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Organized Play Member. 261 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Hyoseph wrote:

[...] Basically the options seem to be "Going off of what the word capsize means, Colossal Sea Serpent can essentially one-shot any given ship" or "Capsize is largely meaningless" without a whole lot of in between.

Is this actually clarified somewhere?

SAME HERE! Couldn't find anything about the mechanics (a bit disappointing, as PF2 almost covers it ALL). Thanx for asking and thanx to all that went deep into 3.5.

Hrmmph...! @paizo
Thanx @Cintra

is there any PF 2E mystery that tackles WEALTH as a topic, as in the 1E COVETOUS Oracle Curse [Pathfinder Player Companion: Legacy of Dragons]? Did anyone try to convert?

Heaven repay your kindness!

Thank y'all for your comprehensive and RAW/RAI explanations. Helps 100%.

Hi, folks,

is there a rule for the instance that a creature resists (physical) damage to an amount of Zero and than having to determine what happens to i.e. bleed damage.

Caltrops deal 1d4 piercing damage + 1 persistent bleed damage. Last session, a creature reduced the piercing damage to Zero and the GM decided to not apply the 1 persistent bleed damage. Right, wrong, or else?

By the way... Is there a way to determine if fiends rely on blood to ignore bleed damage entirely? The Fiend description does not point into either way...

Thanx and best,

Taja the Barbarian wrote:
Low Level stealth is greatly hampered by two major restrictions:
  • You need to have cover/concealment both at the end of your sneak and for the entirety of the 'not your turn' period, and
  • You are restricted to half speed, which is only 10' per sneak action for most starting characters.

The plot would be: There's a super-low level minion that is tasked to stay invisible (2nd level) all the time by its boss just to spy and report on the PCs. After "discovering" the (lesser) see invisibility potion [that any one PC could consume/use - maybe the one with the best Stealth/Seek statistics], the PC(s) just will have a chance to start to pursue the invisible minion that is "casually sneaking" amongst the street crowds to accidentally reveal the boss's hideout [just as it befits a low-level minion spoiling the "masterplan"].

I would handle the pursuit the way it is suggested in that adventure plot and was interested in the mechanics and the cost/rarity/level of such an item. I'm new to PF2 as a GM even if I'm "into the game" since the 80s of last century. I'm trying to get a feeling for the new mechanics, and you are helping me. Thank you.

Taja the Barbarian wrote:
So what I'm seeing is:
  • If the target makes his sneak checks, he'll probably get away (potion or no potion),
  • If the target fails his sneak checks, the PCs can follow him normally (potion or no potion),
  • The fewer PCs that pursue, the better the target's chances to get away (due to fewer potential spot checks), and
  • the more PCs that pursue, the more likely the target will notice them (someone will be bad at stealth or just roll poorly).
Maybe something more along the lines of a distinctive object + Locate scroll combination might work better???

Aha, that's of more relevance, of course. Thank you again for sharing your analysis.

But then I wonder why see invisibility as a spell exists if it's that irrelevant. I still assume that even in PF2 if you are invisible, you are much harder to "see" than if not or if anyone cast see invisibility to see translucent, concealed shapes that are mere hidden than undetected. At least you have a chance to start seeking/searching - contrary to not having a chance at all to spot anything in a crowded street. I'm I that wrong?

Cyouni wrote:
You could also just substitute it to Searching vs a higher DC than normal. That seems much easier.

Could do it, but that's NOT THE SPIRIT of searching through the creator's workshop who had a "bad feeling" about the PCs findings and brewed a potion or two to better find those "invisible pests" before she/he/it got abducted by those them...

Just think of it like you stumble into an empty workshop of someone you talked to earlier and stated your concerns and the potion's creator said "Wait until tomorrow, I've to get to my books tonight and do some preparations. Come back tomorrow!" just to get mystically lost in the meantime...

Watery Soup wrote:
You can make a Lesser Potion of See Invisibility that can see 2nd level invisibility, and a Greater Potion of See Invisibility that can see all invisibility.

Oh, that's a nice catch.

Sanityfaerie wrote:

If you "really need one to advance the plot" then do the players know that? What happens if they use the thing early/wrong?

If you're handing them a potion of see invisible with blatant instructions of when and where to use it, that feels like weird and awkward railroading to me.

Thank you for your concerns, but yes, the players will know, and no, their PCs can't use it too early or wrongly.

The plot will not blatabtly railroad the PCs to an unwanted target like mindless GM-controlled minions but instead give their players the opportunity to perceive and solve a puzzle (earning their XPs) as the PCs advance to the hideout of the level boss. It should feel like an achievement.

Taja the Barbarian wrote:
I'm not certain why you feel the PCs will need it...

Thank you for your deep insight, and... because a 1st-level PCs should follow an invisible opponent to the secret hide out of its boss after consuming this potion. Nothing railroaded, just a simple 1st-level puzzle to be solved.

If you really would need a potion of see invisibility to be found by the PC (let's say, you'd like to GM a pirate-style 1st Ed PF adventure and this magical item appears to be essential to advance the plot), which level, rarity, and cost would that item be in PF2?

Thank you, Blave

Thank you for pointing out to the mark.

"Oculos habentes non videtis..."

Thank you very much for pointing out what I didn't see.

Hi, there,

if you aren't an alchemist or someone that's Trained in the use of those alchemical weapons, what's your "proficiency"? Untrained, or can anybody use them Trained?

Thanx for your input.

Hi, you wise folks around here,

does increasing Intelligence (i.e. via an Ability Boost) retroactivaly increase the number of "initial" Skills you are Trained in? If yes, does the increase follow the usual rules for avoiding duplicates of Trained Skills (taking another Skill instead or increasing the "proficiency" to Expert)?

Grateful for any lead to knowledge...

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Hi, you wise folk at the forums (or fora),

does gaining the archetype's dedication feat from the chosen multiclass archetype prevent a character from selecting another dedication feat until s/he has gained two other feats from the selected archetype?

What do you think (or know)?

Grateful for any hints.

Didn't have time/opportunity to test but played a MACHINESMITH (created by LPJ) some years ago in Iron Gods and I'm surprised and glad to see the INVENTOR being a reasonale option to play in P2. Please don't drop the concept.

pjrogers wrote:


Battle of Immenwood*
Exact date unknown 4719 AR

Thank you for your very helpful assumptions and listings. I'm feeling a little more comfortable after having at least some basic idea in my GM's mind.

Hola, Luis,

just out of curiosity... :)

How does a sceaduinar geotrophose's isitoq familiar communicate with its master as the familiar can't speak (because it doesn't have articulatory organs - like a mouth) and its master's constant hide from undead effect would be reinstated even after a touch from its master. The isitoq can't see, hear, or smell its master. Even supernatural abilities fail against its master. The extraordinary ability Speak with Master wouldn't do the trick (see missing speech organ). I guess, neither the Empathic Link would work.


Ron Lundeen wrote:
That's our intent. It would protect from the negative energy damage from a spectre, for example, but not the Strength damage from a shadow.

Dear Ron, dear Gwaihir Scout, dear kevin_video,

thank you all for your insight/explanation.

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I'm trying to figure out how the obols work with regard to non-hit-point damage they absorb.

"An obol harmlessly absorbs an amount of negative energy equal to double the character's number of Hit Dice from any given source or attack (or each round, for ongoing environmental effects)."

The damage a greater shadow deals is:
"A greater shadow's touch deals 1d8 points of Strength damage to a living creature. This is a negative energy effect."

Does that mean that a "protected" 10th-level PC at the "appointed encounter time" doesn't really have to fear the one and only attack form a greater shadow possesses? (1d8 Str [negative energy] minus 20)

Any helpful insight is welcome.

Ron Lundeen wrote:
Keep in mind that the residents of Roslar's Coffer know that the Red Reaver that inhabited the Bastion of Light is dead; ... Yay, Pathfinders!

I plan to make the red reaver zombie "great"...er.. Huge again, as in the PFSC 10-04 Reaver's Roar - and maybe (just maybe) it kept some residual mythic energy.

Thought so myself but liked to have a second (and third) opinion.

Thanx all for your insights.

BTW: I don't think that this archetype is so bad. Precisely, it's mechanically the only archetype that allows an arcanist to fully benefit from all school powers.

Just think of the waste of the "Forwarned" divination school power you wouldn't be able to use because you'll have to activate your free action outside the initiative order to get the bonus on Intiative... A wizard doesn't have to think about this "constant" power. An arcanist just would be denied it.

Hi, Ron,

I was looking for a more impacting "eye opener" as introduction in TDR and wondered why no map of RC was included in the first part.

Ron Lundeen wrote:
You'll probably want to wait for "Eulogy for Roslar's Coffer" to come out, as it includes a map for the town and refers to several NPCs you might use.

I was lucky to lay may hands on the map from EFRC before I started GMing the AP. I "coerced" one of the players to name some inevitable structures, churchs, and inhabitants to create a little bit of adherence to the village - not too much but at least almost tangible.

Ron Lundeen wrote:
The danger is in creating, then subverting, emotional investment...

I wouldn't like to miss the "homesick" feeling for RC and when the surviving PCs will get back - just to see the damage done. Players can't miss anything they haven't had a chance to "like or love". The more "cruel" will be all of the coming encounters and intrigues on behalf of the WW perceived and the more engagement against the WT will (hopefully) arise.

Ron Lundeen wrote:
But a short Roslar's Coffer scene or mini-adventure could be really neat.

My idea was to put all the known information about the RF together to simulate an individual experience for each character on his/her "last night on Golarion", describing a situation on an early night with enterntainment or work, then a bizzarre exploding light, then a flesh-rotting darkness, and then death... I "apologized" for pushing each player to make a background history for his/her character in "apparent vain" and declaring each character to be dead, collecting each character sheet, leaving them blank and a little bit" irritated. Of course, that moment didn't last for long as their PCs all began to wake up in the sarcophagi.

Thank you for a unconventional and (growingly) exciting last AP beginning with really uncommon encounters.

The school focus class feature states that a school savant "can prepare one additional spell per day of each level she can cast, but this spell must be chosen from the selected school."

Does that mean that she (only) can prepare one extra spell from the chosen school or does it include the correspondent spell slot?

[Note: A specialist wizard not only can prepare an extra spell from her chosen school but gets the additional spell slot.]

I'm just curious and thankful for any shared insights.

deuxhero wrote:
You might also qualify for Extra Lay on Hands if you really wanted to take it

Don't think so because it's not a class feature but a campaign trait. At least, as a GM I wouldn't allow to take it.

But the question was if my calculations were correct.
1st-7th character level 1d6
8th-11th character level 2d6
12th-15th character level 3d6
16th-19th character level 4d6
20th character level 5d6

From the answers I got I guess I didn't misinterpret the trait.

Thanx all for your input.

Just a quick question on how to "interpret" the wording of the trait "The Word" on PG p. 7:

"Your faith is invigorating, and once per day you can lay on hands as a paladin of half your character level (minimum 1)."

Does this mean that a character gets 1 use of lay on hands from character level 1st to 7th (1d6), 1 use starting at 8th level (2d6), 1 use starting at 12th level (3d6), 1 use starting at 16th level (4d6), and 1 use at 20th level (5d6)?

Am I misreading the sentence?

Thanx for your enlightenment and best regards.

(I'd like to wish all of you Paizos a nice sled ride in all of that snow but surreptitiously I'd wish to lay my cold undead hands on the first installment of the AP.)

Bardarok wrote:
It's Charisma

Oh... Thanx for the quick answer.

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Do paladins with the lay on hands power heal/deal 1d6 points or 1d6 PLUS "x" points, where "x" is the (nonexistent?) spellcasting ability modifier?

N N 959 wrote:
No. Double Slice is a two-action Strike. You can only do it once per turn. That also means you can't use it in any round that you have to move and Command Animal.

Thanx for the clarification. It came to my mind after submitting my [deleted] post. :)

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd like to strengthen and back the points Mr. Radney-MacFarland referred to mentioning the background of, the approach to, and the use of Resonance Points.

As a GM, I deem it worthwhile to get rid off the "christmas tree" and "cure light wounds wand" issues. Players should more rely on class features their characters have access to, on team work, and on the adventuring part of the game.

Please keep the Resonance Points as a mechanic in the PF 2.0 system. Even if you have to alter the mechanic a little, don't leave it out completely.

Just my 2 cp.

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I'm just curious if the Requirements for Hunt Target (You can see or hear the target.) are really necessary for using the ranger's class feature before she can hear or see her soon-to-be target.

Asked the other way around: Is it intended or even possible to Seek a target if the ranger has to fullfill the requirements before she can designate the target?

Is it intended that the ranger - provided she has enough "proof" of it - designates a target she "knows" is in the area of 100 ft. to be able to Seek it and gain the +2 bonus on Perception?

Maybe, a clarification or better wording is required to address this issue?

Thank you for your input.

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The BP wrote:

I like this change, and would add that when a range of results depends on a save that isn't "basic", they should be listed in order:

critical success
critical failure

instead of the current order.

I'd like to second that thought - strongly. It seems to be the "correct order".

Mark Seifter wrote:
You would still build (or find, like a cave) it yourself.

How long does the effect of a safe house last?

Ok, at first, it's an absurd question but I'm thinking about the long-term ramifications. What if the vigilante moves far, far away? Does the class feature still protect her safe house? How far is far? Does "far, far away" include interstellar travel? Does it include planar travel? Does it include time travel? Does the effect survive the death of the vigilante? If yes, for how long -- looking at the possibility of resurrection?

Maybe Mr. Seifter had something in mind what couldn't be included into the social talent?

Latrecis wrote:
I think the Lord-Mayor in question was from House Sarini and wouldn't have invoked the Kintargo Contract even if he knew it existed since House Sarini is/was a Thrune ally.

You're right on track.

From Turn of the Torrent, p. 5, Adventure Background:

In the years after the end of the Chelish Civil War in 4640 AR, the city of Kintargo was aimless and lost. [...] At the same time, House Thrune placed a particularly odious sycophant named Nemnen Sarini in the role of lord-mayor.

Yakman wrote:
Just gotta say that this is one of my favorite characters in the AP - and she's just in it to get lit up![...]

By the way: Is the Gardener missing a feat?

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Just in case some GM likes to get a 3D view on Menador Keep and the Kintargo Opera House...

Scharlata wrote:

As our Campaign has advanced a little since my first post, here a little update:

Finnian Naashalen: RETIRED male N aasimar (plumekith) warpriest of Pharasma 2, rogue (knife master, unchained) 5; He retired his activities for the Silver Ravens to become a NPC.

Kamog Juliac: male CN human slayer 8; Kamog seems to have a slight death wish, ever ready to confront the most dangerous foes first. Sometimes he's overcome with exalted creativity, as he dared to take part at the Vyre Banquet costumed as Barzillai Thrune himself - even bringing along a disguised dog that he made "spit fire" using a wand of silent image.

Märta Luise Flinkhand: female NG halfling fighter (lore warden) 1, magus (eldritch archer) 4, rogue (chameleon, unchained) 3; Märta is still eager to counter the lord mayor's decrees with creative measures, but has realized that a civil war in and around Kintargo may rise soon.

Royan Delstromo: male CG swashbuckler (madcap [Legendary]) 8; He's ever more the lazy ne'er-do-well, sipping on his ale and getting shoved around. He seems to get a little frustrated, having to participate at "those ridiculous social events".

Thiago Ribeiro: male CG aasimar (emberkin) arcanist 8; Thiago seems to be more worried to get rid of Blosodriette, which he "aquired" as "bonus familiar" accepting an infernal contract. Now he fears his soul is damned.

Valerius Aulamaxa: male CG human bard (dawnflower dervish) 8; Valerius blossoms like a flower in springtime. The show must go on. The dervish still seeks for his artistic idol Shensen and goes a long way to embarrass every Thrunie - even posing as a streaker in Aria Park to get doghoused victims free. His costumes, tattoos and aliases are legendary by now. He even tried to seduce Sabo "the Spider".

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Misroi wrote:
By the rules, yes. As you note, though, that's a terrible benefit, so I had it work anytime the players take the Recruit Supporters action. I don't think that unbalances things at all.

Second that. Runs smooth.

PJH wrote:
[...] Although I did increase the supporter numbers for each rank based on other GMs finding that the rebellion tends to level too fast.

I got the impression, as GM, that the rebellion's supporter increase was a bit to slow, so I gave the rebellion some "bonus actions" to attract supporters - based upon the PCs' creative ideas (perform a propaganda musical at a local inn; establish a ferry service after the bleakbridge tax hike to 2 gp, etc.).

xrayregime wrote:
... Secondly, I think you're spot on with your assessment. The ability to fly should make this a pretty easy encounter. A beefed up Lucian Thrune would definitely help if your party can just fly onto the second floor.

Thanx for the cudos. Maybe, it's not too late for others to get a glimpse.

Maybe, the wording "the ballistae ... are mounted on ingenious turrets that allow them to fire down into those areas, or to rotate and fire down ..." should be interpreted as that the vertical fronts (meaning the crenellation and the part above the crenellation) of the second floor above C1 and C4 are at least so "tight" that flying creatures of Small or larger size should have trouble to get in without Escape Artist checks. Dunno, but I guess, I'll do it that way and pretend that the ballistae are mounted on a rail-system (perhaps like some gun turrets in Star Wars).

As I stated, I run this AP with 5 PCs, so I had to level Lucian a little bit up. I gave him an 2 extra levels cavalier, so that he could lay his manicured hands on the order ability "For the King" and on the feat Impr. Vital Strike. His mount Zailoron was given a magic saddle, so Lucian can use saddle surge 1/day.

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I agree with you regarding his "power level".

I've made him a little bit tougher and gave him (or better Zailosorn) a (self-styled) magic saddle with some extra powers aiding Lucian's riding and charging skills.

I made a 3D capture of Menador Keep, just to get a visual grip on the keep's defenses.

Menador Keep and Kintargo Opera House 3D

If I have understood everything correctly, there would be a gap on at least the western approach side of the keep. PCs could fly up to the crenellation (second level) and get into the keep easily, because the crenellation should be "open" to enable the soldiers to fire the ballistae at intruders. If there was a wall, the soldiers couldn't fire. If there was no wall, there would be no means to keep flying, levitating, or climbing trespassers out.


Hi, Rune,

good work, speeds things up. Made my own, too.

Good luck and have fun playing the Rebellion!

Hi, there,
is there a fellow GM who had the idea to further develop

Tiarise's rituals mentioned on page 18 of ASOS and to give them stats like in the Occult Adventures (p. 209)?

I'd be interested to listen to some whispered, mysterious, and occult stats.

I'll try it myself, too.
And thanx anyway.

Michael Cummings wrote:

Had some ideas for incorporating Occult Adventures into Hell's Rebels:

Luculla Gens - mesmerist (cult leader archetype)
Tiarise Izoni - psychic (formless adept archetype)
Shensen - silver balladeer bard archetype - I believe the abilities would work with Dawnflower Dervish, I don't see any overlapping ability exchanges

Anyone else making changes to incorporate Occult Adventures into Hell's Rebels?

Changes to the character classes of the two adversaries came to my mind, too.

I made Luculla a rogue [charlatan] 3/mesmerist [cult mistress] 5 (+1 level as I run the AP with 5 PCs) and gave her some ranks in UMD to use her divine scrolls, if necessary. It worked smoothly -- and my players were surprised to be confronted with a "new" character class.

Now, I'm pondering to change Tiarise's profession to occultist. I've made two character sheets (the original witch [dimensional occultist] and a "plain vanilla" occultist) to compare the two builds. Basically, the two can do the same things, either with spells and hexes or with spells and focus powers. Bearing Tiarise's context and her evil doings throughout the AP in mind, she has to be able to draw "chalk circles" to bind outsiders and to get in touch with "outer entities". This would be feasible with magic circles and outside contact. Her improved familiar could be substituted with a soulbound puppet, even if just for a battle. The unseen servant could be substituted with a "servitor". BUT, as the occultist is very restricted regarding her spells -- both in level and selection -- Tiarise will lose 85% of her witch's spell arsenal. That's true for her 5th- and 6th-level spells (including the story- and combat-relevant spells flesh to stone and teleport). That's a major drawback and the reason for me not to change her character class and go along with the dimensional occultist.

Any suggestions to mitigate the spell arsenal's loss?

Maite Donker wrote:
My players are going to assault Menador Keep tomorrow and I'm confused by something.

Same here, too.

If I take into account that the soldiers "serve grueling 12-hour shifts" and all posts are to be guarded "at all times", this doubles the number of soldiers at the keep.

Model A) [taking the Challenge Rating given into account]:
The guardrooms C3a-d are "manned" each by 8 soldiers (with 8 counterpart soldiers off-duty). Room C16 is "manned" by 6 soldiers (with 6 counterparts off duty). Rooms C6 and C17 contain 3+5=8 counterpart soldiers off duty. So we can deduct 8 soldiers from any one C3-room. That would make a total of:
C3a 8 + 0 counterparts (resting in C6 and C17)
C3b 8 + 8 counterparts
C3c 8 + 8 counterparts
C3d 8 + 8 counterparts
C16 6 + 6 counterparts
C6 0 + 3 counterparts
C17 0 + 5 counterparts
Totalling 38 +38 = 76

Model B) [disregarding the Challenge Rating but having the bunks in mind]:
The guardrooms C3a-d are "manned" each by 2 soldiers (with 2 counterpart soldiers off-duty). Room C16 is "manned" by 6 soldiers (with 6 counterparts off duty). Rooms C6 and C17 contain 3+5=8 counterpart soldiers off duty. So we can deduct the 8 soldiers from all C3-rooms. That would make a total of:
C3a 2 + 0 counterparts (resting in C6 and C17)
C3b 2 + 0 counterparts (resting in C6 and C17)
C3c 2 + 0 counterparts (resting in C6 and C17)
C3d 2 + 0 counterparts (resting in C6 and C17)
C16 6 + 6 counterparts
C6 0 + 3 counterparts
C17 0 + 5 counterparts
Totalling 14 +14 = 28

Am I doing the math right or did I forget something?

Best regards

Kudaku wrote:
I can't remember my exact reasoning, but I think I can do a rough summary:

Good points. Thanx. I'll take them into account.

Kudaku wrote:
Yeah, I couldn't find anything on the effects on the "great pain" either. I looked around for a bit and found that "pain" type effects can cause lots of different conditions. ...

Thank you for sharing your insights on that topic, Kudaku. (I was convinced to have read something on causing pain using the "binding" spell but couldn't find anything - maybe it was just my imagination...) Maybe "inflict pain" from Occult Adventures could suffice?

By the way, why do you think Baccus was only 7th level (he used a scroll of "binding" and "his magic" [I guess it was "planar binding", sor/wiz 6]. Shouldn't he'd been at least 12th level because of the devil's HD? And Baccus was the pump's engineer that radiates "strong transmutation magic" [control water, sor/wiz 6]. That should be another indicator he was at least 12th level (detect magic/magic item). Just curious...

Carter Lockhart wrote:
... I'm curious if these are things that can be changed in the Map file and updated, ...

I guess, there's still no fix...

But (as much as I like running the adventure path) there are some "details" in the various descriptions of the Lucky Bone (text- and map-wise) that get my brain and stomach aching.

If I've correctly read the description of the Lucky Bone Basement, Upper and Lower Dungeon levels, this adds up to a total depth of approximately 105 ft. below street level.

The basement ceiling has to be at least 2 feet below street level. The basement itself measures 8 ft..

The stairs leading to the Upper Dungeon level should go down approximately some 20 ft. more, beause area C8 has a ceiling height of 20 ft.

The well in area C16 leads down some 30 ft. (the lower 20 ft. filled with water) before ending in the ceiling of D1, which has a ceiling height of 15 ft.

Then all goes bananas...

The hollow pillar in D1 leads another 20 ft. down to area D2. From that the corridor D2 + D3 "lead upward along the way until the floor rises just above the floodwater level". That would be a height of some 55 ft. -- along a length of merely 60 ft.; just below the vicinity of area C8.

The valves/pipes connecting area D7 with D10 must run at least some 3 ft. down.

Area D11 lies some 30 ft. below area D5 (20 ft. down plus the estimated height of 10 ft. of the cave itself).

So, here we are at a depth of 105 ft. belos the city streets if we don't assume that area D8 doesn't go further down. The bottom of the cave in area D8 must be at least 30 ft. lower than the pier in area D8 thanks to the description of area D11.

Is that just bad maths done by me, my misunderstandings reading the descriptions, or can someone clarify or testify that my calculations are probable and correct?

By the way, should the water in the Lower Dungeon level be salt, fresh or a mix of both?

----street level-------------entrance to C1--------------------------- = 0 ft.
----C1-----------------------stairs to C2-------------------------------- = -10 ft.
----stairs to C2-------------ceiling of C8------------------------------ = -20 ft.
----stairs to C2-------------C2 floor level----------------------------- = -30 ft.
----shaft of C16 to D1----flood water ceiling----D4 floor level--- = -40 ft.
----shaft of C16 to D1----stairs up to D4---------------------------- = -50 ft.
----shaft of C16 to D1----stairs up to D4---------------------------- = -60 ft.
----D1/D5/D7 floor level--stairs up to D3/4----pier of D8--------- = -75 ft.
----D10 floor level--------shaft of D5 to D11----stairs to D3/4---- = -85 ft.
----shaft of D5 to D11----D2 floor level and stairs up to D3/D4-- = -95 ft.
----D11 floor level---------D8 cave bottom level--------------------- = -105 ft.

Thank you all for your input.