chubbs's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master chubbs

banned classes:


available classes:

available classes
ninja- (originated in Seanchan gains powers through ring of shadows Ter'angreal)
Alchemist- (illuminator)
Gunslinger (they use dragons/firearms)
Oracle-(where most channelers come from, the oracle can choose from any spell list, but the revelations are chosen by the mysteries, which are divided by groups, example, RED, WHITE, AIEL, WINDFINDERS, BLACK TOWER, SEANCHAN, etc. instead of those listed. FLAME, TIME, etc.)
Druid- (Ogier treesinger only)
monk (add s spear for Aiel)
Ranger- (trapper and no spellcasting variants)

The idea of this Robert Jordan campaign would be that this takes place two hundred years after the last battle, Nyneave and Lan's son run the black tower which has moved to the blight, there are rumors of a man in white that travels the land working miracles, and the channeling classes have become more prevalent, so think of the one power as a sive and by there being more channelers there are more holes so the power is not as powerful as it was, there is a Council of channelers that have a neutral ground at the foot of the pillar where Taim was encased. they vote for all rules of the one power and it is represented by the five factions (Wise ones, Windfinders, white tower, black tower, Seanchan) that all swear to uphold the law, all have thier own laws to follow on their lands or they can choose to be tried at the Grey tower. the laws of the power are as follows below. wolfbrothers are a group of rangers from Mantheron that has been reborn in the Black Hills, that have skinchanger subtype. all Goblins, hobgoblins, etc are called shadowspawn. apparently after the last hundred or so years shadowspawn have started showing up all over the place and no one knows where all of them are coming from.

only human but each region get different background traits
skinchangers- wolf only

1. ter'angreal can only be made with their mark on it and the different groups can only make so many to control the price and rarity of them
2. every group can follow their own laws in their area only. On neutral grounds the Grey tower laws take precedence
(for example the Seanchan can only take channelers in their lands, white tower requires oath rods, etc..)
3. three representatives from each group make up the Grey tower council.
4. regions can make others channeler fight depending on alliances if found on field of battle, however if a channeler requests surrender must abide by it.
5. any breaking of these rules subject to trial in the Grey tower.

some mechanical rules:

mechanical rules that are for flavor
Scribe scroll changes to Craft ter'angreal (which angreal and ter'angreal can be of any size, shape, etc. so detect magic(ter'angreal) would be how to help find it.
No potions
Lucid dreamer and dreamscapes
No craft wand or wondrous item all craft Angreal (wondrous)or Angreal (wand) or armor Angreal (armor)
No craft staff called craft S'angreal
the Aiel are part of the dragonpact and are bounty hunters/sheriffs that can track people across kingdoms.
female channlers can link it is a standard action for each female get a +1 to Caster lvl and DC up to +5. and get extra slots per link as a level of oracle equal to the number of females up to 5th. without a male to help.
Males get one extra slot per lvl for their strength.
some spells will be banned/Changed if not up to the books standard like summoning monsters banned, or flying which might be unlocked as a missing weave, or changed like Disintegrate would be balefire.that is why looking for fans that would not Power game and stay true to the ideas.

The campaign is still months away this is just seeing if people that were true fans would be interested. this is a low magic item high RP campaign. I have put a lot of thought into it to keep it balanced. I will be redoing the history and expanding on it that I typed out above. that is just a quick outline. To see what the response would be from the community.

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Have you seen this yet?

Huh, thanks for popping that in, Rednal. Gonna go check that out...

For the record I am interested in a WoT campaign.

Ty, that looks really good, let me look at it more and read through it.

I would be interested in this as well. WoT would be a fun setting to play in.

I whole heartedly agree. I would love to do some roleplaying in the wheel time world.

ya I wouldn't use that guide there are some things I would use, but overall I would stick to making adjustments to pathfinder classes. they took the info out of the RP guide that was brought out in that link but if you have ever tried to use it the channel class is over powered. I have tried to play it several times because I am a huge Robert Jordan fan. I prefer to keep things balanced, but this is something I have worked on a long time its just not ready yet, and I just wanted to see if there are other huge fans on this sight that would like to do a PbP. I would take the pathfinder adventure path iornfang invasion. and change it to work because you can change it to fit a trolloc war type setting very well.

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