The Rake

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Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 1,192 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
changyperson wrote:

Oozes are generally immune to Acid, and the Decaying rune (gm core 237) has both the void and acid traits. It only does void damage, but since it has the acid trait, are oozes immune to all the effects of the decaying rune? Just the persistent damage? Something else?


I'm pretty sure that the acid trait is a copy and paste error (from the Corrosive Rune), since the text doesn't say that the rune ever deals acid damage.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

1. Should Acrobatic Performer be limited only to applications of Perform for which "dance" is an allowed performance type? (I think yes)

2. Acrobatic Performer + Virtuosic Performer: Can a character get the +1 bonus from Virtuosic Performer (dance) on their Acrobatics check for performance, or does it only apply to Performance checks? (I can see this going either way)

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

A question about the Priest. It looks like they are built on the "wizard/sorcerer" framework (1/2 BAB, etc.) but with the Cleric/Oracle spell list. In comparison to a straight Cleric, in exchange for stepping down the less martial track, they extra domain, with attendant powers?
My concern here is that wizard/sorcerers have a spell list with spells that (by design) do more damage than the cleric/oracle list. It seems that if the Priest is meant to be a "divine wizard" there should be some extra damage capability baked in there somewhere.
Or did I miss something?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh dear. Looks like the flavor text for Warlock on p. 97 got replaced by a copy of the flavor text for White Necromancer from p. 98. :-(

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Jessica Price wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:
Wait a second! Eastern boarder of Qadira? That´s where Casmaron begins, isn´t it? :D
It is, though unless James added things during his dev pass, the only things labeled on the map are in Qadira itself, not east of the border.

IE: We keep sending Pathfinders to the eastern border of Qadira, but so far none have returned to report what lies beyond.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm a bit confused why the CR4 janni (for worshippers of Sarenrae) is added to the summon monster VI list (alongside the CR8 dire tiger) instead of the summon monster IV list, with the other CR3/4 creatures. Note also that People of the Sands introduced the 4th level lesser summon genie spell that accomplishes the same thing.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

symbol of laughter seems like it should be enchantment (compulsion) (like hideous laughter), instead of enchantment (charm).

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Some items I have found whilst sifting through the spell index:

  • detect magic listed twice with different links.
  • nonexistent spell dimensional, duplicates link to dimensional anchor
  • free-range backslash character between passwall and path of glory
  • greater shield of fortification is missing
  • greater spellcrash is missing

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Terrible news. My condolences to his friends and family, particularly the Paizo staff who are grieving.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"This weapon must be a simple weapon or your deity's favored weapon." As GM I wouldn't allow this spell to be used in conjunction with unarmed attacks, even if that is the deity's favored weapon, when the spell lets you select any simple weapon instead.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Kyra is not wearing a cloak, it is an abba.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Protection from Evil

CRB wrote:
Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by evil summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Summoned creatures that are not evil are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

Does "evil summoned creatures" refer to summoned creatures that simply have an evil alignment, or have the (evil) subtype?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think I found a minor error in the "Black Ice" gnome shadowdancer on p. 238, aka Skal Wistalvak. It looks like he took Spell Focus (illusion) and Greater Spell Focus (illusion) as his two bonus wizard feats, but these are not in the legal list of "metamagic, item creation, or Spell Mastery".

Not that I would be against these being legal wizard bonus feats, but I can't find anything that says that they are.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Pledged and dotted.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Clustered Shots, aka "I Laugh At DR"

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Note that the regional map on the inside front cover does not show the Scorpius River that runs from Kelmarane to Katapesh. Use the more detailed map in the Inner Sea World Guide for this region.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
how did the Runelords of Greed usually gain their vast amount of wealth
In all the ways someone who rules a nation, is evil, is very powerful, and lives for decades or centuries can.

Ah, the true specialty of a Runelord of Greed is the Magic of Compound Interest.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My players have reached the level where they are starting to have to deal with spellcaster opponents running greater invisibility. In searching for ways to counter invisibility, the ranger player found hunter's eye. The problem here is that to be effective, the spell has to be cast on the target ("one creature"), and I won't let him cast the spell on a target that is already invisible, per p. 214 "You must be able to see or touch the target...".

He believes that this negates the purpose of the spell, or at least makes it very situational. I'm curious what others here think. Thanks.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We have mounted a projector over our game table, and I import the encounter maps from the modules into our (custom written, work-in-progress) map projection program that lets us do fog of war, spell AOEs, distance mensuration, etc. It's pretty nice except that the low res of the projector blurs a lot of the cool artwork details.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

IMO, no. Here's why.

First, not all constructs are golems, and per the description of the golembane scarab you should not allow it to be beneficial against non-golem constructs. (Otherwise the description would say "constructs" instead of "golems").

Thus, the second question is whether an aluum is a golem or not. Innnnterestingly, the preamble "Unlike other golems..." in the 3E creature description in Dark Markets was removed from the text for the PFRPG stat block in the ISWG. There is therefore nothing in the PFRPG creature description suggesting that it is technically a golem. Similar to a golem, yes, but not an actual golem.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The time sequence of AoJ seems to be as follows:

A: The paladin activates AoJ.

B: An ally activates smite. B must be no more than 1 round after A.

C: The ally loses the benefits of smite. C occurs no more than 10 rounds after B.

If I got anything wrong above, please correct me.

My question: Where in this time sequence must the ally be within 10' of the paladin? A, B, A&B, A&B&C?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What are the slam damage dice granted by elemental body X? Does the target gain the slam damage dice of the true elemental creature of the appropriate size and element? Or do they retain their original humanoid slam damage, advanced only by size?

Here's the background: the text of the spell would strongly indicate that the target does not get the slam attacks of the elemental, because it is not among the changes enumerated in the spell description.

However, this creates a paradox in-game, where a creature can be polymorphed into a huge stone elemental (which ordinarily deal 2d8 on slams) but only deal 1d8 (base huge slam damage from Table 3-1 on Bestiary page 302).

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What kind of outsider would be an appropriate thematic eidolon for an Azlanti? (Specifically, Saveth, for reasons...)

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

P. 352
Under "Senses and Communication", first paragraph, first sentence: change "emphatically" to "empathically"...unless intelligent items communicate with their wielders IN ALL CAPS?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


The Exchange

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Page 41: "Daring-do" should be spelled "derring-do".

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I love love love Mythic Kyra's outfit.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Is there a complete spell list for the School of Illumination that includes core spells like shadow walk and flare somewhere?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Adamantine Dragon wrote:
I certainly hope it's being built to support tablets because by the time it's through beta, laptops are going to be on the way out...

Maybe in your group, not so much in mine.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Okay, will do. Thanks.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My November subscription box just arrived -- not sure why it took 5 weeks to mosey to my mailbox but it got here alright.

However, I found that my NPC Codex has a leaf of pages in the middle that have been slashed as if by a razor blade. This is clearly damage that occurred in the printing/binding process. Is there an RMA process by which I can get this book replaced?

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I had a lot of trouble running The End of Eternity. It's very free form; the PCs can ally with one of two (?) different factions and still escape Kakishon; however, the text about this process is confusing in the extreme, essentially indicating that the PCs have to go around killing every sentient in Kakishon who is unwilling to leave (which is only true of creatures not native to Kakishon) -- it also strongly suggests that when Kakishon collapses, all the nonnatives will be ejected at the location of the scroll in the dungeon on the Plane of Fire, with the PCs.

A lot of the confusion was addressed on the messageboards, if your Search-Fu is strong, but the text as written is very confusing.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Motorola Droid 4. Looking at getting a XyBoard 10.1 very soon.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Valryn's Edda
by B.E.S. McMillan (edits by Eric France)

In Atala, fair Atala
There lived a handsome boy
And he was noble, through and through,
His parents' pride and joy.

Thus Valryn grew up proud and strong
His father governed wise and long
Until a grievous secret wrong
His fine home did destroy.

South and south, though Valryn rode
T'was everywhere the same
Atalan troops embroiled the land
In some great deadly game.

So Valryn swore he would pursue
The pawn masters to make them rue
The day he'd pay them their just due
And his estate reclaim.

To Southport Town, far Southport Town
At length did Valryn fare
Just as Atalan ships arrived
And laid siege to all there.

Thus Orin, Raginal and Badri
Joined Tan'ate and Valryn in company
To spread word of this treachery
And north to Balan Keep repair.

A month or more of solid rhyme
I fear t'would take to tell the rest
As monster after obstacle
Intruded on their quest.

But still they fought with bow and blade
With prayer and spell each escapade
That ultimate success delayed
Until the crucial test.

The islands that tormented them
Were finally left behind
But weather on the mainland
Was not a bit more kind.

It drove them to a tower light
In which they thought to pass the night
To rest and prep for their next fight
This plan the fates declined.

With leaping flame and deadly aim
The shadow blasts struck sore
But worst of all when any fell
The damage done was more.

Valryn saw to save his crew
There was but one thing he could do
And between doom and his true
Friends, Valryn closed the door.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:

Your assumption is correct, but we've sold out of these miniatures after your order. You, in fact, got the last ones.

It is now all set to go, and should ship out in 2 to 6 business days.


Oh! Awesome! (and weird. Maybe there should be a different way of indicating that in the order confirmation. Hmmm.)

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

When I fired this order it changed the status of the miniatures to "Unavailable". I assume this means that you sold out of all of them since I put them into my cart a couple of weeks ago. If so I would like to cancel the whole order.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"My Downloads" link takes me to the extra signin, but entering my password keeps reloading the signin page. Checked my password by signing out and signing in problem.

The Exchange

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

by B. E. S. McMillan
(posted with permission of the author)

It was after one well-fought adventure,
which left our group battered but rich,
that Gyre (I think)
said "Let's stop for a drink.
There's an inn here they call The Crowned B&$$#."

Well it seemed like a harmless suggestion.
Our throats were dust-coated and parched,
so we shouldered our packs,
slung our bows on our backs,
and into that tavern we marched.

There were halflings camped out by the kitchen,
two gamblers were starting to spar,
and a full dozen brutes,
wearing rusty mail suits,
stood between our small troop and the bar.

Now you might think we'd have been dissuaded
from staying to order at all,
but Kagan was able
to find us a table
that put all our backs to the wall.

Aye, the scene in that tavern looked ugly,
but we four were strangers to fear.
'Gainst horrible odds
we will call on the gods...
but not 'til we've called for our beer!

So--assassins looked on from the shadows
and the barkeeper's lass gave a shrug--
as we ordered some porter,
two kegs and a quarter,
3 goblets, and one pewter mug.

A half-orc was glaring at Sorrel.
The lady dwarf just looked annoyed,
but if someone got killed
then our booze might get spilled
and that's what I hoped to avoid.

So I tossed a full purse to the innkeep,
saying "Sir, I have frequently found
that all sorts of trouble
will drown in a double.
Pray pour the good folk here a round."

We the innkeep obliged me with pleasure
and we garnered new friends by the score.
Not one squabble started
until we'd departed
and the gold turned to copper once more.

So if ever you visit The Crowned B*!+*,
don't plan to pay spells for your beer,
because, since that time
they've hung up a sign
that says "No magic users served here!"

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

P. 40, Wildblooded Archetype, "Arial" variant of Stormborn bloodline -- Should be "Aerial"?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Todd Stewart wrote:
There was a genasi-like race of planetouched humans in Elemental Water called the maridar. Their heritage was a sort of mixed bag of marid, sahuagin, etc along with an originally human stock.

Should we just consider these undines, or something distinct from undines?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
Astral Plane entry wrote:
Powerful spellcasters utilize the Astral Plane for a tiny fraction of a second when they teleport, or they can use it to travel between planes with spells like astral projection.

That bit about teleportation is technically no longer true. It used to be the rule pre-Pathfinder, but Paizo disconnected teleportation effects from reliance on the Astral so that they would function in places that lacked access to the Astral, such as inside a locked pocket dimension.

Of course any given GM can run it either way they want to.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sword of Truth -- I tried reading the first one. It was fairly boring right up until the hero gets captured and tortured by the leather-clad bondage witches...then I needed to bleach my brain. I tossed the book aside (one of the few times I've failed to finish a book). (Note to aspiring fantasy writers: while plotting and writing your fantasy novel, be on the lookout for your lizard brain suddenly taking over and making you write bad porno.)

Years later, when the series had stretched out to over a dozen books, I wondered if I had missed out on something. Had there been an overarching storyline that made it worthwhile? So I read the plot synopses on Wikipedia. Nope, he was just making shit up from book to book to keep the cash flowing.

Mazatlan Book of the Fallen -- I will be the first to admit that these guys have done an outstanding, superstar job designing a rich, original fantasy universe. However...I struggled to the end of Gardens of the Moon, when the climactic battle against the Big Evil occurs, unknown force never before mentioned suddenly shows up, disintegrates the Big Evil, and disappears again...without explanation. End of book. WTF? (Also I needed to keep looking up stuff online about the universe so I could try to follow half of what was going on. Still not sure I understood exactly how the magic system works.)

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

bigkilla wrote:
As a long time player of Evercrack, World of Warcrack,Warcrack the Reckoning online,Crack City of Heroes, Age of Concrack ...

Ahem! It's "City of Heroin."

Now I gotta go back to grinding incarnate trials...

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Got mine. We're all in awe of the level of detail in the painting, particularly the golden sunbursts on Kyra's aba.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lilith wrote:
Cookies! Right, I'll get on that. *gets out Nigella's Oven of Epic Baking*


The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yay! Katapesh!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Bane Wraith wrote:

Heh. See, I thought of it that way too. But, then again, the Astral plane is also specifically described in PF as being the plane that any Gate or Portal goes through to reach another plane of existence: In the same way the Ethereal is a buffer between Shadow and Material, the Astral is basically a buffer between All.

I find that rather strange, when it comes to the Inner planes, since it's basically explained they're like a sandwiched-up ball with the Ethereal being between the Shadow and Material.

I find it extremely important to know if Pathfinder has any direct rules concerning the interaction between these two planes, for the purpose of creating demiplanes and astral projection, though (Among other specifics)... And, sadly, I'm not all that savy myself in the occult to come up with houserules to suggest to a GM =P

It rings an interesting concept though; Being capable of Hiding from the outer planes, by concealing oneself in the land of Dreams and mortal spirits.

What say you?

From the archives.

"Teleport effects do not use the Astral plane any more." -- JJ

Likewise, shadow and ethereal spells do not function away from the Inner Sphere (because Outer Sphere planes simply do not have shadow or ethereal planes).

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Bane Wraith wrote:

Do the Ethereal and Astral planes "touch"?

I'm not yet seeing anything to suggest they don't, in pathfinder lore. I wanted to ask the question just to verify, though.

The base rules of the RPG don't specify the precise cosmology of the game universe.

In the Pathfinder campaign setting, my understanding is that they do not -- that is, they only "touch" in the same places that the Astral plane "touches" any world with an Ethereal plane. Remember that in the PFCS, the Astral plane is essentially deep space.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
FallofCamelot wrote:

Brannon Braga is responsible for one of the worst episodes of Star Trek ever (namely "Threshold.")

I can honestly say that after that travesty he has to do a lot to make me trust him with anything. In fact the only thing I can say in his defence is that at least he didn't write "The Outrageous Okona..."

Now that has to rank as the worst Trek episode ever.

Uh uh. Angel One. Five words: Riker as a harem boy.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm curious if the firearms rules for the setting and path are compatible with the Gunslinger class from Ultimate Combat.

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