It's better to ask and make things clear, then keep a misunderstanding or misconception.
It's crystal clear.
Seems it was not clear to you.
Titania Evangeline Snow-fell wrote:
If any of the current players have questions about the new recuits, best to ask here so as us new recruits can answer them.
Didn't get that if you have a question about about something a character has, that it is better to ask them about it, then assume you know what it is....
Assumptions are just assumptions, not the truth of the answer.
Oh and I even made it clearer as I posted below.
Titania Evangeline Snow-fell wrote:
I put that up so that there would be NO Misinformation about the recruits based on snap judgements.
It's better to ask and make things clear, then keep a misunderstanding or misconception.
OK, that is scary, at least it was not dominate person...
That would of been really bad...
Thinking I'll need to swap out one of my Exotics for Iron Will...
Drop the Fullblade which would be more common in an area with giants as it is a Large Bastard sword.....
Drop the Iuak which has favor text highlighting it as also a utility item for survival like a machete.....
I think I'll dropped the Fullblade since it'll be problematic in tight spots (can't swing a 6 to 7 foot blade in a hall that's 10ft wide and 10 feet tall without hitting wall or roof), don't know how open the dungeons are, and I could find one later and then take the weapon prof when I get the chance.
If any of the current players have questions about the new recuits, best to ask here so as us new recruits can answer them.
Q: What is a Full Blade, Tess?
A: A Fullblade is a Official 3.0e weapon found in Arms and Equipment Guide on pages 6 and 7.
It is a Effectively a Large Bastard sword so A large creature like a Giant can wield it in two hands as a Martial weapon or one hand as an Exotic weapon, Medium characters can ONLY wield it in two hands AS a Exotic weapon, and requires great strength to use given a normal blade's weight is 23 pounds.
Also given it's length is over 6 feet, it would be hard to use Underground and in tight spaces.
Q: Did the GM approve the Full Blade
A: By asking if Exotic Weapon Prof(Fullblade) is allowed and getting a Yes, yes it is.
Q: That Feral Template is Too strong only gives bonuses did the GM approve this, Tess
A: Given I PMed the GM the Original and MY Modified version of the Feral Template and did not hear a No too it, it is in a grey yes.
Also the stat total of Feral is +2, (+8 total and -6 total).
The Feral imposes a MINUS 4 to INT AND a MINUS 2 to DEX, which is a big hit on the skill points, a hit to AC, Reflex saves, and Dex skills.
My Modified Version of the Feral template HAD ALL Offensive Abilities removed and Natural Armour Nerfed, so it is about half as strong as the Original feral template.
Q: Power Gaming with that Feral template, Tess
A: I randomise what was made with dice, and got this result.
Does each benefit each other yes, But did I power game it all the way, NO.
Look at the Feats, I picked Cold Endurance, and Two Exotic Weapons. I've never seen anyone pick up or use an exotic weapon unless it came free with a Class, And I picked up two of Exotic Weapons.
If I wanted to Power game it all the way, I would of picked a Greatsword as a weapon and picked these feats; Power attack, Furious Focus, and Cleave.
I didn't touch any one of those feats which would of amplified my damage output.
Titania: It's unusual for a human to develop the feral template spontaneously; it's more common as a "lost tribe" sort of thing - like being one of the Fruzzti (one of the Frost Barbarians or other northern groups that survive in great hardship) and from a remote, isolated place. Something handed down after generations of living in harsh, punishing conditions far from civilization. If you were to go more in that direction, how would you envision your character's background?
I though about this a lot last night before nodding off to sleep.
Lotta text:
The Feral template, since its natural attacks and special attacks were removed, we can't really call it a feral template anymore, more of a survivor's template.
Now the catch of her background
I saw it more as a "Be careful what you wish for" and "Divine hand" setup.
Farming work is Hard physical labour, so I could easily imagine the family were followers of Kord.
During the Giant attack, I could imagine Tess' parents as they are dying that they pray that Tess survives the attack and gains strength to survive onward.
As Tess is being chased and when she gets a chance to recover from her initial and following run, that she'd pray herself to survive and that she herself was Bigger, Stronger, Tougher, ... etc. and Kord grants her request since it is truely sincere and was also in a way the same wish as her parents.
Now the catch on that part is that before this giant attack, she envisioned her older adult self with a beautiful, well toned, and very feminine body. Now she has a body more like Arnold Schwarzenegger from Conan the Barbarian.
After getting back to a more civilized way of living she gained a bit of a complex about her femininity, since most women are not as; big, strong, or muscular as her, though she knows this strength is what helped her survive time and again so she doesn't want to lose it either.
Yeah, it's much too common. If I were a Paizo higher-up and we had an outage almost a full day long like yesterday's, I'd be breathing fire down the necks of my tech people. And they wouldn't get a reflex save, either.
I think it might of been the hosting service they have that was the problem,
Heck for all we know the Paizo site could be hosted on the same hosting service that hackers like to target with DDoS attacks or other service down attacks.
I alway tend to make sure stats don't drop below 10, but at 10 point buy it is hard when your character's race has 2 penalised stats.
If it was 12 point-buy I would not have the problem, since I'd set everything to 12.
Tess wakes up early as usual to do some stretches and exercises before eating her breakfast.
Jogging by the Nolton argument, Titania stops.
The Nolton's only being just a bit taller then her knee.
"I take it something happened last night, while I was working in the woods north of here, past my farm?"
I'm assume the halflings are 3 feet tall, and since I don't know anyone's height I can't do clear references with heights in text.
And Humans have a wide range.
If the GM needs NPC renders, just ask as they'll add to the details of the world.
Also since your New to GMing and PBP, I recommend generic NPC aliases that can cover a number of NPCs. One of the GM's I'm running the Falcon's Hollow game with noted it was easier to follow who said what and did what.
Hirda may get a few more hp based on these rules (I think I was alternately rounding up and down). I have my characters generated in Hero Lab, I can upload the files somewhere for you if you like. Hirda is all core rules, except for the traits and background skills, and Ironhide.
Since I also tend to GM and need files to be shared, I recommend Dropbox for holding files.
I hold a LOT of Files in there for Pathfinder.
Hirda of Kirin wrote:
Question for roleplaying purposes: Since this is a tiny and well-established community, are we to assume that our characters all know each other pretty well, and the NPC townsfolk?
I believe that your right in that everyone would know one another.
Though I doubt everyone will have a common image in there mind of how each character looks and how they compare to each other in height.
Did a group render of one of the games I was in and some players were shocked at the true scale of their character compared to the other characters.
At subsequent levels, you gain the average of your hit die rounded up (6 for warrior, 5 for adept, 4 for commoner) + your con mod.
Wait, don't adepts have a d6 hit die like commoners? Or are we changing that?
Checked the classes and your right they are the Same Hit dice, might be a typo from GM.
Perrin Alders wrote:
Brookside GM wrote:
Additional note, I'm going to be using group initiative. So I roll use for you guys and once for your opponents using the average initiative modifier of each.
Well, looks like I'm going to be dragging the group's initiative down a bit. Sorry guys! Those good old nonproficient armor check penalties to initiative.
I really believe nonproficient armor check penalties do not apply to Initiative as I looked over the wording for armour check penalties.
There is NO mention of Initiative being impacted.
Also armour check penalties have no impact on initiative in PFS.
Tess Character Render includes a 6 foot tall man for reference
If you want a render just ask
Though I'll need hair and eyes colors along with a height.
Tess whispers back to Fenlin
"I can, but we only get one shot and if he resists he might finds methods of counter measures for later.
But since I have no other methods, I might as well."
Tess Casts Charm person (Will DC: 14) on the Ruffian.