
Vaahama's page

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My group now comprised mostly of 40+ old farts we are slowly going back to our first love (way back then) despite what the mainstream tries to go away from these days.

By that i mean we reintroduced random encounters in the wilderness, magic item creation (weapons, armors and wondrous) by high level spells only, no more grids during fight and last week end saw the comeback of "chance to fall asleep during your watch"! And it prove to be soo sweet!

In order to make it simple on the spot i determined that a Constitution check DC10 look like a fair thing.

There is 3 purposes behind that post.
1)Does a DC10 sounds fair to you and why?

2)How do you take staying awake issues into acount in your game, if at all?

3)What would be the skills and the DC to wake up!
Perception if someone make noise sneaking on the caracter?
Constitution to wake up "by itself" at the first rays of light instead of 4 hours later?

Don't even bother to post if it's to tell me how 1980 it all sound! I know it does and my group totaly crave for it!


Another problem that i need to solve with my current players!

Since the party's dedicated crafter is equiped with a ring of sustainance many problem arise (at least for me the DM).

The crafter needs only 2 hour of sleep, does not need to stop for a snack neither for a nap! So it leaves him with 22 hour of spare time.

If i take for exemple create potion it takes 1 day to brew a potion that worth more then 250 gold. But the player complain that with 22 hour free he should be able to "craft more"!

How to solve this?

The other issue is with exploring.
Could it means that a party with every member equiped with that ring (yes that train is goin hit my campaign right about next game)could explore a dungeon for 22 hours?


Ok i just want to make sure that i understand correctly what's about to be rampant (starting next game!) in my campaign.

Level 8 magus (BaB +6/+1) using a wand of true strike with spell combat.
That would end up +4 main/ +4 wand/ -1 second main?

Since spell combat forbid using the spell in between attacks it as to be before OR after that i know. In that case the off hand "attack" is actually a non-damaging spell but it does not matter as far as i understand the wording of spell combat.

In the end a full round action would be:
Attack 1) casting of true strike (wand)
Attack 2) main weapon first attack at +24
Attack 3) main weapon second attack at -1

Am i correct?


Last game my cleric (of Sarenrae) wanted to save the whole party from certain doom by casting Plane shift!
Thinking that going anywhere near my God's "home" would make us safe for a while so i said let's go to my god's plane!

Then the DM told me: "fine, where would that be and can you survive without any special protection?"

Do Paizo provided answers in a book somewhere as to where each god lives and how it works?
Do we use the stadard "planar wheel" of D&D 3.5?
Or the answer is simply Sarenrae lives in a Neutral Good plane?


I am a bit confused so help me seeing clear.

Being psionicly focused is a full round action.

Deep focus feat allow me to gain a subconscious focus as a full round action.

I can gain both of these focus as a move action using psionic meditation feat.

So, if i am correct, i could use 2 move action to gain two different focus. One with deep focus and the other being the "standard" focus.

That way i could always have two focus to use/ power/ activate many ability/ powers, am i correct?

One more question:

If i have two different focus to use could i, during a full round action, attack twice and each time using psionic weapon feat adding an extra 2D6 on each attack?


Core rulebook p.548 "The DC to create a magic item is 5 + caster level of the item."

What is the caster level of a +1 longsword?

In other words what would be the DC for a +1 longsword (5+?)


Let say the players raid a drow held mines or what not and find zillions adamantine ingots!

#1) What is the "market" value of adamantine? If a pound of platinum worth 500 gold then how much would you get for a pound of adamantine?


The half-giant's powerfull built (psionique unleashed p.14)says that he is able to weild weapon for creatures one size larger then himself without any penalty. great!

For now he use call weaponry power to summon large greatsword!
From what i understand of powerfull built he could use a large longsword or large warhammer for exemple but would a large 2 handed weapon be too big for him or he just suffer the -2 penalty for weapon not the right size?

Pushing the envelope even farther the half-giant player in my campaign is trying to build a huge greatsword. I'm not even sure he could use it!

Could anyone shed light on this?


Is there a table or chart somewhere where I could find the damage for unusual object used with improvised weapon?

More precisely damage with a folding chair and a "bear mug" or tankard.

I thought maybe 1D6 for the folding chair since it weight 10 pounds and maybe 1D2 for a bear mug?

P.S. yes one of my player built a character based on using improvised weapon!


I thought about allowing player in my campaign to customise their character to suit their needs.

First idea that came to my mind was to allow a rogue to forgo one dice of sneak attack in exchange of an extra rogue talent.

Let say the rogue wants to concentrate on a spy or trapper path and he does'nt care about sneak attack.
So each time he gains an extra sneak attack dice he could either take it OR instead take an extra talent.

What you guys think?


What is the real impact ( if there's one at all) in the game if i build my NPCs the same as i would a PC?

I see only two main diffrences so far:
#1 heroic NPC have a lot less gold to gear with.

#2 heroic NPC have the equivalent of 15 points to built with. It means that if the DM is using the standard phantasy purchase system there is no difference at all for that mather.

In the end there is no difference between a heroic NPC assassin's death attack or one built as PC if they both have the same intel and level!

So again before i go all out with PC-built NPCs in my campaign is their any issue i'm missing?


The size of a settlement limits you on how much you can "ask" from it.

My question is is the daily limit is per capital or total?

For exemple if I am in a thorp I am limited to 2 (good, influence, labor). Is it 2 of each, 2 of only one or any combo from all 3?


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Spellstrike allow a magus to make a free weapon attack to deliver a touch spell effectively combining weapon damage + spell effect.

Chill touch says "...You can use this melee touch attack up to
one time per level."

Does it means that a level 2 magus, using a longsword for exemple, could use a full attack action to swing at ennemy #1 with his longsword + chill touch effect and then again swining at ennemy #2 with longsword + chill touch effect?

sounds like a pretty awsome combo for a level 1 spell use, i must be mistaken.


I'm about to launch the Carrion Crown AP and i was wondering how the players can go on their personnal business while being a pivotal part of an AP.

I mean how do you allow the rogue enough time to "get in touch" with some less than noble caracter in order to found his own crime guild?
How the priest can have enough time to search for remote areas to "convert" to his faith.
How long do you gives the players to built a headquarter or base of opperation.
What if if the wizard wants to craft the rod of yati-yata?

I'm asking this meanly because and adventure path like CC is pretty much a race against time!
If the players decides to stay 6 months in Ravengrow for whatever reason we might very well have Adivion Adrissant releasing the whispering tyrant totally unopposed!

The only solution i see would be to modify the course of the AP reacting only to whatever the players are doin.

What you guys are doin in your AP in order to leave enough room for the pc to go on their personnal business?


I am building a vampire monk villain but before i just want to make sure my understanding of energy drain is correct.

If i'm right the drain happens automatically on a hit with no save? If so the listed SAVE DC is given only if 24 hours* have passed in order to know if the negative level go away or become permanant.

*of course magic could get rid of it sooner i know.

Bottom line is no save on the hit, once per turn only no matter how many attack the monk have.

Am i correct?


Simply put, i'm working on a one week-end event for very old friends who have'nt played for years, some since last days of D&D 2nd. ed!
Basicaly a rare reunion around a PnP game.

Since most of them are rusted i (the DM) have already built their caracters whom they will randomly pick.
Since i don't need to worry about long term balance each of these level 10 caracters are maxed out with stats, feat, gear, magical item and so forth!

The more i go into the design process the more i realise that such a party will simply blow the adventure away!
Of course i don't want a party wipe, especialy for that rare occasion, but i would like them to have a decent challenge!

what kind of advance would you have for me beside maxing the monster's HP?


During last weekend game i was hit right in the face by how wrong i was reading dispel magic.

From what i understand "now" the way it really work is 1D20 + my caster level (9 in this case) VS DC 11 + caster level.

So if i target a level 12 wizard all his active buff will have a DC23 unless he was targeted by someone else's buff.

Am i correct?

If that said wizard buffed himself with armor (DC23), sheild (DC23), blurr (DC23), haste (DC23) and Stoneskin (DC23).
How do i work dispel magic since they all are of the same caster level?


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Might sound stupid but when the description of the tongue spell says "speak and understand any language" are we including reading?


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I'm about to launch the CC adventure path soon.

While looking for more resource to had to the experience i found about the Carrion hill module. From what i read it seems it is in perfect line with the CC path but need some fine tuning!

I have some questions here:

Does the adventure path REALLY benefit from carrion hill module, i mean beside the flavor those extra XP are they really needed?

Is the amount of time needed to adjust Carrion hill to fit in (level/ challengewise) really worth it?

For those who did include it in their CC campaing what is your thought on it, what have you done wrong/right.
What could have been done otherwise or not?


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Is DR taken into acount towards the dmg delt under the spell sheild other?

For exemple, my cleric have DR5/evil (righteous might) while "sheilding" a barbarian with a DR4/-.

let say the barb is hit for 8 damage by a typical orc. Both of us would be hit for 4 but both our DR would stop it right?

Yet again the same cituation arise but this time the orc have the "evil" subtype. The barb would get 0 but my cleric would get the full 4 damage... again am i right?


let say i have a sorcerer 5/Dragon disciple 1.

If i'm right he is a level 5 Sorcerer for spell known and spell cast per day prupose BUT he is a level 6 Sorcerer for bloodline power purpose.. right?

let say that after some adventuring he is now a level 5 Sorcerer/10 Dragon disciple, being now considered a 12th. sorc for spell casting purpose BUT 15th. for bloodline power purpose.

On my 16th. level i decide for some reason to go back and get a 6th. level of Sorcerer.

What will happend with, let say, the bloodline power previously earn?

Are we adjusting "retroactively"?


Just a quick question about how BaB from 2 or more class add togheter.

let say i have a level 5 wizard (BaB +2)/rogue 6 (BaB +4)

Sine the total BaB equal +6 does it give an effective BaB of +6/+1 for that character?
In other words is that character able to make 2 attack during a full round action?


I am confused about how two weapon fighting (2WF) style adds up with a high BaB (I.E. one that already gives you extra attack.)

So basicaly 2WF feat give you an extra attack at -2/-2 using your full BaB?
IMP. 2WF gives you an extra off hand at -5?
Greater 2WF hives you a final extra off hand attack at -10?
The only thing that confuse me is with how to "add it up" to a high BaB (more than one base attack).
If you only had a BaB of +10 that would give +8/+8/+5/+0 with Greater 2WF right?

For simple exemple lets take a fighter with no bonus at all but only with his BaB fighting with two weapons. Of course off hand is light!

If i'm correct it should go like this:

Fighter level 5 with 2WF feat (BaB +5) = +3/+3
Fighter level 6 with 2WF feat (BaB +6/+1) = +4/+4/-1
Fighter level 7 with IMP. 2WF feat (BaB +7/+2) = +5/+5/+0/-5
Fighter level 11 with Greater 2WF feat (BaB +11/+6/+1) = +9/+9/+4/-1/-6

Am i correct?

P.S. I know it might be a confusing post but thats the whole point!.. i am confused ;()


Few things about a possible warchanter (half-orc barbarian/bard)!

From my understanding a bard can't maintain a performe while raging , like all the inspires, because these are charisma-base skills BUT i could cast any spell?

Even moment of clarity would be useless for that specific case right?

Am i missing something?


As i'm reading the definition of wounding it says that creature immune to critical are immune to bleeding... so far fine with me.

But then what about zombie, lich, adamantine golem... these things can realy bleed? Because after all they are not immune to critical right?
It makes even less sense when under vorpal it says that golems and "other than vampire" undead are immune!

Since i can't make no sens of it all, does a wounding weapon works against undead and construct even if it makes no sense?


I looked through the FAQ but found nothing as an official ruling?

Yet again does Healer's blessing affect only spells with the word cure in it's title or all spells of the conjuration (healing) type with the word cure in its description?

It could make a difference, for exemple breath of life would be affected but pillar of life would not!

As far as i understand, as a DM, i could very weel go in one way or another.

Is there anything close as an official ruling for this or it's to the DM's decision. From what i understand it seems like the community tip for the "cure in the title" approach.


Two questions about scrolls and caster level

#1 Let say i have a level 4 wizard with 13+ intel, if i'm correct i could use a level 5 fireball scroll needing only to succed on a caster level check DC 6?
If the same scroll was level 10 (max for fireball) the said DC would be 11?
This is somewhat ridiculous because i would succed on a 2+ for first scroll or 7+ for the second one.

I'm clearly missing something here!

#2 Can i create scrolls with lower level then normaly possible in order sell to "rather poor" customers?
For exemple can i scribe a level 1 fireball scroll (1D6 only)?


I'm doin an old Ravenloft classic for next halloween... Touch of death!

Pretty much everything is set but one few thing.
What would be the appropriate CR for desert zombie?

Basically they are normal zombie in all respect but with 2 unique twist.

#1 Attack from beneath:
From what i understand the zombie come from under the sand and trie to start a grab against the victime without provocking AoO.
Each round the victime goes deeper into the sand.
After the 3 round (if the vicitme did not succed in breaking the hold yet) the victime is fully under the sand.
At the end of his 2nd round under the sand the victime die right there!

#2 Sandswim:
The zombie basicaly swim under the sand at 30' per sound and leave no trace unless very close to the surface.

Your verdict please


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i'm playin in a group where the DM rule that whatever the roll is for 20 always succed and 1 always fail!

That's a fact for "to hit" and "save" roll but what about skill check, spell resistance (SR) roll?
I have seen nothing about these so far so am i wrong or the DM is clearly house ruling the whole thing?


Whirlwind special attack says (page 306, bestiary 1):

... might take damage equal to the creature slam attack....

My question is is the druid in huge air ele allowed to add his power attack to this slam attack or is it the "base" slam damage only that is applyed?


Just a quick check before upcoming game this week end.

It's gonna take place in a frost giant king's stronghold, LOOOOOTS of icy surface and rooms where walls are actualy made of pure ice.

As i understand the rules about earthglide ice is not some form of natural earth/dirt and such.
So i would rule that it is not permitted to "glide" through ice.

Am i correct?


Is it legal to add more then one template to a single "target"?

Like a giant advanced fiendish winter wolf!


Let's say i have a rage power usable once per rage, surprise accuracy for exemple, and my barbarian got 20 rounds of rage per day.

In theory if i rage 20 times (yes 20 separate rounds of rage plus all the fatigue rounds and all) during a single day i could use surprise accuracy 20 times right?

I'm not looking for cheese or anything else, i'm just trying to make sure i got it right!


Let say i'm using a detect magic item (or casting the spell) and come face to face with a patron escorted by his two invisible bodyguard!

Do i "sense" 2 different auras of illusion near the patron?
Do i actually see the "shape like" aura of 2 bully behind the patron?
Do i see nothing at all?

P.S. this as probably been adressed in the passed but i'm in a hurry for tonight game and i'm not at home!

Thanx all


I just want to clarify this before making a false ruling at my game!

On page 562 under weapon enhancement bonus equivalent are some numbers that bypas DR.

Do these number includes "addons" or we are talking only about the "+" value?

For exemple adamantine can be bypassed by a +4 or better. Does it means that only a +4 of something or better will work or a +2 flaming burst (+4 equivalent) would work?

Thanx in advance!


Like the title says how exactly detect magic works with magical trap?

Do the sorcerer sense an aura of evocation around the archway or he knows that there is a maximise/empower fireball that gonna blow up if he step on that plate around the corner?

I did'nt found anything that adress that question neither in detect magic spell description nor in the trap section.



When they say "cohort level" in table 5-2, do they realy mean level or overall HD or CR?

To make my question clearer i want to create a level 8 cohort wich will be half-celestial.

The half-celestial template says that between 6-10 HD the base creature get a +2 CR

So what is the real level 8 cohort in these 2 exemple?:

#1 half-celestial cleric level 8 = CR 10

#2 half-celestial cleric level 6 = CR 8


Miniatures in themselves are not the the opposite they just help the players to get into the action!

MY true ennemy is the battle grid!

When not handled properly it takes all the focus from everyone at the table! Things start to slow down, even to a halt, when players are "calculating" their way to point B without provoking AoO or on wich grid Xsection to aim that fireball in order to hit those 2 guys but not the other one!!

This way they are not fighting a vampire lord close to dawn on the edge of a 100' cliff but instead they see that there is 2 square between that ugly looking mini and the line drawned on the battlemap!
At this point atmosphere goes down the drain!

If i really want to put the main light on dramatic scene and fantastic fight that my players will remember for years i have to find a way to get rid of the battlegrid without making the rules unplayable

In MY Ravenloft adapted Carrion crown AP there will be NO battlegrid! Just minis to help visualise and get in the mood!

Anyone around here might have some usefull input?

P.S. Back in 1st or 2nd ed. there was a lot of grey area i know... but we still remember these epic movie-like fight and not a stupid grid!


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Let say i have a creature (tentacled horror for exemple) with 4 tentacle "slap" and this creature also has grab and constrict!

Does this mean that technicaly (if the DM succed on all rolls!) we could end up with 4 creature grabbed and each of them got constrict damage.. all this in one round?

I'm i correct?

P.S. If the said creature hit the same victim more then once can we have more then one constrict damage on the same victim too?


Under sinful bite (bestiary 2 P.246) they say the victim is filled with sinful thoughts and the like but nowhere it is clearly stated that it is a mind affecting (charm/compulsion) effect.

So is pro. evil protecting the victim or not?

My first reflex would be to say no under RAW but i'm not sure.


Unless i'm wrong i could use permanency on a ring to make it permanently invisible (invisibility followed by permanency that is!) right?

If yes then what happend if i attack the palace guard?
Do i stay invisible then goin around the mechanics of invibility spell?
Or do i become visible making the spell permanency totaly useless?


The Gugs (bestiary 2) have a space of 10' and a reach of 15'
On top of that they have the lunge feat that give them an extra 5' of reach for a -2 to AC.

Is the lunge bonus already included in the 15' reach or they might actualy have a reach of 20'?


Does it mean that a dwarf with maxed-out perception will probably ALWAYS insta-spot any kind of trap/secret door/unusual feature made out of or in stone?

I understand the connection between dwarves and stone but i have a harder time with a dwarf runnig at full speed while focusing his entire thought on his "5 days ago" last pitcher sayin: By the way folks.. secret door overhere"!

I think you got the picture!


The definition of sneak attack says that the target must be flanked or denied his dex. bonus.
You can also sneak attack with range weapon if within 30'.

Here is my question:

Standing at 30' clearly prevent you from flanking so when exactly can you sneak range?

Is the only way to range-sneak is to have your target totaly unaware of your presence?


This is a post aimed at the older gamers like me (i know.. at 40 some of the folks here might be old enough to be my dads! but still).

I would like to know how getting older as changed your gaming experience with the years passing.
Do you still enjoy the same things?
Did you experienced some more dramatic changes?
Do you yearn for the good old days?
What still get you in role playing game?
anything goes.

I for my part play since the last moments of basic (yes when races where actualy classes) and the very first few years of 1st. advanced.
We use to play Temple of elemental evil and cave of chaos EVERY summer and the simple fact of goin to town to "train" a level or getting some supply at the general store was fun in itself!
My first real love was the release of Ravenloft campaing setting for 2nd edition and from that day on i'm a dedicated DM.
Almost 20 years or so later i have the precious chance to have 2 of the original players still gaming at my table to this day! But due to family, jobe and distance we are only playing 1 saturday per month on a 10-12 hours average opposed to 2-3 nights a week like in the old days!
Long story short i'm a nostalgic gamer as well as in my "view" of the game as in my likings. I miss the old random encounters, i miss the "kid point of view", i miss not having Gary walking in the convention anymore....
I still enjoy the game to this day but it's not as bright as it use to be.

I'm wondering how the other "old timers" are living their games and now it's YOUR time to open up!


Like the title says should i take into account the hirelings into the effective APL when i design encounters?

The group is composed of four level 9, one level 8 and 2 level 6 hirelings.
It's basicaly like there's 2 more players sitting around the table!


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Like the title says how would detect magic work with invisibility?

1) Would i clearly see the "magicly shyning outlines" of the invisible creature?

2) Would i "see" that there is something in the corner over there?

3) Would i just "sense" some illusion aura somewhere in the room?

4) else?


Sounds like it but i might have missed something.
I was looking for mindflayer stats the other day but i was stuned to realise that there is actualy none!

Does it exist in some adventure path or other product and if no can we hope to see it in the upcoming 3rd monster book?

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