
Twillika Saiville's page

54 posts. Organized Play character for VampByDay.


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Silver Crusade

"Oh, uh, thanks." the wayang says as she accepts the mirror. She tries a few different positions, trying to get a good look but apparently unable to find anything satisfactory. She hands the mirror back.

"Thanks, but I have a better idea. Rainbow, can you get behind me and look at them?"

"Oh? Oh, right! I forgot we could do that."

The wayang closes her eyes as the creature gets behind her. Suddenly the 'pony's' eyes start glowing.

"Amazing, they really are wings." she says as if looking through he mount's eyes. She flexes her wings a bit and gives a few test flaps.

Silver Crusade

The wayang picks herself up and begins spinning around, trying to get a good look at her new appendages. Absent-mindedly she calls out to the man as she continues to try and get a good look at herself in vain.

"I, uh, I'd prefer to know what's happening before I do anything rash."

Knowledge-Local DC 20: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Not enough to identify the DC 20 abilities of a 10th lvl character

Silver Crusade

You see a wayang riding atop a strange pink creature. The wayang's mount is as if a cartoonist's drawing has come to life; it is equine in nature, with a large head, large, round eyes, and a multicolored mane and tail. The creature's body is pink, and she sports both a unicorn-esque horn and a set of wings, which she uses to keep herself and her rider aloft.

It is clear that the two work in perfect unison, performing dazzling feats of aerial mastery (fly check-DC 34). It is obvious to all who care to watch that the two are not only in perfect synch, but that they are having the time of their lives, trying ever newer and more dangerous feats of daring-do aloft.

They pull out of their latest dive and stabilize for a moment. The rider, apparently unable to restrain the feelings of joy she is having, undoes her military saddle and stands up on her eidolon's back. Eyes closed, she spreads her arms wide and feels the wind rush against her body. As she does, there is a faint hint of light. Her ears glow, moving from their normal shape, to those more closely resembling her mount's. The spark of light leaves her ears in their new state and trickles down to the small of her back, all without the rider nor mount noticing.

As the light hits the small of her back, it begins to spread, taking shape and forming a luminous pair of feathery wings. The light fades, leaving the wings behind and, as the wings catch the air, she slowly rises off the back of her mount.

She hangs in the air for a moment, slowly separating from her mount, before the two seem to notice at the same time. Eyes wide in fear, the wayang begins to fall, and the strange eidolon moves to catch her in a spectacular dive. However, at the last moment, the wayang manages to catch the wind and slows her decent, landing on all fours with her former mount landing a split second afterwards.

"Twillika! YOU HAVE WINGS?" shouts the pink creature in a mixture of shock and excitement.
"Rainbow, I have wings! HOW DO I HAVE WINGS?" responds the waying.

Silver Crusade

The wayang shakes her head.

"Oh, not really, I was just talking to these fine gentelmen" she says sweeping her hands to show the dwarves, "about how great it is to finally have a proper shrine to Grundinnar here in Absolom. You'd think the god of friendship would be more popular, but, eh, who am I to complain?"

The eidolon graciusly accepts being petted before speaking. "Twillika and I have been busy too! We recently rescued one of the . . . oh, whatchamacallum. Jewel . . . philosophers? Sages? That's it, the Jeweled sages. We recently rescued one of them from a long imprisonment."

Silver Crusade


Twillika's eyes light up as she sees the paladin walk in.

"It's me, Twillika, from Avaline's party about a year ago! It's so good to see you."

The wayang runs up to greet and hug the paladin along with Rainbow Legacy.

Silver Crusade

Twillika's eyes narrow and she stares at the newcomer.

"Sir, you've said your piece, and made it clear you are no friend of anyone here. I suggest you leave, your spoiling everyone's mood."

For her part, Rainbow Legacy flares her nostrils angrily and lowers her head slightly, making it clear that her horn can be made a weapon.

Silver Crusade

The Wayang tentatively takes a sip of the strange brew.

"Oh wow. Yeah, that is pretty good but a bit sweet. Thank you.". She takes another drink from the cup before adding "My name is Twillika, Twillika Saiville. And this here is my best friend, Rainbow Legacy."

"A pleasure to meet you." the winged creature says as she bows her head.

Silver Crusade

Dreg Alesbane wrote:
Dreg hoists his tankard toward the wayang, only spilling a small amount. "They put up with me prayers and me not-truly-dwarven holy symbol. If yer heart's true and yer prayers are *hic* too, yer welcome to do whatever praying yeh need. Can I get either of you lasses a drink? M'name's Dreggory. Dreg."

The Wayang finishes up her prayers and turns to the Dwarf who contacted her. She approaches him, her strange pegasus-unicorn abreast of her.

"Oh yes, I'm sure that's true. It's just, well, I mean I've only ever had small shrines to Grundinnar before. Just out-of-the-way spots and such, certainly nothing so grand as this." she gestures to the room around her. "It's all kind of imposing to be honest. . . don't want to embarrass myself, in front of people who are actually, like, true devotees to these gods. Like, I mean clerics and paladins and stuff."

"Oh, uh, a drink? Well, I hope you don't think less of me, but Dwarven alchohol doesn't seem to combine well with Wayang physiology. . . at least not mine anyway. Maybe something . . . less potent? she turns to her companion. "Rainbow, you want anything?"

"No thank you," she responds. "I prefer my wheat and barley NOT fermented." she adds in a playful way, and the two giggle at their own little joke.

Silver Crusade

A wayang, in Mithral armor bearing the holy symbol of Grundinnar and riding a flying cartoon-like pink Alicorn, lands at the steps outside the temple. She swiftly dismounts and walks inside with her strange companion.

"Oh wow, it's so great that there is a shrine to Grundinnar here near the grand lodge!" she exclaims, looking around at all the shrines.

"Oh yes." her strange creature agrees.

As she approaches a somewhat-forgotten shrine in a corner of the room, she pulls out a small prayer book from bag.

"Do you think it's okay if we recite the prayer in Taldane? I mean, We're in a Dwarven temple, but I never did learn Dwarven properly." the wayang asks her companion.

"Hmm, well, he's the god of freindship and loyalty right? He'll probably understand as long as it's not in infernal. Maybe celestial, just to be safe?"

"Good call." the Wayang says. She opens the book and positions it so that both she and her strange mount can read it. The two begin a rather lengthy prayer to Grundinnar in Celestial.

The prayer asks Grundinnar to watch over them, and help them maintain their friendships, grow new ones, and mend broken ones, so that they may spread the joy of friendship to others.

Silver Crusade

Twillika looks away and kicks the ground a bit.

"Why is it everyone wants to know my story. I've told it so many times. Then again, I guess one more time couldn't hurt."

"Well, My story is a bit involved, you see. Most wayangs, at least the ones in my home village, it's a lovely little island in the middle of the sea by the way, well, most of them were . . . oh, what's the word in common . . . ummm . . . reclusive, I think."

Twillika mulls it over in her mind for a moment. "They're just . . . well, very cautious about outsiders. Also, they're kind of sticks-in-the-mud. Always moaning about shadowplane this, and that, and how the matereal world 'corrupted' them or whatever. I never got it. I was always into tails of brave nights and saving the day, that sort of thing.

"And so, when I was very young, I set out for the heart of all glorious crusades, Vigil, in the nation of Lastwall. I wanted to be a Paladin, see, but I didn't really know how. I'd never had any martial training to speak of, and, well, I knew I was supposed to worship Iomede, but I didn't know much of her scriptures.

"Anyway, I show up there, and I hear that they accept anyone, but they turn me down. They said it was because they 'didn't know how to train wayangs, but I think that was just a lie to cover up that they didn't like me. Most big races think I'm 'super creepy, as they put it.

"Anyway, I re-applied year after year, and always got turned down. I worked in the stables to make ends meet you know. Went to all their jousting tournaments though. Even sneaked in once or twice to see daily training."

"So eventually I decided enough was enough, and I was going to prove I was paladin material. So I saved up a bunch of money and bought a few books on summoning things, figuring I could summon my 'paladin mount' that I've heard about. Turns out the books were a bit different than that, and I ended up summoning my best friend here!"

She hugs Rainbow Legacy who nuzzles her back, with a brief "that's so sweet."

"Anyway, long story short, they said she was an 'abomination' or something, and threatened to kill her on the spot. Might have been that she spoke infernal. So that was the final straw. I left the Paladins, and the church of Iomede, and converted to worshiping Grundinnar, who had a small church in Vigil. Gnome venture captain in Vigil told me about the Silver Crusade, so I signed up. Was an intern for a while, but the two of us helped when orcs attacked the city and I got a field commission to full pathfinder, and made my way down to Absolom."

"Gee, that came out a bit longer than it should have . . ." Twillika finishes rather sheepishly. "Sorry, didn't mean to ramble on."

Silver Crusade

After the strange interruption by Carol, the Wayang saunters over to Erik with her Eidolon.

"That was . . . strange. Still, she's in the Silver Crusade, so she must be a nice person."

"So" Rainbow Legacy begins, "What did you want to talk about? I'm afraid neither of us are great storytellers."

Silver Crusade

Twilika's Eidolon is named Rainbow Legacy

With supreme control, Rainbow Legacy hovers mere inches off the ground, flying around the area in gentle circles and graceful movements in order to prevent the children from falling. With some cajoling she rises to a maximum height of five feet and does some more intense tricks, but always makes sure that her rider's saftey is topmost priority.

Take 1 on fly=Fly DC 26.

After both children have a turn she sets down and talks to them sweetly.

Silver Crusade

Twillika turns to the children. "Oooh, that's a big honor. I hear centaurs don't let people do that too often. But you know, you look small enough to fly around on Rainbow Legacy if she'll let you." Rainbow nods with a big smile. Before the parents voice their concerns, Twilika points to the military saddle she has on Rainbow Legacy, including the strap designed to prevent people from falling out.

Silver Crusade

The Wayang and her companion trot up to the centaur, and she quickly dismounts.

"Sure thing! We can help you!" the wayang says cheerfully before grabbing some of the armor/barding and looking at it quizzically. The pink pony-like creature also grabs a piece with her mouth.

"I . . . uh, I've never put armo . . .bardi. . .I've never helped a centaur with this before. You, uh, you're going to have to tell me what to do." she says as she looks up appologetically.

Silver Crusade

A rather pudgy (or perhaps buff) and short female Wayang Flies over the wall astride a strange four-legged creature. It resembles a child's drawing of a unicorn, with an enormous head, huge, cutesy eyes, and a tiny muzzle. It's multi-hewed mane and tail counterbalancing it's pink coat. The creature's bird-like wings keep it aloft, as it comes in for a smooth landing. It some sort of bizarre hybrid of a unicorn and a Pegasus. The wayang wears a polished suit of mithral breastplate, displaying the holy symbol of Grunndinar on it. The look is completed with a polished lance upon her back, though it is peacebound. Her companion is dressed with a saddle and a strange robe with loadstones woven into it.

"Well gosh, is this new? I haven't seen this place before at all. the Wayang opens up with.

Strangely, then, the creature speaks:

"No, me neither Twilika.". She notices the other people and calls out to them: "Hello! My name is Rainbow Legacy, and this is my partner and raider, Twillika Saiville"

Silver Crusade

Joel Jodin wrote:

Joel sighs

"That's good, I met mine by complete happenstance. Some kid was attacked and I ran in to help. Unfortunately the situation turned out of my favor. I pleaded to whatever force would listen and this guy showed up."

Joel points to Otherland with his thumb.

"Thing is: He doesn't even talk in his own mind. Not even sure my eidolon is a he to be honest. He just responds to my emotional state and guards me as if danger is under every thumb-tack. Thankfully he's good at dicerning credible threats."

Rainbow Legacy looks worried, and Twillika gets a somewhat sad look on her face.

"Oh, that's so sad" Rainbow Legacy let's slip.

"I agree. Rainbow is my best friend." Twillika adds. "I've seen too many summoners treat their Eidolons like slaves. I hope . . . I hope he likes it that way. I mean, it'd be terrible to want to express yourself and not be able to . . . Maybe he's cursed? I know a spell that restores Eidolons, that might help. Takes a bit of money though."

Silver Crusade

Twillika shrugs.

"Maybe it was just the people in charge of admittance. Maybe they had spent so much time fighting evil, that they were extra cautious. Maybe they had heard of my people's tendency for 'shadow magics.' I don't really know, but to each their own. And like I said, if they hadn't done that, I would never have met my best friend."

Twillika gives Rainbow Legacy a big hug, then resumes sipping her sweet coffee.

Silver Crusade

Twillika looks down and hides her face, blushing a bit as Rainbow Speaks.

"Oh, no, we haven't had any trouble in Absolom. Well, some of the street vendors are a bit mean, but nobody in the society has been anything but kind."

Twillika ventures a soft addition, still hiding her face
"I didn't mean to imply that at all, everyone in the society has been super nice. Well, except some react strangely to Rainbow, but mostly they get set straight."

Silver Crusade

The wayang shakes Calthes's hand
"Oh, it's so nice to meet people who are nice to me! Most people just say I'm 'super creepy' or whatever. It's nice to meet you too Crimson!"

"Yes, very nice!" Rainbow Legacy adds.

The two turn to Joel

Twillika's Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Rainbow Legacy's Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31

"Oh, Mr. Jodin! Twillika begins. "Well, My story is a bit involved, you see. Most wayangs, at leas the ones in my home village, it's a lovely little island in the middle of the sea by the way, well, most of them were . . . oh, what's the word in common . . . ummm."

"Xenophobic, I think" Rainbow Legacy offers.

"Oh, but that makes them sound so mean . . ." Twillika mulls it over in her mind for a moment. "They're just . . . well, very cautious about outsiders. Also, they're kind of sticks-in-the-mud. Always moaning about shadowplane this, and that, and how the matereal world 'corrupted' them or whatever. I never got it. I was always into tails of brave nights and saving the day, that sort of thing.

And so, when I was very young, I set out for the heart of all glorious crusades, Vigil, in the nation of Lastwall. I wanted to be a Paladin, see, but I didn't really know how. I'd never had any martial training to speak of, and, well, I knew I was supposed to worship Iomede, but I didn't know much of her scriptures.

Anyway, I show up there, and I hear that they accept anyone, but they turn me down. They said it was because they 'didn't know how to train wayangs, but I think that was just a lie to cover up that they didn't like me. Most big races think I'm 'super creepy, as they put it.

Anyway, I re-applied year after year, and always got turned down-worked in the stables to make ends meet you know. Went to all their jousting tournaments though. Even sneaked in once or twice to see daily training."

So eventually I decided enough was enough, and I was going to prove I was paladin material. So I saved up a bunch of money and bought a few books on summoning things, figuring I could summon my 'paladin mount' that I've heard about. Turns out the books were a bit different than that, and I ended up summoning my best friend here!"

She hugs Rainbow Legacy who nuzzles her back, with a brief "that's so sweet."

"Anyway, long story short, they said she was an 'abomination' or something, and threatened to kill her on the spot. Might have been that she spoke infernal. So that was the final straw. I left the Paladins, and the church of Iomede, and converted to worshiping Grundinnar, who had a small church in Vigil. Gnome venture captain in Vigil told me about the Silver Crusade, so I signed up. Was an intern for a while, but the two of us helped when orcs attacked the city and I got a field commission to full pathfinder, and made my way down to Absolom."

"Gee, that came out a bit longer than it should have . . . Twillika finishes rather sheepishly. "Sorry, didn't mean to ramble on.

Silver Crusade

The Bartender calls over Twillika and hands her the sweet coffee drink she ordered, and tosses an apple to her pink mounted friend.

She thanks the man and pays him before something catches her eye.

"Oh my . . . Calathes . . .Right?"Rainbow Legacy and Twillika make their way over to the summoner.

"Name's Twillika. I think we were both at Lady Avelina party some time back. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you properly then." She puts out her free hand for a handshake while beaming a smile.

Rainbow Legacy joins in.
"Oh, yes, it is nice to meet other Silver Crusaders! Too few of us these days, I think!

Silver Crusade

A rather pudgy (or perhaps buff) and short female Wayang enters the lobby, walking abreast with a a strange four-legged creature. It resembles a child's drawing of a unicorn, with an enormous head, huge, cutesy eyes, and a tiny muzzle. It's multi-hewed mane and tail counterbalancing it's pink coat. Yet even more strange, this creature seems to also have small bird-like wings, making it some sort of bizarre hybrid of a unicorn and a Pegasus. The wayang wears a polished suit of mithral breastplate, displaying the holy symbol of Grunndinar on it. The look is completed with a polished lance upon her back, though it is peacebound. Her companion is dressed with a saddle and a strange robe with loadstones woven into it.

"Oh, hi there!" she says to the bartender. "I was wondering if you had some sweet teas? Or maybe a mochachino? Oh, and an apple or salt lick or something from Rainbow here . . ."

"Oh, I don't need anything right now" the pink creature interjects. "Thank you for the thought though."

As the bartender shakes his head and turns to find something in his stock, the Wayang sees the on the other side of the room.

Knowledge-Planes: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 Enough to recognize an Eidolon

The Wayang rushes over to introduce herself.

"Oh wow! Another Eidolon, and so tall! Are you two partners?"

The pink Eidolon moves in and speaks up.

"Sorry, sometimes Twillika's excitement gets the better of her manners. I'm Rainbow Legacy, and this is my partner, Twillika Saiville."

The Wayang bows her head.

"Oh yes, sorry, Rainbow Legacy is right, sometimes I forget myself. Twillika Saiville, summoner of society and member of the Silver Crusade, at your service." The wayang bows in front of the man.

Silver Crusade

Twillika jumps up from her seat and scampers over to meet honor, motioning for her pink alicorn companion to follow.

"Oh, it's so good to meet you Honor! This is the friend I told you about, Rainbow Legacy."

The pink child-like Pegasus-unicorn bows its head: "Oh, it's very nice to meet you. Twillika says you're very nice. I hope we can become friends."

Twillika continues "Oh, I'm so glad you made it. And you were able to talk your way out of hostilities? So splendid! I wish I had was so gifted with oration!

Silver Crusade

Twillika, who has piled several books onto her chair so that she can properly sit at the table tries desperately to stifle a laugh and only succeeds in having wine drizzle out her rather large nose. With a strange mixture of mirth and embarrassment, she wipes herself off. Rainbow Legacy, for her part, is rolling on the floor laughing.

Finally, after several moments, she has barely composed herself enough to speak.

"Oh . . . Oh by Grunnidar . . . that (snerk) that shouldn't be so funny. Oh Wizzlefarb . . . I (snerk) how, how are you so funny? I mean, (snerk) it's great that you defeated evil. HIDEOUS LAUGHTER!" she falls back into a fit of laughter.

I imagine a DC 30 perform comedy is like, some really A list stuff. Twillika is not normally so . . . uncomposed.

After a few more moments, she clears the tears from her eyes and seems to have calmed down.

Oh Wizzlefarb, don't . . . don't say such things while I'm drinking wine. Oh . . . oh goodness gracious me" (sigh) "Oh wow, so many new friends showing up. Oh, I . . . hmmm."

Silver Crusade

The small wayang and her pink pony-like eidolon timidly approach the newcomer in gleaming plate mail.

"Oh, um, excuse me. Are you . . . are you a real paladin? I mean, I've felt that calming fearlessness thing once or twice before, but . . . well, most Paladins don't include me in it. It feels . . . nice.

"Oh, uh, manners. My name is Twillika Saiville. And this is my companion, Rainbow Legacy. It. . . it's very nice to meet you." she manages to stammer out.

The strange creature speaks up: "Oh, very nice, m'lady."

Silver Crusade

Twilika takes the seat only to find that her short stature is puts her at roughly eye-level with the table. Looking around she sees no way of boosting herself, and vacates the chair.

"Hmmm, perhaps it's best if I stand for now," she comments.

"Anyway. . .

spoilers for 4-17, fortress of the nail:
"well, recently we found ourselves in a Hellknight fortress in Varisia, I think? Anyway, they had arrested Zarta because of some falsified evidence. Thanks to a, uh, 'friend' named James Fond, we discovered what had happened to the paracountess and uncovered evidence of Zarta's innosence. Fond, a small team, and I went to this fortress where she was being held and convinced the Hellknights that she was wrongly imprisioned. Turns out, one corrupt hellknight had been sacrificing prisoners to Devils! Imagine! And he was going to sacrifice Zarta next! He attacked us, we defended ourselves, and then fought some sort of super demon-dog thing. Luckily we were fighting in a long, wide corridor so Rainbow and I could get up to speed. A rather burly Ulfen fellow who punched people and I took the beast down, and we rescued Zarta"

Twillika concludes her story: ". . . In the end, I wrote a note explaining the whole thing and handed it off to a nice lady who had showed us around a bit. It seemed best to not tell them what happened directly, they didn't seem like the kind who would be in a very understanding mood after what had happened.

Silver Crusade

A rather pudgy (or perhaps buff) female Wayang enters the hall, walking abrest with a a strange four-legged creature. It resembles a child's drawing of a unicorn, with an enormous head, huge, cutesy eyes, and a tiny muzzle. It's multi-hewed mane and tail counterbalancing it's pink coat. Yet even more strange, this creature seems to also have small bird-like wings, making it some sort of bizarre hybrid of a unicorn and a Pegasus. The wayang wears a polished suit of what appears to be parade armor, only it is adorned with symbols of the open road and silver crusade. Her hair is pulled back in a tight, military-style-bun and she wears a polished lance upon her back, though it is peacebound. Her companion has a somewhat ostentatious dressage outfit specifically tailored to fit her, and her mane and tail have been braided.

"Lady Avelina! So good to meet you again!" she calls out. "Allow me to introduce my companion, Rainbow Legacy. The strange pony-creature bows her head and speaks up in a feminine, child-like voice.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard you helped Twillika with a spell to clean her armor a while back."

"My, this is simply a marvolous setup you have here . . ." the wayang comments. "Oh, look, you even included a flag to Grundinnar over in the corner! Thank you so much."

"Ooh, a story? Oh dear, I'm not much of a storyteller. I suppose I did just come back from defeating a powerful night-hag. And before that I did fight some Devils that a Hellknight was misusing his power to summon. Would those do?"

Silver Crusade

A strange, small shadow-like creature with a long pointy nose and a wicked-looking, toothy smile comes riding in. She has a child's training lance strapped to her back, and is wearing a mithral breastplate with some iconography on it. She rides strange, flying pink creature. The Creature resembles a child's drawing of a Pegasus mashed with a unicorn, sporting a rainbow mane, large eyes, and a diminutive muzzle.

The small creature has one arm around a bushel of apples and has the reigns casually. She lands near the entrance.

Knowledge Local DC 10:
The rider is a wayang, and the only explanation for the mount would be that of an Eidolon

Knowledge Religion DC 10:
The symbol is the holy symbol of Grundinnar, Dwarven god of Friendship

"Oh my, is this a new friend? The rider says in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, she must be, she looks so pretty! the mount says, after finishing the last bite of her apple. Excuse me miss, would you like an apple?

Silver Crusade

Rainbow Nods Thanks for showing Dame Wintrish how it's done.

Twillika adds If I see Jenera, I'll send her your way. Thanks again Murgen, I hope we get assigned to the same mission soon. Now, If I'm not mistaken Rainbow, I owe you a nice, big bushel of apples. Let's go see if that fruit vendor in the coins district is selling today. Y'know, the one that doesn't cringe when I approach. . .

Rainbow spreads her wings, and the two take off flying over the walls of the grand lodge.

Silver Crusade

Twillika Charges at Murgen again, this time doing a simple Joust and not attempting the complicated "Wheeling Charge" manuver

Twillika's Charging lance attack:: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
NOT using spirited charge: if hit 2d6 + 16 ⇒ (2, 5) + 16 = 23
Rainbow's Charging gore attack, no power attack: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
If hit: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

If attacked, Rainbow attempts a bodyguard manuver on Twillika 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 and Twillika attempts a mounted combat on Rainbow 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28
Twillika's AC 21, attacks against Rainbow must beat a 28

Silver Crusade

Ow ow ow Rainbow winces as she gets to her feet, road rash being evident on one side of her body where she skidded against the ground. Without another word Twillika starts casting a spell with her free hand.

Spellcraft, DC 16:
Rejuvinate Eidolon, Lesser

Rainbow is instantly healed for 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damn, the dice have started to hate me

Most of the wounds seem to close, and Twillika mounts up again, and begins riding back to her starting position.

Heh, let's try that again She says sheepishly.

Yeah Rainbow adds. I wouldn't want that to be the lasting impression we leave.

Silver Crusade

It takes a second for Twillika to recognize what has happened. Oh, Sleepy . . . DIED!? Oh that's . . . that's terrible. I . . . Uh, are you sure you want me to attack? Don't you need to mourn . . . huh, I guess not.

Anyway, were were going to show Dame Wintrish the basics of mounted combat, so if you wouldn't mind . . . uh, showing her how to move your mount out of the way with your knees instead of just blocking . . .

Oh, it's so sad about sleepy. We were quite fond of him whenever he was at the stables Rainbow adds.

Well, I know we've only done it the once, but want to show Murgen our new trick? asks Twillika as she rides Rainbow out to an appropriate charging distance.

Gee, there's a lot of people watching, but I guess I could try . . . Replies Rainbow.

With a loud shout in a strange language, the two set off at full speed against Murgen. At a mere ten feet away, Twillika thrusts her lance and Rainbow her horn before turning 90 degrees in a stunning display.

Twillika lance charge: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26
If hit 3d6 + 24 ⇒ (2, 1, 5) + 24 = 32
Rainbow charge attack (no power attack): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
If hit 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Just for fun, acrobatics to see if Rainbow pulls of the unfamiliar maneuver on the dusty training ground, DC15: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Unable to keep her balance on the dusty training grounds, Rainbow's legs slide out from under her and she sends both herself and her rider plowing into Murgen. The two get up and dust themselves off, very self-conscious and embarrassed. The two start talking in Wayang.

sense motive or Linguistics, DC15, or speak Wayang:
The two are busy embarrassedly apologizing to each other and trying to take responsibility for the crash.

After a moment, both turn to Murgen and apologize to him for screwing up.

Silver Crusade

I . . . I suppose we could demonstrate. Twillika ventures tentatively. E-Excuse me, Mr . . . . Mr. Halfling? I don't think I caught your name. Would you mind terribly? Maybe try to take some practice swings and Rainbow, not striking to wound obviously. Just as a demonstration? Is that okay with you Rainbow?

The Eidolon casts a nervous sideways glance at the hellknight. I-I suppose.

Silver Crusade

Twillika is clearly intimidated by Wintrish's mere presence. Oh, terribly sorry, uh, Dame. When I was in Lastwall all Knights, male or female went by sir, you see... . She lets out a slight nervous laugh. And-and I'm sure that scaring people is a very useful tactic, b-but it goes against G-Grundinnar's teachings so I-I'm not too fond of the idea.. She let's out a very nervous smile as if she expects the Hellknight to stab her for daring to contradict.

As-as for mounted combat, I don't know how it is for people with mounts who don't talk, but I-I suppose the first step is to treat your mount as your friend, your c-companion. When in combat, if you see someone a-aiming for your mount, try to use your legs to manuver them out of the way. I-I found that they really appreciate that and will work with you better.

Y-Yes Rainbow Legacy relpies. Twillika is r-really good at that. There are several times I would have been hit, but she managed to help me dodge out of the w-way. I-It has helped us g-grow as a team.. The two nervously smile at the Hellknight, hoping their advice is satisfactory.

Silver Crusade

Twillika and rainbow look around There's a mounted combat master around here? Oh dear, I hope I didn't embarrass myself too badly.. Rather tentitavly, Twillika and Rainbow make there way up to the hellknight. Oh. . . he-hello sir. How do y- how do you do?

Silver Crusade

Oh, yes. I must find that Master of Swords and pay him for the damages, she says in a low, almost apologetic tone before saddling up to Dalinia. Anyway, my names Twillika, She extends a hand to shake.

And I am Rainbow Legacy! So nice to meet you. The Eidolon says, lowering her horn gently so that it can be 'shook.'

Oh, I didn't realize the training yard would be so busy. I mean, everyone is so nice to tell me that I do well, but it feels a bit like showing off, when I do things in front of others, and I hate that. But it is very nice to meet you! I'm always happy to make new friends!

Silver Crusade

Remus Thickfist wrote:

"Lastwall? Huh, I'm from Almas, originally, though I spent quite a bit of time in the vicinity of Lastwall that I believe I should be able to learn a technique or two from the mounted warriors there. Currently I own a ranch just outside of Almas, I raise wolves there with my sister, there are enough halflings who make good use of them as mounts, and even more who make good use of them as companions, or even just hired guard-dogs." Remus replies, placing his lance in its place on the saddle.

"Yeah, but I've been making an effort to keep Grolf up to par, so unfortunately my own skills have fallen back a bit. However, I agree that learning to strike with more power would certainly be agreeable. all means." Remus gestures to indicate that he's ready for her to proceed with the demonstration, as he settles forward to better point things out to Grolf.

Well, I'm not originally from Lastwall, of course, but I grew up there. My family . . . well, we didn't see eye to eye, so when I was very young I moved there on my own to become a paladin.

Twillika slowly mounts Rainbow and the two back up to a corner of the yard. They begin speaking in a strange language.

Speak Wayang or DC 20 linguistics check:
Twillika simply says "Okay, nothing fancy, just a straight charge" to which Rainbow replies "You got it."

Twillika and Rainbow bear down on a dummy, moving in with full force. At the last second, Twillika really leans in with her lance, adding a surprising amount of weight and force to the strike.

Lance charge: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
The training dummy is set up with realistic vital points, allowing it to be critically hit . . .
Conformation roll: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Critical hit with spirited charge lance, x5 damage!: 5d6 + 35 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 3, 6) + 35 = 55
Power attack natural attack from Eidolon: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Barely hits AC10
Power attack Eidalon damage: 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Twillika deals with the 5 points of hardness, and penetrates 5 inches of wood (10 HP/inch) where as Rainbow bypasses another inch (5 hardness, 10 HP) Combined the two obliterate the training dummy.

The two come to a stop after a few moments to look back at what they did. Oh dear! I think I went overboard. I . . . ooh, I'll have to pay someone back for that . . . oh dear. She looks genuinly worried about the poor training dummy.

Silver Crusade

Oh, my The sheepish rider responds. It seems like the two of you are much more . . . accurate than we are. And I mean, we weren't trying to show off or anything. It's just . . . well, that was the first time we had managed to do 'the wheeling charge' as it's called. See back when I lived in Lastwall, I saw the paladins there to that maneuver all the time. I thought it was easy, but . . .
The Eidolon interrupts
It's actually really hard. I don't know how I'm going to learn to do it while flying. Her words are earnest as she stretches her wings and looks at them, a bit confused. We've been trying to do it before we joined the pathfinders even.

The wayang and the Eidalon approach the halfling. She makes sure not to startle 'Grolf' as she approaches

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

My name is Twillika Saiville . . . of Lastwall, I suppose. she says as she extends her hand to shake.
And I am Rainbow Legacy, it's a pleasure to meet you The Eidalon bows her head gracefully.

Now, I don't want to seem rude, and I certainly not trying to be presumptuous, but I noticed you may be loosing some power on your swing. When charging with a lance, or any weapon, really, you can lean into it just as you swing to add some extra umph to your hit. I didn't used to do it either, it takes some practice . . . but it's worth it I think if you do a lot of charging from . . . she looks around at the current mounts in the yard. creature-back. I can show you, if you want?

Twillika proceeds to show the basics of the Spirited Charge feat.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vutava wrote:
Okay, this made me laugh. So, does the eidolon have any special markings on its flank?

I'm sure I have NO idea what you mean. It most certainly hope it is not a reference to another intellectual property owned by someone outside of PAIZO, as that would be copywrite infringement and I most certainly would NEVER engage in such an act. That being said, all summoned Eidalons do have a glowing rune visably on them when summoned, and Rainbow Legacy's does so happen to be on her flank, yes

Silver Crusade

The rider and her mount both blush and sheepishly avert their eyes from the clapping man, obviously a bit embarrassed. Oh, I . . . I didn't know anyone was watching. Yes, yes of course you can practice here. Rainbow and I here are very good at fighting in tight quarters. the strange shadow-creature stammers out.

Obviously very self-aware, the two make for a corner of the practice area. I guess we should do a bit of a cool down, maybe a bit of light sparing? the strange pink creature ventures in a semi-hushed tone.

Yeah, alright the rider replies, and grips her lance in both hands. The two begin, very self-consciously, sparing; the rider's training lance against the creature's very long horn.

Silver Crusade

Seeing the training ground temporarily empty (no posts for the last two weeks) a strange, small, female shadow-creature enters the yard. She is dressed in a shining mithral breastplate, and armed with a lance.

Knowledge Local, DC10:
The creature is a Wayang

Knowledge Religion, DC10:
Her armor is emblazoned with the holy symbol of Grundinnar, Dwarven god of friendship, loyalty, and peace

More strange still, she is riding atop a pink four-legged creature. It resembles a child's drawing of a unicorn, with an enormous head, huge, cutesy eyes, and a tiny muzzle. It's multi-hewed mane and tail blow in the wind. Yet even more strange, this creature seems to also have small bird-like wings, making it some sort of bizarre hybrid of a unicorn and a Pegasus.

Knowledge Planes DC 10:
The only explanation for such a creature is that it must be an Eidalon.

Alright Legacy, let's go! The wayang shouts, and, surprisingly, the pink creature responds in a feminine, almost child-like voice RIGHT!

With only that warning the diminutive rider and her mount make a beeline at nothing in particular, bearing down on an imaginary target. Then, without warning, the rider shouts something in a strange language, and the creature responds.

Know Language-Wayang or DC15 linguistics:
The rider shouted "Now" and the mount responded "RIGHT!" in Wayang

The rider and mount work in unison, drastically shifting their weight in a dazzling maneuver. The mount skitters a little under the sudden momentum change, but manages to recover and turn an almost 90 degree angle astonishingly quickly. The two's new course puts them directly in line with a training dummy.
Lance Charge, nonleathal damage (-2 from silver crusade boon): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Mount charge, (-4 for nonlethal damage): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Both attacks connect with the training dummy, but both took care not to damage it, though it looks like the rider could have taken the thing's head off without too much trouble. Riding past the dummy for a few feet, the two eventually come to a stop.

Fast dismount: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38
With a honed and practiced skill that reveals her masterful proficiency in riding, the rider dismounts quickly but elegantly dismounts and then turns around and hugs the strange quadruped's neck.

Oh my god, you did it! she shouts in honest jubilation. All those hours spent practicing and you finally did it! Oh, I'm so happy, thank you so much!

Oh, I wouldn't go that far the mount responds. I mean, I almost lost it, I don't think I would have been able to do it if I was moving any faster, like from your haste spell. And I certainly don't think I can do it while flying yet . . . she humbly replies.

Oh, that doesn't matter, that doesn't matter! You did it! The rider replies, still hugging the neck of her mount. I'm going to go buy you a whole bushel of apples, and maybe a few sugar cubes, and a salt lick right now, and maybe tomorrow we'll work on going a bit faster or the flying thing. If your up for it. Tonight, though, we celebrate!

Silver Crusade

Avelina of Mendev wrote:

"Oh, I bet Her eyes smolder with Righteous Fire, too!"

Avelina shudders as she pictures her Beloved Inheritor's eyes.

When Grim reenters the room and inquires about the current topic, Avelina makes no visible indication that she even notices his presence (or anyone else in the room for that matter), still daydreaming.

"Hmm? Oh, we were talking about how the Inheritor is the Greatest and Most Beautiful Woman ever, and how Wonderful and Glorious She is."

Avelina sits down and rests her arms on the table, cradling her head in her hands.

"And how Righteous Her eyes are, too."

She sighs a contented sigh once again.

Twillika, tiring somewhat of Avelina's fanatical devotion to her god and utter inability to think of anything else, tries to change the topic.

I have noticed, though, that some of the other pathfinders find us as sort of a punchline, a joke. Mostly the exchange, but I have received disparaging stares from members of the Scarab Sages and Dark Archive as well.

Twillika thinks long and hard about how to phrase what she wants to say.

I think we may have an . . . an image problem. People don't respect what we do. Many think us unthinking crusaders, with nothing but a blinding hatred in our hearts for evil. Others think us idiotic dreamers, too enamoured with the dream of making the world a better place to see the world for what it really is.

We should do . . . something. Make our faction look better. Let our fellow pathfinders know that we aren't idiots, we know we can't change the world overnight, but that we want to start on the road to a better tomorrow. That might attract more followers, and might make the other factions more helpful towards us. Any thoughts on how to do this?

Silver Crusade

Twillika's eyes dart around, as if looking for a prepared speech or some aid that is not there. Finding none, she sighs to herself, then takes a deep breath, trying to psyche herself up.

Oh, I do wish Rainbow Legacy was here, she is much more tactful than I. She usually knows how to phrase things.. She takes a moment to orginize her thoughts. I suppose that I am trying to say that none of us are gods; so none of us can be perfect. I know people who follow Grundinnar have sometimes put loyalty above common sense, and tried to befriend people that were not deserving of such friendship. I think for Iomede, maybe sometimes some of her followers get so caught up in smithing evil that maybe that's all they see. We wayangs often descend into using vile shadow magics, so one comes knocking at the door, they might just turn her away to be safe. Sure, gods can give us guidelines, but it is up to us to interpret them. It is our message to misinterpret, we do have free will after all..

Twillika looks at the other assembled pathfinders in anticipation, hoping her words have not caused further strife.

Silver Crusade


Honor Whiteveil wrote:

"I have a good deal of respect for The Inheritor, though I find many of her followers are a bit too serious for my preferences. I think it is important that while we are out doing good in the world, we also try to experience the beauty and joy that can be found in it.

(slash snip)

Twillika perks up at Honor's words
Yes yes, that's it exactly. I think maybe that's why the paladin's of lastwall didn't accept me. They were too focused on fighting evil. So they thought I might have been a spy or some evil creature, and that's all they saw. A potential threat, instead of a potential ally. But like I said, that was a while ago. Now that I've proven myself, some of them let me train with them whenever I get a chance to go back up there.

Silver Crusade

Oh! Hello! My name is Twillika! the wayang blushes slightly, at least, you think that's how wayangs blush. . That's about the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my features. Most people call them 'unsettling' or 'off-putting' or 'super creepy.' Thank you.

Silver Crusade

Twillika looks taken aback by all the apologies on Iomede's behalf.

Please, please, no need to get so riled up. I mean, there's no guarantee that I would have been able to pass the trials and become a Paladin anyway. And, if it hadn't happened, I surely wouldn't have ever met my best friend. Plus, this happened over ten years ago, so I've long made peace with it. Anyway, the Paladins and I eventually worked things out. I started volunteering at the local Pathfinder lodge in Lastwall, preparing to make the long journey to Absolom and all, and I was called on to help the city when the orcs tried to invade. My valor that day earned me a bit of respect from them . . . and my field commission to pathfinder by the venture captain himself. So it all worked out in the end.

Twillika ends her speech a little sheepishly. She clearly thought that the end part came a little too close to bragging.

Silver Crusade

Wyra Fraym wrote:


"Ooh, that's pretty cool gauntlet you have there. I'm not sure if I should be impressed with your clever ploy, or disappointed that the Pure Legion was unable to identify it as magic item related to a deity. Maybe both!" Wyra muses, her eyes locked on the guantlet with a mystical glint.

** spoiler omitted **

"Ahahaha, my mistake. I guess I assumed that due to your reverence for a typically Dwarven deity that you had been taken in by Dwarves. Again, I'm sorry for the mistake." Wyra apologizes with a sheepish grin.

Oh no, it's okay. I should have clarified.

Twillika turns to Grim.

Uh, Mister? I don't . . sorry but I'm not well-versed in magic item stuff, or really magic stuff in general. Too busy training on how to joust and work with the animals in the pathfinder stables. Do you know there's a guy who keeps riding bees in there? Anyway, anyway, I don't know what that gauntlet means. Usually I have my friend, my Eidolon friend, to help me figure that stuff out.

Silver Crusade

What? No! A dwarven family? No no, the Saiville's are human. The brother of the man who adopted me is some higher-up mukity-muck in the inner workings of the Lastwall nobility, I think.

No, see, I kept on signing up for the Paladin training academy in Lastwall, and they kept on rejecting me. It was always something like 'we don't know how to train Wayangs' or something, but I think it's because they were a bit racist against my kind. I originally worshipped Iomede, but all of her paladins were mean to me and wouldn't let me into the training to become a paladin. So I decided to prove I could be paladin material by summoning my own paladin mount!

So I worked a few years with Sam Saiville in the stables. Earned some coin, got to know Sam. He adopted me into the family and even gave me one of his training lances. Twillika points to the lance on her back. Anyway, saved my money and went out and got some books on summoning mounts and studied for a few years. It was REALLY hard, but I eventually figured it out. Turns out my mount wasn't quite what I expected. The paladins said she was an abomination for . . . some reason. Might have been because she spoke infernal. Turns out I had become . . . A summoner you said? I'm not really sure on the terminology. Anyway, all that bad blood with the paladins left a bad taste in my mouth with Iomede, so I went to the few other churches in Lastwall and found that Grundinnar was much more to my liking, so I converted. I mean, I appreciate Iomede and all, but, well, I just don't get along with most of her Paladins. Ollystria is nice, though.

Oh, and Rahadoum isn't THAT bad. Most people there are nice, very friendly if they don't think you worship someone. I mean, their anti-religion people are a bit rough, but that's their job. I just think they've been through a lot. I heard from someone that the dawnflower cult did a number on them. I mean, I guess I can understand being burned by a religion. Just wish they'd learn to live and let live, right?

Silver Crusade

With the paint removed from her armor, clear religious iconography is revealed to be embossed on the Wayang's Mithral breastplate.

Knowledge Religion DC 10:
Her breastplate bears the holy symbol of Grundinnar, Dwarven god of peace, loyalty, and friendship.

Oh my, so many new friends! The wayang moves over and takes both of Avelina's hands in her own, giving her a heartfilled handshake.
Oh thank you so much. I was on a recent trip to Rahadoum, you see, so I had to cover up Grundinnar's holy symbol. It pained me to do it, but I'm sure he'd understand. The mission was for helping some captured people and making new friends after all. Anyway, thank you so much.

The wayang turns to the group as a whole.

Oh, sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Twilika, adopted into the Lastwall House of Saiville, so I think that makes me . . . Twillika Saiville? I'd introduce you to my partner, Rainbow Legacy, but she's back in her home plane. I think she said she had to preside over a gala there or something. I suppose I could summon her anyway, but that would be quite rude.

As for Wayangs and darkness . . . yeah, I have to admit. That's kinda why I left my village and set off for Lastwall. They were all so serious and dower. They were always like "We belong in the shadow plane, this place is too colorful." I never got it. I always liked the stories of brave knights and divine paladins. So I went to Lastwall. Long story short, I eventually became a pathfinder when I heard about the silver crusade.

Oh? You aren't Silver Crusade Miss gnome? Well, I'm not in charge of the lodge, but I'm sure Ollestria wouldn't mind. It's always nice to meet new friends! The short Wayang stretches her arm up to shake the gnome's hand.

Golly! How do you do that? I mean, I have a little magic, but it's mostly just protecting me from evil and making people go faster. Nothing so nifty as floating in a little dish thing!

Silver Crusade

A small, extremely gaunt female with an enormous hooked nose and a wicked, crooked smile saunters into the lodge. She wears mithral breatsplate with a large smattering of paint over it, riding boots, and a spiked gauntlet. She also has a human child's training lance strapped to her back.

Knowledge Local DC10:
She is a Wayang

Hello? Anyone here? I need a spell cast. I can't remember the name . . . uhhh, a friend told me it was a cantrip that can easily clean stuff? Wizards know it? I need to clean this paint off my armor. I tried scrubbing but it didn't work . . . I think it's alchemical or something?

Silver Crusade

VampByDay wrote:

Yes, well, most Wayang- Shadow People are rather Morose- they are sad that they can't live on the shadow plane. I don't know why, really, because I'm content to try and be a knight here. I think though some of them get a little too angry about it though and become . . . not nice. I know my cousin Dagagal was like that . . . I wonder whatever happened to him . . .

Anyway, I'm glad to have met you Salurial. I'm Twillika. And while I don't think I'm . . . hearty enough to journey to Jarl Rukk's place just yet, but maybe sometime. I still have responsibility here. Speaking of, my break is almost over, I gotta get back to the stables.

((((The above was me, Sorry for breaking immersion))))

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