Choon's Skulls and Shackles (Inactive)

Game Master Choon

On the Wormwood!

A day in the life of a sailor:

In addition to the regular workload that a sailor has from day to day, there is just enough time leftover, both during the day and evening, to try and do a little extra.

Each day allows for two extra 'Ship Actions'. 1 may be taken during the day, and 1 during the night. Up to 2 extra actions may be taken during the middle watch at the dead of night, but at a cost of risking fatigue.

Daytime actions include:

Work Dilligently: Gain a +4 bonus on any ONE check for a job's daily task.
Influence: Attempt to influence a single NPC during work (Can be done with Diplomacy [be nice], Bluff [act nice], or Intimidate [act tough]).
Sneak: Attempt to briefly explore one area of the ship (make a single Perception check or other skill check in the area with no chance of detection.)
Shop: Take a -2 Penalty on ALL checks for a job's daily task and visit the quartermaster's store.
Shirk: Take a -2 on ALL checks for a job's daily task and take time exploring one area of the ship. You can take 10 on a single Perception check or other skill check, but must make a check to avoid being discovered slacking.

Evening actions include:

Sleep: Go to bed early and sleep through the night (automatically recover from fatigue).
Gamble: Play or gamble on a game of chance or pirate entertainment.
Entertain: Make a Perform check to entertain the crew.
Influence: Attempt to Influence a single NPC (Can be done with Diplomacy [be nice], Bluff [act nice], or Intimidate [act tough]).
Sneak: Take time exploring one area of the ship. You can take 20 on a single Perception check or other skill check, but must make a check to avoid being discovered.
Steal: Attempt to open a locked door or locker. Must make a check to avoid discovery.

Late Night:
Dead of night actions include:

Influence, Sneak, and Steal as above in evening actions. If a dead of night action is performed a DC 14 Con check must be made to avoid fatigue the next day, if two dead of night actions are performed the DC increases to 18.

Ship Duties:

Rigger – Brillup
1) Rigging Repair – 30ft climb + Profession Sailor/DEX check (DC 10)
2) Line Work – Profession Sailor/DEX check (DC 10) + CON DC 10 to avoid fatigue
3) Upper Rigging Work - 50ft climb + Profession Sailor/DEX check (DC 10)
4) Rope Work - Profession Sailor/DEX check (DC 10)
5) Lookout – 60ft climb + Perception DC 10
6) Mainsail Duties – Profession Sailor/STR check (DC 10) + CON DC 10 to avoid fatigue

Cook’s Mate – Durvin
If job = Fishing/Hunting/Special Occasion, -4 to cooking check
Ship Actions – if anything except Work Diligently is chosen, job check = autofail
1) Cooking – Sober = autopass; Drunk = Profession Cook/INT DC 10
2) Cooking – Sober = autopass; Drunk = Profession Cook/INT DC 10
3) Fishing – Profession Fisherman/Survival DC 10; failure = Man the Bilges the next day
4) Turtle Hunting - Profession Fisherman/Survival DC 10; failure = Man the Bilges the next day
5) Bull Session – drink an extra Rum Ration but can make an additional ship action
6) Special Occasion – Profession Cook/Survival DC 10; Sober = done; Drunk = Profession Cook/INT DC 15

Swabs – Isabella, Reck, Noro, Sarenth
1) Man the Bilges – STR DC 10 + CON DC 10 to avoid fatigue
2) Rat Catcher – Stealth/Survival/DEX DC 10
3) Swab the Decks – STR/CON DC 10 to avoid fatigue
4) Hauling Rope/Knot Work – Profession Sailor/STR DC 10 + CON DC 10 to avoid fatigue
5) Runner – Acrobatics/CON DC 10 to avoid fatigue
6)Repairs – Profession Sailor/DEX DC 10

Other shipboard rules

Rum Rations:

A half pint of rum is given each evening, and is expected to be drunk. When taking rum rations there are three options.
Drink Normally: Deals you 1 Con damage (Which heals overnight) with no other effect.
Drink Deeply: Deals 1d3 Con Damage and attacks Fort with a -5 or the drinker becomes addicted, but gives you +2 to any checks to influence the crew for the next 24 hours.
Fake it: Requires a DC 10 Stealth or Sleight of Hand Check, but getting caught dumping rum will earn you lashes in punishment.


There are various forms of punishment used to encourage acting accordingly when given orders. These include, but are not limited to:
Rope Bash: This is mostly an on-the-spot punishment, and could even be considered good-natured ribbing. A rope bash consists of being struck with the heavy end of a ship's rope. This does 1 point of Non-lethal damage.
The Lash: The most common form of official punishment, primarily delivered during the bloody hour (at sunset in front of all the crew as witnesses). The lash consists of being whipped, usually by the boatswain. It does Non-lethal whip damage.
Cat-o'-Nine-Tails: Often referred to as 'The Cat', is a whipping, but with a cat-o'-nine-tails instead of a common whip. This punishment deals slashing damage.
Sweatbox: The sweatbox is a long term punishment in which the victim is placed in a cramped metal box left on deck to bear the full brunt of the sun's rays. It is equal to being in hot conditions. This punishment is commonly for anywhere between 8-24 hours.
Keelhauling: Being keelhauled is considered the last stroke in punishment, as death is expected to be the final result. The victim is bound by rope, tossed over a ship's keel (the beam that runs down the center of the bottom of a ship), and dragged down one side and up the other. If done fast, the damage is greater (1d6/round), but if done slower the damaged is lessend (1d3/round) and the risk of drowning greater. Depending on the size of the ship keelhauling can take longer or slower.

Wormwood Officers:
The only officers spending time around the sailors are Fishguts and Cut-throat Grok.
Barnabas Harrigan (Captain), Male Human
Mr. Plugg(First Mate), Male Human
Master Scourge (Boatswain), Male Human
Riaris Krine (Master Gunner), Female Human
Peppery Longfarthing (Sail Master), Female Human
Habbly Quarne, the "Stitchman" (Surgeon/Carpenter), Male Human
Kipper (Gunner's Mate), Male Human
Patch Patchsalt (Bosun's Mate), Female Gnome
"Caulky" Tarroom (Cabin-girl), Female Human
Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop (Ship's Cook), Male Human
Cut-Throat Grok (Quartermaster), Female Half-orc
Owlbear Hartshorn (Guard), Male Human

Wormwood Riggers:
Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone – (narcissistic male gnome who dresses like a dandy) Helpful
Barefoot Samms Toppin – (female human never wears shoes) Helpful
“Ratline” Rattsberger – (rat-faced male halfling with three missing fingers) Indifferent
Maheem – (big Rahadoumi with a permanent scowl) Hostile
Slippery Syl Lonegan – (insane female human murderess) Friendly
Tam “Narwhal” Tate – (male dwarf is an old friend of Master Scourge) Unfriendly

Wormwood Swabs:
Sandara Quinn – swab (female human cleric of Besmara) Helpful
Rosie Cusswell – swab (pretty female halfling with a filthy mouth) Helpful
Crimson “Cog” Cogward – swab (male human who enjoys a good fight) Friendly
Giffer Tibbs – swab (bedraggled female gnome with one eye) Indifferent
Jack Scrimshaw – swab (young male human with a talent for scrimshaw) helpful
Tilly Brackett – swab (tough female human who likes her rum) Indifferent
“Badger” Medlar – swab (old female half-elf with hair shaven in a striped pattern) Indifferent
Shivikah – swab (very tall female Mwangi human) Friendly
Aretta Bansion – swab (bad-tempered female human with big ears) Helpful
Fipps Chumlett – swab (fat bullying male human with a shaved head) Hostile
Jaundiced Jape – swab (humorless male half-orc mute) Somewhere between indifferent and friendly, you can't really tell.

I like the DC method, and from this point forward I will work it as such.
The DC will be set at the onset, to represent both the stakes and the skill of your toughest opponent.
Using Profession (Gambler) for your roll drops the DC by 5
Having 1 rank in Bluff, Sense Motive, Perception, or Sleight of Hand grants you a blanket +2 for each one. At 10 ranks they become +4

If you don't have Profession (Gambler), you can use any one of the synergy skills instead, but don't get to use the synergy for having that skill (i.e. you can't use Bluff, and get a +2 for having a rank in it).

The amount you win will follow the method before of [your check result divided by 5, and then multiplied by the amount of your bet]. That's how I see it, if you want to add anything, just let me know and I'll see how I would want to work it in.

To bet on events you're not participating in, it is just either a simple Int, Sense Motive, or Perception check. Synergies for the skills apply. This way, with less benefits tied to the betting on, you have a chance of winning more by participating.

If you fail the DC, you lose your bet, if you fail by 5 or more, you lose the total of your bet extra. I'm not putting a specific 1 or 20 rule, since 1 is minus 10, and 20 is plus 10, you already win or lose more by getting the penalty/benefit.