Derhii Scout

MeatyPulp's page

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Looks like your evolution totals are way off. Your Eidolon should only have 8 evolution points

Well played Wheldrake, well played

This is more of a discussion of what the definition of "effect" is when it is broken down.
Iterative attacks, natural attacks, the combination of iterative attacks and natural attacks. I feel these are all part of the framework of the game not an effect. The effect phrasing in the monk class is referring to spells and the like, not a reference to how a monks attacks interact with natural weapons. If you are going to make your iterative attacks and add your NA, your NA are now secondary and at a -5

It is as definitive of an answer you are going to get. They haven't issued an errata for it so the FAQ of what they are leaning towards is your best answer.
At the table I play at we would go with only getting one dodge bonus from Offensive Defense since it would multiple dodge bonuses from the same source

I would just fluff an Earthbreaker that looks like an anchor. If it is May from Guilty Gear she seems to swing it around as more of a blunt object than anything else. No reason to hinder yourself if your GM will go long with the reskinning.

I would say they stack since they are unspecified bonuses.

If it is just a magic item, I would not require a feat. I would be upset as a player if I had a feat that only allowed me to use it for 10mins a day. I would just have the bear level up with the owner of the magic item

I agree with haruhiko88 on this. It makes the most sense and all the rules are right there. It would give the player some customization to their bear also

I thought about this too but unarmed strikes are always considered light weapons so you can't use Impact on them...

I always thought that someone could reskin the Scout from Complete Adventurer 3.5 into a Dragoon. The Skirmish could be renamed into the jump ability. Take out the nature-ness of the class and go from there.

Martial Versatility does not work with Crusader's Flurry or Monastic Legacy since they are both General Feats and not Combat Feats. Sorry dude :(

What if the capstone was something like a combo of awesome blow crossed with the mechanics of the gunslinger's dead shot. Your would be able to get 4 attacks in for damage and then make a combat maneuver roll to see if you knock them back. You could give them a +5 bonus to their CMB for each hit after the first.
It would be a flurry of powerful punches and then the target goes flying backwards!

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Can everyone please push the FAQ button for the seasons? We obviously need the Dev's to clear this confusion up.

There is also the Huntmaster feat from the ARG which would increase the the level of your dogs by one


Please send me a free copy! Happy New year everyone!

I just assumed that it was a really bad typo and that it was suppose to be 2D6 rend damage for the Boar style. It made sense to my group and I.

Name Violation wrote:
Talynonyx wrote:
... A single d12 damage with no bonuses except Deadly Aim?
Actually, you don't even get the deadly aim damage if you shoot something within the first range increment, since its a touch attack. You do take the negative to hit if you use it, but no bonus damage

Is it actually considered a touch attack? It says it resolves against the touch AC... doesn't specifically say it is a touch attack. I know it is semantics, but I don't know if they worded it that way so things like Deadly Aim still work

--- EDIT----
I missed where the Dev weighed in on this issue sorry

It seems to me that the biggest complaint of the Eidolon being overpowered comes when they start combining natural attacks with attacks from manufactured weapons. The bonus attacks and the penalties never match up. Maybe some one could set up a list similar to the core book break down of two weapon fighting to help everyone out. This should factor in multiattack and multiweapon fighting