The Beast

Theseius's page

65 posts. Organized Play character for phaeton_nz.

Organized Play Characters

Rosie Cusswell
Liberty's Edge Tulip Glitterwing {d}

Female Halfling Fighter-2 (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Aquana Sirena

Female Human Wizard - 12 | F8, R8, W11 | hp74 | AC20(w MA) | Perc-22, SM-4 (46 posts)
Nazhena Vasilliovna
Grand Lodge Cerisa Frostweaver

Female Elf Winter Witch - 12(W5,WW7) | hp:62/62 AC:22(MA) | F6 R8 W11 | I3 P18 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-3 (40 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos
Silver Crusade Rigel Bright

Male Aasimar Cleric 7 | hp45/45 |AC 21 | F7 R4 W10 | P10 I1 | DV | SC | 124312-4 (2 posts)

Grand Lodge Seeonie {d}
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Jack Hurricane

Male Human Core Fighter 2 | F5 R2 W1 | I4 P1 | hp 17/20 | AC 17 (+SoF 20) | TSRR:0 FRR:1 | LE | 124312-7 (178 posts)
Female Elf
Dark Archive Zarina Rania Silvermist

Female Elf Aquatic Druid - 12 (0 posts)
Liberty's Edge Miko Mizuno

Female Kitsune Unchained Rogue (0 posts)
Dark Archive Derpi

Female Halfling Arcanist-9 | F:7 R:8 W:8 | I+2 | P+10 | hp:44/47 | AC 18 | AR:7/7 |S/d 1:5/5 2:5/5 3:5/5 4:4/4 | CG | DA | 124312-11 (83 posts)
Technic League Hireling
Grand Lodge Nightkit

Female Human Rogue-4 | F:2, R:9, W:2 | hp: 20/20 | AC:18(MA) 15(BoA+1) 16(Leather)| Per-7, SM-4 | Init +4 | BAB+3, MAB+3, RAB+7 | TSRR:1 | CLW Wand: 20/50 MA Wand:48/50 AntiToxP:2 CMWP:2 CSWP:1 MAP:1 DVP:1| 124312-12 | LE (803 posts)
Belfor Vittanis
Liberty's Edge John "The Doctor" Smith

Male Human Investigator - 11 | F7 R11 W10 | hp:91/91 | AC:19 | I3 P25+d8 | WoMM:34 | LE | 124312-13 (64 posts)
Liberty's Edge Vesuvius Ignus

Male Oread Bloodranger (fire) (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Jim Harkness

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16 (65 posts)
The Concordance Spica Capella

Female Undine Wizard (Water Elementalist) 9 | F:+6, R:+8, W:+8 | hp: 56/56 | S/d 2/5/1/4/1 | AC:19 | I:+3 | P:+18 | 124312-17 | CE (253 posts)
Jeb Graden
Scarab Sages Ozzie Carter

Male Ifrit Magus-5 | I:+3| F:6 R:3 W:3 | hp: 35/45 | AC:16 | CN | SS | 124312-18 (47 posts)
Liberty's Edge Katrina aka Krazy Kat

Female Human Bard-6/Sphere Singer-6 | AC24 | hp:75/75 |F8 R16 W10 | P19, SM18 | Init+5 | FR:1 TSR:1 | LE | 124312-19 (161 posts)
Beltias Kreun
Dark Archive Patrick Herschel

Male Human Sorcerer(Sage) - 10 | HP:62/62 | F:6; R:7; W:11 | AC:18(MA) | Init:8 : Perc:15 |Spell Slots: 1; 0/8, 2; 1/7, 3; 3/7 4; 5/6 5; 3/3| FR=1 | DA | 124312-21 (261 posts)
Grand Lodge Vailea Quicksilver

Female Undine Hydrokineticist (0 posts)
Bard Worshipper of Desna
Liberty's Edge Rani Frost

Female Halfling Rogue(Escapologist) - 7 | hp:06/45 | AC:20 | F5 R11 W4 | I4 P11 | LN4 TSRR:0 | LE | 124312-23 (179 posts)
Shel Lupescu
Dark Archive Prilla Frost

Female Halfling Druid-4/Warpriest-1 | HP-37 | AC-17 | F-9, R-4, W-11 | Per-10, SM-7 Dip-5 (53 posts)
Jemet Winderbole
Liberty's Edge Milo Frost

Male Halfling Psychic-5 | BAB:2, MAB:3 RAB:6 | F:2 R:5 W:8 | Init:3 P:13 | hp: 14/14 | AC: 14(18wMA) | s/d 1:7 2:5 | PCL:2 PCM:1 WoCL:49 WoMM:40 | LE | 124312-25 (35 posts)
Orc Seeker
Grand Lodge Zenae WP

Female Half Orc Fighter - 5 | hp:-10/53 NL:0 | AC 16 | Init:+2 | BAB:5, MAB:9, RAB:7 | F:7, R:3, W:1 | Perc:5 | CLW Wand: 18c (79 posts)
Dark Archive Triix

Female Lashunta Sorcerer(Starsoul) - 6 | hp: 26/26 | AC:14(18wMA) | F:3, R:3, W:4 | S/d: 1:7/7 2:6/6 3:4/4 | BAB:3, MAB:2, RAB:5 | I:2 P:8 | TSRR:F | HW:38c | DA |124312-28 (310 posts)
Ostog the Unslain
The Concordance Steppin Wolf

Male Human Bloodranger(Air)-1 Bard-1 | AC 16 | hp20 | F4 R4 W1 | I2 P3 |WoCLW 50c | CE | 124312-29 (9 posts)
Grand Lodge Tempestas

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30 (172 posts)
Nickold Starweather
Wayfinders Patrick Messier

Male Human Technomancer - 9 | SP:54/54 HP:49/49, RP:10/10 | E23 K24 | F6 R5 W8 | Init:2 | Per:9, SM:4 | S/d 1:4/6 2:4/5 3:5/5 | NG | TSR:1 | Wayfinders | 124312-701 (297 posts)
Kutholiam Vuere
Exo-Guardians Dr Galen Conway

Male Human Mystic (Healer) - 4 | | SP 28/28, HP 28/28, RP 6/6 | EAC 12, KAC 13 | F+2, R+1, W+8 | Perc +11 | Init +0 (63 posts)
Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Katrina Scintilla

Female Human Operative (Dare Devil) - 13 | SP:130/130 HP:108/108 RP:15/15 | K:32 E:33 | I:11 | F:10 R:16 W:10 | P:21 | 124312-703 | SS(J) (314 posts)
Dataphiles TGAP Tricsie

Female Lashunta Technomancer - 6 | EAC-19, KAC-19 | Fort-4, Ref-5, Will-6 | SP-36, HP-34, RP-7 | Perc-7, SM-1 | DP | 124312-704 (60 posts)
Female Sorcerer
Wayfinders Luce 'Stella' Lumen

Female Lashunta Star Shaman Mystic:5 / Armoured Solarion:1 | SP:37/37 HP:41/41 RP:6/6 | E:17, K:18 | F:4, R:3, W:9 | I:2 P:15 | S/d 1:2/5 3/3 | Spd:30 | CN | WF | 124312-705 (134 posts)
Wayfinders Solis Caelitum

Female Human Solarian - 6 | SP 28/42, HP 46/46, RP 7/7 | EAC 19, KAC 20 | F+5, R+4, W+5 | Perc +10 | Init +1 | WF | 124312-706 (133 posts)
Marquess Tanasha Starborne
Acquisitives Rani Silvermist

Female Halfing Icon Operative(Ghost) - 10 | EAC:28 KAC:29 | P:19 I:9 | SP:67/100 HP:63/63 RP:11/11 | F:9 R:14 W:9 | AQ | 124312-707 (443 posts)
Manifold Host Kyra IO

Female Android Mystic(Healer)-5,Biohacker-2 | SP:42/42, HP:46/46, RP:3/6 | F:8, R:3, W:10 | I:1 P:16 | E:16, K:16 | DB:0 | S/d 1:3/5 2:2/3 | HS1:5 HS2:3 | MH | 124312-708 (255 posts)
Second Seekers (Jadnura) Selene Scintilla

Female Human Witchwarper - 9 | SP 00/45, HP 30/58, RP 09/10 | EAC 23, KAC 24 | F+5, R+8, W+6 | Perc +15 | Init +6 | s/d 1:7/7 2:4/5 3:4/4 | IWS 1:7/7 2:5/5 3:4/4 | SS(J) | 124312-709 (194 posts)
Wayfinders Scottermander Tracy

Male Skittermander Envoy-6 | sp:33/42 hp:38/38 rp:7/7 | E18 K18 | F4 R8 W6 | P9 I3 | WF | 124312-710 (188 posts)
Spindlelock Servant
Dataphiles Hal - 418

Male Android Operative(Hacker) - 3 (0 posts)
The Beast
Wayfinders Theseius

Copaxi Mechanic-5 | sp:35/35 hp: 34/34 rp:5/5 | E:12 K13 | F5 R5 W2 | I1 P9 | BAB3 M3 R4 | LG | 124312-712 (65 posts)
Yndri Ysalaa (The White Mage)
Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Chryssi

Female Tiefling Technomancer - 7 | SP 00/35, HP 00/39, RP 8/8 | EAC 20, KAC 20 | F+3, R+5, W+6 | Perc +7 | Init +3 | s/d 1:6/6; 2:4/4 3:3/3 DC:15+SL | TSRR:1 | SS(LE) | 124312-713 (303 posts)
Exo-Guardians Asclepius Strax

Male Vesk (Low gravity) Mystic-4 (Healer - Medic Archetype) | SP:11/24 HP:30/30 RP:5/5 | EAC:13 KAC:13 | F:1 R:2 W:7 | Init:1 | Perc:13 (53 posts)
Wayfinders Octavii Scratch

Male Kiirinta Solarian (Ranged)-4 | SP:02/27 HP:32/32 RP:5/5 | K:12 E:13 | F:4 R:3 W:4 | P:4 I:1 | TSR:0 | 124312-715 | WF (134 posts)
Zjara Ambassador
Wayfinders Celly {d}

Female Aasimar Mystic(Empath)-2 | SP:12, HP:16, RP:3 | EAC:14, KAC:15 | F-0, R-1, W-5 (4 posts)
Zjara Ambassador
Wayfinders Celly

Female Aasimar Mystic (Empath)-7 | SP:42/42, HP:46/46, RP:6/6 | EAC:18, KAC:19 | F:3, R:3, W:8 | Spells/day : 1st 4/4 2nd : 4/4 3rd: 2/2 | NG | WAY | 124312-717 (463 posts)
Dataphiles Amy Mercury

Female Human Mystic(Star Shaman)-6 | SP:16/36, HP:40/40, RP:6/6 | EAC:15, KAC:16 | F-2, R-4, W-8 | Init+2 | Perc+13 | Spells/day 1:4/4 2:4/4 | DB:1/1 | CG | 124312-718 (440 posts)
Blue Hesmene
Dataphiles Ayoka Quonx

Female Skittermander Mechanic - 4 | Mystic(Star Shaman) - 1 || SP:18/40; HP:32/32; RP:6/6 | F:4; R:5; W:5 | E:15; K:15 | Spells/day 1st:0/2 | P:12 I:1 | DP | 124312-719 (305 posts)

Second Seekers (Jadnura) Pinkiee

Male | Sensate | Cold Resistance:5 | DV 60ft | Large | 20ftL, 40ftS Morlamaw Vanguard-4 | SP:40/40, HP:32/32, RP:4/4 | F:7, R:5, W:0 | BAB:4, MAB:6, RAB:5 | Init:1 | Perc:8 | EAC 15 KAC:15 | EP: 0/3 | ES: d4+3 | AD | 124312-720 (123 posts)
Acquisitives Bordle

Female Brennari Witchwarper - 4 | SP:08/24 HP:24/24 RP:4/4 | E:13 K:13 | F:2 R:5 W:1 | I:1 P:2 | AV | 124312-721 (222 posts)

Wayfinders Soarin

Male Sarcesian Envoy - 4 | SP: 24/24, HP:28/28, RP:5/6 | F:1 R:6 W:4 | E:15, K:15 | Init:+4 | Perc: +7 | WF | 124312-722 (213 posts)
Leaf Leshy
Wayfinders Volitare Fugax

Raxalite Mystic(Xenodruid)-4 | Tiny | SP:00/24 HP:26/26 RP 4/5 | s/d 1:4/4 2:3/3 | F2 R2 W8 | E14 K15 | I1 P11 | 30ft | LL | EG | 124312-723 (320 posts)
Second Seekers (Roheas) Vega Capella

Female Undine Technomancer (Wizard)-2 | F:0 R:2 W:4 : SP:00/10 HP:04/12 RP:3/5 | E:15 K:16 | P:3 I:2 | DV | 124312-724 (141 posts)
Second Seekers (Sarmak) Twilight Glimmer

Hologram Technomancer - 2 | F1 R3 W3 | E13 K13 | sp:12/12 hp:14/14 rp:5/5 | s/d 1:3/3 | SS(S) | 124312-725 (53 posts)
Hooded Man
Grand Archive Patrick Barnard

Male Human Wizard (Universalist)-9 ( lb) | hp:81/81 W1 | AC:26 | P:15 : F:16 R:18 W:18 | DV | HP:1/3 | SA+18 DC 29 | SS/d 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:3/3 4:3/3 5:2/2 | GA | 124312-2001 (407 posts)
Skywin Freeling
Horizon Hunters Katrina Caldwell

Female Halfling Rogue - 9| 14/87hp |0/3 Hero | F:14, R:19, W:14 | AC25 | Perc-16, Dip-13 | HH | 124312-2002 (311 posts)
Kutholiam Vuere
Radiant Oath Dr Sirius Bright

Male | Field Medic | Radiant Oath Human Cleric - 5 | 37/53hp | F:10, R:8, W:13 | AC19 | Perc:13 | Hero:1/3 | Spells: 1:1/3; 2:2/3; 3:1/2; DF:1/4; FS:1/1 | Spd:25 (73 posts)
Verdant Wheel Zarina Silvermist

Female Human Druid (Wave/Aquatic) - 7 | 70/78hp W1 | HP:0/3 | F:12, R:14, W:15 | AC25 | Perc:15 | VW | 124312-2004 (259 posts)
Horizon Hunters Luna Moon

Female Tiefling Witch (Night)-7 | hp:28/57 | HP:3/3 | F12 R10 W12 | AC21 | P9 I9 | DV | EA | 124312-2005 (160 posts)
Zjara Ambassador
Radiant Oath Celestia Sol

Female Aasimar (Human) Sorceress (Angelic) - 6 | hp:44/44 | F:10, R:9, W:12 | AC:19 | Perc:10 | HP:1/3 | RO | 124312-2006 (116 posts)
Blue Hesmene
Horizon Hunters Reeta La Fae

Female Goblin (Snow) Sorcerer (Nymph)-2 | hp 15/18 | AC:16 | F:4 R:6 W:6 | Hero 0/1 | 25ft | Per:4 | DV | Spells/day: 1st 1/4 (44 posts)
Verdant Wheel Prilla

Female Pixie (Sprite) Oracle (Cosmos)-3 | 30hp | AC:18 | P:7 | F:5 R:7 W:8 | DR 3/Magic | HP:1/3 | VW | 124312-2008 (34 posts)

Horizon Hunters Rusputen

Male Human(Winter Touched) Witch (Baba Yaga) - 3 | hp29 | AC17 | F6 R6 W8 | P6 I6 | spd30 | HH |124312-2009 (28 posts)
Radiant Oath Tempest Storm

Male Azarketi Magus-3 | HP 38/38 | AC 21 | F:9 R:7 W:7 | P:5 I:5 SM:0 | Hero:1 | RO | 124312-2010 (203 posts)
Lizardfolk Scion
Grand Archive Rukbat Mnementh

Male Iruxi Oracle(Lore)-3 | hp:35/35 | F:6 R:6 W:8 | AC:16 | P:7 I:7 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2011 (40 posts)
Snowcaster Sentry
Verdant Wheel Snowdrop Frostweaver

Female Elf Witch (Winter) - 5 | hp:36/36 | HP 0/3 | AC 23 (24 w Shield) | P:9 F:9 R:11 W:11 | s/d 0:5/5 1:3/3 2:3/3 3:2/2 SA:11 DC:21 | Low Light | VW | 124312-2012 (26 posts)
Grand Archive Betel Capella

Female Undine/Elf Sorcerer (Elemental Water) - 6 | P:9 | F:10 R:10 W:11 | hp:42/42 | AC:20 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2013 (267 posts)
Horizon Hunters Luciola Iridessa

Female Sprite(Light) Sorcerer(Fey) - 8 | | F:12 R:14 W:13 | P:11 | hp:62/62 | AC:25 | HP:1/3 Dr1 | ss /d 1:4/4 2:4/4 3:4/4 4:3/3 | HH | 124312-2014 (113 posts)
Belfor Vittanis
Horizon Hunters 'The Doctor'

Male Human Investigator(Empiricism) - 4 | P9 | 48/48hp | AC17 | F7 R9 W9 | HP:1 | HH | 124312-2015 (121 posts)
Leaf Leshy
Verdant Wheel Flutters Shyly

Non-binary Fruit Leshy Leaf Druid - 4 | HP: 2/2 | hp:44/44| AC:17 | F:9 R:7 W:12 | P:12 | 25ft | VW | 124312-2016 (70 posts)
Grand Archive Starlight Sparkle

Femalish Poppet (Unicorn) - Wishborn Arcanist - 4 | hp: 34/34 | AC:17 | F:7 R:6 W:9 | P:7 I:7 | HP:0/3 | GA | 124312-2017 (200 posts)
Figurine of the Ivory Champion
Vigilant Seal Dar Lek

Identifies as a Male Android Gunslinger-1 | hp: 17/17 | AC:17 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+3 | P:+5 I:+5 | VS | 124312-2018 (90 posts)
Seaweed Leshy
Grand Archive Konbu

Nonbinary Seaweed Leshy Thaumaturge - 3 | F:8 R:8 W:8 | hp:35/35 | AC:17 | P:8 I:8 | DC:19 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2019 (199 posts)
Female Elf
Horizon Hunters Ami Mercury

Female Gnome Single Gate Kineticist(Water) - 4 | hp:60/60 | HP:1/3 | AC:18 | F12 R9 W8 | P6 I6 | 25ft | DV | HH | 124312-2020 (185 posts)
Winter Witch
Horizon Hunters Glinda Lovegood

Female Sylph Witch(Baba Yaga) - 2 | F5 R6 W6 | hp:22/22 | HP:1/3 | P:3 | AC16 DC18| SA8 | HH | 124312-2021 (29 posts)
Grand Archive Vanessa Kraken

Female Merfolk Witch(Sea) - 1 (0 posts)
Horizon Hunters Zenari Benarry

Female Orc/Undine Fighter - 1 | F7 R7 W4 P5 | DC17 | hp 22/22 | AC18 | HP 1/3 | (0 posts)
Liberty's Edge Katrina Glitterwing {d}

Female Human Swashbuckler 1 (0 posts)
Belfor Vittanis
Grand Lodge John "The Doctor" Foreman {d}
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Storm Crowe {d}

Male Human Bloodrager (0 posts)

Dark Archive Phillip Kiteing - {d}
(0 posts)
Ostog the Unslain
Grand Lodge Steppinwolf Zepp

Male Human Air Elemental Bloodranger:1 | Bard:1 || hp:-11/20 NL:20 | AC 16 | F+4, R+4, W+1 | Perc+3 | BAB+1, MAB+5, RAB+3 | Init+2 (76 posts)


Ratfolk Sage
Dwinite - BotR

Male Ysoki Technomancer-4 | SP:20/20 HP:22/22 RP:6/6 | E:17 K:17 | F:1 R:4 W:4 | 40ft | I:3 P:4 (19 posts)
Leaf Leshy
Verdant Wheel Fluff Fang - FFoF

Non-Binary Leaf Leshy Bard 3 | P8(LL) | F6 R9 W8 | hp35/35 | AC19 | spd25 | HP:1 (34 posts)
Kevan Bokoloff - TGGTR

Male Uplifted Bear Technomancer - 6 | SP:42 HP:36 RP:7 | E:21 K:23 | F:4 R:4 W:5 | P:6 I:2 SM:0 (34 posts)
Manifold Host Khavarku Ivorik - ST

Male Vesk Mystic(Healer) - 5 | sp40/40 hp 36/36 rp 6/6 | E18 K18 | F2 R4 W8(+2vFear) | P10 I2 (18 posts)
Wayfinders Luna Scintilla

Female Human Witchwarper - 1 | F4 R3 W6 P4 | hp 17/17 | AC14 (19 posts)
Raia - L4 Pregen

Female Damaya Lashunta Xenoseeker Technomancer - 4 | SP 20/20 HP 24/24 RP 6/6 | F1 R3 W4 | E16 K16 | I2 P0 | 30ft (32 posts)
Zindarel - HStR

Female Elf (Seer) Gunslinger - 3 | hp:21/30 |P:E10 | F:7 R:11 W:10 | AC:20 | 35ft (33 posts)