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![]() It has come to my attention that (aside from Summon Lesser Servitor) there's no summoning spell for psychopomps (or any other true neutral monitor/outsider that may exist). This post is intended to double check that I am correct and am not overlooking something, and if so to draw attention to the deficit so that it might be added. ![]()
![]() Due to various story reasons*, my wizard/beastmaster has just used his level 9 feat to multiclass into summoner. I don't particularly want to have two minions, so I was wondering if someone smarter than me can design some way of combining my eidolon and my animal companion into one for me to propose to the gm. My initial thought was to make it as per my normal companion when the eidolon isn't manifested, but when I do manifest it, it possesses my animal companion or something and uses the eidolon's mental stats (and gains skills) and maybe boosts the animal companions advanced maneuver somehow? * Various Story Reasons: Wizard felt guilty about killing the baby dragon from the beginner box, so tried to use Resurrect to bring it back and raise it himself. Crit-failed obviously, and so was stuck with a mindless zombie dragon. Took the Beastmaster dedication, uses Riding Drake stats except Undead trait instead of Dragon. Fast forward to near the end of Abomination Vaults, and we hit level 9, where I can actually feasibly succeed at the Resurrect ritual. Perform the ritual, but it doesn't work because the dragon's undead (ooc I didn't know I'd have to kill it first, and ic definitely don't want to). Even though the ritual didn't work, the spell attracted the dragons mental essence, which agreed to be bound as an eidolon (Multitalented feat to get summoner dedication), so long as I kept working on finding a way to resurrect it. ![]()
![]() I love wizards but I really hate prepared casting. I was thinking of what ways I might make it more enjoyable, and wanted to run it by others to check for something glaringly obvious before taking it for a test run. The first change is that a wizards bonus spells from their school (this is ignoring universalists, which I will probably continue doing) are cast spontaneously as signature spells. I don't foresee a ton of issues with this change, it's a slight power boost, but I don't think enough of one to fuss over. The second change is that there are no longer prepared spells. While spellslots remain the same, spells are cast by consulting the spellbook directly, which I'm thinking should require an extra action and/or an Arcana check. This is where I'm not too sure on how to balance it. My first thought is to make it cost an extra action (or take 1.5x as long) and require an arcana check using the Learn a Spell DC's. Crit Success would cast the spell without requiring the extra action/time, Success would cast the spell with the extra action/time, Failure would mean the spell fails but you keep the spell slot, and Crit Failure would mean the spell fails and you lose the spell slot. This means Assurance is helpful on the lower level spells, but you still have to roll for your higher level spells, or if you want to try and preserve your action economy. I'm also thinking that if you cast spells from your school from the spellbook, you automatically get a degree of success higher. I really want to make wizards be more thematically distinct, both from other wizards and other spellcasters in game, while still preserving their iconic thing (their spellbook). I also wanted to try and help with my personal decision paralysis that always happens with prepared casters. This change manages to both give more options (you have your entire spellbook to choose from), while making the decision making process easier (for me at least, it's easier to decide what's best right here and now rather than decide what might be best later). And even if the choices are still hard, you have a base pool of options that should always be thematic. Thank you in advance for any thoughts or critiques. ![]()
![]() I want to make a really heavily support focused character. Either a divine sorcerer or oracle to provide lots of buffs and healing. I also want to leverage the cha focus and take the marshal archetype. However, the 10 (or 20 on a crit) foot radius seems somewhat limiting, at least in my theorycrafting. Is there a way to increase the radius, is it not really a significant issue in actual play, or should I forgo it altogether? Thanks in advance for your thoughts. ![]()
![]() I know that each group is going to be different, but approximately how long (in game, from the characters perspective) would it take to complete the AP? There are several places where you can theoretically spend months doing nothing but travelling, so my first thought was somewhere between 6 months and a year, but I'm not sure if I'm looking into things too much and it'd be much quicker. ![]()
![]() I want to take the Devilish Wiles feat, but it seems like a level 1 spell that you can only take once a day is pretty much useless after the very early levels. Is there some way to make this heightened, or better in any way? ![]()
![]() I have two questions. The first is to confirm that Mind Blank makes such things as Nondetection and Magic Aura redundant, correct? The second is can a familiar use the Partner in Crime reaction to help with the Convincing Illusion reaction? ![]()
![]() The Shadow Familiar has a requirement of 7 abilities, but grants 9. Which do I use to determine how many abilities I can add? Also: does the Improved Familiar feat lower the abilities for the purpose of adding extras, or just for accessing the specific familiar? Realized I accidentally put this in advice instead of rules questions, flagged ![]()
![]() Just to make sure I'm not making a mistake, Master's Counterspell from the Spellmaster archetype makes Clever Counterspell redundant, correct? I can safely retrain out of that without losing any functionality? ![]()
![]() In the Critical Success section of Create Undead is says that you can have a maximum of 4 minions under your control. Is this solely applied to minions from Create Undead, or is this all minions from any source? Also: why 4? It seems like 3 would make more sense, since it takes an action to command a minion and you only have 3 actions. ![]()
![]() I'm wondering if there's a deity that has the same visual themes as the outer gods often do (tentacles, amorphous shadowy blob covered in fangs/eyes, etc...), but is lawful or good (and preferably lawful good). Alternatively, one that is mechanical looking, but still not resembling a humanoid (so not Brigh for example). Like the whole 'wheels within wheels' thing from the christian bible. I just want a really freaky, terrifying looking, alien deity, but that is actually nice. ![]()
![]() Aside from Planar Adventures and Book of the Damned, are there any other products that describe Xibalba? Ideally from an adventure. Thanks in advance for any help. ![]()
![]() I'm building a ruffian rogue, and was looking for a way to reliably get sneak attacks off. Somebody mentioned multiclassing fighter and snagging either Combat Grab or Snagging Strike. From what I can understand, Combat Grab is a press attack (which means it automatically has a -5 or -10 penalty), but inflicts both Flat-Footed and Immobilize until the END of your next turn, whereas Snagging Strike can be used on the first attack, but doesn't inflict immobilize, and only lasts until the BEGINNING of your next turn. Can someone help me understand what situations you would use one over the other, and which would be better for the general case? ![]()
![]() So does the Esoteric Knight mesh alright with the occultist (specifically the psychodermist)? Or any other archetype? ![]()
![]() I'm looking for a chaotic dragon in Cheliax (so likely red/white or brass/copper) that's in the general vicinity of Citadel Enferac (or at least closer to them than any other Hellknight citadel). Does anybody know of one offhand? I can of course make my own, but if there's one already described that would make my job easier. ![]()
![]() So the Chronicler of Worlds is all about planar stuff. However, it doesn't have any inherent way to cast plane shift. Is there a reasonable way of overcoming this deficit, or am I going to have to rely on a party members/scrolls/natural portals? ![]()
![]() Wanting to play a psychic for this. We're 15 point buy, but I'm playing an emberkin aasimar so I get the +2 to Int and Cha. Also rolled pretty well on the variant abilities and got +2 on saves vs fear, which is part of what got me thinking about a psychic. I'd like to try out the Dream discipline, but it seems somewhat useless, and so I'm looking at the Rapport discipline instead. So what kinds of things should I take into consideration (for build and tactics)? Anybody else played through this with a psychic? ![]()
![]() Wanting to play a psychic for this. We're 15 point buy, but I'm playing an emberkin aasimar so I get the +2 to Int and Cha. Also rolled pretty well on the variant abilities and got +2 on saves vs fear, which is part of what got me thinking about a psychic. I'd like to try out the Dream discipline, but it seems somewhat useless, and so I'm looking at the Rapport discipline instead. So what kinds of things should I take into consideration (for build and tactics)? Anybody else played through this with a psychic? ![]()
![]() I was inspired by the Nexian Channeler archetype, and really like the Fiend Keeper archetype, so I decided to create a unique spirit that would go well with that archetype. I also wanted to make it very thematically engaging with lots of story opportunities as well. I tried to make it as a very high risk high reward style of play, in keeping with the theme of having a fiend spirit. Would love to get some feedback on it. Spirit of Nahash (CE Unique Xacarba CR24): One of the oldest Xacarba, second only to Abraxas himself, Nahash is a nascent demon lord who was cursed to “crawl through the dust” by some unknown deity for tempting its creations to gain forbidden knowledge by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Special: For use with the Fiend Keeper archetype only. This spirit is the only spirit you can channel until you break the curse (requires either direct intervention of a major deity or for Nahash’s alignment to change to any Good), or you destroy Nahash (only combatable via Psychic Duel or by physically traveling to your shared dreamscape) Spirit Bonus: When you channel Nahash, your spirit bonus applies on attack rolls, damage rolls, spell save DC, and checks to penetrate spell resistance Seance Boon: You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell like abilities. Influence Penalty: Each round you’re in an Atavistic Rage, you must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + ½ your Medium level + your Spirit Bonus) or are affected as if by Confusion as Nahash attempts to take control. This check can be negated by accepting a second taboo (or two taboos if you have not already accepted one for the day). Taboos: Choose one of the following: you must not ignore an opportunity to destroy something (or someone) precious to those who actively oppose your plans or goals; you must not pass up the opportunity to learn forbidden lore or magic (a nontrivial piece of information or spell with a Knowledge or Spellcraft check of DC 20 or higher) when that opportunity is directly present; you must take every opportunity to influence a magic user to achieve more power at any cost, preferably by giving knowledge of forbidden magic or lore. Atavistic Rage (Lesser, Su): Can rage as Barbarian class feature for a number of rounds per day equal to your character level + Constitution modifier. You can attempt to end your Atavistic Rage as a free action, but must succeed at a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + ½ your Medium level + your Spirit Bonus. If you fail, you gain 1 point of influence, your Atavistic Rage continues, and you can’t attempt to end it again for 1 round. You do not have to make a save if you run out of rounds of rage. Expanded Esoterica (Intermediate, Su): Instead of your normal spells per day for your medium level, you use the spells per day from Table 1–4: Mesmerist. For each level of spell you can now cast (including level 0), each time you channel Nahash’s spirit, select a single spell of that level from the Psychic spell list to add to your medium spell list and spells known until you lose contact with Nahash. Improved Atavistic Rage (Greater, Su): You gain the ability to cast spells even while in an Atavistic Rage. You can also cast these spells defensively and can make concentration checks for these spells while in an Atavistic Rage. While in an Atavistic Rage, you can cast and concentrate on only your Medium spells or spells gained from Improved Esoterica; spells from other classes cannot be cast during this state. In addition, while in an Atavistic Rage you increase the DCs of your spells by 1 and become immune to fear effects. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage while in an Atavistic Rage, you can cause one creature that took damage from the spell to also take 1d6 points of bleed damage. Legendary Esoterica (Supreme, Su): You can cast any spell of any level from the Psychic spell list without expending a spell slot. When you do so, the caster level and DC of the spell increase by 1, and you can’t apply metamagic to the spell. Each use per day after the first gives you 1 point of influence. ![]()
![]() The Dawnflower Anchorite is a super cool prestige class that I really like. However, I am quite curious why, of all the things it can progress with its Focused Class Feature Credence, bloodline and/or mystery aren't on there. It's just odd to me, since there's a solar bloodline and mystery, and it would seem natural and thematic to have those included, particularly when compared with some of the other random items on the list. Is there some rules thing I'm overlooking, or some reason that would be overpowered or otherwise inappropriate? Because otherwise I plan on houseruling that they'll stack. ![]()
![]() Pretty much as the title queries. What are some pros and cons of each familiar? I want to have a construct that I crafted be my familiar, and to the best of my knowledge these are my two options (if there are others please let me know). (If it matters, I'm playing a possessed shaman of lore and the possessor, a cabal devil, wants a body of her own to inhabit, rather than riding in the shaman or the current owl familiar. I have Craft Construct and Improved Familiar, just need to decide which construct to use.) ![]()
![]() Ok, yes, I know it's not the greatest archetype. Humor me. How would you go about building one? What schools would be best for this? My initial thought is a elf/half-elf (for the elf fcb), and the divination, abjuration, and either conjuration or evocation schools, since having the elemental schools opens up a lot of options there that the standard occultist wouldn't have. Will be more focused on casting, and beefing up my divination jin (since if it dies divination's the easiest one to lose) to provide protection. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Ok. I'm a little bit obsessive and pedantic. I apologize in advance. I get how divine magic works for classes that tap into the power of a deity (cleric, inquisitor, oracle, warpriest, paladin?). Makes sense to me. I can get how nature magic (druid, hunter, ranger) works. Basically the same as deity, but substituting a biome/planet/plane/whatever. But what is a Shaman's "spirit magic"? What are spirits? How do spirits give you divine magic? There's not really a definition of spirit anywhere I can find. It's used to refer to everything from incorporeal entities (particularly outsiders and undead), summoned creatures, and native outsiders. Halp ![]()
![]() Phantom Weapon wrote:
Does the phantom weapon get skills as a normal phantom, Phantom Skills wrote: A phantom can assign skill ranks to any skills, but it must possess the appropriate appendage to use some skills. Phantoms with Intelligence scores above the base value modify these totals as normal (a phantom gains a number of skill ranks equal to 2 + its Intelligence modifier per Hit Die). A phantom can’t have more ranks in a skill than it has Hit Dice. Phantom skill ranks are set once chosen. or does it get skills as per the blackblade? Blackblade wrote: Languages and Skills: A black blade starts with Common as a language. As the black blade increases in Intelligence, it manifests knowledge of languages and arcane lore. Upon reaching an Intelligence of 12, it gains a bonus language of the GM’s choice, and gains 1 rank in Knowledge (arcana). Each time the sword gains a bonus to Intelligence, it gains another language and another rank in Knowledge (arcana). I believe RAW supports the latter, but I like to double check. ![]()
![]() Does the Totem Spiritualist's Phantom Animal ability count as a phantom, animal companion, both, or neither for the purpose of feats? (such as Evolved Companion or Vigilant Phantom, for example) ![]()
![]() Are there any deities that have their divine realm on the transitive planes (Astral, Ethereal, Shadow)? I know Zon-Kuthon has his on the Shadow, but are there any others? I ask because I was curious in particular about LE deities that didn't particularly want to be subject to Asmodeus and thus couldn't realistically have a realm in Hell, and then I somehow ended up thinking heavily about how a realm on a transitive plane (particularly the Ethereal) would be pretty advantageous for a deity that was more concerned with mortal followers than Outer Sphere politics. ![]()
![]() So I was rolling up a tiefling and for my variant ability I got 92: You can see creatures on the Ethereal Plane. So after debating what class would be most thematic (Dreamstalker Mesmerist, if you're curious, though I also looked at a Visionary sorcerer and a witch with either the Ethereal or Mind patron), and looking into the mechanics of such things, I'm just hoping to clarify the difference between a dreamscape and a mindscape, if there is one. ![]()
![]() Nine cards laid out in order, three by three. Tattooed hands gently trace over them, reading them in muted whispers. "What you ask, it is unwise for any to attempt, much less us. What profit is there in bringing down those abominations on our heads?" the woman asks, the flickering candlelight making her tattoos dance in time. "It will happen, your actions notwithstanding. It is far better to participate," the Vicarius's voice was calm and confident behind his vortex mask. "We will consider your proposal," she finally acquiesced. The Vicarius nodded, unsurprised. "Retrieve him soon. Time is not our ally," he stated, then left, turning sharply on his heel and walking into the night. The woman sat for a time, staring at the cards laid out on the table. Then with well practiced movements, she grabs them up, sorting them back in to the deck, shuffling, and laying them out again. She does this for the rest of the night. The cards never change.