
evillmonkey's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 65 posts (525 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 7 wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

Liberty's Edge

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Lord Fyre wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:

I don't think #2 and #3 are quite the same thing. They're related, but not the same.

For example, I'm playing Against the Aeon Throne with some people who really do enjoy the occasional heist and infiltration game. But the blurb for AtAT doesn't really tell you much. So they came up with a Shobhad and a Bantrid. Suffice to say, we're not doing all that great at the whole Disguise aspect.

Thank you for illustrating the reason I wanted to discuss GM created Player's Guides. In this case, informing the players that the AP puts a premium on characters that can "pass for humans" (with disguise) before they become invested in a character concept.

That was one of the primary reasons I created that guide for my players. I didn't want them to invest in a character and suddenly have a giant roadblock. I wanted to give them that info up front. If they decided to then make a non-human character, at least they were aware of some difficulties up ahead.

Another thing I added was info about the settlement. This was a way to introduce them to the starting area, give them some info they may have already, and get them somewhat invested in the settlement.

Liberty's Edge

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Unfortunately, the Starfinder APs don't get their own player's guides, so I created my own. There are some rules that are specific to my game, but most of the information should be useful for any game. There are some minor spoilers in there that not every GM may want to give out, so you want to read through to make sure it works for your game.

Player's Guide

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Female Human (Varisian) Sorcerer 3

I didn't want to do this, but seems there's no other choice...

Ophelia signs then begins to cast a spell, fascinare... Of course we are expected, now please, let us pass.

casting Hypnotism, Will DC 15, roll for HD affected:
Hypnotism HD: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Liberty's Edge

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Based on some forum suggestions, I changed the concept of the Moldspeaker to be Vardishal’s spirit fused with his weapon. I’m taking it a step farther, having the PCs move towards becoming the new Templars. My goal is that each one will receive one of the Templars’ weapons, which their spirits will be fused with.

I already have Tempest statted out, so I’m looking for suggestions on the other weapons. I’d like them to be unique from each other, but usable against upcoming enemies. I’m also interested in what forms some of these weapons could take, notably for the Priest and Sorcerer.

Thinking about changing the Insight ability to a +1 at levels 1-7, +2 8-11, and +3 at 12+, maybe more beyond)

Tempest, FALCHION of Wind and Rain (Vardishal) (for a Ranger)
Languages Aquan, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Tempest receives flashes of Vardishal’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Int-based skill checks.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: acts as +1 frost
Level 8-9: acts as +2 frost
Level 10-11: acts as +2 fire outsider bane frost
Level 12: acts as +3 fire outsider ban icy burst

Cyclone, SCIMITAR of Wind and Thunder (Kardswann) (for a Barbarian)
Languages Auran, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Cyclone receives flashes of Kardswann’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Str-based skill checks.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: ?
Level 8-9: ?
Level 10-11: ?
Level 12: ?

Sirocco, weapon of Wind and Fire (Pazhvann) (for a Priest, uses a Lt Xbow as a weapon)
Languages Protean, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Sirocco receives flashes of Pazhvann’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Wis-based skill checks.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: ?
Level 8-9: ?
Level 10-11: ?
Level 12: ?

Gale, MORNINGSTAR of Wind and Sand (Zayifid) (for a Cleric/Rogue)
Languages Terran, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Gale receives flashes of Zayifid’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Dex-based skill checks.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: ?
Level 8-9: ?
Level 10-11: ?
Level 12: ?

Maelstrom, weapon of Wind and Lightning (Davashuum) (for a Sorcerer, uses a wand?)
Languages Abyssal, Infernal, Common, Ignan
Insight (Su) wielder of Maelstrom receives flashes of Davashuum’s memories, this results in a +1 bonus on Cha-based skills.
Level 1-4: acts as +1 enhancement
Level 5-7: ?
Level 8-9: ?
Level 10-11: ?
Level 12: ?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

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Howard Andrew Jones wrote:

A Mwangi jungle exploration novel is right around the bend, and I'm looking forward to it almost as much as you probably are.

I'm not aware of any Arabian style novels in the pipeline, although you'll see touches in the novels of James Sutter. Allow me to suggest a few books just outside of Pathfinder Tales for Arabian Nights action: My other series, starting with The Desert of Souls and continuing on with The Bones of the Old Ones and The Waters of Eternity, and Saladin Ahmed's Throne of the Crescent Moon.

Excellent! Thank you for the reply, I'll have to add those suggestions to my reading list. I've read Engraved on the Eye by Saladin Ahmed, that was a nice collection of short stories.

Liberty's Edge

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Hello folks,

I want to know if anyone has any suggestions for utilizing Feast of Ravenmoor with the Rise of the Runelords storyline. As it is now, my players have just finished Burnt Offerings and I wanted to send them away for a bit to let the events of the Skinsaw Murders get setup.

I've got a few ideas for adding some consistency with the overall plot of the AP, but nothing concrete and nothing that is really amazing. So, I turn to you for suggestions.

Thanks in advance!