Leinathan/mdt's Kingmaker (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan

Kingmaker with a political twist
Map of the Greenbelt/Domierov.
Explored Area
Loot Spreadsheet
How the Patrons View the Player Characters
Mage's Guild
Kingdom Spreadsheet
Map of Brevoy
Kingdom-Building ruleset
Downtime ruleset

Wilhelm's Kingdom Map

Link to Updated Statistics Page

CN Size 6 Kingdom
Control DC 27
Economy +30; Loyalty +23; Stability +25
Consumption 3; Income Modifier 4; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Treasury: 22 BP
Fame 3; Infamy 0
Ongoing Events None currently
Ruler Baron Wilhelm Orlovsky (+3 Econ/Loy/Sta)
Councilor Felicia Shimmerscale (+4 Loyalty)
General Dante Skyborn (+5 Stability)
Grand Diplomat Lanya Beladon Medvyed (+5 Stability)
Heir None
Consort None
High Priest Anastacia Stormwing (+3 Stability)
Magister Dareon Lebeda (+5 Economy)
Marshal Rowan (+4 Economy)
Royal Enforcer Vors Garess (+3 Loyalty)
Spymaster Sanita Kalnath (+4 Econ/Loy/Sta)
Treasurer Fhârn (+2 Economy)
Viceroy None
Warden Bej Vanskian (+4 Loyalty)
Gold Mine Hills (D19 - Hills southwest of Zatoksta)
Improvements Mine, Road
Greenlands hills (F18 - North of Stag Lord's fort)
Improvements Quarry, Road
Northern Greenlands (C20 - South of Zatoksta)
Improvements Farm, Road
Stag Lord's Fort (G19 - Along Tuskwater lake)
Improvements Fishery, Road
Thorn River Crossing (E19 - Northeast of Stag Lord's fort)
Improvements Quarry, Road with Bridges
-Zatoksta - Formerly Oleg's (B19 - Along South Restov Road)
Improvements Farm, Road
Zatoksta - Formerly Oleg's
CN Large Town
Corruption +2; Crime +2; Law +0; Lore +3; Productivity +0; Society +1
Danger +0
Population 3,000
Base Value 1,000 gp; Purchase Limit 5,000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items
Buildings: Dance Hall, Garrison, Granary, House, House, House, Library, Noble Villa, Stable, Tavern
Diplomatic Agreements
Restov Embassy, Treaty +8 (Unbalanced against you)


Jhod Kavken - Old, exiled Erastilian druid pilgrim - on a religious mission for his deity to spread his faith.

Akiros Ismort - A former criminal and even more former Erastilian paladin. Somewhat lost in life, has pledged loyalty to the PCs.

Kesten Garess - The bastard scion of one of Brevoy's noble families, a skilled swordsman and horseman. Has pledged service to the PCs.

Oleg and Svetlana Leveton - the owners of the Trading Post.

Vekkel Benzen - a retired hunter who lives in a ramshackle hut about 30 minutes from the trading post. He has lost his left leg to a monster pig named Tuskgutter.

Big John and his sons - loggers that use Oleg's as a base.

Corax and Stas - another pair of loggers.

Jhod Kavken - cleric of Erastil

Ben - reformed Bandit


Chief Sootscale - The black-skinned kobold chief of the Sootscale tribe (named after him, of course), his tribe was freed from oppression by the PCs.



Baron Hannis Drelev - Another noble granted an exploration and settlement charter in the Stolen Lands, he has decided to settle in the Hooktongue Slough, building in Hook Town.

Maegar Varn - Another noble granted an exploration and settlement charter in the Stolen Lands, he has settled in the mountains to the East. Recently, he was noted as having slaughtered a group of centaurs in their own holy place.

Perlivash and Tig Titter-tut - A pair of fey that live within the Narlmarches. Fun-loving pranksters, they also have a deadly streak.


Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius - The Lord Mayor of Restov is a distinguished man in his mid 40's. He has two daughters Lovi is 16 and Istar is 12. He also has a son who is 13 named David. He is married to the Lady Dani Sellemius.

Swordlord Jamandi Aldori - She is a taut muscled older half elf who even though approaching 50 moves with the grace of a panther. She has the reputation of being the finest swordsman in Restov, perhaps all of Brevoy.

High Priest Ezvanki Keegh - The ranking cleric of Erastil in the city of Restov. Those with any K/Religion know he can cast 5th level spells. He is married, but his wife is rarely seen in public.

Lord Mayor Irven Revanisu - A skinny red haired distinguished looking gentleman. He is the Mayor of Nivakta's Crossing.

Sheriff Lorin Kaven - stong, affable man who seems very laid back. The Sheriff in Nivakta's Crossing.

Abbot Kara Ilarenika - a black haired, pale skinned woman. She is a cleric of Pharasma that lives in Nivakta's Crossing.


Nikolai, the Stag Lord - Killed by the PCs when he was defending his fort against their frontal attack.