Dragons in Cheliax

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I'm looking for a chaotic dragon in Cheliax (so likely red/white or brass/copper) that's in the general vicinity of Citadel Enferac (or at least closer to them than any other Hellknight citadel). Does anybody know of one offhand?

I can of course make my own, but if there's one already described that would make my job easier.

A chaotic dragon is Cheliax would likely be dead, if those around the area could manage it.

Between House Thrune and the Hellknights, they are not the kind to suffer such a creatures existence, if they can help it.

While I agree (and in fact I am attempting to write a scenario involving exactly such an interaction), that's not exceptionally helpful.

Why not write a story about a Copper Dragon that attempts to move into the region to disrupt House Thrune and also runs afoul of the Hellknights since it uses chaotic means to do so.

You can come up with some place it came from, but not from the region.

The players spend their time trying to counter the dragons actions.

Or maybe they support it.

Whatever you want.

My point is, I don't think what you want exists.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Have you checked out Dragons Unleashed?

I think it had one chaotic dragon that annoys cheliax regularly

CorvusMask wrote:

Have you checked out Dragons Unleashed?

I think it had one chaotic dragon that annoys cheliax regularly

I believe that would be Tyraxalan. Might use him as the mastermind that this other dragon reports to or something, but don't want him to be the main focus.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I checked, the one I was actually thinking of was LG Bronze Dragon.

There is also CE umbral dragon who Nidal rebels are encouraging to attack Cheliax in order to create false flag operation where it seems Nidal is encouraging dragon to attack Cheliax in hopes Cheliax and Nidal go to war

CorvusMask wrote:

I checked, the one I was actually thinking of was LG Bronze Dragon.

There is also CE umbral dragon who Nidal rebels are encouraging to attack Cheliax in order to create false flag operation where it seems Nidal is encouraging dragon to attack Cheliax in hopes Cheliax and Nidal go to war

Ooh that's perfect! Any idea of it's name?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Fahrauth, a great wyrm umbral dragon. His statblock and lair (with his hoard) is featured in Dragons Unleashed.

Kinda worried if as CR 22 he is bit too high CR for your plans?

CorvusMask wrote:

Fahrauth, a great wyrm umbral dragon. His statblock and lair (with his hoard) is featured in Dragons Unleashed.

Kinda worried if as CR 22 he is bit too high CR for your plans?

Yeah. I’ll probably have it be one of his children or something, sent to scout things out but ultimately expendable. A young adult should be in the cr12 range I think, which is about right.

Thanks for the help.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hell's Rebels (so Ravounel, so right on Citadel Enferanc's region) has Ithanothaur, a CN mature adult umbral dragon (so CR 15) living in the North Plains on the Cheliax-Nidal border.

physicist-pi wrote:
Hell's Rebels (so Ravounel, so right on Citadel Enferanc's region) has Ithanothaur, a CN mature adult umbral dragon (so CR 15) living in the North Plains on the Cheliax-Nidal border.

That’s a good one, thanks!

There's also possibly Maghara, a CG copper dragon ghost that lives in a lighthouse that I think is in Cheliax? I know he was killed by the red dragon Aashaq the Annihilator that lives around the Shackles, which Cheliax routinely sends ships through.

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