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My group now comprised mostly of 40+ old farts we are slowly going back to our first love (way back then) despite what the mainstream tries to go away from these days.
By that i mean we reintroduced random encounters in the wilderness, magic item creation (weapons, armors and wondrous) by high level spells only, no more grids during fight and last week end saw the comeback of "chance to fall asleep during your watch"! And it prove to be soo sweet!
In order to make it simple on the spot i determined that a Constitution check DC10 look like a fair thing.
There is 3 purposes behind that post.
1)Does a DC10 sounds fair to you and why?
2)How do you take staying awake issues into acount in your game, if at all?
3)What would be the skills and the DC to wake up!
Perception if someone make noise sneaking on the caracter?
Constitution to wake up "by itself" at the first rays of light instead of 4 hours later?
Don't even bother to post if it's to tell me how 1980 it all sound! I know it does and my group totaly crave for it!