative exploit. Bleeding shot
![]() Had my first playtest friday night. Some of my players feel that magic and melee combat overshadow firearms. Mal, a soldier using a longsword with an 18 strength and a lashunta mystic with first level spell mind thrust just took over the fights. Granted this was just some basic combat with less than optimal planning. But it does seem to me that early on ranged combat does get hosed..thoughts? ![]()
![]() I currently have three players. The concern is not filling out all the roles aboard ship. They refuse to use npc's. So the question is how can I run starship combat without a full crew compliment. As I read RAW a PC that assumes that role can only perform that role during combat. Am I missing something here? Not having a full complement seems like it would put them at a severe disadvantage. ![]()
![]() Attacking on a Charge:After moving,you can make a single
In PF you got a +2 to charge and a -2 on a charge..is this perhaps a typo? ![]()
![]() Too the snarky comments. I believe paizo has a responsibility to it's customer base. If they choose to sell their product on any site they should make sure things are running smoothly. Having to wait till sept. 5th for dead suns 1 is just wrong and I will cancel from amazon and just buy the pdf. If you read my comment I wanted information as to when I could expect the product I ordered. Paizo as the parent company has enormous power as to when a product is released. As to the other snarky comment The core rule book I have on order from Amazon is $42.00 I ordered very early. So my savings is quite substantial when you add in free two shipping. The difference allowed me to order dead suns 1 $15.79. In the end if you can't be helpful then just don't respond. To the rest of you that were very helpful I say thank-you. I will be able to better plan for my players with the useful information that was provided. ![]()
![]() Thank-you for your response. I don't care if it's delayed I would just like a date to expect the material. I can't plan my gaming schedule for Starfinder Adventure Path: Incident at Absalom Station (Dead Suns 1 of 6) if I don't know when to expect it. I plan to order the pdf so I can be up to speed on the core rules while I wait for my book to arrive. I am just frustrated that I am spending close to $200.oo and I can't get a release date from Amazon. ![]()
![]() I pre-ordered all the starfinder products off Amazon. It's cheaper and I get free two day shipping. Of the thousands of dollars I have spent on pathfinder products via amazon, never have I encountered this message basically seventeen days out from release.