GM Ash |

Greetings Fellow Pathfinder Enthusiasts!
I am looking to start the Age of Ashes AP using 2E Pathfinder Core. I will GM the first book guaranteed!!
There is a player guide that you can use in rolling up your character. What I am looking for is four heroes to join me on this quest. With the rules etc being new I expect mistakes in both ends.
What you can expect from me as the GM.
1. A good time playing this game.
2. Posting from me at least every two days. After that I will move us along.
3. I will be using Roll20 for tables and tokens.
4. If something comes up let me know.
What I expect from players
1. Have fun
2. If your new let me know. If your experienced let me GM.
3. Comment in the OOC thread. I am looking to make fiends.
I will look to close out submissions by Thursday 8/8/19.
We will figure out formatting for 2E PCs as I go.

華子: Hanako |

I'm looking at PF2 rules/classes. I definitely would love to play a monk if chosen for this game. The class doesn't seem as OP in PF2, and that's part of the intrigue.
I don't own any books however, so I can only access feats and monk feats if there's a way to do so online. (If that means I can't play, no offense taken. Just kindly let me know if that is the case.)

1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Hanako - you can find the rules HERE, Archives of Nethys or HERE, d20PFSRD. Both are still updating as the system just released, but between them you should be fine.

GM Ash |

@DoubleGold Brother I would be honor to GM you. I have played in your games. Your in!
@OCEANSHIELDWOLPF 2.0 thanks for putting the links in!
@aRePiiGee What RPGs game have you played in? what do you expect from Pathfinder that you have not found in those other games?
@Mandoryan What RPGs games have you played in? Since you have the books what do you like so far?
@Hanako not an issue. Just see those sites that @OCEANSHIELDWOLPF 2.0 put up for you.
@Sweetbro what do you mean time slots?
@Demon I see the dotting.

aRePiiGee |

I've played a lot of D&D 5e, as well as some 3.5 and a handful of one shots in a few other systems. I've heard a lot of good about Pathfinder about the character options it offers. My expectations for Pathfinder are to play in a game where I can make a character that is both fun mechanically and in the role play. 5e struggled with the mechanical sometimes and from what I've read Pathfinder 2e seems to fix most of the issues I've had with 5e.

華子: Hanako |

Yes, thanks OceanShield! I totally forgot AoN had the 2.0 tab!
I looked over the rules and Monk class last night. So they kept the flying kick from Unchained, and I can even get that at Lv.4. It seems there's no alignment requirement, which is awesome because I do so much better as a CG or NG character than LG—especially since I like my heroic characters to hate any form of legalized injustice. Slavery, obviously. Less obvious: my heroines have strong feelings about brothels (that may be unpopular opinions in some adventurer circles).
The short list of feats brings me back to my first PF game, in which the GM had a core-only limitation for classes, feats and spells.
My expectations for Pathfinder are to play in a game where I can make a character that is both fun mechanically and in the role play.
My hope is by having less feats to deal with, leveling up is quicker and yeah, we can focus more on the heart and soul of the character.
It looks like the initial build will take some getting used to, particularly the background determining stat boosts. But... mind opened!

GM Ash |

I've played a lot of D&D 5e, as well as some 3.5 and a handful of one shots in a few other systems. I've heard a lot of good about Pathfinder about the character options it offers. My expectations for Pathfinder are to play in a game where I can make a character that is both fun mechanically and in the role play. 5e struggled with the mechanical sometimes and from what I've read Pathfinder 2e seems to fix most of the issues I've had with 5e.
I play a lot of 5E and love it. Wish they did something’s better but no is perfect. From my reading this weekend 2E looks great without all the mechanics slowing you down.

GM Ash |

Yes, thanks OceanShield! I totally forgot AoN had the 2.0 tab!
I looked over the rules and Monk class last night. So they kept the flying kick from Unchained, and I can even get that at Lv.4. It seems there's no alignment requirement, which is awesome because I do so much better as a CG or NG character than LG—especially since I like my heroic characters to hate any form of legalized injustice. Slavery, obviously. Less obvious: my heroines have strong feelings about brothels (that may be unpopular opinions in some adventurer circles).
The short list of feats brings me back to my first PF game, in which the GM had a core-only limitation for classes, feats and spells.
aRePiiGee wrote:My expectations for Pathfinder are to play in a game where I can make a character that is both fun mechanically and in the role play.My hope is by having less feats to deal with, leveling up is quicker and yeah, we can focus more on the heart and soul of the character.
It looks like the initial build will take some getting used to, particularly the background determining stat boosts. But... mind opened!
Monk should be fun then!!

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I'm very interested in giving 2e a go. I've only started looking at it the new system and haven't bought any of the books yet, but I like a lot of what I'm seeing. I'll probably at least pick up the PDF version of the Core Rulebook soon, and until I do I can use Archives of Nethys, which is where I've been looking at it so far.

aRePiiGee |

aRePiiGee wrote:I've played a lot of D&D 5e, as well as some 3.5 and a handful of one shots in a few other systems. I've heard a lot of good about Pathfinder about the character options it offers. My expectations for Pathfinder are to play in a game where I can make a character that is both fun mechanically and in the role play. 5e struggled with the mechanical sometimes and from what I've read Pathfinder 2e seems to fix most of the issues I've had with 5e.I play a lot of 5E and love it. Wish they did something’s better but no is perfect. From my reading this weekend 2E looks great without all the mechanics slowing you down.
Yeah I really was a fan of 5e just over the years of playing it I've started noticing the little flaws more and more. I'm sure 2e will have it's flaws too but yeah my initial reading of it has me very excited to play it and the Age of Ashes AP looks really cool too.

Mandoryan |
I played D&D 3, and then 3.5 but using the Iron Kingdoms system. Also played various World of Darkness games, Shadowrun, and Serenity (Cortex). I collect OSR and B/X books and I'm going to be running Keep on the Bordelands for my family in the next month. Honestly my favorite part of the P2E book is being able to create a really dynamic and individual character. I'm still trying to decide what I'd like my first toon to be but I want the backstory to be a sort of "Elon Musk technology/magic/whatever direction I decide to take can save the world" approach. But from a naive sense of how the world works.

Diaz Ex Machina |

Very, very interested. I did wrote in fact in the General Discussion forum to see if anyone was going to GM this campaign, and I would really like to join. How many players are you allowing at your table?
Also, my brief curriculum: I've stated playing D&D 3.0 in 2002, played also 3.5, 4th, a bit of WoD, then approached Pathfinder and fell in love with the updated d20 System. I'm now looking forward to learn 2nd Edition, and think this will be a very good opportunity to do so.

華子: Hanako |

@sweetbro I am CST in the States. Mom-Fri works for me. If the group wants maybe Sat as well. Sunday is my family day. I will post normally by 10am.
Oh, are you running a live Roll 20 game, not a PbP? If so, that sounds super-fun, but I won't join a live game because I know my daughters' schedule will inevitably conflict.

Demon Lord of Paladins! |

GM Ash wrote:@sweetbro I am CST in the States. Mom-Fri works for me. If the group wants maybe Sat as well. Sunday is my family day. I will post normally by 10am.Oh, are you running a live Roll 20 game, not a PbP? If so, that sounds super-fun, but I won't join a live game because I know my daughters' schedule will inevitably conflict.
Pretty sure he is juts using roll20 as a mapper.

華子: Hanako |

華子: Hanako wrote:Pretty sure he is juts using roll20 as a mapper.GM Ash wrote:@sweetbro I am CST in the States. Mom-Fri works for me. If the group wants maybe Sat as well. Sunday is my family day. I will post normally by 10am.Oh, are you running a live Roll 20 game, not a PbP? If so, that sounds super-fun, but I won't join a live game because I know my daughters' schedule will inevitably conflict.
That was my original interpretation. The schedule question threw me.
Well, if PbP, I remain interested! I especially love the char-gen NOT having die rolls for stats!
Working on mechanic creation now...!

Demon Lord of Paladins! |

I'm creating one anyway, so I at least know how if I don't make the cut.
Already I have a question. Do I get 18 HP at Lv.1? (8 human ancestry + 10 monk class; CON not boosted.)
Again, totally loving that there are officially no die rolls for attributes or HP!
This is my reading of the rules as well

GM Ash |

This is a play by post. I am using roll20 for maps and stuff. Also ancestry gives you hp and then add your hp+ Con mod for your class to it. For example dwarf is 10 + Cleric 8 + mod = 18+. Later today I will get a list applications of who is wanting to play. If I have what I want I may start earlier.

華子: Hanako |

a list applications of who is wanting to play.
Here's Hanako. Her full name means "small island flower child." Aside from spending $150 on starting gear, I have her fleshed out and I even have a concept built into her background.
She's a devout follower of Shelyn, and so she hones her martial arts skill and simultaneously reveres her goddess by acting!
She plays the role of a martials heroine, or... when she doesn't get the lead role, she comes out as a masked ninja and plays one of the thugs that gets knocked through a wall. Her hair is super long, which once landed her a Rescued Princess role. She hates playing the damsel in distress. Her dream role is to play a martial arts heroine who rescues a princess, but that is not a popular idea. Her other dream is to be a real heroine.
Kojima Hanako
• Ancestry: Human
• Background: Entertainer (Actress)
• Class: Monk
• Deity: Shelyn
• Alignment: CG
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 14
HP 18
AC 17
Background: Entertainer (CHA, 1 free boost: STR)
Class: Monk (10hp + STR)
(+4 free boosts: STR, DEX, INT, CHA)
+1 Language: Tien
+5 Perform: Actress (T)
+4 Lore: Theater (T)
+3 Perception (T)
+5 Acro (T)
+7 Athletics (T)
+5 Diplomacy (T)
+4 Society (T)
+5 Stealth (T)
• Fascinating Performance
• Dragon Stance
+7 Unarmed Attack (T)
+7 Unarmored Defense (X)
• Flurry of Blows
+5 Fort (X)
+7 Reflex (X)
+5 Will (X)
(She's also trained in simple weapons, so I may get her a longspear just to have a reach weapon. But I should probably hold off until my character is approved before I get too wild.
@Ash, let me know if there's anything else you need from me.)

bookworm422 |

Yeah I've been having some fun reading through the new corebook and really want to get into the new adventure path. With goblins now a core race and the flexible stat boost, figured why not try something a little wild and go goblin barbarian. She's got a motto and everything "Live big and loud and fun!" I'll get a proper alias set up and purchase equipment if accepted.
Ancestry: Goblin (Unbreakable Heritage)
Background: Haunting Vision
Class: Barbarian (Giant Instinct)
Feats Goblin Lore, Intimidating Glare, Raging Intimidation, Student of the Canon
Backstory Mob has always had an outsized presence for her small size. Loud, brash and able to eat and drink enough for a person twice her size in one sitting. Unfortunately her nightmares (that she refuses to admit to having) are just as big as she is. They always seem to revolve around fire, which is strange cause when she’s awake she doesn’t fear it at all. She’s only felt that kind of fear with one other thing, a strange carving of flames which according to the people she’s questioned represents Dahak, god of destruction.
Living as a member of the local Bumblebrasher tribe she’s come into occasional contact with the adventurer’s that flock to Breachill. This has had it’s upsides and downsides, she’s had to disabuse some of them of the notion that she’s small and therefore weak. But she’s gotten some information about Dahak from them, and more importantly found out about Cayden Cailean. As far as Mob’s concerned, Cayden is the ultimate example of living life big and loud and fun, since he accidentally became a god while super drunk. Ever since she learned about Cayden she’s wanted to follow his example and go on her own proper adventures as well, and it seems she’ll have her chance with this months Call for Heroes.
With the strange fires burning at the citadel coinciding with a new nightmare of fire taking Breachill, Mob’s decided to join whatever adventurers take up the job at the Call for Heroes and destroy whatever is causing the fires (and the nightmares) to protect herself and her tribe.
CG, Small, Goblin, Humanoid, Barbarian
Perception +5
Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Intimidation +5, Lore (Dahak) +3, Lore (Goblin) +3, Nature +3, Religion +3, Stealth +4, Survival +3
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2
AC 14 (unarmored), Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +5
HP 24/24
Unbreakable Goblin Halve distance fallen when calculating falling damage
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] +7 Damage +4
Rage [1] If not fatigued or raging, begin raging. Gain 3 temporary hp, +2 melee damage, (+4 more damage if weapon large sized), -1 AC, clumsy 1, no concentrate actions unless also rage. Last for 1 minute, no perceivable enemies or unconscious. (barbarian, concentrate, emotion, mental)
Demoralize [1] Attempt an Intimidation check against a single creature within 30 feet. Success – target is frightened 1. Critical Success – target is frightened 2. Target immune to Mob’s demoralize for 10 minutes. (auditory/visual, concentrate, emotion, mental, rage)

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I'm working up a half-elf bard. Hopefully I'll have it posted by the end of the day.
It's a character concept that I'm very familiar with, but I'd like to have my first go around with 2e be something that makes it easy for me to compare the editions in terms of how characters play. A bit of A/B testing I guess you could say. :)

aRePiiGee |

I borrowed your stat block Hanako. Here is Gareth Blackmoore. Gareth is a free spirited rogue who grew up having to fend for himself. He never let that get him down though. He used that to learn many skills and even apprenticed under a few different trades, however the life of an adventurer is what called to him. He is friendly and willing to help those truly in need even if he must break a few laws to do so. He has been known to steal from the wealthy and give to the needy while skimming just a bit for himself off the top. Hearing of the call for adventurers in Breachill, and knowing he had an ancestor who was an adventurer there, he set off hoping to have a shot at helping those in need and making a name for himself.
Gareth Blackmoore
• Ancestry: Human (Versatile)
• Background: Returning Descendant
• Class: Rogue (Thief)
• Deity: None
• Alignment: CG
STR 10
DEX 18
CON 12
INT 16
WIS 12
CHA 10
HP 17
AC 18 (T in Leather Armor)
+3 Languages: Elven, Draconic, Dwarven
+7 Acrobatics (T)
+6 Arcana (T)
+3 Athletics (T)
+6 Crafting (T)
+3 Deception (T)
+3 Diplomacy (T)
+3 Intimidation (T)
+6 Engineering Lore (T)
+4 Medicine (T)
+1 Nature (U)
+1 Occultism (U)
+3 Performance (T)
+1 Religion (U)
+6 Society (T)
+7 Stealth (T)
+4 Survival (T)
+7 Thievery (T)
Subtle Theft (Heritage)
Natural Ambition (Ancestry)
Pickpocket (Skill)
Nimble Dodge (Class)
Twin Feint (Bonus from Natural Ambition)
+7 Rapier (T)
+7 Shortsword (T)
+7 Dagger (T)
+4 Fort (T)
+9 Reflex (E)
+6 Will (E)

華子: Hanako |

I borrowed your stat block Hanako.
I'm flattered! Also... I goofed. I can get two more feats at Lv.1 (Versatile + General Training).
• Ancestry: Human (Versatile)
• Background: Entertainer (Actress)
• Class: Monk
• Deity: Shelyn
• Alignment: CG
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 14
HP 18
AC 17
+1 Language: Tien
+5 Perform: Actress (T)
+4 Lore: Theater (T)
+3 Perception (T)
+5 Acro (T)
+7 Athletics (T)
+5 Intimidation (T)
+4 Society (T)
+5 Stealth (T)
• Fascinating Performance
• Dragon Stance
• Cat Fall
• Titan Wrestler
+7 Unarmed Attack (T)
+7 Unarmored Defense (X)
• Flurry of Blows
+5 Fort (X)
+7 Reflex (X)
+5 Will (X)

GM Ash |

I borrowed your stat block Hanako. Here is Gareth Blackmoore. Gareth is a free spirited rogue who grew up having to fend for himself. He never let that get him down though. He used that to learn many skills and even apprenticed under a few different trades, however the life of an adventurer is what called to him. He is friendly and willing to help those truly in need even if he must break a few laws to do so. He has been known to steal from the wealthy and give to the needy while skimming just a bit for himself off the top. Hearing of the call for adventurers in Breachill, and knowing he had an ancestor who was an adventurer there, he set off hoping to have a shot at helping those in need and making a name for himself.
Gareth Blackmoore
• Ancestry: Human (Versatile)
• Background: Returning Descendant
• Class: Rogue (Thief)
• Deity: None
• Alignment: CGStats:
STR 10
DEX 18
CON 12
INT 16
WIS 12
CHA 10HP 17
AC 18 (T in Leather Armor)Skills:
+3 Languages: Elven, Draconic, Dwarven
+7 Acrobatics (T)
+6 Arcana (T)
+3 Athletics (T)
+6 Crafting (T)
+3 Deception (T)
+3 Diplomacy (T)
+3 Intimidation (T)
+6 Engineering Lore (T)
+4 Medicine (T)
+1 Nature (U)
+1 Occultism (U)
+3 Performance (T)
+1 Religion (U)
+6 Society (T)
+7 Stealth (T)
+4 Survival (T)
+7 Thievery (T)Feats:
Subtle Theft (Heritage)
Natural Ambition (Ancestry)
Pickpocket (Skill)
Nimble Dodge (Class)
Twin Feint (Bonus from Natural Ambition)Combat:
+7 Rapier (T)
+7 Shortsword (T)
+7 Dagger (T)Saves:
+4 Fort (T)
+9 Reflex (E)
+6 Will (E)
Love this stat block clean and simple do me one favor and put the
The page number for feat descriptions this way I can just look it up.
Mandoryan |
Male elf alchemist 1
Common, NG, Medium, Elf, Humanoid
Perception +3; low-light vision
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +7 (+8 to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature.), Crafting +7 (+8 when crafting items of type Alchemy., +9 when Identify Alchemy action on an alchemical item you have the forumla for.), Deception +5, Diplomacy +5, Elven Lore +7, Engineering Lore +7, Intimidation +5, Medicine +3, Nature +3 (+4 to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature.), Occultism +4 (+5 to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature.), Religion +0 (+1 to checks to Identify Magic and to Decipher Writing of a magical nature.), Society +7, Stealth +5
Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 10 (+0), Int 18 (+4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 14 (+2)
Other Items studded leather, crossbow, mace, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, chalks (10), flint and steel, formula book, rations (1 week)s (2), rope (foot)s (50), soap, torchs (5), waterskin, purse (7 gp; 3 sp)
AC 18; Fort +5; Ref +8; Will +3
HP 14 Hero Points 1
Speed 30 feet
Melee [1] mace +3 (shove), Damage 1d6 bludgeoning
Ranged [1] crossbow +6 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8 piercing
Feats Alchemical Savant, Elven Lore
Other Abilities advanced alchemy, chirurgeon, infused reagents, quick alchemy