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![]() Can't wait to hear/read the results! "I might've gotten a bit hot under the collar, but as far as destroying his merchandise goes, that's an out-right lie! The slovenly state of his table is his own responsibility." Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 The guard looks at the larger red man with the strange face intently, and back at the merchant as if to determine who's story to believe. [dice=Sense Motive, NPC Codex "Guard"]1d20+4[/dice] The guard turns to the merchant and says, "You may have the right to set prices and refuse service, but you do not have the right to charge extra to some over others. That is extortion. You also do not have the right to lie to a guardsman. So I'll need to place you under arrest for extortion and obstruction of justice." He nods tersely in the man's direction and two other guards clack manacles on him and carry him away to his ridiculous and loud protest. ![]()
![]() The large-muscled red man puts a hand in front of Laurentii, changing his look for a a look on his face that says, thanks, but now's not the time. Shauldrek grins and takes a step back while cleaning the pulp off his fist. When the smallish guard asks his question, Shauldrek is more than willing to answer him. "Thank you for coming, officer. I'd like to report an extortion. This self-important bigot overpriced his goods for a half-elf simply for being what he is." As if to drive home his point, the hungerseed crosses his arms showing off his asymmetry; and tilting his head to the right so the gems in his right forehead to glint in the light. ![]()
![]() Sorry for my recent silence Shauldrek steps up to the racist fool, no longer capable of keeping a lid on his fragile temper. "Lesser?! LESSER?! The hungerseed's already red skin begins to flush to a deep purple as it has so often before, "I wonder how you feel about Oni-spawn? Tieflings?! Probably think we're LESSER species as well, eh?" His larger arm comes crashing down on the table destroying whatever produce might've been beneath it. "Why don't you come out from behind your counter, and SHOW me just how SUPERIOR you are!" Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 ![]()
![]() Seeing as how Shauldrek will have been raised by Shalelu, it stands to reason that the two of us would've trained together at one point or other. What teamwork feat(s) do you have? Shauldrek answers the kobold, "That must be nice. I was brought up by a couple different people, mostly Shalelu. She was more of a big sister than anything else, though." Later... As the caravan approaches the big city, Shauldrek alters himself to his go-to human image: same height and build but more proportionate, and with tan human-fleshtone skin, wild white hair and yellow-brown eyes. He glances over at the reptiles, "Helps to blend in some times...especially when people don't know me." Later... By the time they reached a small bazaar outside their inn, Shauldrek's spell had worn off, and the townsfolk could see him for what he was. But after the initial gasps and questions he'd gotten used to, everyone goes back to their lives. If only I'd been born around here, he thinks. Seeing Elric and Anto head toward a particular stall, he follows nigh-instinctively having trained a good bit with the two of them. Unlike usual, however, Elric speaks first. I guess he is a little more invested when it comes to half-elves, Shauldrek thinks. So the hungerseed stands behind his cohort and does his best to look intimidating (which isn't hard for him). ![]()
![]() "Talk, huh? Well, if that's how you talk, then I certainly can't fault you for it can I?" He returns his arrow to its quiver. "The name's Shauldrek, Inquisitor of Valani," he salutes the flying creature with his oversized left arm.
![]() Excited to play! Here's my entry, that's considering we can use Fiendish Heritages. If it requires a feat or if they're not allowed, that's fine, just let me know and I'll change the numbers (I'd still like to keep the heritage for fluff though, if that's okay). Shauldrek is a strong inquisitor who subdues (debuff, nonlethal, bludgeoning, etc). Personality:
Shauldrek is as hot-tempered as his patron deity, but loyalty means a lot to him, and he will gladly die for anyone he makes friends with, which he's quick to do given his lonely and tragic past. To them, he's a big brother, or wild uncle depending on how they take the age difference. Motivation:
Shauldrek's motivation is to prove himself. He's trying to deny his Oni heritage, as the one time he gave in (blackmailing a merchant) it got him thrown out of his town. Therefore, everything he does is to prove to himself, Shalelu, and the druids who found him that he's not that boy anymore, but instead has grown into an honest, and driven adult by doing the will of Valani, the deity who took him in. Writing Sample/Backstory: Shauldrek ran, always at a bit of a skip when he wasn't in human form, and that only made the tears run more. They filled his eyes so that he was honestly running from muscle memory rather than sight. He ran past rolling hills, rocks, trees, he ran so far up the mountain, he got lost. He sat and weeped as it began to rain. As the water collected in a puddle at his feet he could see his face, this monstrous face which earned him so much ridicule and gave his town the excuse they needed to run him out when he broke the law. His red skin and bald head, the jewels in his right brow, and his big eye, big nostril, big left side in general. He smashed the puddle with his oversized left arm and cried out. Almost as an echo to his cry there was a shout. But not a shout of anger or despair, rather of joy. It was followed by laughter. The boy stood--as best he could--and looked out to see smoke billowing up in the distance. He sought it out and when he did he saw several humans, elves, gnomes, and even animals dancing about a huge bonfire. They were making shell necklaces and adorning each other with them; singing and dancing wildly about in worship to someone called Valani. It was the first he'd heard of anyone like that, and he had to know more, so he did what he'd done so many times before, he visualized a normal-looking boy with tan skin and white-blonde hair, and altered himself to become that boy for a time. He then approached the fire and they welcomed the newcomer in the dance. They taught him about Valani and his dominion over the volcano and the seasons and the storms and they feasted with him. Before the night grew too late, however, Shauldrek's humanity faded away to reveal the hungerseed underneath. He began to pick himself up to leave, but he was stopped, "Where are you going, Shauldrek?" The eldest druid, Agniel, asked. "I'm a tiefling, my true form will come soon, and I do not wish to frighten you," he answered, "I am quite ugly." The druid held the boy's shoulders and watched him change. The druid simply grinned and chuckled, "Ha, so you are asymmetrical! Do you know what else is often so? Volcanoes! Storms! Earthquakes! All asymmetrical, and do you know what else? Quite beautiful indeed!" From that point forward, Shauldrek came to love Agniel as a father, and expressed a desire to train as a cleric. Agniel agreed, but over time came to the conclusion that with Shauldrek's natural skill for combat and guile, that his service to Valani would be better served as an inquisitor of the faith, carrying out Valani's wrath, and fulfilling his will to do good, not by the laws of men, but by the laws of nature. ![]()
![]() "Selling tieflings is easy if we can get them to Cheliax...issue is getting them there." Shauldrek flexes his abnormally large right arm, "But I've dealt in ettin so how hard can it be?" Also, I agree, it seems logical that tieflings would be attracted to the worship of the Lord of Demons, and that those tieflings would be attracted to what these people consider heinous crimes. ![]()
![]() You might've seen I have "Slave-Taker" as my crime (which I was ecstatic to find as it fits perfectly with him being Hungerseed); and I made it a little more clear in the background. Also, I added a feat since I read that we don't have to take Fiendish Heritage. I wanted him to have an alternate physical feature (given his monstrous parentage), so I already planned on him having an abnormally large right arm (purely for fluff) if that's okay (I included it in the updated background). I'd like to roll here for a variant ability if I may. Variant Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 89: inflict light wounds as a spell-like ability...that fits quite nicely! Shauldrek wouldn't want to use alter self all that much anyway. ![]()
![]() Okay, I made a few changes to Shauldrek to make him work a little better. A friend of mine pointed out that the Heresy Inquisition worked a lot better for him than the Rage Domain, as well as developing him into a more versatile character, with which I agree; all the changes are based on this. Also for the feat I took "Judgment Surge." ![]()
![]() Using this character as a base, have to revamp his backstory and traits nigh-completely (obviously) but I think he will work well in this world. I'm thinking an inquisitor for the one god, a repulsive tiefling who only ever saw approval in the eyes of the instructors responsible for indoctrination, and so does whatever he can to please them and the god they serve. His physique and personality leads him to killing the enemies of the god rather than study and worship. ALSO: since we're all starting in the same communist-esque schoolhouse/city, is Poverty-Stricken an allowed trait? ALSO ALSO: What can you tell us about the god? (name, holy text, available domains, favored weapon, etc.) ![]()
![]() DM Grimmy wrote:
Guilty. Frankly, I'm tired of completely rehashing characters/creating fully playable characters only to not be selected. Like I said, select me and you'll get what you want. If you honestly need more before you can make a selection, give me specifics (i.e. not "the full character" because I've GM'd enough to know that's a load) and I'll get them to you ASAP. You have my word. ![]()
![]() 1. How would you introduce yourself to the crew of the airship?
2. Why should the crew of the airship take you onboard and share their plunder with you? "My arm is strong, my strike is true, and my motives are evident. As far as plunder, a little will be substantially more than I'm used to, so sharing with me won't be quite so costly as it might with others." 3. What does your character want to get out of flying on the airship? Inwardly? Outwardly? Are they different? Shauldrek wants money, recognition, and a little freedom from the church. None of these goals is a secret. ![]()
![]() Sorry 'bout that, here we go: Shauldrek and His Father: Shauldrek's atamahuta oni father fled from the Eastern Continent and made a home for himself in the World's Edge mountain range. It was from here that he occasionally walked among the Taldans of Yanamass under the visage of a human: a practice which eventually resulted in Shauldrek's birth. When Shauldrek "chose" to live a life apart, it was a natural-feeling course for him to retreat to the mountains--they were in his blood after all. It wasn't long before his and his birth-father's hunting paths crossed, but as a child, Shauldrek was no match for the atamahuta's rage at the thought of this abomination. Luckily for Shauldrek, a Carrion Golem and his Tiefling master along with a Peryton, and what seemed to be a quasi-intelligent pile of small rocks stepped in to defeat the Oni. As it happens, in the years the atamahuta had been there he had, like all atamahuta do, been attempting to amass himself a slave ring of lesser monsters. His unfamiliarity with the region and it's beasts made this a much more difficult undertaking than he'd originally planned, and he was forced to kill many of the beasts in the area. This garnered the very specific attention of the Cult of Draghignazzo the Lord of Monsters. Since Shauldrek had been knocked unconscious and was therefore in his true form, the Tiefling leader of the troupe decided to take him in, seeing that he could be a great asset to their cause.
![]() Here's everything I saw in your post on character creation: Shauldrek
Backstory: His Oni father was stricken with great lust for his human mother after watching her dance. He could not let anything get in the way of what he wanted, so he killed her husband and took his form in order to make love to her. When Shauldrek was born, his mother took pity on him. That is until the bullying of the other children drove him to give in to his trickster heritage and fool the leader of the entertainers' guild into a scandal which got him arrested, leaving the guild to fend for themselves. It was clear to Shauldrek and his mother and older sister that his leaving was the best thing for all of them. On his quest to discover his place, his father sought him out to destroy him, seeing him as a lesser being. Shauldrek was nearly killed, but a cult worshipping the devil dragon Draghignazzo saved him from his father and killed the Atamahuta. The church then took him in, and he felt at home there in the monster church, no longer feeling the need to alter his garish appearance. He even attempted to train as a cleric, but when the clergy learnt of his parentage, they saw a better purpose for him: to seek out and destroy those who--like the Oni--would undermine Draghignazzo's dominion over monstrous beings, as an inquisitor. His career as an inquisitor for Draghignazzo has been lengthy and full of toil, but the work has been…fulfilling. It’s taken him many places and he’s felled many a would-be master of monsters. It hasn’t however, paid very well. Tired of being sent on mission after mission to no appraise or reward from the church of beasts, he’s taken a detour from his current mission to fly with the pirates and finally get paid for the use of his Greataxe.
![]() leinathan wrote:
You forgot me. Shauldrek- 14th level oni-born tiefling Draghignazzite Inquisitor, NE, Champion.![]()
![]() Okay, yeah I thought about Ragathiel, but didn't think he fit the character very well, but I suppose since Vengeance is part of the portfolio he'll do. So Shauldrek, on his trek to find his place in the world is attacked by his father, the Atamahuta Oni (I am going for Exposed to Awfulness and the Guardian position). The followers of Ragathiel save him and take him in. He doesn't feel comfortable around these people, as they are all very skilled and therefore look better than others who've seen as many battles as they. So Shauldrek perfects his alteration to fit in. He begins training as a cleric, but when they learn of his parentage, they see his potential to help exact vengeance on those who deserve it as decided by divine guidance...as an inquisitor. That work? ![]()
![]() I just re-read the bit about the good-aligned god only (misread the first time), I'm hoping you'll give me a break on that since being Rage subdomain is a big part of Shauldrek's backstory (bullied for his appearance as a kid, he despises his heritage and has quite a temper). And there are no strictly good-aligned gods with that subdomain. Shauldrek is a Melee Inquisitor, a textbook BSF heavily flavored with battle/strength-based buff skills. ![]()
![]() Here's Shauldrek's Back-Story: His Oni father was stricken with great lust for his human mother after watching her dance. He could not let anything get in the way of what he wanted, so he killed her husband and took his form in order to make love to her. When Shauldrek was born, his mother took pity on him. That is until the bullying of the other children drove him to give in to his trickster heritage and fool the leader of the entertainers' guild into a scandal which got him arrested, leaving the guild to fend for themselves.
On his quest to discover his place he was attacked by his birth-father. He was saved by a church worshipping Gorum, the Lord in Iron. He felt at home among the battle-hardened and war-scarred, no longer feeling the need to alter his garish appearance. He even attempted to train as a cleric, but when the clergy learnt of his parentage, they saw a better purpose for him: to seek out and dispatch those who--like the Oni--use trickery and guile to undermine those weaker than themselves, as an inquisitor. ![]()
![]() Changed a little, but same idea (this is Little King's inquisitor.) Oni-Spawn Tiefling Inquisitor (1) of Draghignazzo (Destruction-Rage) Stats Spoiler:
Strength 18 (+4) Dexterity 13 (+1) Constitution 13 (+1) Intelligence 11 (+0) Wisdom 15 (+2) Charisma 8 (-1) HP 9 Initiative modifier: + 1 = + 1 [dexterity]
Combat Maneuver Bonus: + 4 = 0 [base] + 4 [strength]
Stuff Spoiler:
Armor : Hide armor Weapons: Greataxe, Heavy crossbow Skills
Feat: Variant Tiefling Heritage
Spells: Detect magic, Disrupt undead, guidance, Stabilize, shield of faith, and wrath
Fluff Spoiler:
Alignment: Lawful Neutral 88 year old male, 6'3", 205 lbs Solid red eyes, bald head Languages: Common, Infernal Description: Tall, muscular, with a disproportionately large left arm Unaltered: Right side of face has three crude gems (one red, one yellow, and one blue) encrusted into the forehead. Also, on the right side of his head is a black and red tattoo of the profile of a many-horned dragon.The two sides of his face are asymmetrical in countless other ways. Favored Alteration: Tall tanned human, white hair and beard, dark eyes, muscular. Background Spoiler:
His Oni father was stricken with great lust for his human mother after watching her dance. He could not let anything get in the way of what he wanted, so he killed her husband and took his form in order to make love to her. When Shauldrek was born, his mother took pity on him. That is until the bullying of the other children drove him to give in to his trickster heritage and fool the leader of the entertainers' guild into a scandal which got him arrested, leaving the guild to fend for themselves. It was clear to Shauldrek and his mother and older sister that his leaving was the best thing for all of them. On his quest to discover his place he stumbled across a cult worshipping the devil dragon Draghignazzo. He felt at home in the monster church, no longer feeling the need to alter his garish appearance. He even attempted to train as a cleric, but when the clergy learnt of his parentage, they saw a better purpose for him: to seek out and destroy those who-like the Oni-would undermine Draghignazzo's dominion over monster-kind, as an inquisitor.
Now he hears whispers about a change of regimes to the southwest, and a young Queen seeking absolute dominion over all life in the area. Exaggerated or not, the clergy of the Temple of Devastation agree to send Shauldrek on his first official mission to preserve the authority of his deity. |