![]() It's possible, but complicated. A) "Your custom rig can be configured to take up an upgrade slot on your armor" B) "In addition, you can use your custom rig as a Mk I comm unit (see Equipment)." C) "You can upgrade a personal comm unit to function as some other devices (such as full computers and scanners) by spending credits equal to 110% of the additional device’s price." D) "Androids have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether androids are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light armor." So basically, you can install your custom rig into your body armor slot, and then upgrade it to be a computer, and interface with it directly. ![]()
![]() A few things about this class... First, I really love the idea behind it! It's awesome and amazing and feels like a really great "artillery" class. Second, I'm in agreement with everyone else about the 4+Int skill points. Also, why not just give them all Knowledge: Nature and change that bonus skill to something else. As it is, they don't get any knowledges for free, across the board. Third, why not give an infusion like Holy Water/Flame/Sacred Ground/etc that lets them overcome alignment based DR? Lastly, It seems to me that a golem would shut these guys down completely. At least with a wizard/cleric/sorceror/etc, they have other versatility with things like shaping the battlefield/buffing their allies/etc. ![]()
![]() Shivok wrote:
I actually think an AP called "The Tarnished Crown" would be awesome! Set it in Taldor, and the storyline has you aiding Princess Eutropia, working your way through the cut throat political minefield. ![]()
![]() I would love to see a sherlockian steampunk mystery set in Alkenstar. Because of the uncertainty of magic, they wouldn't be able to just use divination magic to uncover the mystery, so they'd have to actually do detective work in a whodunit fashion, maybe exploring more of the local politics and steam tech in the process. It might be a good way to bring in an Investigator as a main character. With its proximity to Geb, perhaps a female Dhamphir Investigator? If not Dhamphir, then I'd love to see a female dwarf be a main character. ![]()
![]() I've toyed around with androids before in Golarion, and I always run them as the eyes/ears/scouts of the Silver Mount's AI/Master Computer/Mainframe, trying to learn more about this strange new land that they've found themselves in. I also view android wizards as extremely viable. "So if I just do this... with this material... and I say this... this effect happens?" Sounds pretty close to the Scientific Method to me. Do X properly and you reliably get Y result. ![]()
![]() *casts a spell of thread resurrection* I'm using a pair of android twin npcs in my kingdom game. In my version, all androids are part of a loose network, tied in to the main AI in the silver mount, which I named Melchizedek after the (evil) computer from Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita. They function as basically Mel's senses, learning more about this world, accumulating more and more data, for currently unspecified reasons. What makes this more interesting, is that the kingdom has become magically disjointed from the rest of the world, disrupting their network back to Melchizedek. So now you have a pair of LN androids who are going to start doing everything in their power to re-establish contact. Oh, did I fail to mention that they also serve as the king's most trusted bodyguards? *evil grin* ![]()
![]() My biggest issue with Golarion? Do we really need 5 adventure paths and several more modules set in Varisia? There are corners of the region, let alone the world, that are just begging for an adventure path! I'd love to see one set in Rahadoum, or Hermea, or Alkenstar, or lets get a little crazy and explore Vudra, or the Pit of Gormuz, or even Sarusan! But we get yet another one, set in good ol' Sandpoint... c'mon, really?? Aside from that, I'm honestly pretty okay with everything else, for the most part. Personally, I really do love having the ability to bring robots into my fantasy game, or gunslinging elves, should I want to... but then, I was also a huge fan of Piers Anthony's Apprentice Adepts series, and a huge steampunk enthusiast. ![]()
![]() I would go with a peri blooded aasimar mindchemist alchemist with the eldritch heritage feats (Maestro bloodline), and the Master Craftsman feat with Craft: Gadget and Craft Wondrous Item. As others have said before, the TARDIS would be an artifact all on its own. Peri blooded aasimar: Dualistic nature, good with a hint of darkness, he's an outsider, both literally and figuratively. If your DM will allow it, you could trade out the SLA: Pyrotechnics for another +2 int, for +4 int, +2 cha racial mods. Mindchemist Alchemist: You trade out mutagens for cognatogens, which bump mental stats instead of physical stats. Also, at 2nd level, you get an ability called Perfect Recall, which lets you double your int bonus to knowledge checks, as well as Int checks to remember something. Furthermore, the alchemy stuff can be completely justified as non-magic, which also fits his theme. Eldritch Heritage (Maestro bloodline) feat chain, coupled with Perform (Oratory): The newer Doctors (especially David Tennant) love to talk a million words a minute. The first ability of the feat chain lets you talk your enemies into a Daze. The second ability of the feat chain lets you Fascinate your enemies as you talk circles around them. The third ability makes it so that you understand and can communicate with any creature able to understand language. Craft: Gadget with Master Craftsman & Craft Wondrous Item: Ability to make a mechanical wondrous item, a la Sonic Screwdriver. I'd think abilities like Knock, various Detect spells, and perhaps some protections would cover the spectrum. That's my take on the Doctor, at least. ![]()
![]() Attack while they sleep. I doubt he has endurance, so he has to take his armor off to sleep. Rust monsters. I remember a nasty version somewhere that did disintegrate with their attacks, rather than rusting, but that's probably a bit extreme. Deep Slumber. He may be a dwarf, but he's probably got a poor will save. Alchemical glue or tar vs shield bashing. Make it a reflex save to resist. Make one of the ogres an arcane blooded sorceror with a raven familiar, that watches their tactics and reports back to its master, then have the master plan accordingly. ![]()
![]() Quote: Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use Bluff to allow you to use Stealth. If you do not have cover or concealment, as a swift action, you can attempt a Bluff check opposed by the Sense Motive of opponents that can see you. If you are successful, you are considered to have concealment from those creatures (but you do not gain the percent miss chance from concealment) until the end of your next action, you make an attack (as defined in the Attacking while Hidden section, above), or the end of your turn, whichever happens first. Action: Usually making a Stealth check is not an action. Using Stealth is part of the action you are taking. Okay, this seems to imply that a stealth check is involved somewhere in here, but I don't seem WHEN you actually get to make it. The way I read it is, if you have a good enough bluff, you don't need stealth, because you can bluff yourself invisible, which then seems like it makes stealth redundant for classes that has them both, as you can use bluff for all the normal bluff uses, AND for stealthing. Am I misunderstanding this? ![]()
![]() riatin wrote: Our group has always played under the assumption that pointy objects and bags of holding do not mix. I could see maybe 1 or 2 daggers getting by without piercing the bag, but 250? That's considerable force on a considerable number of points, far more than I'd allow for one to hold. For the most part, I think placing pointy objects in a bag of holding is just asking for a ruined magic item, the acid is a nice idea, but again you have 250 lbs of material pressing down on a few vials that would undoubtedly break at some point. And I realize this leads us into all kinds of other questions about the interior of a bag of holding that I don't have answers for. While this is a very creative use for an item, I think its intended by its design to not be a 'turn it over on someone and get free boatloads of damage' type item. This. As per the Bag of Holding entry (PF Core book, p.500): Quote:
So you couldn't have it full of daggers. In fact, I'd be extremely leery of even having one unsheathed dagger. ![]()
![]() jakebacon wrote:
But only if they cackle in sync with you! That could get kind of creepy, if they make no other vocalizations, and they do it in sync intuitively, without knowing ahead of time that you're going to cackle! ![]()
![]() Just place a monastery of monks in the region. They enjoy their autonomy and don't like the idea of you moving in to control them. (Lawful Evil, or an arrogant LN perhaps?) Therefore, they go out to oppose you. Just toss a few CMB specialized monks out there, and keep the barbarian disarmed, tripping, sundering his weapon, dirty tricking him, and generally keeping him busy. I doubt you'll get too many stunning fists off, but you can try that as well. It's very easy to bump monk ACs and they're versatile enough so that you can make different types of monks to oppose different group members in different ways. Perhaps their Sensei is a LN Monk/Oracle (Lore/Blindness) who foresaw the party coming and sent his people out to oppose the party? You can play up the encounter by having local peasants warn the party that the monks are powerful, and might make for strong allies if properly diplomacized with. Have some passing bard or acolyte mention that they respect martial prowess, but not senseless violence. So if the party outright kills the monks who ambush them, they can still try diplomacy, but the monks have a worse starting attitude towards them. On the other hand, the seemingly random attack might just have a not so random reason? Plot hooks abound. ![]()
![]() Alakqualyn wrote:
Roll on a random chart every morning. Not just hair and eyes, but maybe skin color, height, weight, tattoos that move and change shape/color... Arcane Bloodline might be visible chakra/chi/arcane lines, which glow with an eldritch flare when casting spells. Fey bloodline can be seelie court or unseelie court. ![]()
![]() Quote: In all cases, the contingency immediately brings into effect the companion spell, the latter being “cast” instantaneously when the prescribed circumstances occur. It's ugly wording, but I'd personally rule it as the spell takes place as an immediate action when triggered. Having seen other instances involving being healed as an immediate action, (IE APG Paladin Spell "Hero's Defiance") if the healing is sufficient to bring the receiver up to or greater than negative con hit points, they aren't dead. ![]()
![]() Hide in Plain Sight. Players who can't seem to balance their characters' power levels. (IE, this character's ridiculously OP, and their next one is useless) People who think that they should know everything, if their knowledge check is high enough. (Sorry, but sometimes there's just NO WAY you can know stuff.) The rules apply to players and DM equally (if you're being fair), but sometimes I have better ideas than my players do. When the AC in the group has a 10-15 point spread between highest and lowest. Monks CAN wear bracers of armor. ![]()
![]() dave.gillam wrote:
As per the magic item creation rules... Quote:
So any sort of ritual needed might just be handled by a knowledge/spellcraft check. ![]()
![]() I had an idea for a very psycho-analytical gnome who viewed it all very technically and who viewed his eidolon as a manifestation of his id, so that he was the representation of a superego and between them, they had the ego. So the summoner was excessively perfectionistic and stuffy and the eidolon was wild and barely controlled chaos. ![]()
![]() Just tonight, my lvl 6 party and I got close to the end of the "City of Golden Death" module, Spoiler: where the gold dragon boss is. My character, an inquisitor of Shelyn (formerly Gorum), has been tanking for the party, and doing a pretty good job. Along the way, I picked up a ring of regeneration, which is faaaar above our level, but has still helped. The dragon one shotted me tonight, even with the ring. Not through a breath weapon, or full attack, or anything like that. I charged in, rolled a crit (stupid fortification), what does the dragon do?
Awesome blow into the molten gold... I took 50d6, (20d6 initially, 10d6 for 3 rounds after that) which alone killed me from full health, but also broke the ring, ensuring I stayed dead. Given that there was only 1 square anywhere near him that he couldn't immediately awesome blow someone into the gold, yeah, I felt that perhaps it was a bit much. Unfortunately, the game ended permanently because of arguing afterwards between the DM and another player. I didn't really care personally... I'd started rolling up a paladin. ![]()
![]() Why not Inquisitor of Irori with the knowledge domain (or thought subdomain)? Track, half level on intimidate and sense motive, proficiency with unarmed strike, detect alignment, discern lies, not to mention quite a few awesome spells that could help. I mean, they even get an ability called "Exploit weakness" that could fit Holmes pretty well. ![]()
![]() Ravenath wrote: I want enchanted woods, mighty castles and green meadows. Sounds like Cheliax, Andoran, or Taldor to me. Taldor used to control the other two until it collapsed under the weight of its own decadence and has lost most of its holdings. I could see old Taldane castles dotting the region though. Really, anywhere just north of the Inner Sea would work. The three I mentioned just happen to be the most interesting to me.