SuperParkourio wrote:
Yeah, I know that is the way by RAW and how D&Desque games have done bucklers the way they are for years and years, but it is weird. Bucklers are held in your fist. They are glorified and ergonomic pot lids you can parry and punch with.
"Wounded Any time you gain the dying condition or increase it for any reason, add your wounded value to the amount you gain or increase your dying value" is on the GM screen, but I can't find matching language in the core rules. I don't think that the game benefits from such an alarming death spiral, so regardless of intent, rule 1 applies and I'm only going to add Wounded when Dying is removed.
Absolutely yes, it looks simple, just time consuming. You'd pick out a few spells of each level that are standard, the ones that are automatically learned. Then the rest of the thematic spells are just the ones that can fit in the +1 slot. There may be a few more wrinkles, but it is pretty clear that you are supposed to be able to massage new spells into the curriculum from the description of the class ability.
Arachnofiend wrote:
Personally? True Target falls cleanly under "arcane countermeasures for common tactical complications," the complication here being "the targets are hiding." I'd say that a Battle Magic Wizard might not get True Target for free, but they could sure use it for their Curriculum slot, no problem.
It looks like it is an okay boost when a party is in the field, but it really gets into its own when the cleric is spending time working wonders for a mass of NPCs, like a village saved or an army the group is accompanying or anything where it isn't looked at with ONLY whether or not it is going to help push the group through the next encounter. Probably not the best choice for Abomination Vaults, but maybe good for some other path that has a larger group to support? Hells Rebels, maybe? Agents of Edgewatch, perhaps?
Potency and Striking runes are also under runes, though they aren't as intuitive as could be. After clicking Runes, look to the bottom of the page and there are two buttons for Potency and Striking. I am looking at them on both the web page and the phone app. They are ALSO under options, but they are still under runes.
Is this an "in universe" game that is played by people on Golarion? Given that it looks like it is just five elements, I'm guessing that if so it would normally be played in Tian Xia? A good, quick game sounds very fun though, I'm glad to see some people got the chance to play it and speak well of it. Sometimes we want a game but don't have the spoons (stones?) for a full blown evening of Arkham Horror or whatever.
Big block of IMO incoming. I anticipate that the Edicts & Anethema system isn't going to allow much for Holy villains and Unholy heroes much. Those people are probably going to need to pick out some A&E from a short list of either "benevolence and virtue" or "cruelty and sin" options and since those are things that a character is going to care about, you aren't going to likely see one of them struggling on the same side as the other. Even more than the current Alignment, Holy and Unholy feel like you are taking a side in a cosmic conflict, not just have certain world views that make you a saint or a sinner. People who are generally good minded might still be Hellknights because they think the Hellknights are a force for order and safety, and wind up making life better for people in the long run, but they aren't likely to be Holy (not even Godclaw types) because of their acceptance of cruel and wicked means. They might not be happy that a village needs to be burned, but they might make sure that it goes as mercifully as possible. They probably might feel bad, but not bad enough to do much about it. You might get Sarenites that are more heavy handed and willing to do bad things to stop evil, but they aren't going to try to be Unholy because the cruelty isn't the point of what they think they have to do. If they think they have to burn a village, then that is a tragedy they must bear and they will hope for redemption along with being merciful if possible. Asmodeans are going to be happy to be Unholy because the cruelty and sin is the gold standard of their world view. It is right and proper in their eyes to be tyrannical overlords with torment and fear as their favorite tools. If they think they have to burn a village, then the village is probably already on fire because that is just how the world works. Bonus pay if it is in ashes before sundown because there is a new torture opera premiering and they worked hard for tickets.
HenshinFanatic wrote: And what of new deities such as the ones introduced in Rage of Elements? If you want them to have an alignment, it seems easy enough. Look at their follower alignments and reverse engineer them or have a guess based on the description. Atreia (the Lambent King) NG
SP3CT3R wrote:
Kineticists are Dragon Blooded. Exemplars are Exigents. They might look like Solars if you squint, but starting off low level with more customizable abilities map closer to Exigents.
Any concept that can be described as having incremental increases in power can be a class. Somebody who didn't start out life as the literal son of the king of the gods but instead got a Divine Spark that needs to be cultivated and grown into a roaring flame could fill that role easily. Clearly I'm looking forward to how they manage this, to get a character brimming with divine potential on the table. Rare is a good idea, though. I wouldn't want two of them at the same table, it would spoil the broth. Unless it is a Free Archetype scenario where everyone got at least a little splash of the God Gobbet.
keftiu wrote: I’m very surprised to hear someone turned off by these. They’re some of the most exciting class power fantasies I’ve heard in years. They look great to me too. Considering how many classes Pathfinder has had over the years there is bound to be some overlap in themes, but while the Exemplar sort of reminds me of a Thaumaturge because of empowering items and the Animist reminds me of the Binder because of bonding with entities that grant skills and abilities, they don't appear to map to either one. The exemplar isn't the monster hunter specialist that the Thaumaturge is and the Animist isn't dealing with Vestiges that have to have actual pacts forged with disadvantages and consequences for a bad pact. The Animist has a bit of Kineticist in it too because it seems to have the choice between a Sage which has strong bonds with one Apparition at a time and a Channeler who has more flexible bonds that can be swapped out. Not quite like single gate or multiple gate Kineticists, but it still reminds me of the focus vs versatility option in that class.
Confirmed that neither class is a pet class. No spirit animal or ghost companions wandering around affecting the material world. Best question "How is either class like Batman?" The Animist is like Batman because they can prepare for many situations. The Exemplar is like Batman because even though he is sneaky, you always know when he is there because of his dramatic flair.
Temperans wrote: If its that then I don't understand why they said its a new class in Golarion given medium and shaman have been there for a long time. They are vaguely similar in theme in that they deal with spirits, but mechanically they feel distinct so far. I think if I wanted to play the Medium or Shaman and the GM handed me an Animist, I wouldn't be getting the experience I'd be expecting, but I might still be happy with what is going on.
Dubious Scholar wrote: These new classes feel like they're building on the framework of Thaumaturge and implements in a way? A Divine Thaumaturge is the feel I get yes. Not the Belmont sort of thing that a Thaumaturge is and it sounds like you just automatically get three Ikons that get empowered as you desire, not implements that have specific occult connections.
Short typing. Divine Spark gets focused through vessels called Icons. You get three, body, worn, weapon. You put your spark in your Icon and you get the ability for it.
Weapon: Noble Branch- You have a very good stick, +2 spirit damage per weapon die & you can use an action after a successful Strike and throw more spirit damage at your previous target. Worn Ikon (with a K, sorry. Ikons. IKONS.) Victor's Wreath- You are wearing some sort of inspiring garb, headwear or sash. Laurel, medal, something that inspires your allies. You and allies within 15' get +1 to something, I was typing and it went off screen.
Exemplars are empowered by a Divine Spark. Very folk hero and what some of us were thinking the Demigod might be. Inspired by Hercules, Maui, Sun Wu Kong, etc. The iconic Exemplar (Nahoa) is also a nephalim because of the combat with a demon that also unlocked the Exemplar class for him. Got hit by a "gobbet of god-stuff that fell from the sky."
Animist sounds cool, at least in concept. Fun sort of ... not a witch, exactly? The power givers are called apparitions and are spirit friends that you hang with. I missed the name of the firstone, Custodian of Elysian Gardens? Imposter in Hidden Places Steward of Stone and Fire Witness to Ancient Battles They seem to give two lores, a small spell list, a specific spell, and an ability called Avatar that makes you embody your spirit friend. Not a Binder from 3.x, but still kind of cool.
A Demigod class might be something that could otherwise be called an Ascetic, something with a lot of innate abilities, but from a narrow list of concepts. Not something that gives out herculean strength at level one, but something with divine attributes that grow with the character. Maybe something built along the lines of the Kineticist, but with Spiritual essence rather than Matter.
A friend of mine with absolutely no background in Golarion lore said that the thumbnails look polynesian and asian to him, maybe these are Tian Xia classes after all? Shugenja? With cultural advisors maybe it will be a Shugenja that is more accurate to mythology? Or Exorcist as mentioned earlier would be fun with a Taoist flavor. Taoist itself would fit but might be a bit too on the nose historically speaking... But what is Mr Beefy over there with all his swirling tattoos and stuff, then?
We do have images for them though.... kind of. One of them certainly looks Occulty and might even be missing a finger. That might just be some sort of character thing for the iconic or a mistake on my part, though. It is over in todays blog.
It really does seem that the RAW and ROI answer to "I don't want to care about clan daggers" is to not care about clan daggers. All it means is that your particular dwarf is outside of traditional clan structures or traditions, but also with no clan responsibilities or expectations. Just a dwarf from a family that thinks of itself Kintargan or something. Maybe your grandparents still have their clan daggers, but maybe even some of them don't wear them except on formal occasions. Edit: A clan dagger is two gold pieces. That is it. Give a non clan daggery dwarf an extra two gold and call it a day.
Out of all the creatures, it looks like there are 20 with a Lawful weakness and 12 with a chaotic weakness. So... Yeah, seems like they are largely irrelevant if that is the qualifier. Or maybe they are just as relevant as they were before since they probably still do the same things and don't like each other? Not having a law/chaos axis doesn't mean that Maruts aren't going to show up and try to punch immortality seekers, after all.
I wish I could be confident that the Curriculum spells might add options that are no longer Arcane. If they added mental/material spells that were on the Occult/Primal lists, for example. Or they had more uncommon spells that you couldn't simply select by leveling up. But as much as I was hoping they would silo the lists more in line with the Essences that make up the Traditions... There is Invoke Spirits which isn't just Divine and Occult, it is Arcane as well. Sigh. My hope here is that Wizard class abilities make them better at magical stuff than other casting classes. Clerics do more with divine powers, sorcerers do more with bloodline specific stuff, but wizards should be good at magic beyond just spells. Better spell countering, better ritual use, using Arcane for crafting scrolls and potions automatically instead of the crafting skill and a feat, these sorts of things. Maybe spells specifically wouldn't be a remastered wizard's schtick, but if that is the case magic itself should be.
Paul Watson wrote:
Your memory serves you well. Sigil floats above the spire in the center of the outlands, Torus shaped like a tire with the city on the inner walls exposed to what serves as a sky and a view of the other side. |