Chief Tulluk Clovenface

gowen7thcav's page

Organized Play Member. 41 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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My players love melee it is very strong. And there is a five step. It's called guarded step it's the same thing with a different name.
Guarded step
You can carefully step 5 feet as a move action. This movement
doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity (see page 248), even if
you're in a threateneds quare( seep age2 55).

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spectrevk wrote:

One of the vestigial limbs left in Pathfinder from 3.5 was forcing dex-based combatants, even ranged combatants, to rely on strength for extra damage. I suppose this was intended as a balancing measure, since strength-based combatants required DEX for their AC, but it's not a popular decision among players (at least in my experience as a GM) and D&D5e, for example, did away with it (and eliminated DEX from the AC of fighter-types by altering how armor affects AC, particularly heavy armor)

Why then did Starfinder choose to keep this particular design decision? Sci-fi is home to many weapon types that make more sense adding Dex to damage rather than Str (laser swords, monofilament whips, etc.) I'm curious.

I watched my game go down in flames every-time I allowed dex to damage. It allows a character to stack one stat and just be a terror while the rest of the group can't come close to the dps output of a dex to dam character.. PF devs admitted they did not crunch the numbers for PF beforehand. But they did crunch the numbers for SF and made the right choice in my opinion.

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How does bleed damage work. The RAW is vague to me. Take the 6th level operative exploit. Bleeding shot
For your debilitating trick, you can afflict your target with an
amount of bleed damage equal to your operative level.
So does it do an immediate say 6 points of damage and then do another 6 on the following round? Target bleeds until the operatives next turn.

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I did my preorder through amazon so I'm not exactly sure when my book will ship. In the meantime I plan to get the pdf off paizo's site. When can I download is the question. If I wait up till 12:01 on the 17th is it available or is there a set time it will be live for download?

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The pre-order keeps saying sometime in July. But in the blogs they are saying release will be Aug 17th at gen-con. I pre-ordered off amazon. Will Amazon ship my book on Aug 17th? And if not when will it ship? There is much confusion on when the books will ship.