
The Todd's page

Organized Play Member. 76 posts (82 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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The Exchange

If you use Psionics
Metamorphosis power 15ft

The Exchange

1) Pyrotechnits kit & Laser light show that fascinates
2) The Amazing Mechanical Elevating Stage, Foo Fighters use this
3) Wondurous Figurines of Stage Divers or Backup Singers

Theres a few for ya

The Exchange

4 people marked this as a favorite.
MrSin wrote:
Marthkus wrote:
Profession soldier is used a lot in the mass combat rules from Ultimate campaign.
Hmm... if a soldier does that, imagine what ranks in profession(Commander) can do!

Ranks in Profession (Commander) won't get you any skills. Officer's don't know how to do anything without their enlisted. Their useless. lol

The Exchange

Where would one post a rules question about 3rd party products, DSP Psionics specifically? Would it be here or in the Compatible Products from Other Publishers thread? Or is there another thread all together? Thank you for taking the time to answer.

The Exchange

Just got my hardback yesterday and you know what Jeremy,

Thank you for all the hard work. I read the intro and was just like, "Man these guys are awesome! They took one of my favorite things and somehow, some way, made it better.

The Exchange

Hawktitan wrote:

As others have said the AOO from Greater Trip is before the trip is successful.

I think that Vicious Stomp on the other hand should be an AOO after the target is prone.

The Exchange

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Democratus wrote:
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Additionally, as Paladin abilities are dependant on following a code, ALL of their abilities are Deity dependant. Check out the codes for the core deities in Faiths of Purity and Faiths of Balance.
Looking in the Player's Handbook. While there are other parts of the Paladin description that mention gods, the Paladin Code is not one of them.

I assume you are referring to the Core Rulebook, since Pathfinder doesn't have a Player's Handbook.

Code of Conduct wrote:

A paladin must be of lawful good alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if she ever willingly commits an evil act.

Additionally, a paladin's code requires that she respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not use the help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten innocents.

Now, individual gods do have their own codes of conduct, and you can find them in the Faiths books I mentioned earlier. Presumably Irori, Apsu, Kurgess, Ragathiel and others also have a code, but theirs aren't printed in any material that I know of yet.

Violate the code of Sarenrae as a Paladin of Sarenrae, and you lose all abilities except proficiencies, just like the book says.

So quick question to understand this. Do the splat books trump the CRB? If I am a PFS player, and all I have is the CRB, there isn't anything in the CRB to prevent worshiping two dieties in this manner: alignment restrictions within tolorance. What if it's a combo between Erastil, Iomedae, or Torag of some sort, all LG.

The Exchange

Trying to get some feedback on feat/trait selection for PFS character. I'm going for the beast caster type, so trying to melee with some touch spells being cast for attacks.

What are some good traits?

What are some good feats?

Is cross Blooded worth it?

Is Eldridge Heritage worth it?

Demon-Spawn Tiefling Paladin 4/ Sorcerer 1/Dragon Disciple XX
DragonFiend of Vengeance
Oaths of Vengeance, Wyrms, Fiends
NOTE: Taking the Oaths for Flavor only, cannot take them functionally by RAW
Possible Sacred Servant of Sarenrae w/ Sun (Light sub) Domain
NOTE: I picked this deity mostly out of her domain of redemption and went w/ the Sacred Servant as she is my savior. Trying to go with Sun (Light) mostly for Faerie Fire Spell.
(Green or Black) Dragon Blood Line
NOTE: While I am aware that area effects are better than lines, I think the black's CE alignment meshes well with the Demon's CE and the character polarized rebellion.
Eldridge Heritage (Arcane) after bonus DD Feat? Not sure if it's worth picking up.

STR 15 +2 17
DEX 12 12
CON 12 12
INT 12 -2 10
WIS 10 10
CHA 15 +2 17

Pal 1st: Know (Arcana), Know (Religion)
Pal 2nd: Know (Arcana), Know (Religion)
Pal 3rd: Know (Arcana), Know (Religion)
Pal 4th: Know (Arcana), Spellcraft
Sorc 5th: Know (Religion), Perception
DD 6th: Know (Arcana), Perception
DD 7th: Know (Religion), Perception
DD 8th: Know (Arcana), Perception
DD 9th: Know (Religion), Perception
DD 10th:Know (Arcana), Perception
DD 11th:Know (Religion), Perception
DD 12th:Know (Arcana), Perception

Pal 1st: Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil (1/Day)
Pal 2nd: Divine Grace, Lay on Hands
Pal 3rd: Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Mercy
Pal 4th: Channel Wrath (OoV), Spells, Sun (Light) Domain (SacServ)
Sorc 5th: Draconic Bloodline Arcana, Dragon Claws
DD 6th: Blood of Dragons, Natural Armor +1
DD 7th: Abil Boost (+2STR), Blood Feat (Toughness), Dragon Bite
Sorc3: Dragon Resistances (5 acid, +1 Natural Armor)
DD 8th: Breath Weapon
DD 9th: Abil Boost (+2STR) Natural Armor +1
Sorc5: Claws = Magic
DD 10th: Blindsense 30ft, Bloodline Feat ()
DD 11th: Abil Boost (+2CON)
Sorc7: Claws Inc a Damage Step
DD 12th: Dragon Form 1/day, Natural Armor Inc

Draconic Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight , Great Fortitude , Improved Initiative , Power Attack , Quicken Spell , Skill Focus (Fly), Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Toughness .

The Exchange

I've been away from PFS for abut due to 2nd year med school so pardon if I'm incorrect. I thought you could only play the regular blooded aasimar?

The Exchange

There's an alchemist hybridization funnel that lets you combine mundane alchemical liquids. So alc fire and acid. Then you can apply it to your weapon ala grenedier for another d6 or so.

The other alchemists guide has the skinny on some other very useful items that let you combine extracts too. He made a great guide.

The Exchange

What about something like this?

Slip the Jab: The brawler can ignore the first 5ft of reach for the purposes of AoOs.

Or something like this. This way he'll be able to get up into the fray with some more ease and the start pounding faces. I'm thinking about how Joe Fraiser was good at this. He was a brawler in the ring.

The Exchange

What about this? Instead of ignoring DR for 1/2 his lever, reduce opponents DR by 1/2 level.

For instance, enemy with DR5/silver, to a 4th level brawler its DR3/silver.

Not sure how functional the 1/2 level progression is, but you get the idea.

I do think they should simply change the themantic wording to brawler strike.

As for weapons, as a Brawler, they arent going to do just unarmed combat. I picture a brawler using anything in a fight from beer bottles to throwing tables to unarmed combat. Brawl to me basically means fighting in chaos and using anything to win.

The Exchange

I'm in my 2nd year of medical school, hell year, and am more so looking to enjoy this after I take my boards in end of May or in June. Do you think before or after that? Lol I need something good to look forward too. :0)

The Exchange

Anyone know what the date is on this? I've pre-ordered and have been looking around for it but haven't seen it.

The Exchange

Why not just state you want to use your reroll, put the shirt on overtop of what you have, roll away, then take it off. Does it specify the shirt has to be worn the entire session by RAW? If a GM told me I couldn't use my reroll because I wasn't wearin my shirt, I'd just put it on right then and there. Adapt, overcome, problem solve.

The Exchange

Fromper wrote:
The Todd wrote:
Quick question regarding traits from not retired factions. Since those particular traits no longer exist, do they need to be retrained? Without a copy of the previous Guide to Society Organized Play, you won't have proof of the trait.

You mean retired factions, right? Mike has stated, both previously and in this thread, that they can be kept. He has said the wording in the new Guide will be changed before final publication to include that.

I'd assume that anyone using those traits will have to provide proof that they existed in the retired versions of the Guide. Thanks for reminding me of that - I have two characters that I need to save those pages for.

Awesome! Thankyou sir.

The Exchange

Quick question regarding traits from not retired factions. Since those particular traits no longer exist, do they need to be retrained? Without a copy of the previous Guide to Society Organized Play, you won't have proof of the trait.

The Exchange

Check out the Philosopher's Stone Guide by Jolly and look through the discussion thread. He's been workin on this recently and the guide is amazing. .html?m=1

The Exchange

@ Joesi: Good catch I missed Infusion ability and sorry for the confusing language. I'm a bit of a scatter brain.

I happen to like the Preserving Flasks a little more for two reasons. You should be able to use the Admixture Vial to double them up and in my PFS experience there is often downtime in between missions or days of travel to and from missions allowing you to prepare. There is time to plan infusion combos ahead of schedule.

Now after following the above discussion as best I can, it's easily stated that one should have both to maximize their versatility.

The combo consists of
Standard Action of Melee Attacks using each Poisoner's Gloves both filled with Admixtured Infusions filled from Preserving Flasks prepared from days previous and Touch Injection filled with another Admixtured Infusion from a Preserving Flasks.

Move action would be drinking a potion via the Accelerated Drinker trait.

Swift Action would be the Sipping Jacket filled with an Admixtured Infusion from a Preserving Flasks. This does run with the assumption of the Infusion acting as a potion in this instance.

The Exchange

Espy Kismet wrote:

You get Summon Nature's Ally 1,2,4,5,7,9
And with a feat you get summon monster 1,2,4,5,7,9

So you could get Moonlight Summons and Starlight Summons.. and a few more summon feats and the like.

What is the feat that gives you summon monster?

Can an Alchemist take Spell Focus Conjuration and work up the summoning chains?

Do metamagic feats work with extracts?

What other good summoning feats or items could be used to combine with this? I think the admixture vial would be cool to double summons up to 3rd level. I do think one of the best parts is that with infusion, you can give it to all of your allies.

The Exchange

Nice combo here for a single round of buffing.


3 Melee Attacks
4 Preserving Flasks
Admixture Vials or a single vial and multiple days to prep
Touch Injection Extract
Poisoner's Gloves
Sipping Jacket
Accelerated Drinker Trait

Poisoner's gloves and Touch Injection Extract allow you to deliver Infusions via touch to either yourself, or another party member. They can be filled one/day.

Sipping Jacket allows Infusion usage on yourself as a swift and can also be filled 1/day.

Combine these and fill them with Preserving Flasks filled with Infusions combined via Admixture Vials.

The result is 1 round of significant buffing for you or a teammate. The caveats are the extracts in the flask need to be of the same level, the Admixture vial requires 3rd level or lower, and the sipping jacket further requires either Instantaneous or Round based duration.

Poisoner's gloves = 4 Buffs transferable to an ally or yourself via melee
Touch Injection Extract = 2 Buffs Transferable to an ally or yourself via melee
Sipping Jacket = 2 Buffs Transferable to yourself via swift
Accelerated Drinker allows potion to be drank via move action.

This is to say that you can't just free action touch yourself instead of making attacks and then use your standard to throw a bomb. I would feel guilty for doing that though.

@ N. Jolly: I saw you think the boro beads might be a little better than that preserving flasks. I think I'm on the other side of that. I like the flasks. You asked for my build earlier but I don't really have one. Snoodle is a 4th level PFS Gnome Grenadier that I thought was going to be an AOE Bomber but I'm kind of taking the buffing tract, even though its expensive. I'm kind of just making it up along the way and having a ton of fun too. I think the admixture vial preserving flask combo is awesome. So lemme know what you think and as always, lemme know if you also think the combo works or can make it any better.

Snoodle McDoodle says "Remember students, a intelligent alchemist is a prepared alchemist"
Snoodle McDoodles school of Alchemy and Awesome Explosions!

The Exchange

Nice combo here for a single round of buffing.


3 Melee Attacks
4 Preserving Flasks
Admixture Vials or a single vial and multiple days to prep
Touch Injection Extract
Poisoner's Gloves
Sipping Jacket
Accelerated Drinker Trait

Poisoner's gloves and Touch Injection Extract allow you to deliver Infusions via touch to either yourself, or another party member. They can be filled one/day.

Sipping Jacket allows Infusion usage on yourself as a swift and can also be filled 1/day.

Combine these and fill them with Preserving Flasks filled with Infusions combined via Admixture Vials.

The result is 1 round of significant buffing for you or a teammate. The caveats are the extracts in the flask need to be of the same level, the Admixture vial requires 3rd level or lower, and the sipping jacket further requires either Instantaneous or Round based duration.

Poisoner's gloves = 4 Buffs transferable to an ally or yourself via melee
Touch Injection Extract = 2 Buffs Transferable to an ally or yourself via melee
Sipping Jacket = 2 Buffs Transferable to yourself via swift
Accelerated Drinker allows potion to be drank via move action.

This is to say that you can't just free action touch yourself instead of making attacks and then use your standard to throw a bomb. I would feel guilty for doing that though.

@ N. Jolly: I saw you think the boro beads might be a little better than that preserving flasks. I think I'm on the other side of that. I like the flasks. You asked for my build earlier but I don't really have one. Snoodle is a 4th level PFS Gnome Grenadier that I thought was going to be an AOE Bomber but I'm kind of taking the buffing tract, even though its expensive. I'm kind of just making it up along the way and having a ton of fun too. I think the admixture vial preserving flask combo is awesome. So lemme know what you think and as always, lemme know if you also think the combo works or can make it any better.

Snoodle McDoodle says "Remember students, a intelligent alchemist is a prepared alchemist"
Snoodle McDoodles school of Alchemy and Awesome Explosions!

The Exchange

This is a good question. My alchemist uses hybridized alchemical weapons with explosive missile discovery routinely. I am unsure what the Int damage is. What if I have 3 damage types; cold, acid, and fire from bomb damage? I would like to think its proportional, but that's now RAW and it's really messy.

@ OP, have the player look into Targeted Bomb Admixture. That's a good one for double int.

The Exchange

N. Jolly wrote:
Espy Kismet wrote:

Did you happen to see my little bit about the Valet familiar?

Also, Does explosive missile stack with the grenidier's ability?

Yeah, and while I'm not sure it brings it up, it's something to think about. It's made me wonder if it's not cusping on GREEN, especially with Die for your Master.

And I don't see any language that says that it shouldn't, which is probably one of the best reasons to take Explosive Missle.

Funnel two alchemical items together, combine them to your weapon with Alchemical Weapon, and then make it an Explosive Missile to become Hawkeye (or Green Arrow, if you're so inclined.)

It's what my next character's going to be based around (That and a Launching Crossbow reskinned to be a grenade launcher.)

Snoodle McDoodle uses this combo all the time with Targeted Bomb Admixture for double Int. 1/rd hit for 1d6 Acid, 1d6 Alc Fire, xd6 bomb damage with immolation bomb I think is a combo I want to try on a caster. I'm thinking that will take out there casting ability for he fight.

The Exchange

Could you post the link to sky rocket. All I could find was the sky rocket cross bow and wasn't sure that is what the subject was.

The Exchange

@ neferas: Hadn't checked on the availability of the tangleshot arrows for PFS. Also found the dye arrows that are touch attack and not PFS legal. Sadness I tell you. Sadness

Another use for alchemical weapon is to give the away. It lasts for a minute and doesn't say who has to fire it. Your Ranger Archer might like having a hybridized acid/alchemists fire that adds you INT damage on it.

A seperate possibility is to have true strike as one of the extracts in your sipping jacket. Although this particular extract being used might need GM permission as its duration is special and not rds or instant.

The Exchange

My Alchemist uses it all he time too. Combine 2 liquid alchemical items with hybridization funnel, use Explosive Missile discovery, and tangle shot arrows for a 50' touch attack range increment and its a good single shot boom.

The Exchange

I saw the tangle shot ammunition on the weapons list. This effectively increases your touch attack range to 55ft at the loss of arrow damage. I see no reason why bombs wouldn't stack on it either. That great for early levels.

Snoodle McDoodle, my Alchemist, just got Explosive Missle at 4th. I ussually start combat with a Hybridized Alchemical Weapon Explosive Missle. Now with the tangle arrow it'll,be touch and as soon as I get a sipping shirt it'll be double INT from Admixture as a swift.

Snoodle like to make things go BOOM!

Edit: Oh yeah and if you wanna throw bombs underwater, underwater crossbow. Situational but you never know.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very good guide.

Quick side coding question. I like the spoilers. They help find what I'm looking for, but is there a code enabling closure of the tab from the bottom when it's open? This would help scrolling through.

So here is my recent and lovable Snoodle McDoodle's shopping wishlist

Sipping Jacket for 5K:
Absorbent fibers line this heavy canvas coat.

Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can pour a potion onto this lining, suffusing it into the coat. If the potion has an instantaneous duration, the wearer can activate the coat as a swift action to consume the potion. If the potion’s duration is measured in rounds, the wearer can activate the coat as a swift action to gain the potion’s benefits for 1 round, repeating as desired each round until the potion’s entire duration has been used. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. The coat absorbs only potions with instantaneous or round-based durations, and only those which affect creatures (for example, it does not work on oils). Once the coat absorbs a potion, the potion cannot be retrieved from it, only used as described above. The absorbed potion loses its powers after 24 hours, even if unused.

For someone trying to rapidly buff themselves in an unexpected combat this has some action economy.

Poisoner's Gloves for 5k:
These black, rubbery gloves have sharpened digits. Fine channels lead to the tip of each finger, which are often stained with foul chemicals. The gloves are used primarily by assassins to deliver poisons while in combat.

Each glove may be filled with a single dose of poison, a potion, alchemist infusion, holy water, or similar liquid as long as the liquid would not harm the gloves (for example, alchemist’s fire and acid cannot be used). The wearer can deliver the dose to a target as a melee touch attack or as part of an unarmed strike or natural attack with the hands (such as a claw or slam attack). The wearer can use both gloves in the same round using two-weapon fighting or multiple natural attacks (such as 2 slams or 2 claws). Each glove can be used once per day. Filling a glove is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Another action economy item is you're buffing someone else or if your buffing yourself. I'll take the TWF penalty to melee touch attack myself to give myself an infusion.

Admixture Vial for 5k:
Once per day, an alchemist can use this simple-looking glass vial to combine two extracts into one usable extract as if he had the combine extracts discovery. An admixture vial can combine extracts of 3rd level or lower. Extracts combined with an admixture vial cannot be combined again using this item or the combine extracts discovery.

Already stated that this is awesome

Boro Beads for Price of PoP:
This multicolored, sturdy glass bead is an aid to members of the alchemist class. Once per day on command, a boro bead enables the bearer to recharge any one extract that he had mixed and then consumed that day. The extract is then reconstituted and usable again, just as if it had not been drank. The extract must be of a particular level, depending on the bead. Different beads exist for recalling one extract per day of each level from 1st through 6th. A bead works on an infusion, but not a potion, elixir, bomb, mutagen, or non-magical alchemical material such as antitoxin.

Nice! Pearls of Power.

Preserving Flasks for price of PoP:
This small, durable flask is designed to preserve alchemical extracts indefinitely. An extract stored in a preserving flask remains potent until it is consumed or otherwise removed from the flask.

Preserved extracts count against an alchemist's extracts per day on the day they are prepared, but not on subsequent days. Each flask is capable of preserving an extract of a particular level. An extract stored in the flask retains duration, caster level, and other properties it had when it was created. The flask works on extracts and infusions, but not mutagens.

Let's combine this with the Admixture Vial. While its limited to keeping the extracts to the same level, I think you can still come up with some useful combos.

Formula Alembic for 200:
This magically-augmented alchemical device distills a potion or alchemist extract into the knowledge needed to create its formula. By gently heating a potion or extract in the alembic for 1 hour, the device creates a few drops of magical liquid. If consumed by an alchemist, this liquid gives him knowledge of the potion's or extract's formula, as if it were an extract he recorded in his formula book. This knowledge lasts for 24 hours. He may scribe this formula in his formula book in the normal fashion.

Using the alembic does not harm the potion, but the process makes it nearly boiling hot (it cools normally). The alembic can only distill the knowledge of formulas on the alchemist extract list (for example, it cannot turn a potion of a cleric-only spell into something an alchemist can learn).

Cheap way to add to your formula book.

Hybridization Funnel for 200:
This two-spouted funnel is used to safely mix two alchemical splash weapons into a single flask. Using the vial requires 10 minutes and a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check; a half-elf has a +5 bonus on this check. Failing the check means both splash weapon are destroyed. Success means the two materials are safely mixed into one vial that is the same volume as a normal splash weapon vial; when thrown as a splash weapon, the mixture has the effects of both component substances and creatures are affected as if hit by both. The mixture becomes inert after 24 hours. Only liquids may be mixed with the funnel. The bearer can use it to mix an alchemical splash weapon with either holy water or unholy water, but the Craft (alchemy) DC increases to 30; half-elves still get the +5 bonus on this check. The funnel does not work on potions, elixirs, extracts, or other materials. Mixing a substance with a similar or identical substance (such as alchemist's fire with alchemist's fire) has no effect. A mixture cannot be combined with another mixture.

Makes a great combo with Grenadier's Alchemical Weapon & Explosive Missile Discovery. Additionally, this could be combined with Arcane Strike, which I figured out after reading your awesome guide. It's a one good hit when combined with the right infusion can be even better. It's also almost an auto success with how quickly the Alchemist's Craft skill goes up.

Edit: Grammar Fixes

The Exchange

@ Aceswylde
For Half-Orc you can get a bite with the Tusked Trait out of Orcs of Golarion. They have 3 ways to get the same bite.

The Exchange

So it should be legal for me to purchase raw materials for alchemical items at a 5% discount. I'm a nickel and dimer and will use it to my benefit.

The Exchange

Do raw materials for crafting count as merchandise for the 5% discount for the Artisan's Shop Vanity?

By the definition of merchandise, I would say yes, but I'm unsure of what the game definition of merchandise would be.

Side Question on another Vanity. Is there a good thread on the Master of Trade Vanity and how best to utilize it. I'm about to pick that one up too.

The Exchange

Does a +3 bow confer the ability to overcome DR in its ammunition? I thought it didn't.

The Exchange

Not being able to bring my companion with me is one of my concerns. You can bring a large long companion with you most places but a gargantuan is a little more of a situation. Especially if its something that can't climb or fly, I can see the dilemmas there.

Mammoth rider is a full BAB with d12HD so not having your companion there isn't debilitating.

But a full companion with the right feats can be much more flexible.

It's still early and I j e time, I just want to make sure I plan appropriately.

Also, I have only read about playing high in PFS but haven't actually done it. So I'm still a little green in this area.

The Exchange


The Exchange

I'm trying to figure out the path for my character. My main questions are...

1) Which path would seem to be the most fun?

2) Which path would be the most viable?

3) Are there any other path possibilities that might be more fun/viable?

Here is my current Build

Lance Corp Clyde:

Half-Orc Beastmaster
5 Ranger / 2 Lore Warden
Traits: Blade of Mercy, Tusked

STR-21, DEX-14, CON-12, INT-14, WIS-12, CHA-7

1st Ranger: Whip Focus, Favored Enemy Humans
2nd Ranger: TWF
3rd Ranger: Whip Mastery
4th Ranger: Animal Companion, Spells
5th Lore Warden: Improved Whip Mastery, Combat Reflexes
6th Lore Warden: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip
7th Ranger: Greater Trip, Favored Enemy Evil Outsiders or Undead (Still thinking)

Path 1: Trip & Disarm or Trip & Wrap
Continue w/ Ranger taking Imp TWF(8th), Gr8 Whip Mastery (9th), Imp Disarm or Grapple (11th), Gr8 2WF (12th)

I'll be using the whips to disable whomever I can by as many means as I can. It is fun tripping almost everyone you come across but I know CMDs get harder as you go up.

The other option with this is take one more level in Lore Ward getting the additional +2 CMB to everything.

Path 2: Mastodon's best friend
Continue w/ Ranger taking Imp TWF(8th), Boon Companion 9th, Beast Rider 11th. This will give me a better action economy and I think it would just be cool to go all STOMPY STOMPY on things that get tripped. I am not proficient with animal companion usage so much and wouldn't know what I should by for my buddy, what feats to take, or what other companions might be better.

Path 3: Mega Mastodon's path of STOMPY STOMPYness!
Ranger to level 9 w/ Boon Companion and then go Mammoth Rider.

Thematically I think this is simply awesome. Tripping people and when having a gargantuan mammoth trample them. Um sorry, didn't see you on the ground there.

Any thoughts would me super appreciated.

The Exchange

Anyone post about Versatile Weapon Spell? Bard 2, Rng 2, Sorc 3.

Range: Close

You transform the physical makeup of a weapon as you desire. This spell functions like greater magic weapon , except that it subtly alters the physical properties of a weapon, enabling it to bypass damage reduction of one the following types: bludgeoning, cold iron, piercing, silver, or slashing. The affected weapon still inflicts damage of its normal type and its hardness and hit points are unchanged. This spell can be cast on a natural weapon or unarmed strike.

Might be able to pick up a scroll and have someone cast it on you in the mean time.

The Exchange

Is there a master list of titles for all of the modules from each season.

I messed up and got locked into replaying a module I already played for no credit. It was Scenario 14: Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch which I had on my list as 1 level module and not zero.

A master list, if there is one, would allow me to cross check my mods and assign them appropriately.

Thank you.

The Exchange

graystone wrote:

Look here: s-other-substances#TOC-Oil-Lamp

"Use the rules for alchemist's fire, except that it takes a full-round action to prepare a flask with a fuse" So alchemical "weapons" count as normal weapons and use normal weapon rules, but things like molotov cocktails require that full round action to get ready (they STILL use the normal weapon rules + splash weapon rule once prepared).

I've been playing that wrong for awhile. Thanks for the link.

The Exchange

Pupsocket wrote:
The Todd wrote:

Throwing a splash weapon is its own standard action. No way around it that I know.

I don't think it is.


Throw Splash Weapon

A splash weapon is a ranged weapon that breaks on
impact, splashing or scattering its contents over its target
and nearby creatures or objects. To attack with a splash
weapon, make a ranged touch attack against the target.
Thrown splash weapons require no weapon proficiency,
so you don’t take the –4 nonproficiency penalty. A hit
deals direct hit damage to the target,

Nothing in there about it being a specific standard action. It's not on the action table as a seperate kind of standard action either. It's just an attack.

Now, as for drawing flasks:


Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat...requires a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. If your weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or otherwise out of easy reach, treat this action as retrieving a stored item.

First of all, The "drawing a weapon" action is inclusive. Secondly, flasks are constantly referenced as thrown weapons. So they can be drawn with the "draw a weapon" action

The Bandolier is poorly written. If your GM can't use a bit of common sense, you might have to resort to semantics. You can use the "retrieve a stored item" action" - well thank you for the option, but I'd rather use the totally legit "draw a weapon" action to draw this weapon that's easily accessible right here, not stored in a pack.

It's in the table. Prepare to throw splash weapon is a full round rd action. Huh,

Sorry for the double post. Phone problems.

The Exchange

Bandolier is the same action as pack.

Throwing a splash weapon is its own standard action. No way around it that I know.

Not all alchemical items are splash weapons, ie tanglefoot bags are not.

Splash Weapons say they are splash weapons in Ultimate Equipment.

The Exchange

I think PBS should only apply once, due to it being a single attack role.

Similarly, Alchemists bonus INT from Throw Anything should only apply once due to the single splash weapon.

Previously I had a question about Grenadier's Alchemical Weapon (move action applied to weapon) w/ hybridization funnel so two alchemical products are applied & Explosive Missle Discovery (applies bomb to weapon and fires as standard action). My oridinal thinking was 3x INT damage with this but the consensus turned out to be single INT due to one attack and one total effect on the enemy.

BTW, Extract Targeted Bomb Admixture would add 2x INT w/ no splash, which Alchemical Weapon takes away anyways.

The Exchange

On cell phone but did anyone mention that throwing a splash weapon is a standard action. Fast bombs is good for alchemist bombs but I don't think it covers other splash weapons. Also with fast bombs do you need quick draw? It's not like drawing a weapon because its a super natural ability.

The Exchange

Lance Corp Clyde
Half-Orc Ranger 4/Lore Warden 2
STR: 21 (16 Initial, +2 Racial, +1 Level, +2 Belt Giants STR)
DEX: 12
CON: 12
INT: 14
WIS: 14
CHA: 7

Racial Beastmaster Trait gives Whip & Nets as Martial Weapon.
Racial Chain Fighter gives Dire Flails & Spike Chains as martial for possible back-ups if needed
Trait: Blade of Mercy gives ability to make all slashing weapons do subdual damage w/ additional +1 damage
Trait: Tusked give Orcs Bite Attack, out of Orc of Galorian

1st Level Feat Weapon Focus Whip
2nd Ranger Feat Two-Weapon Fighting
3rd Level Feat Whip Mastery
5th Level Improved Whip Mastery
5th LW Combat Reflexes
6th LW Combat Expertise
6th Level Improved Trip

Notes: My original idea was to make one of those dual weilding whip guys from the movie "The Rundown." Dex was going to be too feat taxing as Whip Master Chain is intense with feat requirements anyways.

So this is Clyde so far. Once I hit 5th, every humanoid is tripped and hasn't been able to get up to me with a charge yet. My party membesr love the enemies -4 to AC and CMD for being prone. He's fun to play. I've invested most of my money in scorpion whips of mithril, adamantine, & cold iron for overcoming the appropriate damage reductions. He's not much of a damage dealer but I still have my original Masterwork whip which can be held in two hands for additional damage if needed. It should be noted that he is primarily support and secondary damage. One nice trick you can do is trip, disarm, and then use another attack with the whip to pick up the weapon from their square, AC10, and place it in your square. Handy Dandy.

Some problems I've recently encountered and have known were coming up. We ran into a devil dog thing with a 40 CMD for a 8-9 Level Pathfinder Society Mod. Not going to be able to trip it w/o a Nat 20. As you get up in level, you'll rule humanoids, but outsiders and monsters can be a different story.

The future of Clyde holds the rest with Ranger. At 7th I get Greater Trip and 8th Imp TWF with Ranger-6. I'm not sure what else to do. I'm toying with Boon Companion at 9th and then Beast Rider to give me a Large Bad Azz Mammoth Mount. I'm even toying with Mammoth Rider to make it a huge Mammoth. Mainly because this would be simply awesome. But I'm not completely sure yet. Overall, Clyde is fun to play. I gave him a good back story.

The Exchange

I have a 7th (Rgr 5/LorWard2) half-orc Dual Whip STR Build Whipmaster for Society Play. I'll post up all his stuff when I get to a computer, on phone now, with some advise on what's good and bad with what I have.

The Exchange

So what's the concensus here? By RAW a stealthed character can SA someone w/ uncanny dodge?

I'm not sure if I buy it and if I DM PFS I don't think that's how I would run it. The first sentences of UD tell me, by my reading, "Before her senses would normally allow her to do so." It uses Invis as one example and it seems as if people are stating it's the only case.

I'm fairly certain this isn't the RAI either. It just doesn't seem very uncanny to be good at protecting yourself from invisible enemies but stealthed ones beware.

Either way, what is the concensus to this question?

The Exchange

It says flames & burning. So my guess would be fire. Also it specifically states it can be used under water.

The Exchange

@ havoq: Preblanching ammunition seems to be one of the best ways to go with those items.

@ samerandomhero: Good feedback. These other ways look pretty promising. Shame the Sacred Spell only works on the Pally's bonded weapon.

The Exchange

It's a little on the expensive side but on the rare occasion you're actually fighting something incorporeal this might make the fight easy if a few party members had it.

Now in order to use that item for PFS, one would need to own a copy of the Source, Pathfinder #39: The City of Seven Spears pg. 55, correct?

The Exchange

If you are yourself incorporeal, can you hit other incorporeal creatures? I've found a few items that can turn you incorp.

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