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Unfortunately, the Starfinder APs don't get their own player's guides, so I created my own. There are some rules that are specific to my game, but most of the information should be useful for any game. There are some minor spoilers in there that not every GM may want to give out, so you want to read through to make sure it works for your game.
I recently received my PDF for Dawn of Flame book 3 Sun Divers. Most of the images are awful quality, fuzzy and pixelated. The PDFs don't print out nicely, either. Foxit Reader likes to flip the borders and sometimes images upside down (but that's been happening since Aeon Throne). Adobe Reader gets the borders and images fine, but the text has random solid black boxes in it, obscuring the words, or at best, bold and out of line "L"s and "I"s. Is there any chance the PDF can be fixed? Thanks in advance.
Hello, I was going through the face cards products and noticed one was missing. Dungeon Dwellers Face Cards does not appear anywhere under the cards section: It should be listed under the Face Cards subcategory here: It should be listed under All Products and Available Now, since it appears to be in stock: ards Thought I'd let you know.
Based on some forum suggestions, I changed the concept of the Moldspeaker to be Vardishal’s spirit fused with his weapon. I’m taking it a step farther, having the PCs move towards becoming the new Templars. My goal is that each one will receive one of the Templars’ weapons, which their spirits will be fused with. I already have Tempest statted out, so I’m looking for suggestions on the other weapons. I’d like them to be unique from each other, but usable against upcoming enemies. I’m also interested in what forms some of these weapons could take, notably for the Priest and Sorcerer. Thinking about changing the Insight ability to a +1 at levels 1-7, +2 8-11, and +3 at 12+, maybe more beyond) Tempest, FALCHION of Wind and Rain (Vardishal) (for a Ranger)
Cyclone, SCIMITAR of Wind and Thunder (Kardswann) (for a Barbarian)
Sirocco, weapon of Wind and Fire (Pazhvann) (for a Priest, uses a Lt Xbow as a weapon)
Gale, MORNINGSTAR of Wind and Sand (Zayifid) (for a Cleric/Rogue)
Maelstrom, weapon of Wind and Lightning (Davashuum) (for a Sorcerer, uses a wand?)
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
I received the order today, and everything was in it, so that's not the problem. The problem I have is with the packaging. I ordered a mini (Schir Demon) and it was tightly wrapped in a plastic bag and compressed within the box. The base was vertical, one of the legs was completely off the base, and once I opened it, the other leg came off the base. I can glue it, so it isn't too big of a deal, but Paizo may want to rethink the way they package miniatures. The second problem I have is with the Emerald Spire book. I'm giving it as a gift, since I already have the version from the Kickstarter. The book is curved and the back has several lines that bulge out. Hard to explain, but its as if it was gouged from the inside and the cover was bulged out in several lines. It is something I'd expect as a Non-Mint product. I'm really not one to complain, but since half of my order was "damaged", I felt I needed to say something.
I was catching up on some web fiction that I've missed and noticed a couple issues. #1 On the web fiction list ( the link for A Knightly Mission links to Chapter One, unlike the other links. #2 Very minor, but at the end of Queen Sacrifice Chapter Four "Coming Next Week" isn't bolded like it is on other chapters. Thanks!
Hello, I hope this is the correct place to post this. I've been going through the web fiction and have come across a few missing items and errors that should be an easy fix. 1. Best Served Cold
2. The Fencing Master
If I find any more I'll add those to the list. Thank you!
First off, I'm not talking about pirating scenarios, etc. In my local PFS group my friend and I take turns GMing. However, in the case that more than one table of players might show up, the "off-week" GM has the scenario printed just in case he needs to run it. We've been running the Intro series, so purchasing scenarios hasn't been an issue yet. I couldn't find any info in the Guide or the forums here to answer my question, so here it is. Is it legal for me to print out 2 copies of the scenario and give one to the "off-week" GM if we need to run a second table, or would he have to purchase it in order to run the second table? Aside from just a local concern, I guess the same situation would apply to con games as well. Does the con GM need to have purchased the scenario in order to run it, or as long as it is available there can they do so? Thanks!
Hello folks, I want to know if anyone has any suggestions for utilizing Feast of Ravenmoor with the Rise of the Runelords storyline. As it is now, my players have just finished Burnt Offerings and I wanted to send them away for a bit to let the events of the Skinsaw Murders get setup. I've got a few ideas for adding some consistency with the overall plot of the AP, but nothing concrete and nothing that is really amazing. So, I turn to you for suggestions. Thanks in advance!
Hello, Order# 2186452 has a few items that were loaded as sidecart items to replace a missing shipment. The original shipment did eventually arrive and I had asked for these replacements to be removed, but apparently they were not. Please remove the following items from this order, as I have already received them. Pathfinder Adventure Path #60: From Hell’s Heart (Skull & Shackles 6 of 6) (PFRPG) Print Edition
Everything else in the order is correct. Thank you!
Hello. My Order # 2143167 was shipped on August 6th, but has not arrived. As it is nearing my next shipment, I figured I should say something. As a sidenote, this is the 3rd time this has happened with my AP subscription. The first time, the original order never arrived, the second time it did arrive, just late (as you can see the cancelled ones in this order). I have changed my shipping preferences to UPS rather than USPS, so hopefully this will not happen again. Thank you!
I had a similar problem at the beginning of this AP. The last two books (#58, #59) shipped as one order and have gone missing in transit. My order # 2128536. The tracking info has it arriving at a PO, about an hour away, on the 20th, but no further information is available. As a side note, my Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition shipped out on the same day as this order, and that arrived on the 20th. Any help with this order would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Hello folks, I sent an email to customer service yesterday, but haven't received any acknowledgement yet, so figured I'd post here as well. Skull and Shackles #1 was shipped out, but I never received it. Someone was nice enough to add that (and another book I had with the order) to my sidecart. Now I'm eagerly awaiting them and Skull and Shackles #2. I've noticed I am (still) an AP subscriber, but have not received any word of book #2 shipping, nor do I have the pdf available in My Downloads. Under My Subscriptions, my "next volume" has no mention of book #2, it reads: Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny (Skull & Shackles 1 of 6) (PFRPG) Print Edition (In sidecart)
Thanks for any help you can give me! |