
The Armenian Man's page

369 posts. Organized Play character for Zin Z'arin.

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I searched for an answer on these forums and haven't find one. Does a superstitous barbarian (that is, a barbarian with the superstition rage power)--that successfully saves vs a cure spell during a rage (i.e. the spell is not successful)--still get healed for 1/2 of the spell's effect?

Cure Light Wounds, statblock wrote:
Saving Throw Will half (harmless)


Cure Light Wounds, descriptive text wrote:
An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.


Basically, I can see that being interpreted three possible ways, with varying degrees of adherence/favor to intent, the spell's statblock, or the spell's descriptive text.

Which of these is correct:

1) The statblock that says "Saving Throw Will half (harmless)" applies to all targets (Superstitious Barbarian must save, and gets half healing even if the save succeeds)
2) The descriptive text means that only undead need to save against the spell in any situation (Superstitious Barbarian doesn't need to save, and receives the full effect of the spell)
3) The descriptive text means that only undead get the half "damage" (Superstitous Barbarian must save, and gets no healing if the save succeeds)

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please see the Recruitment tab for chronicle reporting information; all other OOC discussion should take place here; thanks!

This is a first-come, first-serve open recruitment for a session of the Season 4 multitable special Race for the Runecarved Key for PbP Gameday XI, beginning play on 11 Sept 2022 and concluding on or before 20 Nov 2022.

Please fill in the following info below, and dot-and-delete on the Gameplay tab. Please only use this tab for chronicle information; all other discussion should move to the Discussion tab.

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Anything else you want to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

This game is recruiting via the Gameday spreadsheet. Sign up there first, then fill in your chronicle information on the recruiting tab. Please feel free to dot-and-delete below; the convention is set to begin on 11 Sept.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please reserve the Recruitment tab for chronicle information only; all other OOC discussion should take place here; thanks!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

This game is recruiting first-come, first-serve. After filling in your chronicle information on the recruiting tab, please dot-and-delete below!

This is a first-come, first-serve open recruitment for a CORE session of 10-10 The Shattered Shield for PbP Gameday XI, beginning play on 11 Sept 2022 and concluding on or before 20 Nov 2022.

Please fill in the following info below, and dot-and-delete on the Gameplay tab. Please only use this tab for chronicle information; all other discussion should move to the Discussion tab.

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Anything else you want to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

Qstor has a reserved seat at this table. If we have more than 4 other applicants, I will hold a lottery for the remaining 4 seats on Friday, 13 May 2022 (good thing it's not a horror scenario!). I plan on starting Gameplay on Monday, 16 May 2022.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Once players have been selected, please provide the information below:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Anything else you want to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

The Gameplay thread is open for you to dot and delete.

Looking forward to playing this with you!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

If selected, feel free to dot and delete; gameplay should start on Monday, 16 May 2022.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information for reporting:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Feel free to dot and delete here; we will kick things off in 2022 after the holiday season winds down.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information for reporting:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Finally, if you have not played games on the Paizo boards before this event, please let us know so that we can help you with some of the particulars. Thanks!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Players who have signed up for this session of Gameday X may dot and delete here. Please make sure that you fill in your Chronicle sheet info in the Discussion thread.

This session is set to begin on Monday, 6 Sept 2021, and I look forward to GMing for you!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information for reporting:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Finally, if you have not played games on the Paizo boards before this event, please let us know so that we can help you with some of the particulars. Thanks!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Players who have signed up for this session of Gameday X may dot and delete here. Please make sure that you fill in your Chronicle sheet info in the Discussion thread.

This session is set to begin on Monday, 6 Sept 2021, and I look forward to GMing for you!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information for reporting:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Finally, if you have not played games on the Paizo boards before this event, please let us know so that we can help you with some of the particulars. Thanks!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Players who have signed up for this session of Gameday X may dot and delete here. Please make sure that you fill in your Chronicle sheet info in the Discussion thread.

This session is set to begin on Monday, 6 Sept 2021, and I look forward to GMing for you!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information for reporting:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Finally, if you have not played games on the Paizo boards before this event, please let us know so that we can help you with some of the particulars. Thanks!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Players who have signed up for this session of PiazoCon Online 2021 may dot and delete here. Please make sure that you fill in your Chronicle sheet info in the Discussion thread.

This session is set to begin on Friday, May 28th, but may be delayed to accommodate players with a VTT session with the same PC, if necessary.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information for reporting:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Finally, if you have not played games on the Paizo boards before this event, please let us know so that we can help you with some of the particulars. Thanks!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Players who have signed up for this session of PiazoCon Online 2021 may dot and delete here. Please make sure that you fill in your Chronicle sheet info in the Discussion thread.

This session is set to begin on Friday, May 28th, but may be delayed to accommodate players with a VTT session with the same PC, if necessary.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information for reporting:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Finally, if you have not played games on the Paizo boards before this event, please let us know so that we can help you with some of the particulars. Thanks!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Players who have signed up for this session of PiazoCon Online 2021 may dot and delete here. Please make sure that you fill in your Chronicle sheet info in the Discussion thread.

This session is set to begin on Friday, May 28th, but may be delayed to accomodate players with a VTT session with the same PC, if necessary.

If you are GMing a scenario that includes a terrain challenge that seems unreasonable for an animal companions to travel through (example below), and the PCs are unable to present a strategy for getting past it, should the PC be forced to leave their companion behind?

Or is there an assumption that an Animal Companion is such an important class feature that this should be hand-waved so the PC isn't "nerfed" by the absence of their companion through much of the scenario?

Example: 6-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters:

This scenario involves descending down vines into a shaft of broken earth to reach the interior of a Gloomspire, where the bulk of the adventure takes place. Most 4-legged creatures (boar, wolf, etc.) lack adequate Climb skills for this challenge. If the PC is unable to provide some alternate method of getting the companion down the shaft, must the companion be left behind up top?

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on your next chronicle sheet.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Dot and delete; we'll get underway soon, starting with Level 6: The Clockwork Maze

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Feel free to dot and delete once you've signed up on the Outpost IV Spreadsheet (note: general player signups not open until 29 Jan 2021).

This session is set to begin on Tuesday, 16 Feb 2021.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill in the following information:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Feel free to dot and delete once you've signed up on the Outpost IV Spreadsheet (note: general player signups not open until 29 Jan 2021).

This session is set to begin on Monday, 16 Feb 2021.

Targeting high tier for this run, with a projected start date of Monday, Nov 2. This is an open recruitment, first-come first served (so we may not end up in high tier, depending on who signs up and with what PC). As such, this game will qualify for boon support under the OSP program.

First six players will be accepted; unless you think you cross-posted with another potential #6, feel free to fill in your info on the Discussion tab (or start figuring out with other players which PCs you all want to bring).

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Feel free to dot and delete once you've filled in your information on the Discussion tab.

This session is set to begin on Monday, 2 Nov 2020.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Accepted players, please fill in the following information:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Please also note any purchases or other items (spells scribed, animal tricks trained, etc.) that you need noted on this chronicle sheet.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please dot and delete here!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Once signed up, please provide the information below:

Chronicle #:
PFS #:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame/PP:
Starting GP:
Day Job roll:

Anything else you want to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

The Gameplay thread is open for you to dot and delete.

Looking forward to playing this with you!

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Dot in here please. The next scenario will start on the deck of the Grinning Pixie, the ship that takes you to the start of the next scenario. Feel free to roleplay your arrival at the ship, as you like.

I anticipate the first post kicking us off for real on Monday, 20 July.

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill out the following information for your PC:

Chronicle Sheet #:
Player Name:
Character Name:
Starting XP:
Starting Prestige/Fame:
Starting Gold:

Also, list out any purchases made since the end of the last scenario that you'd like me to account for on this chronicle.

Please add your information (include die modifiers in the spoiler block text) on the slides. I do a Door SOP spoiler, so feel free to add to that spoiler how your PC contributes (perception, disable device, aids to any of these, etc.).

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

Please fill out the following information for your PC:

Chronicle Sheet #:
Player Name:
Character Name:
Starting XP:
Starting Prestige/Fame:
Starting Gold:

Spell Templates | Race for the Runecarved Key (Tier 1-2) | CORE 10-10 The Shattered Shield | TBD

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

Few societies have so vaunted a tradition of leading crusades as Taldor, yet the constant revisions to its history by scheming factions leaves the truth obscured by countless acts of political modifications. Even the lauded Kitharodian Academy’s texts are riddled with these changes, so when a secretive ally approaches the Pathfinder Society with information about a hidden archive that contains the unaltered histories, the Pathfinders plan a daring infiltration to recover the secrets of Taldor’s past victories so that Mendev might benefit from the discovery.

Content in "Library of the Lion" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Cheliax, Grand Lodge, and Taldor factions.

Silver Crusade

I have a 4th level witch for which I'm retraining the archetype. As a result of this retraining, I'm losing my 1st and 4th level hexes to alternate class features. Below are the hex choices I made at each level:

1st: Evil Eye
1st (Extra Hex feat): Flight
2nd: Cackle
4th: Misfortune

My question is this: must I lose Evil Eye and Misfortune (my two most useful hexes) because they are the specific choices made at the levels that I lose hexes for, or can I just choose two of my four hexes to lose? I.e. could I choose to lose Flight and Cackle instead, essentially shuffling things around to look like this:

1st: Flight (lost to archetype class feature)
1st (Extra Hex feat): Evil Eye
2nd: Misfortune
4th: Cackle (lost to archetype class feature)

Silver Crusade

In general, if you qualify for two different faction goals in a scenario, do you think it's better to complete a goal that has only one box, or check off one box towards a goal with multiple boxes?

(Specifically, I have a Scarab Sages PC that can check off one of two boxes for the "explore an ancient site" goal, or can check the only "find a gem worth X" goal (both from season 9). Both seem situational (ancient site, finding a gem), but not terribly rare either.)

Silver Crusade

What is matomo, and why is my browser almost always waiting for it now?

Silver Crusade

Is this build, using both the Blossoming Light and Divine Paragon archetypes, legal?

Both archetypes modify the domain class feature. The Luminous Font feature of Blossoming Light causes the cleric to lose access to domain spell slots. The Devoted Domain feature of Divine Paragon causes the cleric to lose access to the domain powers of one domain.

Since they both modify different aspects of the Domain class feature, I believe that they should be compatible, but I wanted to check here before I play this guy to be sure.

Silver Crusade

I'm building an Elf Investigator in HeroLab for PFS play. He doesn't have any feats or traits that affect weapon proficiency. Here is my problem: HeroLab seems to think that this character would be proficient with an Elven Curve Blade (i.e. it's showing it as an available choice for purchase when I filter by "valid items").

Investigator doesn't have proficiency with ECB that I can tell, nor does it have proficiency with Martial weapons (so Elven Weapon Familiarity doesn't do it).

Is HeroLab just wrong here, or is there something I'm not seeing?

(Note: I was planning him as a rapier wielder anyway, so it's not a big deal if he can't wield an ECB)

Silver Crusade

A friend is designing a one-shot mystery-themed game where we all have to build a detective from pop culture to play. The following have been taken already:

Inspector Gadget
Ace Ventura

Here is my short list of ideas to play:

Sherlock Holmes (Empiricist Investigator)
Sookie Stackhouse (Fey bloodline sorcerer)
Doctor Who (Reincarnated Druid)
Encyclopedia Brown (???)
Patrick Jayne (Social-focused Bard?)
Dexter (Slayer?)

Aside from Sherlock, I'm pretty much rejecting most of the 'traditional' mundane detective types. I.e. no Poirot, Magnum PI, Sam Spade, Columbo, Kojak, etc.

What other ideas might I be missing? Bonus points: suggest a class/archetype for the character. (We'll be playing at level 6.)

Silver Crusade

Check in here once you've created your avatar. Here we'll discuss who gets what character, and how we play the game.

Silver Crusade

Are there certain character types that are too commonly used? Is there any character that you see in submissions for your games that you reject out of hand because you've just seen too many versions of that concept before?

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