Elvish Fighter

_Soros_'s page

92 posts. Alias of goodwicki.


"Character Sheet Templates
(0 posts)
Toff Ornelos
Agos Cheimón

Ancient Mariner | Male Dwarf Cleric 4 | HP 31/31 | AC 16 (T 11, FF 15) | CMD 14 (17 v bullrush/trip) | F +7 / R +2 / W +11 | Speed 20 | Init +0 | Perception +11 (darkvision); Sense Motive +10 | Channels 3/4 | Spells: 1st 3/5, 2nd 3/4 | Surge 7/7, Wind Blast 7/7 | Active Effects: magic stone 1/3 remaining; life pact 7/7 min remain (43 posts)

Eyeless Elf (13 posts)
Aredil Sultur
Argentine Keel

Executor of the Pallaver Estate (14 posts)
Augustus Murillo

The Queensman | Ship's Chaplain | CN Human (Korvosan) Inquisitor of Besmara 5 | Hp 40/45 | AC 19 ( T 12, FF 17) | F+6 R+4 W+10 | Perception +10 | Intitiative +7 | Spells Remaining: 1st 6/6; 2nd 3/4 | Active effects: none (160 posts)
Bergmann Klaus

First Living Thing Vernalis Met Outside the Sphere (10 posts)
Unselm Oldurac

INACTIVE PC | Book Salesman / Mystical Omninerd | NG Male Human Lore Oracle 2 | HP 16/16 | AC 14 (T 14 / FF 10) | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +0 | Spells: 1st 2/5 | Focused Trance 3/3 | Perception & Sense Motive +5 | Active effects: none. (28 posts)
Carduus the Bemourned

Medic/Miserable Bastard | NG Male Human Oracle 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 15 (T 10, FF 15) | CMB +1 / CMD: 11 | F +2, R +0, W +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3. Sense Motive +6 | Speed 30' | Channels 4/5 | Spells 1st: 3/5 | Hero Points: 8/6 | *Active effects: none (179 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin
Caslav of Lamu

Tainted Linguist | Male Lamuran Cave Druid 2 / Rogue Survivalist 1 | HP 4/25 | AC 13 (T 12, FF 11) | F +2, R +3, W +3 | Speed 30 | Perception +9 (low light vision); Sense Motive +7 | Uncanny Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st: 4/4 | Acid Dart 6/6 | Available healing: Red, Heal skill | *Active effects: none (183 posts)
Sheyln (Symbol)
The Choreographer of Flowers

Hummingbird familiar | Image | You get the unsettling impression this diminutive bird is judging you. As inferior. | Active Effects: none (15 posts)
Dr. Audubon Cawthorne

Respectable Physician | Male Tengu Alchemist (Vivisectionist/Chirurgeon) 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 13 (T 13, FF 10) | CMD: 18 | F +3, R +5, W +0 | Init +3 | Perception +6 (Low Light Vision); Sense Motive -1 | Speed 30' | Extracts 1st: 4/4 | Spontaneous Healing 1/1 rds | Active conditions: 25% fortification. (140 posts)
Man with a Pickaxe
Edgar Stone

INACTIVE PC | Brawler, tough-as-nails city watchman / law officer (102 posts)
Einar Arnesen

Norwegian Mercenary / Aspiring Condottiero | 7th Generation Clan Tzimisce | BP 19/20 | Willpower 7/8 | Wound Level 0 | Active Effects: Auspex (Heightened Senses) (81 posts)
Enemy #1

Small "flying squid" #1 | Damage taken: 15 physical (3 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Enemy #2

Darkmantle #2 | Damage taken: 10 physical | darkness 1/1 remains (5 posts)

Enemy #3
(0 posts)
Evie Lathrop

Polite Busybody | NG female ratfolk shaman (animist) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 15 (T 14 / FF 12) | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 | Perception +10 (darkvision, scent), Sense Motive +5 | Doors 3/3 | Active Effects: none (31 posts)
Father Padrick
Father Grimsby

Helorus Chapel Priest (11 posts)
George Shultz

Helorus Town Constable (8 posts)
Amulet of Desna
GM goodwicki

Combat Map (152 posts)
Gorvald Thrimbyrson
Gustav Mayer

Disgruntled Farmer (11 posts)
Horgus Gwerm
Gwerm Horgus

Portly, well-dressed human (10 posts)
Magnifying glass
The Haunting at Helorus

Narrator / GM (282 posts)
Sargava Vignette
Into the Unknown

Narrator / GM (66 posts)
Grau Soldado
Jacomo Pagliacci

Rima Kell
Katherine Pallaver

Bereaved Daughter (40 posts)
General Dakovya
Krzysztof “K” Sobczak / Outrun

Thin-Blood 14th Gen | Blood Potency 0 | Health 3 (5) | Willpower 4/5 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1 | Character Pic (67 posts)
Nadya Petska
Lavinia Snowbeard

Outdoorswoman | CN female halfling ranger 5 (divine markswoman) | HP 40/40 | AC 21 (T 16 / FF 15) CMD 20 | F +5 / R +9 / W +3 | Percept* +12 (+4 cold environs); Sense Motive* +1 *(+4 vs undead, +2 vs humans) | Init +5 | Luck 2/4 | Active Effects: none
Reference Pics:
(168 posts)
Salvator Scream
Louis Laroche

Male French Canadian Sailor (Radio Operator) | Unhandsome but Friendly | HP 14/14 | SP 85/85 | MP 17/17 | Idea 80% Luck 85% Know 70% (41 posts)

(0 posts)
Gnoll Mutant

The Sun-Touched | Munir's vocal range | LE Gnoll Solar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 2 | HP 15/19 | AC 17 (T 11, FF 16) | F+2, R+1, W+2 (-4 vs cold) | Perception -1, Darkvision 60 | Speed 30 | Remaining: Spells 1st 4/5; Solar Wind 6/6 | Active effects: none. (57 posts)
Psychopomp Ring
MyPlayers: Do Not Read!
(3 posts)

A Mysterious Voice

A Voice Calling From the Mist (2 posts)
The Optimumist

Master Diviner and Mentor to Vernalis; Deceased (4 posts)
Osseus Mercari

Image N Human Cleric 2 | HP 11/11 | AC 12 | SAVES: D 11 / W 12 / P 14 / B 16 / S 15 | STATS: Str 10. Int 13. Wis 16. Dex 7. Con 14. Cha 10 | XP 1549/3000 | GP 0 | Spells: cure light wounds (102 posts)

INACTIVE LoF CAMPAIGN PC | Neutral Male Human Oracle 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMD 12 | F +1 R +2 W +1 | Init +2 | Percept/SM -1 | Speed 30 | Touch of Flame 7/7 | Spells: 1st 4/4 | Active Effects: none (55 posts)
Rival Explorer
Rimy Jim

RETIRED PC | Cold-Blooded Chantyman | Neutral | HP 150/162 | AC 38 (T 18, FF 32) | CMD 34 | F +14 R +17 W +12; Resist Cold 10, Immune to Fear | Init +3 | Perception +30/SM +1; darkvision 90', blindsense 30' | Speed 60 | Mythic Power 3/5, Bardic Performance 4/30, Claws 7/7, Breath Weapon 2/2, Touch of Rage 7/7, Tactician 2/2 | Spells: 1st 5/6B 7/7S, 2nd 4/5B 4/5S, 3rd 4/5B, 4th 3/4B | Active Effects: 1 Cha damage; magic vestment & heroes' feast 11.25/12 h; telepathic bond 7/8 h; feather step & see invisible 74/80 m, acute senses 9/12 m, blessing of fervor 9/12 r, allegro 11/12 r (306 posts)
Dead bird
R’rrr ar’kkk, Son of T’r’k

CAMPAIGN COMPLETED | Corvid of Destiny | Level 2 Sorcerer | HP 13/13 | AC 14 (T 14, FF 12) CMD 11 | F +1, R +4, W +5 | Perception +3 | 5/5 1st lvl spells | Touch of Destiny 5/6 (65 posts)
Shadowy Creature
(0 posts)

Shadowy Figure

A Disconcerting "Weirdling" From the Mist / has taken 3 acid, 5 fire, and 5 physical damage (9 posts)
Shadwell the Overlooked

INACTIVE PC | Stealthy recon wizard (35 posts)
Sir Holton

RETIRED PC | Quarantine | COOL+3 | Hard+1 | Hot+1 | Sharp+1 | WEIRD+1 | Armor 0 | Harm 2/6 (6:00) | Exp ●●●●○ (98 posts)
Avid Arnsen
Stanislav Telovich Vredovsky

Russian Doctor (60 posts)
Taxman B4

Tar'ff Offic'r (4 posts)
The Tick in the Barrel

Curious Parasitiform (202 posts)

NG male half-orc druid (feyspeaker) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC 16 (T 13 / FF 13) | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Perception +10 (low-light vision), Sense Motive +6 (25 posts)
Wax Golem
Utrim Obolus

Disfigured Dissident | LN M human | Vigor 39/39 Wounds 45/45 (Thresh 22) | AC 21 (T 14 FF 19) | Fort +9; Ref +6; Will +9 | Perception +2; Sense Motive +10 | Spell Pts 26/26 | Channels 9/9 | Energy Body 5/5 | Claws 9/9 | Mythic Power 7/7 | Immune sickened | *Active Effects: none (12 posts)
Anevia Tirablade

Lame Human (7 posts)
Gamar Deshta
Vernor Schneider

INACTIVE NPC | Mayor of Helorus (4 posts)
The Waiting Room 2
(0 posts)

The Waiting Room
(0 posts)
Grand Necromancer
The Witness

Our Wizard Friend; αμαυρωμένος φίλος; विन्डस्पीकर | N Male Human Wizard (Scroll Scholar) (Diviner) 12 | HP: 90/90 | Magic | Perception +35, Sense Motive +18 | Speed 30 | AC: 27 (T 17, FF 21) | CMD: 31 | F +8, R +12, W +13 | Init +23 | Resist 10 acid, cold | Active Effects: detect scrying, fortification 50%, endure elements, mythic mage armor ,statue, darkvision, freedom of movement (13/13 rounds remaining); 1 Reroll (953 posts)
Sleepless Detective

of the Five Fathers and Ten Secrets; the Awakened Dream (59 posts)
Elvish Fighter

Arrogant Abjurer | Male Suel Wizard 1 | HP 7/7 (Healthy) | AC 12 (T 12 / FF 12) | CMD 12 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +9 | Perception & Sense Motive +3 | Init +2 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Protective Ward 6/6 | *Active Effects: Resist Cold 5 (92 posts)