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The definition of sneak attack says that the target must be flanked or denied his dex. bonus.
You can also sneak attack with range weapon if within 30'.
Here is my question:
Standing at 30' clearly prevent you from flanking so when exactly can you sneak range?
Is the only way to range-sneak is to have your target totaly unaware of your presence?

Ultradan |

The definition of sneak attack says that the target must be flanked or denied his dex. bonus.
You can also sneak attack with range weapon if within 30'.Here is my question:
Standing at 30' clearly prevent you from flanking so when exactly can you sneak range?
Is the only way to range-sneak is to have your target totaly unaware of your presence?
Ah-ha!! Enter the rogues' good dex bonus and, perhaps, that 'Improved Initiative' feat... At the start of the combat, when the enemy is still flat-footed, THAT's when a rogues's sneak attack damage comes into play. Specially if the rogue can move/attack on the surprise round. BLAM!
So that's one attack on the surprise round (say with his trusty shortbow) that adds the sneak attack damage... Then (if the rogue has a high initiative count), another volley of arrows (a full attack) all with sneak attack damage!! AND with their opponents not counting their Dex bonus to AC!

BigNorseWolf |

How to sneak attack from range:
1) SURPRISE your foe. During the surprise round your opponent looses his dex bonus to ac, and can be sneak attacked. That goes well with
2) Win initiative: if you go first your opponent is still flat footed, loosing their dex bonus to ac, and can be sneak attacked.
3) Be hidden: I think the INTENT of the stealth rules is that hiding and being invisible are pretty much the same for letting you sneak attack, but ask your DM
4) Be invisible: Beg, borrow, or steal your way to the spellcaster giving you improved invisibility. Full attack sneak attacks with rapid shot get nasty fast.

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Would it "over power" the rogue to houserule that any range attack within 30' also count as flanking as long as the rogue is on the opposite side of an ally?
For exemple:
Barbarian Joe attack palace guard Bob, 30' behing palace guard Bob is rogue Jhon aiming at his skull!
I would see it as even if the guard as a barbarian right in his face he still knows that behind him there is someone aiming at his head!
I'm talking about some sort of "pseudo flaking"

Cheapy |

Would it "over power" the rogue to houserule that any range attack within 30' also count as flanking as long as the rogue is on the opposite side of an ally?
For exemple:
Barbarian Joe attack palace guard Bob, 30' behing palace guard Bob is rogue Jhon aiming at his skull!I would see it as even if the guard as a barbarian right in his face he still knows that behind him there is someone aiming at his head!
I'm talking about some sort of "pseudo flaking"
Probably. Ranged attackers get their damage by having many arrows at once.
A 9th level rogue will have somewhere around 5 attacks a round if hasted, each one doing +5d6 damage. That's essentially an extra 17.5 damage per attack.
But try it out! The worst thing that can happen is that the GM gets to throw tougher creatures at the party.

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Do you want those pesky Goblin rogues adding 1d6 to all thier ranged attacks against you? what works for the characters works for the monsters - and there are lots more monster rogues than character rogues.
I think it will overpower the rogue - but heck, it wont be the first time the game gets a little unbalanced.

Myrryr |
Could always adapt the video game's rules. If the target is flanked by your party members (IE, there's a melee on both sides), then you also get the flank bonus for the purpose of landing ranged sneak attacks.
I mean, if you're already trying (and failing) to dodge someone stabbing in you the front and back, why are you somehow able to perfectly dodge the arrows too?

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Learn the cover and concealment rules, the lighting rules, and the perception range penalty rules...Make sure they are enforced, and live by them.
ProTip: The blur spell is your friend.
Yes, flanking from range can be game breaking...But so can sniping in general if you know how to implement it (Gets real fun when you start adding things that increase the range beyond 30 feet)