Krun Thuul

Vladst Grey's page

24 posts. Alias of TrueRepentance.


As Vladst is from northern Talingarde and branderscar is in the south he will not be personally known to start so should be able to pass off as a random half-orc. I could pick up a disguise kit aswell to help if i need to pretend to be human. He isn't so stupid that he would create situations just because someone looks at him strange either. He is not so  intelligent but has good charisma that im hoping he can talk his way around if necessary. He gets his rage on mostly when a fight breaks out and loves fighting. But also knows when it's better to fight and when not to.

0. Download and read the Player's Guide. DONE
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below. DONE
2. Share a brief writing example. DONE (hope backstory will suffice here)
3. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. Once a day minimum for sure, even on weekends.
4. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing. 4 well paced and 2 slower games, can easily fit in another and have been only applying for way of the wicked games recently :P

1. Pick a Class. Fighter with the Two-Handed archetype.
2. What crime did you commit to land you in prison? Attempted Murder.
3. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle? In battle he will be at the front, getting in the face of enemies. Out of battle he will aid with intimidating and breaking things.
4. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? Most likely going the full 20 fighter levels, I have never played a fighter or a half-orc before so hoping to be picked and have a ball. If there would be a way for him to attain Graveknight status that would be cool.(there are options for vampire and lich so i'm putting forward another suggesting, no complaints if i can't though.
5. (Optional) What is your character's backstory? Below :)

Ten minute Intro:

Six Important Things about the Character
1. Vladst' father is leader of an orc tribe in the north past the wall, he has met him once and been humiliated in battle. They have no love for each other.
2. Vladst' mother could not give him up and instead raised him, trying to bring out all the human qualities inside and supress the orc ones.
3. Vladst never payed attention in school, prefering to go out and play with the boys with their practise swords. He gave out the most broken bones of all of them combined.
4. Vladst wanted to be in battles and signed up as soon as he could. The battlefield is his home. Enemies his lovers.
5. Vladst wanted to transfer to an area which had seen more action recently but was refused. He tried to intimidate the officers into letting him go but that failed also. This caused his anger to take over.
6. Vladst does not feel he fits in anywhere.

Four Goals:
1. Short Term: Vladst wishes to avoid the headsmans axe.
2. Long Term: Vladst wishes to find his father, perhaps be accepted as a warrior or even kill him to show his superiority.
3. Long Term: Vladst wishes to always find a battlefield to participate on, whatever the reason. If he could start a war he would. He would that he was master of battle. Unable to be defeated.
4. Long Term: If he could find a way to never die this would indeed be considered, even undeath(Graveknight).

Two Secrets, One Known and One Unknown:
1. His mother was secretly a worshipper of Asmodeus, teaching him things in secret that will, in future be remembered and could influence his faith. He would try to keep his mother alive, as the only being that ever truly cared for him.
2. His mother is a distant relative to Sir Balin.

Five People that are tied to Vladst, Three Friends and Two Enemies:
1. Irena Grey: Mother(friend)
2. Sir Balin: Distant relative(enemy)
3. Kizz'Kar Blorakik: Orc Father, Chieftain of his tribe(enemy)

Five Mannerisms:
1. Vladst will just as soon break something as try to figure a way around it, but usually listens to council if it is there.
2. Vladst Will give others a chance to beg(intimidate) before he goes about smashing in their face.
3. Vladst prefers large two handed weapons.
4. Vladst has never known a woman, strangely enough, and even stranger, does not like killing them.
5. Vladst is a talkative and social person, this is not seen often because most often get on his bad side or do not want to talk to a half-orc.

The following is all in this Alias.


Vladst' grey-green skin is readily apparent. Sharper teeth than human and pointed ears make his heritage easily perceived. He does not slump in his reduced state but stands tall. No matter what happens to him his is determined to accept himself even if no others will. Rejected by humans and orcs alike he will make them accept him. Strength is the only thing that impresses him but he is wise enough, thanks to his mother that he knows strength is not the only thing that will get things done. Unfortunately his undeveloped mind fails him in this area. He struggles to keep his temper and is prone to smash things that get in his way, but his military training has indeed left it's mark and he is disciplined enough to show restraint(even if others must help him remember). He wishes to show everyone that they were mistaken about him and make them all pay for that mistake.


Vladst, so named for the man his father had slain, his mother's husband, never let the other kids make fun of him for his inhuman looks. They didn't make that mistake often. He was the strongest of the children in his area and took advantage of this. His mother was teaching him to control himself, but he was young and the orc in him often got him in trouble. She had not gone back to the farm which was destroyed with the orc raid that had brought forth Vladst, instead finding a place in town. People thought she was crazy for keeping him. She worked her trade as a seamstress, employed by a childhood friend who was now a tailor. Vladst attended school but only passed by the barest margin, uncaring of his studies, he preferred to practice at sword fighting with the other boys of his gang. Due to his mother's help controlling his orc nature and his failure in school to become anything special, he joined the military. The war against the asmodeans was going well and he, though late to the true fight, hoped to still catch some action. Training went quickly. He was a natural with weapons. He attributed this to his warlike ancestry.

His first battle however, would be his last. In the thick of the fighting against the enemy, he had killed at least a dozen men by himself. His force was ordered to pull back and surround the flank. As they marched they were ambushed by an orc horde. Surprised and now outnumbered they were forced to retreat. Vladst was confronted by the orc chief who, seeing his joy in battle instantly recognised the features of this half-orc as one of his own. Strange that one of those unfortunate human women would raise him as their own. Vladst had brought down a much larger opponent to help another escape. So unlike an orc. The chief would teach him a lesson. Cutting his way towards Vladst with his massive axe he called out to his son. When Vladst realised who this was he didn't know what to do and was too intimidated to move. He saw the fierceness of his father's fighting to get to him. Men were cleaved in two, it was the greatest display of skill he had ever seen. The chieftain challenged and shortly defeated him but left him alive. Mocking his half breed status, telling him he would never meet his true potential with the humans.

Vladst retreated, bloody and beaten, but the image of his father continued to haunt him the following weeks. He wad awarded for bravery in helping the unit retreat in overwhelming odds. The promotion didn't make him as happy as he thought. He was finally accepted by most of the men now. But the thought of his father humiliating him like he did ate away at him. He did not fit in anywhere it seemed. He got in a fight with a high ranking superior over wanting to be transfered and everything that had been building up inside him spilled out, leading him to try to kill the man in his anger. It was all the others needed to confirm what they had always known about the half-orc, he could never be one of them. He was instantly arrested before he could do any harm and was immediately sent to branderscar prison to await his sentence. He deserved the axe. What had his mother constantly told him? Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Character Sheet:

Vladst Grey
Male Half-orc Fighter(Two-Handed Fighter) 1
LE Medium Humanoid(human & orc)
Init +3;
Senses Perception +8
Darkvision 60ft.
AC 13, T 13, FF 10
HP 12(1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed +6 (1d3+5)
Str 20, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10
BAB +1; CMB +6(+4 to sunder); CMD +19(+2 against sunder)
Feats Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Traits Attempted Murder, Eyes and ears of the city
Skills 2(fighter) -1(int) +1(skilled) +2(bonus) = 4/level
Languages Common, Orc
Other Gear none but his wits
Outfit Prison rags
Special Abilities
Attempted Murder You gain a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Eyes and Ears of the City You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.

Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.

Darkvision Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Intimidating Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature.

Gate Crasher Many half-orcs revel in acts of wanton destruction. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objects and on sunder combat maneuver checks.

Favoured Class(fighter) 1hp or 1 skill point or +2 bonus on rolls to stabilize when dying (0hp/1skill rank/0bonus).

Weapon and Armour Proficiency Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon. A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).

Power Attack –1 on melee attack and CMB checks +2 damage. +3 damage with two-handed attack. +1 damage with off-hand attacks. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2.

Improved Sunder You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sunder combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to sunder an item. You also receive a +2 bonus to your CMD whenever an opponent tries to sunder your gear.


Prison Rags 0gp/1lbs

Well if your willing to consider it thats awesome. It does add alot of weaknesses too, which I reckon gives heaps of cool roleplaying opportunities. Not going out in the sun does kinda suck lol.

I agree it would be slightly ridiculous on say a fighter or Ranger who get bonus feats already. I don't know but it seems to fit nicely with a rogue/assassin. Probably bringing them up with them.

I have an alternate way of becoming a vampire that was part of another WotW campain, I wonder if you would consider it. It was called The path of the vampire.

The path of the Vampire:

It is not merely enough to be bitten by a vampire. The process of transforming into a true vampire is a long, painful and arduous road. Some are not up to this grueling task and instead the curse overwhelms them. Instead of transforming into a vampire, they instead merely sicken and die or worse, become an almost mindless spawn fit for little more than menial service to an undying master. However, our villains are made of sterner stuff.

To become a true vampire requires an investment of five feats – a major expenditure to be sure. However, the rewards of becoming a vampire are viewed by many as being worth the cost of this ascension.

The Bitten

You have been bitten by a vampire and infected with the curse of undeath. As you sicken, your senses heighten and you become profoundly aware that every day, you are changing into something both more and less than mortal. You have only begun your transformation into the living dead.

Prerequisites: You must be bitten by a vampire.

Benefits: You gain darkvision 30 ft. and the alertness feat, however your Constitution score is lowered by two permanently.

The Dying

You are dying. You can feel it in very core of your being. Your mortal blood is failing and the vampiric curse is overtaking you. Soon, you will die and rise again as a vampire.

Prerequisites: The Bitten, 3rd level

Benefits: Your natural armor improves +2, your dark-vision improves to 60 ft., you gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception and you gain the toughness feat. However your Constitution score is again lowered by two permanently, you now cast no shadow and have no reflection in a mirror. Further, in full daylight you are sickened.

The Risen

Vampirism has overtaken you and you have died. However after three days in the ground you have risen from your own death. You are now a fledglingvampire. However, you are still unsure of your powers and only begun to understand the full reprecussions of this dark gift. Still, you are fast as lightning and full of fury. You an barely restrain your thirst for living blood.

Prerequisites: The Bitten, The Dying, 5th level

Benefits: You gain the feats Dodge, Improved Initiative and Lightning Reflexes. Your Dex score is improved by +2. You are now an undead and have no Constitution score. You gain resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10 in addition to all the normal defensive abilities granted by being an undead. You also gain the special attack Blood Drain (as per the vampire template).

However, you must sleep in a coffin every night, you gain the vampiric weaknesses to daylight (this replaces being sickened by daylight) and running water, and if you ever go more than twenty four hours without feeding on living blood you become sickened until you feed. If you are sickened from lack of food and encounter a living creature with blood in their veins, you must make a DC 12 Will save or immediately try to drain their blood. If you succeed at such a save you do not have to check again for one hour.

If reduced to zero hit points, you fall dead, indistinguishable from a normal corpse. You will remain this way until either you are healed by negative energy or fed blood enough to heal you.

The Initiated

You have been a vampire long enough that you are beginning to be able to control your condition. You need to feed less frequently and you have begun to control your form turning into mist or climbing like a spider.

Prerequisites: The Bitten, The Dying, The Risen, 7th level

Benefits: You gain the feat Combat Reflexes. You gain a +4 racial bonus to Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive and Stealth Checks (the Perception bonus replaces the bonus from the Dying feat). You gain the gaseous form and spider climb special qualities of a vampire (see the vampire template). If reduced to zero hit points, you are still sickened if you do not feed but now you need only feed every three days. However, you now recoil from mirrors and strongly presented holy symbols.

True Vampirism

You have mastered your condition of vampirism and
are now a true vampire in every sense.

Prerequisites: The Bitten, the Dying, the Risen, The Initiated, 9th level

Benefits: You gain the full benefit and weaknesses of the vampire template.


Aversion to sunlight is probably the most famous vampire weakness. Here is a magic item that can help a vampire participate during daylight hours. The Shroud of the Daywalker can help a vampire function during the day time.

The second problem all vampires must face is that they need to have a coffin readily at hand. They sleep within their coffin and must flee to it if reduced to zero hit points. Lugging around a coffin can be quite an obstacle but is likely a surmountable one. No doubt the vampire will either establish a lair or perhaps bring a carriage with them that contains their coffin and shields it from the light of the sun. Minions can be used for guard duty to secure the wagon when the vampire must be away from the coffin. Though not mentioned in the template, in traditional vampire lore, the coffin can be desecrated and rendered unusable by holy water or the blessings of a holy man.

The third disadvantage is one often forgotten about both in roleplaying games and fiction, but is perhaps one of the most interesting. A vampire cannot enter a private home or dwelling unless invited by someone with the authority to invite them in. It means that the vampire PC must find a way to, by trickery or guile, get invited into these places.

There is one more vampiric challenge – the creation of vampire spawn. An endlessly replenishable supply of CR 4 minions can be unbalancing. However, if you read the template carefully, this can be managed. First, the PC vampire can only control twice its hit dice in spawn. Any additional become free-willed vampires. Most newly created free-willed vampires will try to flee their creator and so will be of no use as minions. CR 4 spawn are unlikely to be terribly useful in combat at level 12 plus when the PCs are likely to actually have minions in their midst. What can you can do is allow minion organizations a one-time bonus of +2 to Ruthless checks made after dark after a vampire joins the party.

Truerepentance here. Finally have my rogue of evil here. :D

Why are you evil? Above all i desire to live and greatly fear death. I foolishly made a promise to Urgathoa when i was sick to death from a wasting disease and clung to life. I could not excape from this promise without giving up my life, though I could have turned to Mitra and been helped, I had been promised immortal life and knew Mitra would never grant such a request. I blame none but myself and perhaps the dagger that carried the disease. If i find its owner...

What was the specific nature of your crime? My crime was planned and executed carefully. It was part of my service to bring more to the faith and I did it well, preying on others weaknesses. I must have made over two dozen converts.

Are you the sort of character who can take the chance to join an evil organization and swear allegiance to the master of the organization and its patron - the dark god Urgathoa? I am already a follower of Urgathoa and hope to be rewarded for my service. It seems I have been abandoned however. They say I will be burnt alive...


Vladst has a problem, when he was born, something inside him wasn't right. He has no heart, none that he acknowledges that is. His conscience is cold, almost dead. At times he hears it speak but instantly silences it. Caring now only for gaining power for himself in any way possible, fearing death, he joined the cult of Urgathoa, seeking immortality for his service. He will do whatever he is commanded to attain such. Especially delighting when that entails taking down those that caught and imprisoned him.


Vladst stands in the small cell, old rags covering him barely. It is cold but he does not shiver. He shivers only on the inside, it can be seen in his eyes, great hatred for those who would stop him from gaining what he felt he rightfully deserved just because their god would not give him such. Over the hatred in his eyes is a great fear, he does not want to die. He can't die. He was promised life. He stands still. Not shivering. Cold blue lips, whispering, 'remember your servant, i never questioned, for my life i will give you many others


Vladst did not have a tough life, nor was his slide into darkness forced upon him. No, he chose it. Suddenly.

Growing up, his city was protected by the soldiers of Mitra. His own father a servant to the paladins. His mother also serving the priestesses of Mitra. As a little boy they had enough to live comfortably and he and his little sister Fiari would run care free every day. He told her he would always protect her, when they grew up he would become a paladin and she a priestess of Mitra, spreading the word to every land together. They would play pretend, defeating evil witches, vampires, liches and more as they adventured. Nothing could stop them.

One unfortunate day, his dreams came to life, he found a cursed dagger and was inflicted with a terrible disease. He wasted away and was near death for months. But he refused to die, clinging to the smallest thread of life as his parents and sister prayed to Mitra for his deliverance. One month later it seemed Mitra had finally granted their request and Vladst was on his feet and energetic as ever. He had a terrible secret though. It was not Mitra who had allowed him to recover but Urgathoa. He had kept the dagger secretly for it had promised power. Little did he know the price, thinking he could get away from his promise. The agents of darkness would not let him rest, and he was never his happy self ever again. He might have recovered and asked for help but his will to live was too strong and he feared for his life every day. He made the final decision one day when his sister found him with the cursed dagger. In a moment of surprise he lashed out not knowing it was her. Killing her with a slash to the neck. He couldn't stop the blood in time.

Leaving her body he ran, and he felt a strange power fill him, revulsed at the fact that it felt so good. He was hunted for weeks until found by others of the Urgathoan cult. There he several years, being accepted as one of them, his childhood dreams dead. Scared every day that he would be found, but not wanting to show this weakness, he served and brought several into the fold with him, killing those who refused and threatened to reveal him.

Alas, information was leaked and their group was found and raided by none other than Sir Balin of Karfeld himself. Vladst was arrested for his heresy against Mitra. “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies. Talingarde will not,” were the last words Balin had spoken to him.

Character Sheet:

Vladst Grey
Male Human Rogue level 1
LE Medium Humanoid(human)
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 10
HP 9 (1d8+1) Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +2(+1 against Divine spells)
init +7, perception +6 (+7 while trapfinding)
Speed 30 ft.
Initiative +7 (+5 dex, +2 reactionary)
Str 13, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 16
BAB +0; CMB +1; CMD +16
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Skills(8 per level) (8)
Disable Device(1)+10
Escape Artist(1)+9
Perception(1)+6(+7 searching for traps)
Sleight of Hand(1)+9
Use Magic Device(1)+7
Languages Common
Other Gear
Outfit Prison Rags
Special Abilities
Bonus Feat Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Sneak Attack The rogue's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Trap Finding A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Two-Weapon Fighting Attack penalties reduced to -2/-2

Weapon Finesse With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Reactionary +2 trait bonus to initiative.

Heresy You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was: “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies. Talingarde will not.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!

Punishment: Death by burning.

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.


Prison Rags 0GP/1lbs


Vladst will become a Vampire in his quest for immortal life.
Vladst will take Assassin or Thief of Souls as a Prestige class.(undecided)

Lurking around just in case.

Updated everything. Reposting here for ease of access.


Vladst is evil no doubt. He despises the laws he forces himself to follow everydayon the surface. If all would serve the Drow an age like none before it would cover Golarion. This he believes. He serves devotedly, but his 'profession' is the only thing he really enjoys. It is all he has known and what he is best at. He does not delight in torturing as some of his brethren do, nor killing for its own sake. Lives are meaningless unless they serve his purpose. One meaningless death does not matter. His targets are the challenges he enjoys. Though he hardly goes out during the day unless he must, he has many contacts throughout Varisia to call upon in every city. Mostly servants of the masters. This way he always knows what important events are happening and which important people have been assassinated. He protects his brothers who are vital to his mission. Should you get close to him, make sure there is a good reason for him to keep you alive and he will protect you also. He is skilled with blending in with many crowds to hide his true self


Vladst is covered in a cloak as black as the cave he was born in. His green eyes shine from underneath it. As he comes out of the shadows, you are petrified in place, too scared to move. His hood is pulled back and in the faint light you notice the faintest purple hue reflecting off his dark glossy face and neck. His cloak falls to reveal studded leather covering light in weight but dark in colour flexible garments. The deadly weapon in his hands cause you to recoil as the small candle light you have seems to grow dimmer as he approaches. The last thing you see is not the weapons piercing your heart but those green eyes. Disappointed.
Why couldn't you have struggled?


Born in a dark corner of the underground Drow city, Vladst was no one important. When he slit a throat to steal food to ease his starving stomach one day, he was seen by a noble who saw great untapped skill in the youth. He caused him to be recruited and Vladst began his training. He had several options but the path of the killer was chpsen for him, it was his gift.

Unfortunately Vladst was not without rivals and one who saw him as a future threat saw fit to get him out of the way. When he finished his training he was 'assigned' to a surface cell. Now far away from being a threat to his commander Vladst served at the lowest ranks of this Varisian cell. Located in Magnimar, they sought to pull the strings for their masters, their unwitting prey falling into the complex and almost invisible nets of the drow will. Ever set on corrupting and destroying the elves of the north they became children of the Varisian night.

Several months ago Vladst was sent to investigate some rumours in Sandpoint. The usually quiet town was becoming more active.

Character Sheet:

Vladst Grey
Male Drow Rogue level 1
LE Medium Humanoid (elf)
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13
HP 9 (1d8+1) Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +1(+2 vs enchantment),
init +6, perception +7 (+8 while trapfinding)
Spell Resistance 7
Studded Leather
Speed 30 ft.
Initiative +6 (+4 dex, +2 reactionary)
Rapier +2(+0TWF) (1d6+2/18-20x2)
Shortbow +4 (1d6/x3)
Short Sword +1(-1TWF) (1d6+1/19-20x2)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12
BAB +0; CMB +2; CMD +16
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting,
Skills(8 per level) (8)
Disable Device(1)+8
Escape Artist(1)+7
Perception(1)+7(+1 searching for traps)
Sleight of Hand(1)+8
Use Magic Device(1)+5
Languages Common, Elven, Drow
Other Gear Thieves kit
Outfit Pickpockets outfit
Special Abilities
Sneak Attack The rogue's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Trap Finding A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Two-Weapon Fighting Attack penalties reduced to -2/-2

Reactionary +2 trait bonus to initiative.

Backstabber When you hit a foe you are flanking, you deal an additional 1 point of damage (this damage is added to your base damage, and is multiplied on a critical hit). This additional damage is a trait bonus.

Darkvision Drow can see in the dark upto 120 feet.

Drow Immunities Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.

Keen Senses Drow gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Light Blindness Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.

Poison Use Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.

Spell Resistance Drow possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.

Spell-like Abilities A drow can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire, once each per day, using her total character level as her caster level.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.


Studded Leather Armour 25gp/20lbs
Rapier 20gp/2lbs
Short Sword 10gp/2lbs
Short Bow 30gp/2lbs
Arrows(20) 1gp/3lbs
Cold Iron Dagger 4gp/1lb
Rogue's kit 50gp/37lbs includes (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, caltrops, chalk(10), flint and steel, grappling hook, iron pot, mess kit, mirror, pitons(10), rope, soap, thieves' tools, torches(10), trail rations(5 days), waterskin.)

Total = 140GP/67lbs

Light load 58 lbs. or less.
Medium load 59–116 lbs.
Heavy Load 117–175 lbs.

Thorgrund buddy! thought i reckognised that name.
Too bad that dwarf campaign didn't work out.
Was looking forward to being a dwarf wizard :P

Awesome. Thats just the way I want to play him. He is lawful and doesn't randomly kill things. Most are below his notice. Only those he is ordered to, payed to or those that stand blatantly in his way. It's nothing to him to kill, other life isn't important to him. Only his own and those that he needs.

Also how deep of a back story do you want? It's the only thing that I have left to edit.
Oh and equipment but that's nothing.

Do you have anything against drow?

Putting forth my rogue here. Will scale back down to lvl 1 and edit backstory.

If you dont want drow I can change it.
As to his being evil, he is charged with working with whoever he must to achieve his master's goals (technically "using" the others for his ends). So no foul play or sabotaging the party since he needs them.

It's an idea I would really love to try if you permit it. If not that's cool and I'll rework.

Was going to follow asmodeus if you weren't against evil gods. I could change to follow a lawful neutral god also. Yea I will eventually take assassin levels if I am chosen and live long enough :p

Ok here is my Drow rogue.
Can post multiple times a day. I check regularly on my mobile throughout the day. Am in aus so GMT+10.


Born in a dark corner of the underground Drow city, Vladst was no one important. When he slit a throat to steal food to ease his starving stomach one day, he was seen by a master assassin who saw great untapped skill in the youth. He took him in and Vladst began his training.

Vladst has been dealing with some outside contacts for several years. Investigating the dark cult that disappeared when the entrance to Rappan Athuk was discovered. several parties were sent to Investigate and only 1 man returned. The horrors he spoke of ripping his companions to shreds 1 by one gave Vladst nightmares for weeks. The best assassins had failed. The man had brought back one item. A Gloom Blade.

Vladst' master gave him a new mission. Go to Rappan Athuk. Find its secrets and bring back any powerful magical relics. Ally with any he must. No more assassins would be sent for now until the council convened.

It is up to Vladst to find a suitable group of allies (albeit temporarily) to help him survive the deadly dungeon.

Character Sheet:

Vladst Grey
Male Drow Rogue level 2
LE Medium Humanoid (elf) 
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13 
HP 18 (2d8+2) Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +1(+2 vs enchantment),
init +6, perception +9
Spell Resistance 8
MW Studded Leather
Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. in armour) 
Initiative +6 (+4 dex, +2 reactionary) 
MW Rapier +4 (1d6+2) 
MW Composite Shortbow(+2 STR rating) +6 (1d6+2)
MW Short Sword +4 (1d6+1)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12
BAB +1; CMB +3; CMD +17
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Skills(8 per level) (16)
Disable Device(1)+9
Escape Artist(2)+9
Perception(2)+8(+1 searching for traps)
Sleight of Hand(1)+8
Use Magic Device(2)+6
Languages Common, Elven, Drow
Other Gear MW Thieves tools 
Outfit Explorer's outfit 
Special Abilities
Evasion At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Sneak Attack The rogue's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Talents Finesse Rogue

Trap Finding A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Two-Weapon Fighting Attack penalties reduced to -2/-2

Weapon Finesse With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls. Natural attacks are classified as light weapons.

Reactionary +2 trait bonus to initiative.

Darkvision Drow can see in the dark upto 120 feet.

Drow Immunities Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.

Keen Senses Drow gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Light Blindness Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round; on subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.

Poison Use Drow are skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.

Spell Resistance Drow possess spell resistance equal to 6 plus their class levels.

Spell-like Abilities A drow can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire, once each per day, using her total character level as her caster level.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.


MW Cold Iron Short sword 320gp/2lbs
MW Cold Iron Rapier 340gp/2lbs
MW Cold Iron Dagger 4gp/1lbs
MW Composite Shortbow +2 str 525gp/2lbs
Cold Iron arrows(40) 2gp/6lbs
MW Studded Leather 175gp/20lbs
Caltrops(4) 4gp/8lbs
CLW potion(4) 100gp/4lbs
Weapon Blanch, Silver(2) 10gp/1lb
Weapon Blanch, Adamantine 100gp/.5lb
MW Thieves Tools 100gp/2lbs
Spelunking kit 174gp/32lbs
Cloak of resistance+1 1000gp/1lb
MW Backpack 50gp/4lb
Masterwork Survival Kit 50gp/5lbs
Pickpocket outfit 0gp/3lbs
47gp remaining
67-133lbs medium encumbrance
Dropping spelunking kit inside backpack reduces weight to 58lbs light encumbrance.

Its funny im in aus so ill wake up and check and there will be new posts. But all day you americans are sleeping so I wait.

Evil will wait... for a time. The right time

*crosses fingers* This is going to be one awesome AP. Goodluck all.

Must be getting close now. So many interesting characters.

Likewise Carlos. I hope to be able to RP right with you. So many cool ideas

That seems pretty cool and must have for vampires. Love it. Will be so awesome if I get to play this XD

Is it possible to know the stats of this Shroud of the Daywalker you mentioned?

Few changes.
Decided I'm getting two weapon fighting instead of weapon Finesse. Will get the finesse rogue talent at lvl2. And I won't be goingbe going lord of darkness, seeing as vamps get dominate as a standard action.

I'm wondering if two weapon fighting is better to start with than weapon finesse?

Oh sweet. Was hoping I wasnt copying anyone. Was just the coolest class combo

Almost exactly the same as me :p do you plan on turning into a vampire also?

Reading through the Lord of darkness archetype, im probably going to go with rhat instead of straight antipaladin

Truerepentance here. This is my antipaladin/rogue. Complete as far as I can tell. Sorry if the backstory is a bit confusing. I can write it normally if you would prefer.He is thinking back on his timeline of how he came to be here so it's all backwards.

Vladst' story:

Vladst was on his way to branderscar prison, travelling in the sealed wagon. The horses pulling it made little noise, the chains connecting him to several others rattling. It would be a short stay he was told, less than a week before he would receive his well deserved punishment. The penalty for such attempted murder was to be beheaded. Not something he had planned for. His chains chaffed his wrists and ankles. It wasn't like him to fail on a target. The secret bodyguard appearing out of nowhere to pin him down and arrest him. She couldn't see him but some sixth sense must have alerted her and she cried out before he could silence her. Perhaps he was weak from the bite. Everything was all set and he had prepared himself, running through the plan a dozen times. Nothing could go wrong. The mayor's daughter was all alone as he had planned, or so he thought. He had not been noticed by the guards. Though he was not feeling well from the recent audience with his employee, he had put it out of his mind and prepared for the mission. The loss of his daughter was supposed to make the mayor change some law or another, allowing for one step among hundreds of their master asmodeus' plan, such plans he was never made fully aware of as was wise. He relished the part he played and was eager to do more, proving his desire to see a new order rise. Death felt closer that it ever had before, though he felt more alive than before, a strange feeling. The bite stung and left him ill, drained of much blood. His dark employee finally agreed he had earned the right to join the family of vampires. He had asked months ago and was told to prove himself, he suspected they knew of his skill and were wanting him to one day rise to their ranks. He had walked in on his master feeding on some poor village girl when he found out the truth about the one he worked for. He was summoned for another job and went immediately, wanting nothing more than to help bring down the system that had enslaved him. His disguise had been foiled and the authorities knew what he was, they would have imprisoned him then if not for the timely intervention of an agent of his own god asmodeus. He had to pretend to be something he was not every day. Disguising himself as he went about his business, secretly aiding other followers and attending meetings, fulfilling contracts when he was ordered. He was forced to hide when the law outlawed those of his kind and followers of any but mitra. Several friends helped him avoid notice and his skill in the shadows was hired as a blade of the night to bo used for their service. He had only wanted to live in peace worshipping his chosen deity but he discovered that wasn't enough. He had no family. His parents had died and his sister was who knows where. She was always the one protecting him when the discrimination was directed towards them for being outsiders. The people preached virtue and love but had little tollerance for those like him that didn't fit their narrow system. His family had lived off the land when he was young. He was brought up in a hut not far from several small villages. Three generations of his family had lived here. The shadow plane hadn't been to their liking, this strange family had left for brighter lands, something Vladst never understood. But he was here now and would die here, bitten, headless. Unless...


The man standing before you is hard to make out, cloaked in shadow as he is. His green eyes glow, reflecting the light out of the darkness. Everything else about him is dark. His black clothes and cloak, black hair and boots, gloves, weapon pommel and scabard. Only his skin, pale as the moon, would contrast. But you can't see that of course. A child of the shadows. Part forced, part chosen. But all natural to him.

His focus is the destruction of the so called perfect order of this land he calls home. His devotion to asmodeus clear. Only other followers are safe from him, for now. None can be too comfortable. Only those who earn his trust truly gain his respect. All others are merely fellow devotees. Potential targets. He will serve, no one will he let get in his way

Character Sheet:

Vladst Grey
Male Fetchling Rogue/Anti-Paladin level 1
 LE Medium Outsider (native) 
 AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
 hp 8 (1d10-2) Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2,
initiative +6, perception +6
Speed 30 ft.
Initiative +6 (+4 dex, +2 reactionary)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 6, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +1; CMB +3, CMD +17
Feats: Weapon Finesse, The bitten, Alertness
Skills(8+2+1 per level) Acrobatics(1)+8 Bluff(1)+7 Diplomacy(1)+7 Disable Device(1)+9 Disguise(1)+7 Escape Artist(1)+8  Intimidate(1)+9 knowledge(local)(1)+6 Perception(1)+6 Sleight of hand(1)+8  Stealth(1)+10 Use Magic Device(1)+7
Languages Common,
Other Gear:
Outfit: prisoners rags
Special Abilities 
Weapon Finesse: Use dex mod to hit instead of str on melee attacks
The Bitten: -2 con. 30ft. Darkvision. Alertness feat.
Alertness: +2 perception and sense motive
Attempted Murder: +2 intimidate
Reactionary: initiative +2
Skilled: fetchlings get +2 stealth
Low Light Vision: can see twice as far as humans in dim light.
Darkvision: can see perfectly in the dark upto 60ft.
Shadowy Resistance: Fetchlings have cold and electricity resistance 5
Disguise Self (SLA): A Fetchling can use disguise self once per day as a spell like ability. Caster level is equal to HD.
World Walker: fetchlings get +1 knowledge (nature) and (local). Modifies skilled racial
Shadow Blending: attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a 50% miss chance.
Sneak Attack: 1d6 when opponent loses dex bonus or when flanking.
Trap Finding: +1 to perception to locate traps and to disable device checks. A rogue can use disable device ro disarm magic traps.
Aura of evil: anti-paladin aura power equal to anti-paladin level. A paladin who uses smite evil on an antipaladin deals 2 points of damage per paladin level on his first successful attack.
Detect Good: At will, as the spell. An antipaladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is good, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the antipaladin does not detect good in any other object or individual within range.
Smite Good: Once per day, an antipaladin can call out to the dark powers to crush the forces of good. As a swift action, the antipaladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, the antipaladin adds his Charisma bonus (if any) on his attack rolls and adds his antipaladin level on all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good creature with levels of cleric or paladin, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the antipaladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. in addition, while smite good is in effect, the antipaladin gains a deflection bonus equal to his Charisma modifier (if any) to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the antipaladin targets a creature that is not good, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite good effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the antipaladin rests and regains his uses of this ability.