Blood of Books

Pathfinder Player Companion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So what Blood of Books do you want to see?

Blood of the Coven for Changelings - This would be an awesome book.

Blood of Shadows for Fetchlings - Would be interesting to see what variations of Blood lines they would have.

Blood of Dragons - Would be nice to see a race with limited dragon blood similar to how Skinwalkers have limited lycanthropic blood.

Blood of the Sea - Using Gillmen as the base bloodlines with merefolk, sahuagin, skum, adaro, cecaelia, ceratioidi, etc influence.

Blood of the Naga - Nagaji with different Naga bloodlines.

Blood of the Scale - Using the Vishkanya as the base bloodlines with lizardfolk, serpentfolk, kappa, troglodyte, etc bloodlines.

Blood of the Caverns - possibly using dwarf as the base instead of human, bloodlines with mongrelfolk, skulk, morlock, urdefhan, charda, etc. influence.

Blood of Madness - Using the Kuru as the base alternate bloodlines from other aberrations, lots of potential with this.

Blood of the Fey - This would be fun, use the gnome as the base with different fey bloodlines.

Blood of the Green - bloodlines with plant monster variations

Blood of the Gear - Using the Android as the base variations for Androids with Clockwork, Golem, and Animated Objects bloodlines. Really any Construct could provide a bloodline for Androids because when you are a living machine why not mate with other machines.

Blood of Balance (or Blood of Fate/Order). I know i just asked about it in another thread but... eh, this one is here too. Basically Physchopomp and Aeon type Planetouched books.

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Thank Sarenrae! I thought some mad book serial-killer was on the loose...

I would love to see a "blood of the gear" type books, having homebrewed a few construct-based humanoids myself. I'll tentatively say I might enjoy "blood of shadows".

Blood of the Wild for Catfolk and the monkey race i cant remember?

Liberty's Edge

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Blood of the Grave-Options for necromancers, dhampirs, and undead monsters/templates!

Blood of the City, options for everyone to be civilized and lots of traits/feats for different kinds of settlements.

+1 for Blood of the Coven/Hag with options for changelings descended from Blood/Storm/Winter hags.

+1 for Blood of Balance with options for Axiomite-/Inevitable-/Aeon-/Psychopomp-/Protean-based planetouched (which need not all be actually descended from such influences!).

And yes, I too did a double-take when I first saw this thread's title! :)

I'd rather not have books for each specific race. That feels far too much like the old 3.5e bloat, and the race-specific books we've had so far have been fairly dreadful. Gnomes of Golarion, anyone?

Brinebeast wrote:

Blood of the Sea - Using Gillmen as the base bloodlines with merefolk, sahuagin, skum, adaro, cecaelia, ceratioidi, etc influence.

Blood of the Scale - Using the Vishkanya as the base bloodlines with lizardfolk, serpentfolk, kappa, troglodyte, etc bloodlines.

Blood of the Fey - This would be fun, use the gnome as the base with different fey bloodlines.

Those three are good ideas. They each have a strong theme for aquatic settings, fey domains, and the ancient scaly races of Golarion.

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Am I the only one who came here hoping for info on a book actually called "Blood of Books", which describes a new half-human-half-book race?

I originally thought of Librarians myself.

Um...I would like to see some race books on the less common races, but perhaps it might be an easier sell to group similar races together. I.e. one book which included info on Strix, Tengu, and Syrinx characters, for instance.

I also don't necessarily see having different bloodlines for each possible race. It works for Aasimar, Tieflings, Dhampirs, and Skinwalkers, because those are all implicitely the result of a generic outsider (or lycanthrope) mating with a mortal race. For that reason it would work well with Fetchlings, or Suli, or what have you, but I don't see the same need for things like gnomes, vishkanya, etc.

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The Friendly Lich wrote:
Am I the only one who came here hoping for info on a book actually called "Blood of Books", which describes a new half-human-half-book race?

That would be a pretty two-dimensional race. ;)

I would love to see more race books for Catfolk, Lashunta, Androids, Gripli, Nagagi, Merfolk, Strix, Tengu, Syrinx, Ghoran, etc. Though the one thing I miss about the old set up for these books was the culture, ecology, Golarion specific information, and there creation myths.

The Exchange

Jeven wrote:
The Friendly Lich wrote:
Am I the only one who came here hoping for info on a book actually called "Blood of Books", which describes a new half-human-half-book race?
That would be a pretty two-dimensional race. ;)

Ba dum tish!

Dark Archive

The Friendly Lich wrote:
Am I the only one who came here hoping for info on a book actually called "Blood of Books", which describes a new half-human-half-book race?

I was just thinking that, some sort of parchment-skinned, ink-blooded race with quill nibs for fingernails...

Set wrote:
The Friendly Lich wrote:
Am I the only one who came here hoping for info on a book actually called "Blood of Books", which describes a new half-human-half-book race?

I was just thinking that, some sort of parchment-skinned, ink-blooded race with quill nibs for fingernails...

There was a race of quasi humans with glowing blue runes that were basically book people in 3.5, from the Races of Humans (er, Destiny) I believe.


The Friendly Lich wrote:
Am I the only one who came here hoping for info on a book actually called "Blood of Books", which describes a new half-human-half-book race?


Nathanael Love wrote:
There was a race of quasi humans with glowing blue runes that were basically book people in 3.5, from the Races of Humans (er, Destiny) I believe.

Ah, yes! I almost built one once for an Epic campaign...Illumian, I think they're called.

Yep, Illumians. They were fun =) Less so in PF admittedly, where it's typically not really worth it to multiclass, which a LOT of Illumian flavor and mechanics was based around.

I would rather there just be a book about witches with some stuff about changelings. I don't think changelings need a whole book, but witches could certainly fill that out.

Scarab Sages

Um...Blood of Shadow? Wayangs are nice, too, you know.

Also, more options for Paraelemental/Quasielemental Planetouched in the spirit of all the great stuff you found in the PLANESCAPE setting (Fire + Water = Steam, Air + Negative Energy = Void, etc. etc.)

Verdant Wheel

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Blood of the Stars: Alien races content
Blood of the Past: Primitive/Throwbacks racial options
Blood of the Royalty: Exclusive bloodlines of noble families that give divine mandate
Blood of the Atom: Mutants and weird bloodlines
Blood of the Magic: Magical families with unique traditions
Blood of the Raven: Tengus for everyone.

Blood of the stars would be awesome. I would like more info/abilities on Lashunta and we also have the Triaxians, Kasatha, and maybe Trox. Also by the time we ever see such a book we will have stats for races like Vercites and more.


Dragon78 wrote:
Blood of the stars would be awesome. I would like more info/abilities on Lashunta and we also have the Triaxians, Kasatha, and maybe Trox. Also by the time we ever see such a book we will have stats for races like Vercites and more.

Yeah, that would be cool! And perhaps an alternate racial trait or two for Sovyrian Elves, or mortals kept for sport on Eox.

Also, +1 for Blood of Shadows. Wayang, Fetchlings, Shaespawn, maybe "pre-Kyton" mortals...

Blood of the Croaker for Grippli and Boggard.

Scarab Sages

Blood of the Bloodless and Blood of the Unspeakable - let's give Aballon and Aucturn some love!

Silver Crusade

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Blood of the Fox - I want my Kitsune book pleeeeeeease!

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+1 for Blood of the Stars. But definitely not before Iron Gods is finished, as I suspect that we will see some alien weirdness there.

Scarab Sages

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Blood of the Buried - there's supposed to be all kinds of weird shit in Golarion's subterranean depths, and the further down and closer to Rovagug's prison you go, the weirder it gets. Dark Elves are just the tip of the iceberg.

+1 Blood of Dragons... and I think my suggestion topic has been moved in this section. Check it out to see what I'd like to see for dragons.

... or click here for easy access.

+1 to blood of the fey and stars. I love the idea of playing fairy characters, I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Gathlain will be integrated in the pathfinder universe, and would like to see more playable fey races that don't require the monsters as pc rules. As a huge Desna fan, I'd definitely love to see some material about alien races from the stars, perhaps the creators of the massive ship that crashed in numeria...

What about a book on kitsune? They seem to be a popular race.

Seems that Blood of the Elements is the next in line.

I actually read the title and hoped for a Wizardly themed book.
With stuff like extra Spell book traits (such as thee unique effects in some of the premade spellbooks in Ultimate magic). Along with a few book/library themed spells/feats, unique books and book-plates. A librarian Archetype (extra spells known but no arcane bond?).

More descriptions of tattoo scrolls and perhaps some new form of scroll, solid scrolls, blood scrolls?

Perhaps a description of the best known libraries in the world and some ideas for mega-library dungeons.

So yeah, +1 for "Blood of books"

+1 for Blood of Cities and/or Nobility.

+1 For Blood of dragons

Albatoonoe wrote:
I would rather there just be a book about witches with some stuff about changelings. I don't think changelings need a whole book, but witches could certainly fill that out.

There are now enough hags types to make the Changeling go the Dhampirs/Aasimars/Tieflings route.

(but I would love a Witch archetype that allows them to use a different casting stat.)

Scarab Sages

Guy St-Amant wrote:

(but I would love a Witch archetype that allows them to use a different casting stat.)

Just an idea: How about one whose magic and Hexes are still Intelligence-based, but has an additional class feature or two that benefits from Wisdom and/or Charisma? The increased strain this would place on the character's points/good rolls could allow these abilities, whatever they were, to be more powerful than otherwise.

Silver Crusade

Blood of the Ancients. featuring Azlant,Shory, Thassilon, Jistka Imperium, Tekritanin League, and Ancient Osirion (for human and half races) influenced abilities, magical items, bloodlines, spells, archetypes, etc.

You can even include things like Sovyrian and Celwynvian options for elves. Even maybe a few Winter Council things since even though they still exist the organization is pre-earthfall old.

You could also have first world options for gnomes. You can have Nar-Voth options for dwarves, and even Tar Taargadth options.

They could pose it as ancestral awakening or discovery of lost ruins that awaken that part of their blood. Or Idk just right parents with the right heritages made the right baby..something

All I know is that I would love to make a Shory Aeromancer

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ipslore the Red wrote:
I'd rather not have books for each specific race. That feels far too much like the old 3.5e bloat, and the race-specific books we've had so far have been fairly dreadful. Gnomes of Golarion, anyone?

I actually quite liked Gnomes of Golarion. I felt it's greatest weakness was the format they were using for the Player Companion at the time, which they have since done away with.

That said, we also know that Blood of the Stars will be coming out later this year, which could very well have information for Androids in addition to the varied Races hinted at in Distant Worlds.
Finally, I've been reasonably vocal in my support for more material for Changelings. I've even been toying with trying to make their Bastard Brothers, the Caliban from Tears at Bitter Manor into a more balanced for PC's race.

I'd love to see a Blood of Dragons and Blood of the Fey. I'd also enjoy seeing Blood of the Sea (or something for the merfolk and gillmen... though most of the Blood of series have involved creatures with human heritage, so maybe Blood of the sea would work for gillmen and they'd need to make a Merfolk of Golarion book for merfolk?) and a book for Changelings and for Mongrelfolk would be interesting. I also think Lizardmen, Centaurs, and Strix could use more details and their own books, but that would probably fall under the "(Insert Creatures) of Golarion" series.

wouldn't wayangs fit in book of shadows

Dark Archive

I would want one called Blood of the Ageless and allow for feats/traits that would be for effectively immortal characters. They could expound upon the ways to become immortal and give a new feat to allow you to become immortal(with limitations) and etc. Even include a new occult ritual or two.

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