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RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 27 posts (12,152 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 29 aliases.
Campaña del Consejo de ladrones de Carlito DM. Den of the Slave Takers (4e) DM Crispy's Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition DM Olondir presents "It's Always Sunny in the Stolen Lands" - Chapter 1 DM Zirharks Curse of the Crimson Throne Face the Fire (Dark Sun 4E) GM Trajan's Dragonlance Heroes of the Lance PBP Hell's Rebels with GM Zek Mothman's Adventures in Darkmoon Vale game Mothman's Age of Worms Redux Rigor Rictus' Carrion Crown - Game Thread Ringtail's Rise of the Runelords The Tomb of Horrors Part 1 (4e) - Group 1 Valkur's Rise of the Runelords A Wrath of the Righteous Role-Play Sidebar Xaaon's Curse of the Crimson Throne Aardvark's "A Conspiracy of Silver Ravens" Hell's Rebels Campaign (inactive) Aardvark's "At Least It's a Dry Heat" Dark Sun Campaign (inactive) Aardvark's "Bring Out Your Dead's Valuables" MM Campaign (inactive) Aardvark's "Don't Get Left Out in the Cold" Reign of Winter Campaign (inactive) Aardvark's "Nothing Venture Captained, Nothing Gained" Shattered Star Campaign (inactive) Aardvark's "To What Depths Would You Go For Freedom?" S&S Campaign (inactive) Aardvark's "What a Royal Pain" CotCT Campaign (inactive) Aardvark's Fog of War Campaign (4E) (inactive) Age of dragons (inactive) Aubrey's PF Dark Sun (inactive) Aubrey's Wrath of the Righteous (inactive) BWatford's Mummy's Mask Table #1 (inactive) Choon's Skulls and Shackles (inactive) Curse of the Crimson Throne (inactive) Curse of the Crimson Throne / Edge of Anarchy (Aardvark DM) (inactive) The Dissidents of Westcrown - A CoT PBP Adventure (inactive) DM Bigrin's Shattered Star (Group B) (inactive) DM Duke's RotRL - Burnt Offerings (inactive) DM Pendin Fust Wrath of the Righteous - Group B (inactive) DM Salsa Presents: The Curse of the Crimson Throne (inactive) DM Salsa Presents: The Jade Regent (inactive) Dragonlance: Age of Mortals Campaign (inactive) Fun with snow! A Reign of Winter Campaign (inactive) Leinathan's Homebrew Dimensional Shift (inactive) Leinathan's Legacy of Fire PbP AP (inactive) Leinathan's Private Campaign (inactive) Leinathan/mdt's Kingmaker (inactive) Reign of Winter - Snows of Summer (inactive) Rennick's Jade Regent: The Prophecy of the Seal (inactive)