Tenro |

I might be interested, Terry Brooks is, to me, either really good, or gah. Especially in the Shannarra series. I liked the first couple of books, hated the next few, and liked the ones after that. Can't remember the ones I disliked.
i have wanted to play in the setting since i saw the Druid prestige class in Dragon Magazine (although it wasnt particularly GOOD, but hey. kinda cool.)


i have wanted to play in the setting since i saw the Druid prestige class in Dragon Magazine (although it wasnt particularly GOOD, but hey. kinda cool.)
same here. i last read the shannara series when i was 13 years old, which is 20 years ago. I just picked up the scions of shannara a couple weeks ago and am enjoying this second re-reading immensely.
I actually own the dragon magazine you mention, and am looking to see if i can find it so i can utilize it.


clerics: while no specific god or pantheon is mentioned within the setting, it could be said that one could be a cleric that follows one of the primal essences: law, chaos, good, evil, and nature.
Druids: Speaking about the class, not the prestige class "elder druid" that Allannon was: this would be available, but the people devoted to nature would live like hermits, found within any of the lands.
Sorcerers: with the plethora of references found within the series that show characters with innate magic, allowing sorcerers is easy, but the available bloodlines would be limited to Arcane, elemental, daemon, abyssal, fey, destined, pestilence, shadow and undead.
wizards: with the distrusting nature towards those with magic throughout the land, being a wizard would be a difficult choice to make for a player. But, if chosen, then the character would have a great roleplaying experience. But, the hindrance for the wizard character isnt the magic, but finding and learning the spells. Anything above 3rd level would be difficult at best to find and learn, and those spells above 6th level would have been monitored by the Druids themselves.

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I was looking last summer for a class simular to the Shannara Druid. I was given a class called warden. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2mtac&page=15?Im-bored-give-me-ideas-for-a- new-base-class-I#748 which when play tested, was not any more or less powerful then the others.
I could not find where i got the baelfire or whatever it was called from though. Maybe he just fluffed up it up on the spot for me.
Someone else suggested using a 50/50 Druid/Magus so i ran a buddy in a couple encounters each of multiple levels to playtest it was interestingly fun.
All those gnomes were clerics, they would probally have Life and Healing maybe earth or good.


at first, i wanted to say no to psionics, but thinking about it, i think psionics would give a unique flair to the setting. so id allow it.
But no to an inquisitor.
so, pc creation rules:
classes: Base classes from pathfinder rpg are fine. If you wish to do something else, like an inquisitor, or cavalier, please ask first and let me consider it.
races: dwarves, gnomes, halflings, humans, elves, half elves, and half orcs
1st level
max hps
1 trait allowed.
remember, anything magical, both arcane, divine and psionic is looked upon with distrust, and in some parts it is outlawed.

hustonj |
I'm thinking Human Fighter (Archer). I would need to double-check whether the archetype is too costly for the benefits, before saying that the parenthetical note is an archetype instead of a build focus.
IMO, some of the character concepts I see above aren't very Shannarra. Doesn't mean I'm right, and my impression has zero influence on the GM's selections, but it would be nice if everyone considered that when thinking about their potential builds.
BTW, Rizzenmagnus, Inquistor and Cavalier are Pathfinder Base Classes, but they are not Pathfinder Core classes. So, your statement about Base classes without coordination is probably not going to get the response you expect.
Hmmm . . .. If I can find my Dragon archives, I might have to track down that article, just to look at it.

hustonj |
Been playing with mechanics for the Archery Fighter, and I think the archetype trades are SURVIVABLE (though still pretty expensive).
Looking at a hunter background, building from the Fighter class instead of the Ranger class. Trained Acrobatics (to represent athletics), Perception, Stealth and Survival. Mechanics support a concept, they aren't supposed to define it. <eg>
Got more to play with before I can post the build, though. And I have some research to do before I can post a background. Been a while since I've read anything from the Shannarra series.

Tenro |

I have a few questions:
what city would we be starting out in?
Would you be so kind as to hint as to what types of creatures we might be fighting primarily?
Once again i will be making a ranger that fights with two weapons. imagining him as a bit of a forest badass, probably with two axes. But in his village he is a super nice guy, reasonably-well-liked, and good of heart.

hustonj |
If selected, I think I will reuse the alias "Dolin Smith".
Move 20' [30' w/o Pack]
BAB+1 Melee+3 Ranged+5 CMB+3 (Strength +2, Dexterity +4)
Bow +5 for 1d8 @ x3 P, 100'
-- Rapid Shot +3/+3
Greataxe +3 for 1d12+3 @ x3 S
+1 Ranged attack & damage within 30'
No penalty for ranged attack into melee
HP 11 (+1 Con)
AC15[16] T13[14] F12 CMD16[17] (Armor +2, BAB +1, Strength +2, Dexterity +3 w/ Pack [+4 w/o Pack])
Fort +3 (Constituion +1)
Ref +4 (Dexterity +4)
Will +1 (Wisdom +1)
R Point-Blank Shot
1 Precise Shot
+ Rapid Shot
Seeker (Social) +1 trait Perception, Perception is a class skill
Modifier Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Other(+Conditional)
+5-Acrobatics +4+1+0(-3 Load)
+1 Appraise +1
+0 Bluff +0
+2-Climb +2(-3 Load)
+5 Craft +1+1+3
+0 Diplomacy +0
+0 Disguise +0
+4-Escape Artist +4(-3 Load)
+4-Fly +4(-3 Load)
+0 Handle Animal +0
+1 Heal +1
+0 Intimidate +0
+6 Perception +1+1+3+1
+0 Perform +0
+4-Ride +4(-3 Load)
+1 Sense Motive +1
+5-Stealth +4+1+0(-3 Load)
+5 Survival +1+1+3
+2-Swim +2(-3 Load)
05.0.0 Artisan's Tools (Bowyer/Fletcher) 5#
75.0.0 Longbow 1d8/x3/100'/P 3#
20.0.0 Greataxe 1d12/x3/S 12#
03.0.0 60 Arrows 9#
15.0.0 Lamellar Cuirass +2/+4/-0/5%/30' 8#
09.0.0 Fighter's Kit 29# (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin)
48 Gold on hand.
66# (Medium Load) w/ Pack
27.5# (Light Load) w/o Pack
58# Light Load (--/11/30'/x4)
116# Medium Load (+3/-3/20'/x4)
175# Heavy Load (+1/-6/20'/x3)
5 14 S 14 +2
13 17 D 19 +4
2 12 C 12 +2
2 12 I 12 +1
2 12 W 12 +1
1 11 H 11 +0
+2 Dex
Normal Speed
Bonus Feat
Languages Common, Elven
Figther (Archer Archetype)
Bonus Feats
All Simple & Martial Weapons
All Armors & Shields
1 Precise Shot
+ Rapid Shot
2 Weapon Focus (Level 1)
3 Deadly Aim
4 Weapon Specialization (Level 4)
5 Quickdraw (Level 1)
6 Clustered Shots (Level 6)
7 Manyshot (level 6)
8 Greater Weapon Focus (Level 8)
9 Snap Shot (Weapon Focus, Level 6)
A Combat Reflexes
B Improved Precise Shot (Level 11)
C Greater Weapon Specialization (Level 12)
D Penetrating Strike (Level 12)
E Improved Snap Shot (Level 9)
F Greater Snap Shot (Level 12)
G Greater Penetrating Strike (Level 16)
H Pinpoint Targeting (level 16)
I Critical Focus (Level 9)
J Bleeding Critical (Level 11)
K ???
Dolin grew up on the edge of the Duln forest, where he learned something of being a woodsman and hunting as he grew up. Other than a little excitement on a couple of hunts, he was fortunate to not have dealt with much in the way of actual trouble through his youth. This has given him a nearly naive positive outlook on the world, and this world view has led him to head to Tyrsis looking to see what he can do to help improve the lot of his fellow men. And those other races, too.

Tenro |

Ah Tyrsis, i thought Tyris sounded familiar but i scoured southland maps looking for it. i didnt even see tyrsis, had i see that i would have figured a typo.
but anyway, for my character (a ranger wielding two axes) would it make sense for him to have been in the border legion, or the free legion, or something similar? i guess the real question is where are we chronologically in relation to the books?